Sons Of Justice 4: Her Beast of Burden (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons Of Justice 4: Her Beast of Burden (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He gripped her hair and kissed her tenderly on the mouth. Then he slid his palm along her back, and as he lifted up, he winked.


  “Good answer,” he told her.

  “John!” she exclaimed, reaching back to caress her ass cheek, but then Tiny rolled her to her back and pressed between her legs.

  “I think she needs a little more instruction on who she belongs to.” He then kissed her, aligned his cock with her tender, wet pussy, and slowly pressed into her once again. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his neck. She was in heaven, and nothing else mattered but her lovers and their future together.

  Chapter Eight

  It was December twenty-second, and Vinny was driving his black SUV down the highway. He was pissed off. Sam wasn’t answering any of his phone calls. She had gone by the house last week and taken all her things. She hadn’t put on the lingerie and waited for him as ordered. Cass said she’d come with four big men, soldier types or something. He was jealous, angry, and he wondered if she was fucking the four men. She was his woman. He’d screwed up by cheating on her then striking her. He’d underestimated her courage and her emotions. When she got pissed off, she obviously held a grudge for a long time. She was tougher than he gave her credit for. He didn’t know why he was so infatuated with the woman, but he was. That body, the tattoo, her sexy curves and gorgeous eyes, all did him in. Every other woman he met he compared to her.

  His cell phone rang, and he saw it was Lank, so he put it on speaker.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “We have big fucking problems.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Some fucking guys showed up at the warehouse and office this morning. Bently isn’t sure if they were federal agents, cops, or what. But they obviously are onto our little side business. They made some threats. Said they would be back with a warrant to go through the place with a fine-tooth comb if they caught wind of any other deals, shipments, or illegal activities going on through the warehouse.”

  “What the fuck? How the hell would feds or cops find out about the warehouse?”

  “That’s the big question, man. It was like they knew and were making a threat. Like they were warning us of the potential for a raid, which would destroy all the fucking business. I don’t know what’s going on, Vinny, but Bently just pulled out. He’s already moving the product. He’s working out a deal and meeting Rogers later tonight.”

  “What the fuck? How could this happen? We were so careful.”

  “I don’t know, but it’s best if we do as Bently is doing and pull out, too. Maybe move shit tonight to another location and be sure no one is following us.”

  Vinny slammed his fist down on the steering wheel.

  “I’m going to start things rolling. Everything, the entire operation is going under. If we want to salvage the contacts and orders we have in motion now, then we need to move the product to a safer location and without anyone noticing.”

  “Do it. I’ll call Jerry and see if we can move the product to that other place outside of Cadenville. It’s remote and will cost us more time, like an hour every time we need to ship out or bring things in, but worth the hassle. There’s a setup with some small cottages, like cabins, and the drivers can catch some sleep in between shipments or whatever.”

  “Okay, call me as soon as you confirm with Jerry and I’ll send the trucks that way. I hope this was just some threat and not really an indication that we’re going down. We’ll lose our military contacts, too.”

  “Don’t fucking panic. I’ll figure it out. I will.” He disconnected the call.

  In Vinny’s head, he went over what Lank had told him and about Bently pulling out. They would lose twenty to fifty grand. This was a small operation. They kept it that way on purpose so they wouldn’t send up any red flags. Where the fuck did they go wrong?

  His thoughts were interrupted as he heard a siren then saw a red light inside a black Charger with tinted windows. Was that a cop? He was getting pulled over? He started to panic, especially after Lank’s call.

  He signaled and pulled over to the side of the road. There were hardly any other cars around. The door opened, and some big, tall dude all dressed in black with a gun on his hip and a badge, handcuffs and cell phone started heading toward him. A glance at the side mirror and two others got out. One from the passenger seat and one from the back seat, hands on their firearms as if ready to shoot and kill. He glanced back at the first guy as he approached the open window.

