Bear Lake- Book Four

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Bear Lake- Book Four Page 1

by A. B Lee




  A. B. LEE

  Copyright © 2016, A. B. LEE and M. L. BRIERS

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced whatsoever without written permission of the author, except for brief exerts in reviews. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of the material herein is illegal and may result in criminal proceedings. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to the internet or distributed via electronic or print without prior consent.

  Note from the Author;

  All names, places, and incidents contained herein are purely fictional and have no basis in actual events or linked to actual Humans, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Lycans, Werebears or persons living, dead or undead.

  Copyright © 2016, Cover Art; KShipley

  Table of Contents



  Chapter one













  Other books you might enjoy in the A B Lee series are:

  Books you might enjoy by ML Briers:

  Chapter one

  Marcus had a hard and fast rule; he never dated a girl twice. Well, he never dated them at all really, they just seemed to fall right into his lap, and by lap that would be bouncing on his manhood. They really, really liked that.

  Lucy, Shane’s mate, had a name for the women in Marcus’s life, they were known as bear bait, because they were the bait, and they liked bear shifters for the good time guaranteed by all.

  He liked bear bait; sex kept his beast on an even keel, and boy did he need that. Especially now with three damn mates in his clan and the men acting like love sick cubs around them.

  His bear was antsy tonight and he headed to the local bar to see what was on offer to bounce on his lap for a good long while. Midweek was usually slim pickings in the bear bait club. They tended to come out at weekends and holidays, and boy did he like weekends and holidays.

  He walked into the quietness of the local bar and scented the room as he entered. So much for slim pickings- no damn pickings. The bar was empty aside for the usual suspects and his particular tastes didn’t stretch as far as the barman, Norman, or Old Jack, but beggars couldn’t be choosers and if his bear got any more feisty then he might just have a change of heart, or rub himself against the nearest damn tree trunk.

  “Beer?” Norman half sighed. He guessed it wasn’t much fun being a barman in an empty bar.

  “Scotch- leave the bottle.” If he couldn’t shag then he’d try and drown his bear back from the edge.

  “Got it.” Norman knew all about the bear shifters. His youngest sister was mated to one from another clan. “Marcus…”


  “Please don’t smash up the damn bar tonight.” Yeah, Norman knew shifters alright.

  “I’ll give it my best shot, man.” Marcus frowned.

  He’d never be able to guarantee something like that one hundred percent, no matter how many babes he danced on the end of his tether.

  “Yeah, don’t shoot anything either.” Normal chuckled as he slapped down a bottle of the bars finest on the counter top and added a glass.

  “I hear ya, but you know me…” Marcus shrugged those huge shoulders and Norman nodded his head.

  “You’re like Marvin, you need your sexual healing.” Norman chuckled.

  “Damn straight.” Marcus eyed the empty space around him. “Not looking too good for tonight.”

  “Come the weekend, you’ll be beating them off with a stick.”

  “Yeah, this stick…” Marcus chuckled as he grabbed his semi-hard meat just as a suited and booted woman walked in looking all fine and upper crust. Her eyes dropped to what he was holding and those perfect eyebrows rose high on her forehead.

  Marcus growled to himself as he snatched his hand away. That woman certainly wasn’t bear bait. In her late thirties, and with a nice curvy figure that had his attention, she was definitely not looking for someone like him.

  “Can I help you, Janice?” Norman shot him the stink eye as he walked down the bar towards her.

  “My car broke down and I’m hoping to wait out the tow truck in the warm.” Even her voice was crisp and polite. Maybe not posh as he’d expected, but the woman certainly wasn’t on this bars level of nightlife.

  “Come on in. Can I get you something to drink, coffee maybe?”

  “I’d prefer a glass of scotch. It’s been one of those days.” She admitted.

  Marcus saw Norman’s eyes flick to his bottle and he almost scooped it to his chest like a Winnie the Pooh honey pot. Damn, but he didn’t want to share. Not tonight.

  “Give…” Norman reached for the bottle and Marcus reluctantly pushed it towards him.

  “Open a new one you tight bastard.” Marcus grumbled low and deep and that brought him the attention of the woman that was stealing his particular brand of honey.

  “Evening.” Janice nodded and Marcus nodded back. Then when she had a glass in her hand he raised his own.

  “To crappy days and long nights.” He made the toast and heard her sigh.

  “Amen to that.” She knocked the scotch right down the back of her throat without even blinking against the fire that must have burned like hell all the way down.

  Marcus chuckled. Now that he hadn’t expected. He thought she’d be a sipper, maybe even leave most of it in the bottom of her glass, she’d surprised him.

  “Have one on me, you look like you could use it.” Marcus offered and she frowned.

  “Not a good idea.” She smiled tightly. Those jade green eyes of hers held him captivated for a long moment.

  “I’m not expecting anything in return, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Marcus offered her the hand of friendship and she’d batted it away. He had to wonder if she knew what he was and had taken a disliking to him because of it.

  “I didn’t think you were. I’m hardly your type.”

