Tessa, Vampire/Werewolf Romance, (Standalone) (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 3)

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Tessa, Vampire/Werewolf Romance, (Standalone) (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 3) Page 16

by Maddie Foxx

  “Shhh,” Melody whispered.

  They passed through the kitchen and each grabbed a tart, devouring it as they made their way outside. They walked through the fog that hovered above the ground until they found where an ATV was parked not far away from the cabin. Together they pushed it into the woods near the big tree where they had talked just the day before.

  “Start the ATV and I’ll attach the bag,” Melody said.

  Maxwell nodded and cranked it over with the key Melody handed him. He almost hoped someone would hear to stop them from leaving, but there were only the sounds of crickets in the woods and frogs croaking. Maxwell just sat there, wondering if there was any way he could reason with Melody.

  “What are you doing, Maxwell?”

  “Warming up the engine.”

  “Oh, gee. Hurry up, would you?”

  “Are you positive you want to do this?”

  “Yes,” she said, hopping on the back and grabbing the sidebars. “Hurry before somebody hears us.”

  Maxwell did as she requested and made his way toward the woods. The trail led to the east of the property where they wouldn’t be so easily discovered as they made their escape. The sun was rising, but not splitting through the clouds, as of yet. Once they entered the trail, he knew they’d be home free.

  It was a bittersweet feeling leaving Silver Creek. Maxwell just hoped they weren’t making a terrible mistake.

  * * *

  When the frantic knock at her door came much earlier than anyone should ever be doing so, Tessa buried her head under the covers. The last thing she needed was for the bright sunlight to penetrate her; it would be her undoing as a vampire.

  “I’ll get it,” Raphael said.

  He yanked on his jeans and opened the door. “Can I help you?”

  “I’m here to help you, or I should say the children.”

  Raphael ushered her in and lit an oil lamp. “Have a seat.”

  Tessa sat up, staring at a slight woman with strawberry-blonde hair, her green eyes quite large while searching the room. She was handed a robe and Tessa sprung out of bed, making way toward the woman before sitting across from her.

  “What about the children?”

  “They’re in terrible danger, I think. I tried to tell them not to go, but they wouldn’t listen.”

  Tessa squinted at the woman. “And who are you, exactly?”

  “My name is Mira. I came here because…well, it’s not important right now why I came here, but I met Maxwell and he’s been helping me.”

  “Helping you do what?” Raphael asked.

  “I was injured and very hungry. I only planned to stay until I was healed enough to go.” She sighed. “I suppose I should tell you my story later. Right now, it’s important that you go after the children before they get themselves into trouble. Maxwell and Melody are going to search for a Jason Traxler, they said. It seems that Melody believes he’s responsible for her mother’s injuries. I tried to talk them out of it, but I had the feeling that Maxwell told me he was going just in case something happened.”

  “What makes you think that?” Tessa asked.

  “He told me they’d be gone a few days. I figured they told me that just in case something happened and they didn’t return.”

  Tessa frowned. “Then why didn’t you go to the main house and tell somebody if you were worried?”

  “Oh, no. I couldn’t go there. It’s not safe.”

  Tessa just shook her head. “Perhaps you should check and see if Maxwell and Melody really are gone, Raphael, before we go off half-cocked.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. I’ll come back here and let you know once I find out.”

  “If those two have left Silver Creek in search of Jason, I’m going with you,” Tessa insisted.

  “No. It’s my problem, not yours,” Raphael said. “He’s my responsibility. Jason is the least of their worries. There are far more dangerous things out there than a man who is presumed to be dead.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to stay while you check. I’m so concerned about them.”

  Raphael left and Tessa stared over at Mira. “So, do you plan to spill your story now?”

  “No, I think it would be better for everyone if I didn’t. It’s bad enough I’ve learned that Melody and Maxwell are shifters. I had no idea when I came here. I knew there was a possibility, but now it feels so strange to me.”

  “Why stay then if you knew shifters lived here?”

