Running Into Love - The Complete Box Set

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Running Into Love - The Complete Box Set Page 10

by Annalisa Nicole

  “Shh, you can rest for a little while. I’ll wake you up with plenty of time to get ready. You sleep.”

  Curling up in Asher’s comfortable bed, Lucy joins me for a nap. I wake with a smile as Asher moves my hair out of my face and places a warm kiss on my cheek.

  “Wake up, sweetheart. You should get ready for tonight,” he says.

  Rolling over I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him on the lips.

  “Did you have fun with the girls today? They wouldn’t stop talking my ear off after I brought you to bed.”

  “Um hmm, I did. Who knew having sisters was so much fun? I mean, I didn’t mean they were my real sisters, I didn’t mean to imply that we were married or anything.”

  “Sweetheart, I know what you mean, it’s fine, I like that you think of them as your sisters. Now, you better get out of bed and start getting ready, we need to leave in an hour and a half.”

  “I can tell you grew up with sisters, thank you for giving me plenty of time to get ready.”

  After getting out of the shower, a knock at the door surprises me. “Willow, it’s me, Amelia, I thought you could use some help getting ready. I can curl your hair and do your makeup if you like.”

  I open the door wrapped in a towel and I sigh with relief.

  “You are a godsend. I was freaking out about how to do my hair and make-up. I’ve never been to anything like this. I’m your blank slate, make me beautiful,” I say.

  “You’re already beautiful, but growing up with my mom and a sister, we did each other’s hair and make-up all the time. It’s my pleasure to help you.”

  After only half an hour, Amelia is done. She’s curled my hair in soft waves, and my makeup is smoky and gorgeous. Looking at myself in the mirror, I’m stunned. I hardly recognize myself.

  “There you go, now go put on that sexy lingerie and that gown, let’s knock the socks off Asher!”

  After getting dressed, Amelia places the necklace Asher gave me around my neck and the bracelet around my wrist. Standing back, she says, “You’re stunning, Willow, just beautiful!”

  “Amelia, thank you so much for today. For the spa, lunch, shopping, and helping me get ready. I never had a sister, but if I did, I would wish she were just like you and Ava.”

  With tears in her eyes, she grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

  “Willow, it’s been a hard three years since Olivia died. I see the way Asher looks at you, and I see the love in his eyes. I was so afraid for him, he was so depressed after she died, we all were. I never thought he could find someone to make him smile again. I’m so happy for the two of you. I couldn’t wish for a better person for him,” Amelia says, looking into my eyes.

  My eyes fill with tears and she continues, “Oh no you don’t. No crying, you better stop that, or Asher will kill me if he thinks I’ve upset you.”

  “What do you mean you upset her . . . ?” Asher says, walking into the room.

  He stops when he sees us standing there holding hands.

  “You look beautiful,” he says, and Amelia lets go of my hands, moving to the side so Asher can get a good look.

  “I didn’t upset her; we were just talking,” Amelia insists.

  “She’s crying, though. Willow, is everything alright?”

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine. We were just having a girl moment.”

  “Are you sure? Because I can still take her down if you want me to,” Asher teases.

  “You do that and I’m telling Mom!” Amelia shouts.

  “Bring it on sis, bring it on.”

  “Alright you two, I think we need to get going. We don’t want to be late.”

  “Amelia, thank you for helping Willow get ready, these are for you,” he says, and then reaches just outside the bedroom door in the hallway.

  He then hands Amelia a beautiful bouquet of orange roses.

  “And these are for you,” he says, handing me a bouquet of pink roses.

  “They’re beautiful, pink is my favorite color. How fitting between breast cancer pink, the jewelry, the gown, and now the roses . . . everything is pink.”

  “We should go. Simon is waiting downstairs for us.”


  Seeing Willow standing in my bedroom looking so beautiful takes my breath away. I can’t help but think she looks like she belongs there in my room, in my house. She’s such a beautiful woman inside and out. I escort her outside and help her get into the car.

