Witching Night (After Dark Book 3)

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Witching Night (After Dark Book 3) Page 18

by Sarah Bailey

  “Yes, you don’t understand the language?”

  She shook her head. The book began to vibrate again. This time she let it open itself without any resistance. Ella and Lukas held her arms again. She placed her hand on the page, sparing one last glance at her father. She knew he would suffer for eternity here, but he would live knowing she was okay.

  The ground below them shook. She had no idea what was about to happen. Something in the ceiling cracked open and beyond was a burning tunnel of fire. Oh gods! The three of them flew up into the tunnel, rising higher and higher as the flames whipped around them. Grace was terrified, but the fire wasn’t burning them.

  “This is how we get home, right?” Ella shouted.

  “Did you think leaving Hell was going to be anything other than fiery?” Lukas called back.

  Grace looked up, she could see the night’s sky. The three of them were chucked up in the air. The hole in the earth closed and they landed with a thump, groaning from the impact. Grace turned over and sat up. Standing a few feet away were the twins, staring at the three of them in shock. Beyond them was Ophelia encased in ice, unmoving. There was no one else about.

  “Will, Rory… where is he?” she asked.


  Her hands shook at the sound of his voice. He stepped out from behind her mother. She was on her feet in moments and running towards him despite her body screaming in protest. He gathered her up in his arms, burying his face in her hair as her feet lifted off the ground.

  “Alistair,” she sobbed, unable to hold back her tears of relief. “Gods, I’m so sorry.”

  “Shh, I’ve got you.”

  “I shouldn’t have gone with her. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I never wanted to leave you. I love you. I was stupid. Gods, I love you so much.”

  He pulled away, setting her back down on the ground. He put his hands on her arms, looking down at her with an intense expression.

  “Grace, despite worrying me half to death, there is nothing to forgive. I understand why you went with her.” He cupped her cheek. “Haven’t you got it into your head yet that I’m madly in love with you?”

  “I… well… I guess I have now.”

  He smiled, wiping away her tears with his thumb before pulling her in for a kiss. Her hands wrapped around his neck, one tangling in his hair.

  “What happened?” she asked when they pulled apart.

  “I could ask the same of you.”

  “I asked first.”

  His smile was electrifying. She couldn’t look away from his sapphire eyes.

  “We fought until I broke through her barrier and froze her in a block of ice. The twins are maintaining the spell.”

  “You didn’t tell me you were super badass and powerful as hell.”

  She could’ve sworn his ears went pink at her words. He looked away.

  “It’s… not something I like to brag about.”

  “Wait, you’re always going on about how handsome you are. Why is this different?”

  He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

  “I guess it’s just not something that should be public knowledge. People would question why Bree leads the coven and not me like my grandmother wished.”

  “She wanted you to be coven leader?”

  “She named me her heir. It’s why I have that book, but Bree took over when I refused.”

  “What exactly is that book? It did some messed up crap and I’m not impressed with it.”

  “In libro de tenebris or The Book of the Dark if you want the English translation.”

  “Well, it made me speak some weird language. I mean sure, the gate was closed, but I didn’t plan on getting sucked down into Hell.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “It’s just Latin.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Well, it did kind of save us, so I can’t be too upset with it, but I’m not touching it again. I… saw my dad.”

  His eyebrows shot up.

  “You did?”

  “Yes. We got to say goodbye properly, but I knew I couldn’t bring him back with us. He’s happy I have you.”

  “I’m glad.” He brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. “I hated seeing how much pain it brought you.”

  “What are we going to do about her?” She pointed at her mother.

  “I thought I’d let you decide. We can hand her over to Bree and the coven or… whatever else you think might be appropriate.”

  She looked down at the floor. Her mother had tried to take everything away from Alistair’s family. She’d wanted revenge. Grace wasn’t sure she could forgive Ophelia for trying to kill her boyfriend either. She was sure that’s what Ophelia would’ve done tonight if she’d had the chance.

  “She’s dangerous. I don’t think she’ll ever change. My dad said she was always like this, dead set on revenge. And… she killed Lacey. I mean I know she was a bitch, but she didn’t deserve that.”

  “No, she didn’t. The punishment for killing another witch is death, in most cases. Not all.”

  She shivered. Did she really want her mother to die for what she’d done?

  “What are the other punishments?”

  “You can’t be stripped of your magic, but it can be contained indefinitely. She’d be frozen in time. It’s not a fate I’d wish on anyone.”

  “Those are kind of shitty options either way you look at it.”

  He put a hand on her arm, giving it a squeeze.

  “If you don’t want to make a decision, I can give her to the Grand Coven to deal with. Then we’re all absolved of responsibility.”

  “I think I’d rather not have her fate in my hands. I don’t know her, just that she’s caused a lot of crap.”

  “The Grand Coven it is then.”

  She turned, looking at the figure of her mother encased in ice. She felt nothing. Ophelia could rot or die. It didn’t matter.

  “Will, Rory, do you fancy taking her?” he said, turning to them.

  The twins stepped forward, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Oh, it would be our pleasure,” Rory said.