  “I didn’t know at first.”

  “Fair enough. I’d offer you a coffee, but I don’t have any. I never drink it.”

  “M-Me, either.”

  “Cola it is.”

  Tessa walked over, grabbed two cans of cola and set them down on the table before taking her seat. She surveyed the woman’s pale skin except for her rosy cheeks. What was this woman running from, and why take refuge here of all places? Was she Maxwell’s mother?

  * * *

  Raphael raced into his cabin where Seth was sipping from a coffee cup.

  “Where’s the fire, Raphael? Did you find what you were looking for last night?”

  “It’s not about that. I think Maxwell and Melody are in trouble, or will be. We need to check the main house to see if they’re really there or missing.”

  Seth dropped his coffee cup and cried out as it hit him on the foot. “Missing?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to determine.”

  Raphael was out the door with Seth hot on his tail. They sprinted the half-mile until they were at the main house. When the hurried inside, Palina clutched her chest with a fist.

  “You two almost gave me a heart attack.”

  “W-Where are the children?” Seth asked, panting.

  “They’re at Shadow Creek, or so their note said.”

  “What note?” Raphael and Seth said at the same time.

  Palina went over to a table and handed it to Raphael who examined it.

  “And you didn’t think anything might be wrong about this note? Were they gone when you woke up?”

  “Actually, yes.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the Maxwell I know,” Raphael said.

  “I know, but I figured that Melody was wondering if her mother woke up yet.”

  “Actually, she woke up last night and told us a werewolf attacked her,” Raphael informed Palina. “One that can walk on two feet.”

  “So, a full-blood?”

  “Not sure since Carrie was injured a day before the full moon.”

  “We had better find out if the children really are at Shadow Creek,” Seth said. “We never even had the chance to tell Melody that her mother woke up and pointed the finger away from Jason Traxler.”

  “Why is that important?”

  “Because we believe they went after Jason sometime this morning.”

  “Go, go,” Palina urged. “I just hope the children really are at Shadow Creek and not searching for Jason.”

  Raphael and Seth left, heading to the truck. Once they were inside and the engine roared to life, Seth pointed out, “Looks like an ATV is missing.”

  “Better than going shifted, I suppose.”

  Raphael sped in the direction of Shadow Creek, wishing the children were there but knowing they wouldn’t be. The sudden appearance of the woman Mira told him that.

  “How did you find out they might have went after Jason, again?” Seth asked.

  “Mira told Tessa and me. She’s a woman who was apparently injured and was hiding out at Silver Creek. Thankfully Maxwell told her what they were searching for at least, but we both know Jason is nowhere to be found.”

  “We can’t say that for sure. All we saw was his burned-down cabin. He could have set it up for all we know.”

  Raphael cocked a brow. “But I thought we both agreed he was dead just last night?”

  “I did. I’m trying to be optimistic, but I wouldn’t want the children to run into him since he has been known to be violent.”

  “Would he re
ally harm the children, though?”

  “I don’t think so, but Jason isn’t the one I’d be most worried about,” Seth said. “Did you know Earl was in prison for sexual assault?”

  “He had better not lay a hand on those children, or else,” Raphael growled. “Are you sure you don’t remember where you were that night of the full moon? You even managed to make it to Jason’s cabin without remembering. Tessa also seems to have a memory lapse of that night. Are you sure you don’t want to tell me something?”

  “What are you hinting at?”

  “If you were with Tessa that night, you don’t have to lie. I won’t be mad, I promise.”

  Seth laughed. “Are you sure about that? From the way you look at Tessa, I think you’d mind. I think in your mind, you’ve claimed Tessa already.” He shook his head. “And no to your question. I’ve been in Tessa’s cabin, but it was not related to getting up close and personal with her. To be honest, ever since Carrie was injured, I’ve felt something for her that I can’t describe.”

  “Don’t let guilt rule your life.”

  “It’s hard to explain.”