  “You look handsome tonight. I have to say, I’ve seen you in a three-piece suit every day at work, I’ve seen you in jeans and a t-shirt, I’ve even seen you in nothing but boxers, but you in that tux. I think that might be my favorite. I’m going to have to keep a close eye on you tonight and fight off all the single ladies, probably even some married ones. Hmm, on second thought you in just boxers that might be my favorite, but no one else gets to see you in that.”

  “No, no they don’t and thank you, but I’m afraid I’ll be the one to keep a close eye on you. You look absolutely beautiful tonight.”

  “I never did ask, what’s the benefit for tonight?”

  “Actually, I can’t believe I didn’t tell you, it’s for cancer research.”

  “Oh. How fitting,” she says with a smile.

  Pulling up in front of the hotel, Simon opens my door. I walk around and reach in for Willow’s hand. We walk hand in hand into the banquet room. Large round tables are set with fine china, and music plays softly in the background. I check the list for our table number and lead Willow to our seat. The tables fill in quickly and dinner is served.

  The main speaker gets up and does his presentation. Willow sits by me, listening to the man talk about his cancer and his fifteen-year remission. She wipes a tear with the back of her hand, I grab her other hand and give it a squeeze. She smiles and goes back to listening to the man, as he finishes his speech.

  After dessert, we are requested to go into the ballroom for dancing and an open bar. Taking Willow’s hand, we head to the dance floor and hold each other close.

  After several songs, we head over to the bar for a drink. I can tell the man behind us is drunk and should definitely not be getting another drink. He bumps into Willow, causing her to stumble. I grab onto her arm to steady her; then the man slurs, “Ssorry, didn’t see ya there.”

  Willow turns around and tells the man, “Don’t worry, it’s quite alright.”

  He takes one look at her face, then his eyes go to her chest. From dancing her dress has shifted and the very top of her port is showing.

  He stumbles again and slurs, “Maan I didn’t knoww this wuz brring a cancer patient date night. Whered yyou gett her? Ssshe’s a pretty one. Is there a cancer farmmm round here? Wwhere can I gget mee one of them?”

  Without even thinking, my hand balls into a fist and I punch him in the face. Blood gushes out of his nose and onto Willow’s pink gown. She jumps and gasps. She tries to wipe the blood off her dress, but smears it in the process.

  The man falls to the floor holding his nose, and says, “Wwhaat the hell wuz that for?”

  Reaching down, I pick him up off the floor, so I can hit him again, but Willow touches my shoulder. In a soft voice, she says, “Asher, no it’s OK.”

  Anger is pouring off of me in waves. Visions of the drunk driver in court that killed Olivia plays in my mind and I just want to beat the shit out of this man. But at Willow’s touch I stop. I look into in her eyes and she shakes her head. I take her hand and lead her out of the ballroom.

  “Willow, are you OK? I’m so sorry about that, did he hurt you?”

  “Honey, I’m fine. Your hand, let me see your hand.”

  “My hand is fine. Did he hurt you? The blood?”

  “Honey, it’s not mine, it’s all his. I’m fine. I’m worried about you, though.”

  “You’re sure it’s not yours; he bumped into you pretty good.”

  “Asher, I’m completely fine. I think we should just go home now.”

  Taking her hand in mine, I call S
imon and ask him to pull the car around. Waiting at the front of the hotel, Willow lets go of my hand and wraps her arm around my waist. I put my arm around her shoulder and hug her tight. Getting in the car, I feel the need to apologize for ruining the night.

  “I’m sorry for ruining this evening.”

  “Don’t be silly, it was one of the best days of my life.”

  “But that man and your dress, it’s ruined.”

  “I’m not worried about that man. In fact, thank you for protecting me, it was noble. And the dress can be taken to the cleaners, it’s not ruined. I’m a little concerned about you though.”

  “My hand is fine,” I assure her.

  “I’m not just talking about your hand. The man was drunk. I saw the look in your eyes. This was more than just what he said about me. This was about Olivia, wasn’t it?”

