Torrid - Book One

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Torrid - Book One Page 10

by Jayne Blue

  “You’re breaking my heart,” I answered.

  “You up for another round at Kembers tomorrow? My father’s been up my ass about it.”

  “Not this time. I’m already back in Virginia. I have business meetings and everything today.”

  He whistled low. “Impressive. Why didn’t you tell me you were heading out? We could have gotten together last night. Plus my mother is going to be pissed. You never came over for her tuna casserole.”

  Shit. I’d completely forgotten my promise to Reed to stop by. “Next time,” I covered. “It looks like I’m going to be back in town next week for the wedding. I couldn’t get out of it.”

  There was a momentary pause on the other end of the phone. “He’s really going through with it?”

  I sat on the edge of the bed and tapped my fist against the mattress. “Looks like. I can’t wrap my head around why everything’s so rushed. How do you plan a wedding for a few weeks out and just get around to asking someone to be a best man? Hey, have you had a chance to work anything on that other matter we discussed?”

  “Ah,” R.J. said. “So you’re not just calling me ’cuz you miss me so much already.”

  “Fuck off,” I joked.

  “Well, yes and no,” he answered. “We’ve just started doing some digging on Seth’s hot little piece of ass.”

  I clenched my teeth when he said it. “And?”

  “Not a lot yet,” R.J. said. “Can’t figure out where she worked before she started at Seth’s office last year. She and Seth applied for their marriage license two weeks ago so I’ve got a good place to start digging from the biographical info she put on it. Terry, my assistant, is gonna set up the tail you wanted.”

  I hesitated. I’d forgotten about that last part and it was careless of me. If R.J.’s assistant had started the tail yesterday, Tora would have led them right to my hotel room. I doubted R.J. himself gave a flying fuck about what I did with her, but I felt weirdly protective of Tora at the same time I was okay with invading her privacy. And I fully realized the irony and hypocrisy of both.

  “Jack? You still there?”

  I shook my head. “What? No. I mean, yeah. I’m just still listening. So you haven’t started following her yet?”

  “Starting tomorrow morning,” R.J. answered. “Unless you want me to rearrange some shit and get on it today. Is there that kind of urgency?”

  “What? Ah ... no. Not especially. I mean, I want it done ... at least for a few days until I get back, but it’s not an emergency, no.”

  “Uh huh,” R.J. said. I knew that tone. No one has the ability to call you on your current bullshit better than the people who’ve known you since you started slinging it. “You got something going with this girl, Jack?”

  “No,” I answered. “Not really. Just something doesn’t seem right.”

  R.J. laughed. “You aren’t kidding. Like how the hell does Seth get a hold of something like that? I don’t give a single solitary shit how much money he’s just inherited. He’s still Seth. It’s a damn shame. That girl is damaged goods forever.”

  You know, you can really see white if you’re pissed off enough. Trouble was, I had no rational idea why. “Right,” I made myself answer. “Just call it a little step-brotherly concern on my part. Somebody in that relationship isn’t in their right mind. Seth is now the proud owner of the Manning Software licenses. I’m just kinda looking out for my dad’s interests even though I suppose it doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “Jesus,” R.J. said. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. My father kind of filled me in. Are you going to fight it? Shit. I’m sorry again. This thing that you’re doing with Tora makes sense now. That helps, actually ... I mean, if I have at least an inkling of what you’re looking for. Is she just your run-of-the-mill gold digger or something else? I get it.”

  “Yeah,” I answered. “Something like that. Hey, thanks. And I know I don’t have to say this ... but maybe don’t say anything to your father about what you find out. At least, not until you talk to me about it first. He knows I asked you to look into it, of course, but ...”

  “It’s not a problem, Jack. Even people like me are bound by certain codes of ethics, you know?”

  I laughed. “Now that’s funny to think.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “You kiss my sweet little tuna casserole-making Aunt Margie with that mouth?”

  “Good talking to ya, Jack. Call us when you get back in town. Funny thing, I just got my invitation to the wedding this morning.”

  “Are you going?”