  “You don’t owe me an explanation. I was just voicing my opinion.”

  “What if she changed?”

  “Women like her don’t change.”

  “That’s awfully judgmental of you, Raphael.”

  “You don’t need to get hurt. Your focus needs to be on your daughter, not your neglectful ex who, by the way, is a horrible mother.”

  Seth just shook his head. “What would you understand? You’ve never fathered a child with anyone.”

  “I don’t need to, either. But I’ll keep my thoughts to myself in regards to Carrie in the future since you’re apparently all gaga about her, now that she was injured.”


  How could Seth explain to Raphael how he felt in regards to Carrie? He never even stuck around to see Melody born or taken part in her life. He left town and only made an attempt once he came back, but by then Carrie was a complete mess and refused to allow him to see his daughter. He was fortunate, though, that he was able to gain custody of Melody, but was that Carrie’s undoing? Should he have taken Melody away from her mother? It seemed right at the time because of Jason Traxler, and he had to admit that Carrie certainly hadn’t treated Melody right. Yes, his custody of Melody had been the right thing to do. Was it possible when Carrie woke up that she would see the light at last and realize the mistake of her past need not be the way of the future?

  When they arrived at Shadow Creek, Angus was walking past and stopped as they hopped out. “Carrie will be glad to see you, Seth. We’ve all been so worried. Where were you anyway?”

  “Looking for Jason, but it’s a good thing I never found him since he wasn’t the person responsible for injuring her as I’ve been told.”

  Angus frowned. “I’m surprised at that, too. I think all of us believed he was guilty. Who could blame anyone for going after him?”

  Seth shrugged, making way for the front door. Chase was just on his way out and reared back, saying, “It’s about time you showed up, Seth. Carrie’s been worried if you’d ever come back.”

  “Why is that?”

  “You know Paige has been telling her how everyone was so concerned about her, but when your name was mentioned, I believe she was shocked. She even mentioned that she hoped you would come back.”

  Raphael and Seth walked inside and Brendan smiled, coming over to them. “So Seth has returned from the dead.”

  “I was never dead that I know of, but we’re actually here to see if Melody and Maxwell might be here.”

  “I haven’t seen them, but ask Carrie, she might know. With how Melody was acting, I’m surprised she left at all.”

  Raphael went on to tell Brendan how a note was left and that the children had planned to go after Jason.

  “Why would they do that?”

  “Melody seems to think we should have done something to Jason instead of waiting until Carrie woke up and told us who really did do it.”

  Brendan massaged his chin. “What really did happen, though? Was she attacked by a wolf and just thought it walked on two legs?”

  “Why are you so keen on thinking this was only a wolf, even a regular werewolf? It couldn’t be. My pack would never dream of attacking another shifter unless they came after our pack,” Raphael said. “What you need to realize now is that whatever attacked her wasn’t a regular werewolf at all.”

  “I wanted to go after Jason, but I’m level-headed enough to know that it wouldn’t be a smart move, that I had to know for sure it was him.”

  “The children have gone after him, and I’m not so much worrying about Jason as Earl. I had no idea that Earl was in prison for rape, did you?”

  “No. I mean there were rumors, but I wasn’t sure if they were true or not. He seems to be staying on the straight and narrow since he showed back up in town, though,” Brendan explained.

  “I need to see what Carrie knows. Don’t go anywhere, Brendan,” Raphael ordered. “We might just need your help.”

  Seth took the stairs two at a time and was in Carrie’s room before Raphael. Seth smiled as he walked nearer to the bed, “How are you, babe...I mean, Carrie?”

  Carrie was lying on the bed in a white nightgown, her blonde hair cascading over the pillows. She smiled just then and Seth’s heart actually skipped a beat. This wasn’t the Carrie of late; this was the Carrie he knew all those years before—a caring, passionate girl who loved to show him just how high she could fly in hawk form. He had admired her grace and beauty back then, and he was a fool for ever leaving town.