  Alistair flicked his wrist, blue smoke pooling in his palm. It shot out, creating a portal right next to Ophelia. The twins used their own magic to lift the block of ice and both disappeared through the portal.

  Alistair turned to Ella and Lukas, who were speaking in low tones to each other.

  “I suppose thanks are in order. You did jump into Hell after my girlfriend after all.”

  The two of them looked up.

  “It was nothing. She closed the gate. Who knows what would’ve happened if more demons were let loose,” Lukas replied.

  “I can return you to Fright Night if you want.”

  “I’m sure Daisy is fretting, so that’d be great,” Ella said.

  “Can you tell Neave thanks from me?” Grace asked.

  She knew the vampire had contacted the two of them. It was the only way. She’d told Alistair about Neave offering Grace the protection of the London vampires. He must’ve used that to his advantage.

  “Oh, I will. Gavin isn’t very happy with her. Apparently offering a witch vampire protection on his behalf goes against all their principles,” Ella said, grinning.

  “You never did tell me who he was,” Grace said, turning to Alistair.

  “Who? Gavin? He’s head of the vampires in London. Neave is his second. She’s allowed to offer protection, but I imagine it went against the grain with him,” he replied.

  “The only one who’s capable of calming him down is Daisy. Don’t think I’ll ever understand that relationship even if she’s my best friend,” Ella said. “I’m sure it’ll blow over. Daisy likes Neave. She’d never let Gavin give her too much shit.”

  “Thank you, for everything,” Grace said.

  The two angel demon hybrids nodded before Alistair created another portal. They both stepped through leaving Grace and Alistair alone.

  “Are you really all right?”
he asked.

  “Yes… just take me home.”

  He smiled, blue smoke emerging from his fingertips. He picked up the book, shoving it into the bag before the two of them stepped through the portal. He transported them directly to his bedroom. He looked at her with hesitancy in his eyes. Despite him saying there was nothing to forgive, she still felt guilty and awkward. She wanted to reach for him.

  “I… gods.”

  She looked at the floor, shuffling her foot around. She felt fingertips under her chin, turning her face up towards him.

  “Grace, do you want to…? I mean, we can just go to sleep. You must be exhausted.”

  “Well, it did kind of hurt when I got tossed into Hell and spat back out on Earth. Also, Hell isn’t what I expected, but Lukas didn’t exactly take us to any torture rooms or anything.”

  She was aware she was rambling. She wasn’t sure what she wanted, other than she wished to be in his arms.

  “I can’t imagine it was a walk in the park.”

  “No… I mean I met this demon and he had the biggest horns.” She imitated their size on her own head. “He looked like he had bullhorns or something. He was pretty terrifying and he said something about Ella’s dad being a Duke of Hell. Not sure what that was all about.”

  “Well, the circumstances of how those two were created aren’t exactly clear. They don’t talk about it.”



  “Will you hold me?”

  “As if you have to ask.”

  He pulled her into his arms, cradling her to his chest. Feeling his heart beating under her fingers, she felt safe.

  “Come on, let’s get you to bed, eh?” he said.

  She let him help her out of her clothes. She sat on the bed watching him whilst he took his own off. If she wasn’t so tired, she’d have appreciated the view more. He tucked the two of them up under the covers, holding her close.

  “I’ve missed you,” he whispered.

  “Me too.”

  He kissed her forehead. She settled her head on his chest and was drifting off within minutes. The events of the night catching up with her finally.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Grace stretched when she awoke the next day. Alistair was still asleep, his hair sticking up all over the place. She smiled, brushing a hand over it with the gentlest of touches. He didn’t stir. She didn’t want to disturb him. He had expended a lot of magic last night. She imagined he needed his rest.

  She slipped out of bed and skipped into the bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she stepped into the shower. The hot water soothed her aching muscles. She brushed her hair out when she was done, standing in front of the mirror in a towel. She didn’t much like having to dry it manually. She tended to ask Alistair to dry it with magic. He’d told her exactly how to do it herself, but inevitably she always failed miserably.

  She concentrated hard. Green smoke curled out of her fingertips, surrounding her head for a moment. When it cleared, she stared at the mirror in disbelief. What? That… that actually worked?

  She ran from the room, charging into the bedroom and leaping on the bed. Alistair groaned when she jumped on top of him.

  “What the…?”

  “I did it! I actually did it.”

  He opened his eyes, looking up at her with confusion.

  “Goddess, you’re far too chirpy this morning.”

  “Alistair! I did it. Don’t you see?”

  “See what?”

  “I dried my hair.”

  “Do you want me to give you an award for it?”

  He grumbled, putting a hand over his eyes and shaking his head.

  “No, idiot. I used magic and it didn’t turn me green or blue or give me scales.”

  He lowered his arm, looking at her closely.

  “So you did. Now I understand the whole jumping all over me. Although, I’d rather you didn’t make this into a habit.”

  “All right, Mr Grumpy.”

  She leant down and kissed him.

  “Better?” she asked, cupping his cheek.

  His lips curved up into a smile. He tugged at her towel, exposing her skin to the air.

