Just Friends

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Just Friends Page 21

by Billy Taylor

“Thanks, Dad!” I replied.

  My Dad wasn’t in the audience I was just trying to be humorous. I’m sure he was snuggled up on the sofa with my Mum, watching me right now. The audience and Patrick laughed as well as Max and Eleanor.

  “On a serious note, tonight, yourself, Eleanor and Max are here to support your good friend, Mr. Ethan Knight, who is performing something that is going to shake the world, literally. This guy is risking his life, doesn’t that scare you?”

  This was the question I was hoping to avoid, now I had to make up something to show everyone I had complete and utter faith in Ethan and everything is going to be fine, and we’ll all live happily ever after.

  Max answered first, “The guy is insane. He’s taking magic to a whole new level. Personally, I’ve seen him produce the impossible many times, so each time he comes up with a new idea I don’t doubt him for a second.”

  Patrick replied, “I understand, but for the world at home and for myself, we’ve only seen his series, performing cool, quirky card tricks and hand magic. This is a massively defining stage in his career, don’t you think?”

  Eleanor answered now. I couldn’t produce a sensible sentence in my head. I should have thought of this before coming on. I’ve had weeks to prepare.

  “Absolutely. I’m still getting use to his tricks, so I’m on the same page as everyone else. This is a gigantic moment. Max is so laid back about it. He hasn’t shown a seconds doubt, which has helped settle my nerves.”

  Patrick nodded. “What are your thoughts about this, August? I know you and Ethan are close and have been for over a decade now.”

  I tucked my hair behind my ears and looked down. “Umm, he’s my bestfriend and I don’t want to see him get hurt. I’ve always supported Ethan and I always will. But this is a little out of my comfort zone. In all honesty, I didn’t approve of this trick and it has caused arguments, but he’s my bestfriend and this is something he has to do, so I will show him my full support.”

  Patrick gave me a reassuring smile. “I would be the same if I was in your position, August. Dropping a building on top of yourself isn’t the news any best friend wants to hear.”

  I raised my head and smiled in attempt to show that it wasn’t playing on my mind.

  “So your first film, August, your first role with Eleanor. Any gossip to expose? What were your thoughts on your first part as the leading actress?”

  I put my arm around Eleanor, “We clicked right from the word go. We had so much fun filming together. I didn’t want it to end!”

  Eleanor rested her head on my shoulder. “I feel like she’s my momma goose, even though she’s younger than me.”

  We giggled at each other. I guess it was kind of true.

  “You appear like sisters! Which is great to see… because most people would assume there is a lot intimidation between you. Did you guys not feel any of that at the beginning?”

  I turned to Eleanor and we winced at one another.

  “Naaah.” We said, and giggled at each other once more.

  “I mean… I was star struck when we first met, but I soon settled down afterwards.” I added.

  “I thought you were a little nervous when you first spoke to me!” Eleanor replied and squeezed my arm.

  All of a sudden a huge screen descended from the ceiling behind us.

  “Right everyone, I’ve been made aware we will be heading over to Ethan now so we can see how he is doing. We’re approaching the seven-minute countdown.” Patrick announced, walking towards the screen.

  It flickered for a brief second before a view of the towering hotel was shown from a helicopter. It then switched onto Ethan who was standing on the X in the middle of the once hotel lobby. I smiled at the screen when I caught sight of which tie he was wearing. My AB maroon and blue school tie. The first tie I ever gave him. His favourite tie.

  “Hello Ethan, can you hear me?” Patrick yelled to the screen.

  “Hello, Pat, is that you?” Ethan replied, fiddling with his earpiece.

  The audience laughed again at Ethan calling him Pat. Patrick shrugged at the audience. “Yes Ethan, it’s Pat. How is everything going?”

  Ethan rotated in search of the camera positioned on the inside of the hotel.

  “To your left.” Patrick assisted, recognising what he was searching for.

  Ethan looked up, spotted the camera and pointed with his cuffed hands. “Oh thanks, I got you. Hi everyone, everything’s going well, I suppose. Not much to do… for a few minutes anyway. The explosives are set and I’m in the middle of them all. It’s absolutely freezing here, though. I wish I wore a jacket.”