  Janice knew about these guys. She’d heard all the stories from the local gossips when she’d moved here, and while they didn’t bother her, live and let live, she wouldn’t admit to a little ogling when she saw them out shopping either.

  She might have been getting older and sworn off men, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have eyes.

  “I don’t have a type.” Marcus loved all women. Black, white, tall, short, curvy or bean poll, if they wanted him then he’d oblige.

  “I’ve seen you and your friends around town.”

  “And steered well clear?” Marcus saw the small frown on her forehead. “Don’t worry, I won’t be offended. We get that a lot.”

  “That’s kind of sad in a way.” She frowned harder as she climbed up onto a stool two down from his.

  Marcus sniffed the air, taking her scent in and storing it in his memory. It was sweet and spicy, like apples covered in cinnamon, and his bear stirred, probably at the thought of food.

  “We get used to it, red.” He liked the fire red of her hair. Redheads were kind of crazy in his book, and he liked that even more. Maybe he did have a type after all.

  “I guess when you have a certain reputation…” She eyed him to see if he was getting her meaning.

  “Now what kind of reputation you talking about? The- oh, he’s a shifter and he’s gonna rip my head off- type or the- oh he’s a shifter and he’s gonna rip my clothes off type?” Marcus grinned and the room lit
up. She couldn’t help but smile back. It was contagious when he did it.

  “Both.” She chuckled as she reached for her glass and nudged it towards him. “I guess I’ll take that drink. I don’t like to be a type either.”

  Marcus chuckled. This woman was alright. He never took the time to converse about anything with his bear bait buddies- most of them weren’t interested in his mind, just what he had going on between his legs.

  Damn, his clan was right- he was a ho. No wonder regular folk around these parts liked to keep to themselves.

  Lock up your daughters, Marcus the man-ho is in town.

  He poured her a large one without thinking too much about it and slid her glass back to her. She eyed it on another chuckle.

  “If you’re trying to get me drunk, don’t bother. I’m steering clear of men.” She informed him. “And I wear panties, so I definitely don’t think I’m your type.”

  Marcus tossed his head back on his neck and roared with laughter. He liked this woman the more she spoke, that was unusual in itself. Although, he got on just fine with his clan’s mates.

  He leaned his big frame in sideways towards her, nice and slowly so as not to scare her. She turned to eye him as he lowered his voice and whispered.

  “Now, I like a woman that wears panties, it gives me something to rip off with my teeth.” He chuckled and the deep rumble rolled towards her. Her laughter was like a whisper, as if she was in a library and didn’t want to disturb anyone.

  “You’re such a sweet talker.” She chuckled some more and Marcus pulled himself back up and joined her in laughter.

  “It’s nice to actually speak to someone, a female, without them wanting to jump my bones.” He lifted his glass and toasted her. She copied his move, leaning sideways on her stool and whispering towards him, although with his hearing the leaning was unnecessary.

  “Who said I didn’t? Maybe this is my way of seducing you.” Marcus eyed her for a long moment, trying to see if she was pulling his dick or not. Not that he wouldn’t have minded a little dick pulling with her. She treated him like a human being.

  She splattered out the laughter that was bubbling inside her and he actually jumped in place. Marcus tossed his head back on his neck and roared again. Slapping one big hand down on the counter top in front of him as they chuckled in unison.

  He really did like this woman. She was a scream.


  Janice was all arms and legs as she tried to climb out of Marcus’s van. As drunk as a skunk and with a fit of the giggles to boot, she hadn’t waited as he’d told her too for him to come around to help her out.

  “I’m fine. Fine. I can doddle it myself…” She muttered to herself and almost slipped on her backside when she perched on the edge of the seat and her skirt slipped against the leather- shooting her off the edge.

  Marcus scooped her up before she hit the floor. And she snorted another chuckle. When this woman was drunk she had one hell of a dirty laugh to her. It was little wonder that she did that silent laughter at other times- Marcus liked the sound of it.

  “There you go. You’re feet are down there somewhere, honey, just…” She was kind of like a ragdoll in his arms. “Let me just toss you over my shoulder and carry you…”

  “Nooo!” She found her feet and waved her hand in front of her as if she held a sword and was trying to cut off heads. “I’ve got it.” She pointed a drunken finger in front of her and set one foot in front of the other.

  Marcus turned around to close the truck door and heard the hearty thud. Turning back; he found her face down in a pile of snow.

  “Whoops.” He reached down and scooped her up against him.

  “What happened? It got cold…” Janice mumbled against his chest.

  “You face planted a snow bank. But I got you now and I ain’t letting go until you’re in bed.” Marcus growled. That was his bad. He should have trusted his instinct to take care of her, but she was little Ms Independent.

  “Bed…” She sniggered that dirty laughter of hers. “Having sex with you must be like choking on your uterus…” She half whispered before she cracked up laughing again.

  “Wanna find out?” He teased as he tossed her up and over his shoulder where she squealed like a stuck piglet.


  “Nope.” Janice breathed out against the push of his broad shoulder against her abdomen.