  “Good to see you, Seth. I was wondering if you’d ever come back. Paige tells me you sat by my side when I was out.”

  “So I hear you were attacked by a werewolf on two legs?”

  “Yes. I’ve never seen a wolf like that, or as big. I never had a chance. I’m really not certain why he went after me to begin with. I was just walking in the woods when I came up on him. I’m not sure who was more startled. When he stood up, he was nearly seven feet tall with red, glowing eyes.”

  “Was this day or night?” Raphael questioned.

  “Night time. I had an argument with Jason and jumped out of his truck. I cut through the woods on my way home since it was shorter that way.”

  “Why didn’t you shift to get home?” Seth asked.

  “I haven’t done all that much shifting the last few years, but now I sure wish I had.”

  “At least you’re okay. We’ll find who did this to you,” Seth promised. “Have you seen Melody or Maxwell here today?”

  Carrie sat up straighter. “No, I was hoping to see Melody. There are so many things I’d like to say to her. Can you bring her to see me?”

  “No, I can’t right now. We don’t know where Melody and Maxwell went. They left a note saying they were going to Shadow Creek. We have reason to believe that they’ve gone after Jason. We need to find them before somebody else does, like the werewolf that attacked you.”

  “Melody can’t go anywhere near Jason, and especially Earl. It’s not safe!”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem since the cabin Jason was left by his father was burnt to the ground. I have an idea that they might be dead.”

  “Just because there was a fire is no reason to believe he’s dead,” Paige stated. “He probably just left town.”

  Brendan approached Paige. “Left town?”

  “Yes, you know, like your neighbor Jonathan.”

  “Are you talking about the man who murdered my brother?” Raphael asked.

  “Yes. Retaliation has a way of happening with someone like Jason who abuses women. Sure he didn’t beat up Carrie this time, but ask her how many other times he has?”

  Carrie looked down. “Too many to count, but he was the only man who wanted me in town. It’s not like I can be that picky.”

  “I’d much rather be alone than be with the likes of Jason Traxler,” Paige said.

; “Easy for you to say, Paige. You’re a vampire.”

  Paige laughed. “Oh, and what man has ever been interested in me?”

  “I thought Clayton was,” Brendan said.

  “Me being a vampire was too big of a deal for him.”

  “It’s too bad he found out who you were and that Tessa was also a vampire. He told the sheriff about you both.”

  Paige gasped. “That bastard. You can’t just undo something like that. If anyone else in town finds out—”

  “You don’t have to tell me.” Brendan sighed. “He believes Tessa was responsible for murdering those sheep.”

  “Trust me, no vampire would do that. From what Carrie has said, it has to be a full-blood.”

  “Full-blood!” Brendan said. “Highly unlikely. There aren’t any full-bloods in Wyoming, for one, and it wasn’t the full moon when Carrie was attacked.”

  “Dr. Evans told us there might be hybrids, full-bloods that have mated with the half-blooded,” Raphael informed them. “They would apparently be able to shift without the need of the full moon.”

  “That would not be a good thing,” Brendan said.

  “We have to think about the possibilities, though,” Raphael continued. “The children are looking for Jason and as Paige has said, I think he’s been dealt with. I might not have been able to see his remains, but I certainly could smell the blood on that strip of land. We could hope that when the children get there, they’ll come back, but there is something out there attacking women. There’s a woman at Silver Creek who wandered on to our property. She was also attacked, and Maxwell was helping her without our knowledge. Luckily, the children confided in her where they were going. We have to find them before it’s too late.”


  Maxwell made it to the far reaches of Silver Creek and was faced with an obstacle in the form of a very large hill. Would he be able to scale it without the ATV turning over?

  “What are you waiting for, Maxwell?”

  “That’s an awfully big hill.”

  “Don’t be such a chicken.”

  “You won’t say that if the ATV can’t get up that hill and it rolls over on us.”

  “All you have to do is get a good running start. Do you want me to drive?”


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