  Patrick laughed along with the audience this time. Our sofa remained silent. The throbbing in my ears was gradually building.

  “Are my friends ok?” Ethan asked.

  “Yeah, we’re fine, bud.” Max shouted at the screen.

  “Good. August, are you ok?” He asked, readjusting his tie.

  I grinned as I blushed at him. “I’m fine, Ethan. Nice tie.”

  He smiled and stopped fiddling with his tie. Patrick glanced at me, and then at the screen. From the expression on his face, I think he recognised the spark between us. I twisted back on the sofa to look at Max and Eleanor, who were already studying me. Max raised his eyebrow at me and I smirked, tucking my hair behind my ears. Max had definitely figured out what was going on. I’d completely forgot where I was for a second and realised everyone in the audience and at home could probably see my feelings towards my friend. I raised my head and acted as if everything was fine.

  “Ethan, we’ll leave you to it, buddy. Make sure you come back in one piece.” Patrick said. The camera returned to the helicopters view of the hotel. Suddenly I felt sick, the size and weight that will be dropping on top of him worried me. How many seconds would he have to escape?

  “Only four minutes and twenty-seven seconds to go Ladies and Gentlemen,” Patrick announced, reclaiming his seat.

  I flicked my eyes back to the screen, thousands had gathered around the safe zone to stand and watch. A certain section was boxed off. I assumed that was the explosive controls area.

  “Where do you think he will reappear after?” Eleanor asked.

  We all pondered, none of us had stopped to think about that.

  “I think the dust will settle and he’ll be stood on the rubble once it clears, acting all casual.” Max answered.

  “I like that, standing like he’s set foot on the moon!” Patrick added.

  “Yeah, I didn’t know if he would just appear from somewhere random and be like, I’m here guys!” Eleanor said.

  All three heads moved towards me in search of my thoughts on his reappearance.

  “Max’s idea sounds good.” I answered.

  We all nodded and glanced up at the clock. Two minutes and forty-six seconds to go. The churning inside my stomach had rejoined the throbbing in my ears. Eleanor grabbed Max’s hand and rested it on her lap. The camera had now moved back onto Ethan, who was sitting on a chair on the X, biting his nails.

  “We’re taking a short break now guys. Rejoin us with a minute to go!” Patrick circulated to the audience and to the cameras, broadcasting to the world. The lights dimmed and the make up staff rushed onto the stage, dabbing the sweat off Mr. Miller’s forehead. A few rushed over to us also, although now wasn’t the time to be bombarded by make up staff.

  “Sorry, but now isn’t a good time.” I politely said to one lady dapping at my forehead. She bowed her head and stood aside.

  “Relax, August. You’ll give yourself a heart attack.” Eleanor whispered.

  I smirked and gripped the sofa tightly with my hands. I shut my eyes in one desperate last attempt to calm myself.

  “We’re back in twenty!” Someone shouted.

  I sharply twisted around to see what was happening on the screen. Ethan waved at the camera, it was almost as if he knew I was watching him at that moment. I felt like waving back, then I realised how pathetically stupid that would be. The
studio lights ignited again. Patrick focused upon the rolling cameras. “Welcome back, everyone. One minute to go now on Christmas Eve, before we head on over to the demolition site, what emotions are you feeling right now guys?” Patrick asked.

  “Excited.” Max replied.

  “Yeah me, too.” Eleanor added.

  I paused, “Nervously excited.”

  Patrick rubbed his chin, “Yeah me, too. I’m dying to see where he will appear! Right! Without further delay, we’re going back over to Ethan now with thirty-three seconds to go!”

  Everyone’s attention now focused on the screen and the studio lights dimmed to almost darkness. A great way to amplify my concern. I could feel my eyes welling up. Patrick sat on the armrest of the sofa, placing his hand on my shoulder. “He will be fine.” He whispered.