  “Oh, well, how can I not be? My girlfriend is naked on top of me.”

  He ripped the towel away, tossing it to the side.

  “Oh, but aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”

  She flushed, wanting to cover herself, but knowing he’d probably complain if she tried. He reached out, running his fingers down her sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake. She bit her lip. She hadn’t thought about how much she missed his hands on her.

  “Mmm, I want you to stay right there, so I can look at you,” he said.

  “You want me to be… on top?”

  He nodded. In all the times they’d made love, she’d never done it like this. There was a first time for everything.

  “Okay, I think I can do that.”

  She wanted to make him happy. She shifted, tugging the covers out from under her and straddling him again. He ran his fingers along the outside of her thighs. She leant down, kissing him. Her chest brushed up against his, causing her nipples to harden. She took one of his hands, placing it on one of her breasts. She wanted him to touch her. Her body ached with longing.

  “Grace,” he groaned, grinding his hips up into hers.

  He circled her nipple with his thumb. She gasped. It wasn’t enough, she wanted to feel him completely. Tugging at his boxers, he helped her take them off. She ground against him, feeling just how much he wanted her.

  “You’re in control, Grace,” he said. “I’m at your mercy.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “Oh, I think you know enough. Just follow your instincts.”

  His eyes twinkled as he winked at her. Her face grew hot. She could do this. She was sure of it. He’d told her enough times how sexy he thought she was, how he adored every inch of her body. She moved her hips, leaning over him again. She ran a hand down his chest, fingers curling in his chest hair. Biting down on his bottom lip, she tugged at it, staring into his blue eyes, hazy with desire.

  He gripped her hips, pressing her down onto him. Even though they weren’t yet joined, the sensation of him rubbing up against her core sent jolts up her spine. She let go of his lip so she could kiss him, holding him in place as he’d done so many times to her. He groaned when she ground against him harder.

  “Who’d have thought you were such a tease,” he said.

  “Do you want me?”

  “Mmm, I’m aching for you.”

  She shifted, adjusting their position before she sank down on him. Rising and falling, she stared into his eyes. He was encouraging her, his hands on her hips. It felt empowering, being in control. She’d let him be the dominant one in the bedroom because she’d lacked the confidence. Now, she knew exactly what made him tick. He was groaning as she moved faster.

  “Grace, Goddess, you feel incredible. I’ve missed you so much.”

  She captured his mouth again, silencing him. She took his hand, placing it between her legs. His fingers brushed against her inner thigh before finding her sweet spot. She leant back, allowing him to watch her rise and fall on him whilst he touched her. Faster, harder until she was crying out, her body trembling. He gripped both of her hips, grinding into her until he met his own end.

  She collapsed on top of him, panting. He wrapped his arms around her. They were sticky with sweat, but she didn’t care. She kissed his chest and felt it rumble with approval.

  “Mmm, I think I’ve corrupted you.”

  She turned to look up at him.

  “Corrupted me?”

  “Well, you were innocent before we met and now, waking me up for morning sex.”

  “Excuse me, I woke you up because I finally managed to do magic on myself, not to get naked with you.”

  “Oh well, I suppose that was all me then.”

  She shook her head, rolling her eyes.

  “Mmm, but I’m the idiot who loves you.”

  She heard the shuffle of little paw pads before Smudge jumped up on the bed. She reached out, patting his head.

  “He’s not allowed on the bed,” Alistair said.

  “Don’t be so grumpy, he’s clearly missed me.”

  The little black cat curled up next to them and closed his eyes. She ran a hand through his fur.

  “Hmm… Fine, just this once.”

  She smiled.

  He loves that cat really, I just know it.


  She stood at the top of the slope, looking over the heath with heaviness in her heart. Holding the urn of her father’s ashes, Grace felt it was time. Alistair wrapped an arm around her shoulder, kissing the top of her head. There was a gentle breeze.

  Her father had brought her here when she’d been a child to get away from the bustling streets of London. He’d grown up in Sussex and wanted to share his home with Grace.

  “He used to bring me here to play Pooh Sticks and take long walks. It helped me with my anxiety,” she said.

  “There’s something a little magical about the Ashdown Forest,” he said, his sapphire eyes twinkling.

  “Don’t tell me more ley lines intersect here.”


  Rolling her eyes, she nudged him with her shoulder. Cryptic much?

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

  He looked down at her, his eyebrow raised.

  “When you were talking to my mother about my curse, you mentioned it couldn’t be broken by just anyone. What did you mean?”

  “True love’s kiss. Most have never understood the true nature of it. It doesn’t work quite like she thinks it does.”

  “And you know this how?”

  “I understand the language it’s written in, unlike your mother. It is ancient. It’s not broken by the object of your affections, but by the victim themselves. You broke the curse when you made the choice to kiss me that night in your room.”

  “And you didn’t tell me.”

  “I didn’t know what she’d cursed you with. You didn’t want to tell me.”

  “But it does mean I had a choice all along. It wasn’t some kind of destined thing.”

  “No, it wasn’t.”


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