  “Probably. Especially if you’re going to be in it. That will be good for at least one laugh. Does Tora have hot bridesmaids?”

  “I guess you’ll find out. And then I’ll get a good laugh watching you go down in flames at the reception. Repeatedly.”

  “We really are getting too old for this shit,” R.J. said. “Talk to you later, buddy.”

  Shaking my head, I set down the phone.

  I was an asshole. I should have called R.J. back right then and called off the tail and everything else I’d asked him to do for me. What kind of dirt did I think I would find on her? Chances are, I was her biggest secret at the moment. But I couldn’t stop thinking about her. The way she smelled, how much I enjoyed watching her fuck me, the feel of her lips around me. I wanted more of her. I wanted her secrets. I’d only just started with her last night. She wanted more too, I felt it.

  Yep. The smart play was to stay here. Text Seth and tell him sorry, I can’t take more time away. Find another best man. I didn’t owe him anything and he knew I’d never thought of him as a brother. I picked up my phone again and pulled up Seth’s contact. I ran my finger over the number. End it now. End it clean. My dad was dead. Miranda was dead. The company was gone. It was over if I let it be.

  The question was, did I want it to be?

  Chapter Fourteen


  I’d boxed up everything I thought I used to be six months ago when I made the decision to come to Chicago. It seemed like an eternity since I’d stood in an airport terminal enveloped in one of Uncle Charlie’s great pot-bellied bear hugs. I had told the biggest of my lies then and there. And they were the worst because I told them to someone I loved. Between the two of us we had scrimped and clawed and saved enough for me to pay six months’ rent on a small apartment in New York and half my first year’s tuition to Cornell Law School. The rest came from an academic scholarship. I had one layover in Chicago and then the life Charlie had dreamt for me would start. It was a perfect plan and Uncle Charlie needed it. He had sworn on his life to look out for me, give me a better chance than what I was born into. I owed him to take it.

  Except for landing in Chicago, every bit of my life since then had been a carefully orchestrated lie.

  Now, I stood in front of another set of boxes – smaller ones. I’d chipped away even more of my life to serve the same lie. This time, it was to Seth I made my false promises.

  “Do you think I’m supposed to carry you over the threshold now or after we take vows?” he said. Seth was cheerful. There was lightness in his step and he gave me a broad, genuine smile.

  “I’m not much for tradition,” I said. “We’ve probably broken every one there is by now, don’t you think?”

  He wound his arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. “I hope so,” he answered. “You’re mine and I’m free and there isn’t a damn thing my mother or anyone else can do about it. I’m sorry ... that’s probably disrespectful but sometimes it’s almost a relief¸ you know?”

  I gave him the smile he was looking for. “I’d like to think she would have warmed up to me if we’d had longer to get to know each other. She was really just trying to protect you. I understand that. Having someone to look out for you is a good thing, isn’t it?”

  Seth took my hand and led me into the house. He turned when we stepped into the foyer. I’d been in this house twice before but this time the energy was different, of course. It’s what made
Seth different, too. It was his now. He said he wanted it to be ours. As I thought it, Mary the housekeeper came into the hall with her glowering eyes.

  Fuck her.

  “Would you like to go over the rules?” she said.

  I couldn’t help it, I laughed out loud. “I wasn’t aware there were any.”

  She put a hand on her hip. “I mean, I’d like to know what you expect of me. I’m sure the rest of the staff would too, though I’m the only one who lives here full time. We’ve grown accustomed to doing things a certain way here. It worked very well for Judge Manning. It’s, of course, up to you,” she put emphasis on the word and looked straight at Seth, “how you’d like things to continue.”

  I knew that Mary would have to be one of my first orders of business. She would watch every move I made, ready to pounce and report any misstep back to Seth. Like fucking his brother-in-law in the study would probably be frowned upon.

  The instant Jack came into my mind, I wished he hadn’t. I felt a flare of heat at the memory of him. I’d showered and changed but I swore I could still smell the hint of the aftershave he used. I had to focus. Jack was a distraction. It was dangerous to turn to him for any kind of comfort. I shouldn’t make assumptions about his lack of loyalty to Seth. And he was coming back. For reasons I couldn’t fully process, I had actually asked him to.