  The clock reached fifteen seconds. The chair Ethan was sitting on had vanished, and he was now planted in the middle of the X, alone. My hand started to shake. Don’t throw up. The clock reached nine seconds. Don’t throw up. The camera zoomed in on Ethan. He kept his sight fixed on the floor. Ethan’s head rose with two seconds to go, and he winked into the camera. Then zero, the camera snapped to the helicopters view and the top floor of the hotel exploded. Within a few seconds the last floor blew and the once grand hotel, plummeted into a massive pile of dust and rubble. I closed my eyes, forcing a tear down my cheek. The crowd behind gasped. A huge cloud of dust still covered where the hotel had once been, blocking our view. Silence echoed throughout the studio as we waited for the dust to settle. I wandered my sight around the studio, all eyes remained on the screen. The dust had now settled, and the high visibility staff rushed towards the rubble. More tears rolled down my face as I watched the screen, waiting for him to reappear. The studio lights reignited. I squinted to allow my pupils to readjust to the light. I glanced over at Max. I could the see the worry spread across his face as each second passed.

  Patrick crouched down infront of me. “August, dear, don’t worry he’s fine.”

  Eleanor placed her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. A tear revealed itself and flowed down her cheek. Patrick clapped his hand three times, and span round towards the audience on the ball of his shiny black shoes.

  “Do you want to know how I know Ethan Knight is ok, Ladies and Gentlemen?” He shouted.

  Now most definitely wasn’t the best time for him to be a chat show host, right now he needed to be a considerate man and respect his guests. I felt like charging at him. Patrick rotated towards me, staring into my eyes, pausing for a moment. I poop stared right back at him. Patrick raised his hand high above his head randomly. The whole world was watching, my best friend and the love of my life was probably dead and this was the pathetic distraction he had created.

  “The reason I know Ethan Knight is ok, Ladies and Gentlemen, is because…” Patrick started to say, clearly running out of ideas to draw the attention away from Ethan. He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. Great. He’s stripping on global television on Christmas Eve. Exactly what we need. My opinion of Patrick lowered. I thought he was the third greatest person on the planet, behind Ethan and Dad of course. Patrick reached into his shirt and pulled his skin up. My face winced at whatever weird stunt he was trying to perform. But as he pulled on his skin more, I realised, it wasn’t skin, it was a mask. The mask slowly rose above his neckline. Suddenly everything appeared to pass by in slow motion. My heartbeat was pulsating, blocking out everything around me. The identity of the person hidden under the mask was revealed before it came off when Madeline’s bracelet slipped down onto his wrist as he went to take it off. The mask flew off, and there he was. Covered in sweat, and dust. He looked as if he’d been stuck up a chimney.

  “The reason I know Ethan is ok Ladies and Gentlemen is because, I am, Ethan Knight.” He winked at me before pivoting around to the audience, opening his arms to accept their reaction. The floor below us started to shake, everyone jolted to their feet and erupted as if their favourite team had just scored. I casually smiled out of pure happiness and placed my head into my hands, wiping my eyes. The deafening roars and screams continued, and continued.

  As I lifted my head Ethan crouched down in front of me.

  “Hey you.” He said, wiping my cheeks with his thumb.

  “Hey, don’t you scare me like that again!” I replied.

  He placed his finger and thumb on my chin, elevating it. My hair flicked forward from behind my ear. He smirked and combed it back behind my ear. My feelings couldn’t be withheld any longer. I lunged forward, swinging my arms around his neck and kissed him. It wasn’t the most glamorous first kiss since his lips were dry and gritty and covered in dust, but it was still perfect.

  “I love you so much.” I whispered as we rested our foreheads together.

  “Well it’s about time.” He laughed.

  While we were protected by our own little bubble, I hadn’t noticed the crowd’s uproar during our kiss. The real Patrick Miller then ran onto the stage. “How about that, Ladies and Gentlemen! Let’s hear it one more time for Ethan Knight, absolutely phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal!” He shouted, jumping into the crowd and celebrating with them.

  “Hey guys.” Ethan said to Max and Eleanor.

  “Hey bud. You had us worried for a moment there.” Max replied.

  A woman jogged onto the stage and handed Ethan a towel. He rubbed his face as he slotted himself beside me on the sofa, letting out a huge sigh of relief. He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head once he was clean.