  “For a few seconds, yes it was. Those days in court seeing the man that took Olivia’s life, I was helpless and I just wanted to kill him. I wanted him to hurt as much as I was. Seeing this guy drunk, thinking he hurt you, just sent me over the edge. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

  She takes my hand in hers, and says, “Thank you for sharing that with me and you didn’t scare me.”

  I look at her beautiful face and the moment is right, so I say, “Willow, I love you.”

  A smile forms on her perfect lips and a single tear rolls down her cheek. She leans in and places her hand on my cheek.

  “I love you too,” she says, placing her hand on my cheek.

  Closing the distance, she kisses me with love and passion.

  Chapter 16


  Asher telling me he loves me is the happiest moment in my life. All these years, I’ve never found a man that loves me. Now when I thought my life couldn’t get any worse, out of nowhere Asher shows up and puts the pieces all back together. I have the kindest, sweetest, honest man ever. And he loves me.

  Taking his hand, I lead him into his bedroom. Slipping off his jacket, I let it fall to the floor. I unhook his bow tie and unclip his cufflinks. Dropping them by his feet, I lean in and kiss his lips. I slowly un-tuck his shirt, then unbutton each button of his dress shirt. I slip it off his shoulders and let it fall on top of his jacket. He flips off his shoes and deepens the kiss. I open my mouth to allow his tongue to sweep in.

  Breaking the kiss, he whispers, “Willow, are you sure about this?”

  “I’ve never been so sure,” I whisper on his lips.

  Turning me around, he slowly unzips my gown. It falls to the floor, pooling around my feet, revealing my pink lace panties and strapless bra. Slowly, I turn around I face him.

  “Willow, you’re so beautiful.”

  Unbuckling his belt, I unzip his pants and push them to the floor. Reaching behind him, he grabs his t-shirt with one hand and pulls it over his head. He’s standing only in his boxer briefs and socks. Stepping closer he trails sweet kisses down my neck to my chest. Reaching around my back, he unclasps my bra, slowly removing it. Standing before him in just my panties and shoes, I feel exposed.

  His eyes slowly move from mine, down my neck, to my port. He places a soft kiss next to it and murmurs, “So beautiful.” Trailing further, he kisses the scars on my left breast. “Just beautiful.” He finds each one and kisses them softly.

  Never would I have thought it would be like this. He’s so gentle; he makes me feel loved and cherished.

  Taking my nipple in his mouth, I gasp at the feeling. He moves over to the other breast and delivers the same loving treatment. Walking me backward toward the bed, the back of my legs hit the mattress, he gently lowers me, and kisses down my stomach. He quickly removes his socks and his boxers, then he returns to bed and lays down beside me. His hands are in my hair while he slowly, tenderly kisses my lips.

  “Willow, you’re so beautiful. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I reply.

  Rolling on top of him, my hair cascades down either side of his face. His hands go to my hips, he removes my panties, and then my shoes. Reaching over in the nightstand, he finds a condom and tears it open with his teeth. Rolling it onto his erection, he slowly and lovingly enters me. Giving me a minute to adjust and get comfortable with his size, he begins to move slowly in and out. Wrapping my legs around him, he lays me on my back while he kisses me with such love, tears roll down my temples.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart, I love you.”

  Our bodies move in perfect rhythm, so in tune with each other’s needs. I can feel the tingle low in my belly as a powerful orgasm rips through my body. Riding out my orgasm, he thrusts two more times, then he stills himself, rooted deep, he comes with his release, whispering my name.

  “Willow, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Asher.”

  Removing the condom, he kisses my forehead and goes into the bathroom. Coming back with a warm washcloth, he gently cleans me. With a kiss on the cheek, he takes the washcloth back to the bathroom.

  Returning to bed, he wraps me tight in his arms. Lucy jumps on the bed and curls into a ball at my feet. Falling asleep in Asher’s arms, I feel completely loved, scars and all.

  Waking the next morning, the warm sun shining on my face, laying in our usual ‘morning position,’ I gently kiss his chest and breathe in the scent that is all Asher. Smiling, I trace small circles on his belly with my finger. His lips turn up into a smile and then he squeezes me.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” he says.