  He couldn’t see his eyes because of the dark and his mirrored glasses. The guy was super fucking big, and Vinny was a pretty big dude himself.

  “What’s going on?” Vinny asked, and the guy remained straight-faced as one of the other men approached the passenger side. Vinny glanced that way then back at the other guy next to his window.

  “You have a tail light out.”

  “What? No I don’t.”

  He heard the crash of his light. The third guy just knocked out the light with a nightstick.

  “What the hell?”

  “Just sending you a warning. Watch what you engage in, for if you were to go after certain individuals, or continue to harass a certain young woman, then your little business operation will go down big time. Perhaps place you behind bars for life.”

  He narrowed his eyes and stared at the guy. Was he talking about Sam?

  “You’re fucking cops. You can’t do this shit. I can put in a formal complaint about you.”

  “Who said we’re cops?” he replied.

  “The fucking light in the car, the badges, and you pulled me over.”

  “Just because we’re wearing badges and guns doesn’t mean we’re cops. Just like just, because you once wore a military uniform, it makes you a respected soldier? In fact, I believe you bring disgrace to that uniform, but that’s my own observation. Keep away from the woman. She’s moved on.” He went to walk back and then turned around.

  “Oh, you may want to fix that back tail light soon. You never know who might be following you, keeping eyes on things.” He said got back into the vehicle with the other two men.

  They sped off, and Vinny sat there in shock. Then his anger began to boil. Who the fuck dared to threaten him? Was it the men that were with Sam? Was one of them her new lover? The thought made him instantly see red. He placed the truck into drive and sped off.

  He was a fucking soldier, not a disgrace. He would find out exactly who those men were and who Sam was now fucking. They thought they scared him? Not by a long shot. In fact, no one ever pushed him around without him pushing back. Let’s see how they liked when he started fucking with them, too.

  * * * *

  “Well, I thought that would make me feel better,” Flint said to Quantico and Stone.

  “It didn’t?” Quantico asked.

  “No. I’m still seeing fucking red after those videos you guys found of Vinny screwing other women and beating on them.”

  “He doesn’t have Sam. Nor does Sam have feelings for him or ever want to see him again. You’ll protect her. She’s in Repose and with your brothers and Walker getting ready for her birthday dinner and Christmas celebration. She isn’t in any danger, and hopefully between this dick’s business being threatened and now him personally, he’ll get the message. We saw what he’s into, and the danger she would have been in if she was still involved with him is high level,” Quantico said.

  “I know, plus those guys he is making deals with aren’t exactly small time. I guess I just keep thinking about the lingerie on her bed and the gifts, the command for her to get into it, lie on the bed, and wait for him. What the fuck is that shit?” Flint said.

  “You’ll drive yourself nuts thinking about that constantly. She’s not with him. She’s with you. Leave it alone and move on with her. If this guy decides to continue to pursue her, then we notify the people we know and they take him and the operation down, all legally, and he’ll be behind bars where he belongs,” Q
uantico stated.

  “I agree. Just live your life with her now. Put this dick behind you,” Stone said, and Flint nodded.

  “I’ll try,” he said, but his heart was heavy, and concern still lingered in his gut. This last week had been an emotional one for Sam. She was trying to act unaffected, but as he and the team pulled out information from her with small talk, they found out that her mother never celebrated her or her sister’s birthdays. Never bought her gifts or had a Christmas. How fucked up was that?

  So Big John, Reeves, and Tiny, along with Sam’s friends, were organizing a dual celebration. Sam’s birthday and Christmas. Starting with decorating their own place and putting up a Christmas tree. The lights were put on, and they’d gone out and bought some ornaments. Kendra, Walker, Merica, and Brazille were handling the tree and lights at the guys’ place while Cherokee, Laci, Mercy, and Talia worked on the birthday table at the dining hall at the Sons of Justice hall, where all celebrations and dinners occurred. They would establish a special table for Sam, her men, and her friends. It was going to hopefully make this the best birthday and Christmas Sam ever had. He prayed so because right now he couldn’t seem to shake that uneasy feeling in his core or to stop worrying that Vinny was not going to give up, given how Sam explained his personality. He would remain on guard and protect her with his life if necessary.