  “Right now,” Seth said, jarring me away from my thoughts, “the only rule is to stay out of sight. I appreciate what you and everyone else did for my mother and that you’re staying on to keep the transition smooth. It’s a big house, my future wife isn’t going to run it by herself if she doesn’t want to. And I hope you don’t take offense, but I’d rather you do your job and fade into the woodwork while you do. Pretend you’re furniture.”

  Even I winced at the characterization. The woman had given me nothing but grief and had been Miranda’s cheerleader against my role in Seth’s life, but she was human.

  “Thank you,” I said. “We’d just like some time alone to get acclimated. That’s all. You of all people understand how sudden Mrs. Manning’s passing was.”

  Mary nodded and turned on her heel, leaving us alone again.

  Seth’s lips were at my ear, nipping at my ear lobe. “I’ve been waiting for this more than I can tell you.”

  “I’m happy to finally be here too,” I answered, putting a hand up to touch his cheek.

  “No,” he said. “I mean what you said about wanting time alone. I didn’t get the chance to properly welcome you to the house the other night. Time to fix that right now, baby.”

  He took my hand and led me up the stairs, moving so fast I had to practically run to keep up with him or have my arm torn off. Seth led me down the hallway back to Miranda’s bedroom. When we got inside, he slammed the door behind us and picked me up over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, tossing me on the bed where I landed in an ungraceful heap. My skirt hitched up past my knees and Seth was on me before I could say anything.

  “It’s time to make this house ours for real, Tora. I’ve been looking forward to getting you alone here all day. All week.”

  Seth was on me, driving me backward with devouring kisses; he slid his hand up my thigh, under my skirt, stopping when he felt the thin cotton fabric of my underwear.

  “What did I say about these things?” he said, nipping my ear lobe. He pulled at my panties until the fabric ripped and he threw them across the room. “You’re mine, Tora. I want to touch you whenever I feel like it.”

  I laughed and wriggled out from under him so I could breathe. “I understand the sentiment, but you also like me in skirts and you also like living in Chicago. It’s March, it’s windy. I don’t think I can give you all three without the rest of the city getting a show, too.”

  “Fine,” he said. “Then just when we’re at home. Get naked for me.”

  I knew how this went most of the time. For every four times Seth tried to fuck me, he was able to perform maybe once. I never had any idea which one it would be. I started unbuttoning my blouse slowly, going through the motions as he watched. Even if this was his one out of four, he would be done in less than five minutes. Then he would tell me it was the greatest sex of his life.

  I stood and slid my arms out of my sleeves and laid my silk blouse carefully over the back of the chair at Miranda’s vanity table. Then I worked the clasp at the back of my skirt and hung it too. Seth lay on his side on the bed, stroking himself over his pants. I took off my bra and let him look at me for a moment before I sat next to him on the bed. I had to be careful. The other three times out of four, when he couldn’t perform, he said it was my fault. I was too eager, I wasn’t eager enough, I shouldn’t look at him.

  He rose and slid his pants down. I kept my eyes on his face. He kept one hand on his dick and forced my knees apart with the other. Then he was on me. I put my hands on his shoulders and stayed as still as I could. He would blame me if I moved too much. I closed my eyes.

  This time was one out of the four.

  When he entered me, my eyes snapped open and I picked a point on the wall. I meant to stare at a painting Miranda had there. It was in the Impressionist style. A bridge with sailboats in front of it. Muted greens and reds, the water almost black. Then the painting fell away and it was Jack’s face I saw as I let Seth fuck me.


  It had been less than twelve hours since I was in his bed this morning. The memory of his touch still stirred something deep inside me. Without thinking, I parted my legs further. I grew wet, but knew it wasn’t for Seth. Then it was easy. Seth thrust through his orgasm as I dug my nails into the flesh of his back.