  “Wasn’t it just the greatest magic trick you’d ever seen in your entire life, though?” Ethan asked like an excited school child.

  “The best!” Max replied.

  Ethan rubbed my chin and nose with the towel. “You gotta little dirt on your face… that’s better.” He joked.

  “Thanks.” I murmured underneath it, unamused.

  Patrick jogged up to Ethan, shook his hand and applauded him as he returned to his desk. I found Patrick’s reaction weird because he must have had a certain involvement in Ethan’s trick. How much of an influence he had is another story. Maybe Ethan asked him to leave the stage during a certain point. However they did it, it would play on my mind for the rest of my life. Even if Ethan agrees to tell me how he did it, I don’t think I would want him to. The secret to the greatest trick ever should remain a secret.

  “Whoa!” Patrick shouted, slamming his hands on his desk. “How? How did you do that?”

  Ethan grinned, “A magician never reveals his tricks, Patrick. You of all people should know that.”

  Patrick took a moment and looked at the audience with an open mouth. “I’m speechless. What is next for you? Surely topping that is impossible?”

  “I’ve got to see what this one says first.” Ethan squeezed my shoulder.

  “Oh, so you two are like a thing now?” Patrick asked, eyebrows raised.

  Ethan squeezed my cheeks together and kissed me.

  “Just friends.” He replied with a grin.

  December 25th

  “Merry Christmas.” Ethan said, nudging me awake.

  I flung my hand at him and wafted him away.

  “Sleeping.” I muttered.

  Ethan then thought it would be a good idea to jump on top of me to get my attention. His head rested next to mine. “Wake up.” He moaned. Blowing into my ear. My eyes took a moment or two to come alive. I feebly rolled over underneath him. His cheesy grin hovered over me. He was wearing the Santa Claus tie I got him for our second Christmas together. He’s worn it every Christmas Day since.

  “Morning.” I groaned.

  “You feel asleep in the car so I carried you up ya little sleepy head.” Ethan said, tickling my feet.

  I jolted upright and lightly punched his shoulder. “Why didn’t you carry me to bed?” I asked, stretching out along the sofa.

  “Oh I’m sorry, I’ll make a note of your complaint and be sure to do so next time.” He sarcastically answered.

p; I winced at him, then I realised I wasn’t wearing my dress. I was wearing one of his T-shirts and his jogging bottoms.

  “Why am I wearing your clothes?”

  His face lit up, “Are you being serious? This is what I found in your wardroabe, my clothes you have clearly stolen!”

  “Borrowed.” I corrected.

  He gave me a disinterested look, “Whatever. Your entire wardrobe is filled with my clothes. Don’t ask how you got into them, I’m a magician ok.”

  I grinned at him while biting the sleeve of his jumper. I love stealing his clothes. “Where’s my necklace? The one from Stanley!” I asked, gripping my neck.

  Ethan flicked his hand towards the direction of the table. “I had to take it off while changing you because it would’ve caught on something and broke knowing me.”

  I sighed in relief and slumped back into the sofa.

  “Now hurry and take a shower so we can open our presents. We need to be at Max and Eleanor’s soon for dinner. You know how grumpy he can be when we’re late!” He said, dragging me to my feet.

  “Carry me please, I’m too tired.” I whined, clutching his neck and wrapping my legs around his waist.

  “You’re always tired.” He muttered, walking towards the stairs.

  “Why do you have to be so cute?” He mumbled.

  I hummed into his neck as we climbed the staircase. I was still clutching to him when he turned the shower on for me.

  “August, stop being childish and get in the shower, please!”

  I dropped my legs down and sulked at him as he grabbed me a towel.

  “No sulking.” He said, throwing the towel over me. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, kissing him firmly. “I’ll be down in a minute.” I said afterwards as we grinned at each other.

  “Come on, you know I’m impatient to open my presents!” Ethan shouted as I took my time walking downstairs.

  I fluffed his hair as I walked past him, and then kissed him. I love how I can stick my tongue down his throat whenever I wish. It’s fun.

  The tree had a pile of presents stacked next to it.

  “Alternative gift swapping?” I asked.


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