  Chapter Nine

  “We’ve been so freaking busy. Do you think she’ll like this? I mean it’s Christmas already, and we’ll be taking it down after New Year’s,” Big John asked Tiny.

  “She’ll love it, and it’s so that we start making good, happy memories for her on her birthday and for all holidays. You heard her stories. There weren’t any gifts, any celebrating, nothing,” Tiny said to him.

  “She’ll love it, Big John. Come on. Let’s give Bo the signal to stop talking to Sam and then head back to the house to get ready for tonight. Flint is already there.”

  * * * *

  “So we’ll shower and then get ready to leave for the festivities at the hall,” Big John said to Sam.

  She smiled. “I’m actually looking forward to it. It’s going to be fun. To actually celebrate Christmas with everyone.”

  He squeezed her to him and ran his hand along her ass, squeezing it right before he kissed her. When he released her hips, her eyes fluttered open.

  “Our first Christmas together and your birthday, too. Of course this is exciting,” he said, and the others gave her small smiles, but they didn’t continue through to the living room and stairs to go to the bedroom. Instead, they stopped and Reeves placed his hands on her hips.

  “I think I’ll shower with you,” he said, guiding her from the kitchen, but then the tree came into sight.

  A beautiful, tall Christmas tree all decorated with lights, and some ornaments, but others sat in boxes around it, waiting to be used to decorate it the rest of the way. Her heart hammered inside of her chest. Her nose clogged up, and tears spilled as she covered her heart with her hand. She turned to look at her men, the four of them so serious and stone cold.

  “You did this, for me?” she asked, voice cracking.

  “It’s Christmas, and what’s Christmas without a tree and decorations?” Reeves said to her.

  She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. She heard the others chuckle, and she kissed Reeves. “Thank you so much. Oh my God, how did you pull this off?” She then hugged Tiny next, then Flint, then Big John.

  “We had some help.” Big John winked.

  They explained about her friends helping, and she was shocked. “They’re such good friends. I never thought I would have any, I mean true ones, that really care. This is so incredible.” She walked around the tree and just stared at it. The memories of her childhood, painful yet blank, entered her mind. She reached out and touched the branches. Her own Christmas tree, seriously?

  “Why not add some decorations? After all, Santa comes tonight.” Flint wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled against her neck, suckling her skin. He gave her the chills but also turned her on. She turned in his arms.

  “My first tree,” she said.

  Big John cleared his throat, and she looked at him and then up above her head where he held mistletoe. “Any idea what this is and what it means?” he asked.

  She licked her lips and then eased from Flint’s arms.

  “Sure. It’s mistletoe and usually leads to Mrs. Claus making love to Mr. Claus under the tree.” She winked.

  Big John’s eyes widened, and then he hoisted her up against his chest and kissed her tenderly. A moment later he was easing her down to the rug in front of the Christmas tree and pushing her skirt up to her waist.

  “Now this is a gift I want to see under the Christmas tree every year,” he teased, and she giggled as he nuzzled his face between her thighs, slid off her panties, and began to stroke her pussy.

  She grabbed his head as the others watched and then joined it. She hoped, too, that this was the first of many Christmases with her men in Repose.

  * * * *

  The music was playing, the laughter filled the air, and an uplifting celebratory atmosphere surrounded the entire place. Flint leaned against the wall watching Sam dance with Bo, Cherokee, Kendra, and Talia as Thylane, Merica, and Brazille danced with several different single soldiers.

  He filled his team in on seeing who Vinny was. He hadn’t expected such a large man or him to be so attractive. Not that he checked out guys, but he knew the difference between good looking and average. Vinny was not average. He had a way about him, and it was instantly recognizable. A confidence, an attitude, a man who more than likely wouldn’t take the threats lying down. Quantico told him not to worry, that he had friends watching things and keeping eyes on Vinny’s crew and their illegal operations, which were small time.