  Then it was over and Seth rolled off me, beads of sweat dotting his forehead. I reached up and touched his face. He smiled at me. The thing is, I didn’t hate him. I could. I might yet have reason to if he helped his mother ruin my life all those years ago. I would find out soon enough. But for now, I could feel sorry for Seth. Whether he realized it or not, Miranda may have ruined his life by not letting him become his own man. I had no idea whether he’d be able to now that she was gone.

  So, no, I didn’t hate him and I wasn’t proud of myself. I knew what people would think of me. It would be easy to judge the choices I’d made. But I knew it was worth it. It had to be.

  Then I felt very tired all of a sudden. Maybe the events of the last few days had worn me down, but I didn’t get up right away. Instead, I slid under the covers of Miranda’s bed next to her son; all the while I couldn’t get the memory of another man out of my head.

  Seth’s phone rang on the bedside table. He had nearly fallen asleep himself and he cursed before answering it. I rolled to my side and dragged the sheet up to cover my nakedness.

  “Hey, Nico,” Seth said. Nicholas Moutsopoulos was the front runner to serve as Seth’s campaign manager. Miranda had chosen him. I’d never met the man myself. Moutsopoulos did most of the talking but Seth’s expression went through a cycle of changes as he listened. He said yes and no a few times then his nostrils flared as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “That’s disappointing, Nico,” he finally said. “That’s really fucking disappointing to hear. What are you going to do about it?”

  Seth’s face darkened even more as Nico answered. “Yeah,” Seth said. “That’s not my fucking fault. And I’m sick and tired of people making assumptions about my mother’s motivations and my relationship with my dad. You hear that? I’m really fucking sick and tired of it.”

  At the end of the conversation, Seth threw out a few more “fucks” but whatever Moutsopoulos had asked him to do, he promised he would try. Then Seth threw the phone on the ground, hard. His Otterbox paid for itself today.

  “You want to tell me about it?” I said, almost afraid to ask. Seth’s skin had turned a mottled purple. It was never a good sign. Seth in a rage was something I preferred not to stick around for. “I mean, is there anything I can do?”

  “Nico thinks the reaction to me the other night was lukewarm at bes
t. Some of the backers I was counting on for my campaign have expressed some concerns about my likeability: Pagano and the mayor, in particular,” Seth said. He was blinking rapidly; it was a tic he had when he was extremely anxious or angry, I’d learned.

  “And what is it that he wants you to do about it?”

  Seth shook his head. “He said the night wasn’t a total waste. He said Jack being there helped.”

  I pulled the covers up to my chin. “So what?” I asked.

  “So.” Seth grabbed his pants off the floor and yanked them on, his fingers shaking. “So. Nico thinks if Jack would be willing to endorse me in a more public way – like maybe throwing a fundraiser for me or something – that could help. Plus, Jack has a lot of powerful investment clients. He makes big party donations and he knows people. Nico wants Jack fully on board. He wants to leverage the Manning name – the Jackson Manning name – as much as possible.”

  “Oh,” I said, playing dumb. “And you don’t think he’s going to be willing to do that?”

  “Who fucking knows,” Seth said. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to fight the real brother versus step-brother thing. Jack’s a dick about it. And his father left the company software licensing rights to my mother who left them to me. Jack thinks he got cheated. He didn’t, goddamn it. He just refuses to accept it and expects me to fork stuff over to him that belongs to me just because he’s a sore loser. He’s jealous as hell of me, Tora.”

  I sighed. I’d already seen enough of the dynamic between Jack and Seth to know that he was dead wrong. This was Miranda talking. She’s the one who pitted Jack and Seth against each other, I suspected.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “It looks like I’m going to have to call him,” Seth said. “We didn’t talk about it but I got the impression that he’s not even going to come back for our wedding, even though he agreed to stand up with me. Now Nico says that absolutely has to happen. If Jack’s not there people will notice and it will fuck me over, maybe for good.”

  Except I knew better. For reasons that didn’t make sense at the moment, Jack had told me this morning that he planned to honor his promise to be Seth’s best man. And I couldn’t say a word. If Seth found out he’d throw me out of the house, or worse, and everything I’d done, every lie I told, would be for nothing the instant the front door slammed.


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