  “I like my uterus where it is.” She sniggered again.

  “It’s not like I go at it like a bull in a damn china shop.” Marcus growled as he stomped up the stairs to her front door and reached for the bag that she was clutching in her hand. She snatched it away.

  “I got this…” She frowned as she tried to lift her head and scour in the bag for her keys. It took a minute and then she thrust it towards him. “I don’t got this.” She chuckled again and his bear’s ears pricked up at the sound. Her laughter seem to sooth the wildness within him.

  “I got it.” He took her bag and fished out her keys. Opening the door and tossing it back on its hinges, he listened for signs of life from indoors. Nothing. It was safe to enter.

  He flicked on the overhead lights and she raised her head. Her eyes locked onto the fuzzy cat that brushed around his ankles and she grinned.

  “Fuzz.” She cooed and Marcus growled.

  “Fuzz?” He looked over his shoulder at the spiky ball of fluff on the floor. Damn, cats loved him for some reason that he couldn’t fathom. This one was doing the dance of love around and around him.

  “I thought you’d caught sight of my ass.” He chuckled as he took a step forward and gentle booted the cat. It protested in no uncertain terms.

  “Don’t kick my cat!” She demanded and he reached down and scooped the damn thing up, expecting claws but getting purred at instead.

  “Didn’t mean too. Where’s your bedroom?”

  “I’m not telling you that…” She scoffed at him before she started to chuckle again.

  Damn, that sound did something to his bear and his cock. He decided to follow his nose to find her room and deposit her before his cock got any more bright ideas.

  The woman had made it plain from the start that she didn’t want to sleep with him. He was a man of honour. Even if he was going to have to shake a couple off with his own hand when he got home.

  He stomped up the stairs and heard her groan on each and every jolt on the way up. Then he spotted the open door at the end of the hallway and followed his nose right inside. Flicking on the lights; his eyes scoured the room.

  Feminine. Still with boxes everywhere, she hadn’t been here long or she was planning on leaving. He hoped not; he’d enjoyed their night spent bantering in the bar, and he wouldn’t be averse to doing it again.

  “Coming or going?” Marcus asked as he stalked towards the large bed and dropped Fuzz down before he started to slowly lower her down from his shoulder, letting her soft body mould to his as he held her up. There was nothing wrong with a little wishful thinking.

  “Honey, I haven’t come in so long it’s a national crime.” She offered and then tossed her hands up to cover her mouth as she burst out laughing once more. He liked a happy drunk.

  “I can remedy that…” He growled deep and low.

  He wouldn’t. Not even if she begged. When she’d been sober she’d said no and that was binding.

  “One night with you and I’d be walking like I’d ridden a horse bareback for a week.” She spluttered laughter into her hands again.

  “Ok, Ms. Independent, bedtime. You need to sleep that shit off.” Marcus started to tip her backwards and she squealed and reached for his shoulders. Her fingers curled into the muscles as best they could, and she cooed at the feel of those hard sculpted muscles under her hands.

  “Wow, those are some big ass muscles…” She gave a little squeeze and Marcus chuckled.

  “I’d show you them naked, but I wouldn’t want you to throw yourself at me and beg for me to take you.” He teased her and she chuckled aga

  “That would be…” She frowned and squeeze the muscles again. “Wrong…” But so damn right, she thought, hoping that thought hadn’t left her lips.

  “Says you.” Marcus growled playfully as he placed one large hand at the curve of her back and gently started to lower her to the bed.

  “Too fast…” The room was spinning. He slowed down.


  “Kind of…” She chuckled again. “You, Marcus, are one big old softie.” She whispered and he grinned.

  “Not so much of the old, although some days I feel it.” Marcus watched her head sink into the pillow and slid his hand out from behind her back. She was safe and sound in her own bed as he’d promised.

  “Tell me about it. I never thought that I’d feel this old at thirty seven…” She yawned and closed her eyes. Then she jumped and they flew open.

  “You ok?”

  “Room spun. Wow, spin dryer.” She looked a little dazed.

  “You gonna be alright for me to leave you like this?” Marcus didn’t want to go. She seemed too alone, and he might just stay downstairs on her couch for a while- just to make sure she was ok.

  “I’m good. I’ll just drop right off.” She informed him with a small wave of her hand and a goofy grin.

  “Well… ok.” He pulled the thick blanket from on top of the box at the bottom of her head and tossed it over her to keep her warm. When he looked at her face again; her eyes were closed and her breathing was even. She was sleeping.

  “Goodnight, Janice. It’s been fun.” Marcus whispered as he turned on his heels and strolled towards the door. A heartbeat later and there was a loud thump. His head snapped around on his neck and his eyes caught her lying face down on the floor.

  “Whoops. Guess I should have put you right in the middle.”

  He stomped back over to her and heard her chuckling. She was trying to push up, but to no avail. Damn, the woman was like a fish out of water.

  He scooped her back up and placed her in the middle of the bed. Then he frowned. Then he sighed… and then he climbed on in right beside her and wrapped one large arm around her waist.


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