  So he exhaled and looked at Sam. She wore a simple red dress that clung to her shape and accentuated her breasts. The back dipped low, and he could see just a hint of her tattoo peeking out, and he wasn’t the only one looking. She was a goddess. Their goddess. Young, sexy, feminine, and he couldn’t help but feel protective of her big time. Around here everyone knew that he and the team had claimed guardianship of her, so no one dared make a move or a flirtatious comments or action. His concern was at the Filling Station, the bar where she’d start working after the weekend.

  He couldn’t exactly watch over her there. She already told him that she didn’t want them feeling like she needed round-the-clock protection. Vinny would realize they were finished and that he didn’t have a hold on her any longer. Especially since she’d borrowed the money from them to pay off the debt so there were no more ties to him, Jerry, or her sister and mother.

  He released a sigh and then smiled as she wiggled to the song and everyone cheered. “This is great. I don’t remember the last time we enjoyed this celebration so much,” Reeves said to him.

  “I know. I was thinking about all the holidays we missed over the years,” Flint said to him.

  “What about the ones spent on missions overseas? Damn, those sucked,” Reeves added.

  Flint smiled at him. “We got through them together.”

  “We sure did. Just like all the other things and crazy shit we did,” Reeves said, and they both smiled.

  “What’s going on?” Big John asked, joining them, and then Tiny came over, too.

  “Just reminiscing about holidays past and how we got through them,” Reeves said.

  “Together, as a team and family,” Big John said, and they nodded.

  Flint looked at the dance floor, watching Sam as she locked gazes with him and the others, squinted, and immediately stopped dancing and headed toward them. It was like nothing else mattered but them.

  “What’s going on? Are you guys okay?” she asked.

  “No,” Flint said, and the others got quiet, and she touched his arm.

  “What is it, Flint?”

  “I need you in my arms and, of course, one of your kisses.”
He wrapped her up in his arms and hugged her to his chest. She smiled and gave him a kiss. That kiss grew deeper and deeper, and his team cleared their throats.

  Just then the crowd began to sing “Happy Birthday,” and Flint released her lips and turned her around. Everyone joined in, singing to her as Mercy pushed a cart with a huge birthday cake on it that also said Merry Christmas.

  Everyone cheered as Sam blew out the candles and then gave her kisses and hugs until finally she was back between Flint and his team where she belonged. As the hours passed, they eventually headed out, saying goodnight, and then went back to the house.

  Sam was smiling ear to ear, and the sight made that uneasy feeling Flint had disappear completely.

  * * * *

  Sam pulled off her dress and hung it on the hanger. She stood in front of the walk-in closet in her red thong panties and nothing else. The dress had no room for a bra, and here she was naked and smiling, just thinking about the celebration and the surprise her men and her friends had in store for her.

  “Goddamn, red is definitely my favorite color now,” Big John said, joining her. He wore only a pair of boxers and so did the others.

  She kept her forearm over her breasts until Big John wrapped his arm around her mid section and then started kissing her neck and her back.

  “Put your arms down,” he whispered into her ear. She closed her eyes, leaned back against him, and let her arms fall.

  Big John’s thick, large hands immediately cupped her breasts. He massaged them and then pulled on her nipples.

  “You looked stunning tonight, Sam. We were all proud to show you off as our woman,” he said to her.

  “Yes we were,” Tiny added and joined them by the doorway to the walk-in closet. He came in front of her and looked her body over.

  “You are the best Christmas present we could ever wish for,” he said to her, and tears filled her eyes. He placed his hands on her hips and then slid them up to her breasts, cupped them, then lowered his mouth to hers. She kissed him back, felt her pussy spasm, and then felt Big John’s cock press up against her back.


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