  “Sorry, did I wake you? I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “Yes, but what a way to wake up holding you in my arms,” he says, looking at me and then he bends down and kisses me sweetly on the lips.

  “Asher, can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me anything, I’ll always answer honestly.”

  “Last night, were you, well, did it . . .”

  “Look at me, the answer is no, it didn’t. You’re beautiful, every part of you, scars and all. There’s not one part of your body that I don’t love. Don’t ever be embarrassed about your body in front of me. Nothing could ever change how much I love you.”

  I put my head back down on his chest so he can’t see the tears forming in my eyes. I squeeze him and say, “I love you too, Asher. Thank you for making me feel safe, comfortable, and loved.”


  She isn’t pulling anything over on me because I can feel the wet tears on my chest. I know she’s crying, but I know they’re just overwhelming emotions of love. Not sad tears, so I let her cry on my chest, stroking her beautiful red hair.

  After I know she’s done, I kiss the top of her head, then go into the bathroom and start the shower. Without a word, I grab her hand and lead her into the steaming shower. Grabbing shampoo, I gently massage her head, washing her hair. I lather up body wash in my hands and gently wash her, letting the warm water rinse her clean. Placing the softest kisses on her scars on her left breast, she runs her fingers through my hair. Her head falls back in the water, as I trail kisses up her throat to her lips. She moans softly, sending goose bumps down my arms.

  “I don’t have any condoms in the shower, sweetheart.”

  “It’s alright; I’m on the pill. I don’t even know why I still take it. I can’t get pregnant anyway because of the chemo.”

  Pulling away to look into her eyes, I search her face. What does she mean she can’t get pregnant? She’s never said anything about this before; she’s so young. I need to talk more about this with her, but this isn’t the right time. Placing my hands on either side of her face, I kiss her on the lips. Positioning her against the tiled wall of the shower, I gently wrap her legs around my hips, and then slowly enter her.

  The feeling of being bare inside her is amazing. Speeding up the motion, I feel her insides clenching around me with her release, sending me into my own release seconds later. I place her feet back down, wash her again, then myself.

  Wrapping her in a warm towel, she heads to her bag and gets dressed. Walking into the cl
oset, I get dressed.

  I kiss her on the top of her head, and say, “Take your time, I’ll feed Lucy and make us breakfast.”

  Twenty minutes later, she comes down in jeans and a pink cashmere sweater, wearing the necklace and bracelet I got her.

  “You look beautiful, sweetheart. Is that an outfit you picked out with the girls?” I ask.

  “Why yes it is, and thank you again for the shopping spree. Although, I think the girls went a little crazy and bought more than just last night’s outfit and this one for dinner with your parents.”

  “I told them to. I knew you wouldn’t have left here without arguing about it, so I told them to get everything that you liked,” I say, tossing her a wink and a smile.

  “You’re probably right. I haven’t looked through all the bags yet, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t buy the perfume and the other outfits I saw in there.”

  “Good, I love to spoil you,” I say, kissing her on top of her head. “Breakfast is ready; I made pancakes and sausage.”

  I set the plate in front of her, take my seat, and watch as she digs in.

  “What time is dinner at your parents?” she asks.

  “Six, I thought we could go to Pike Place Market first. I remember you said that you haven’t been anywhere in town. How does that sound?”

  “Oh, fun! I read the original Starbucks is there and they do some sort of fish throwing thing.”

  “Yes, that’s the Pike Place Fish Market. They toss customer’s fish purchases over your head. It’s actually fun to watch.”

  After we finish breakfast, I have Simon take us to the Market, thinking it’s easier to drop us off and pick us up as we need. We spend hours exploring and shopping; it’s fun to spend a carefree day with Willow. Now it’s time to head over to my parent’s house for dinner.

  Sitting in the driveway of my parent’s house, I take Willow’s hand and kiss her knuckles.

  “They’re going to love you, just like I do.” Simon opens the car door, I step out and offer her my hand to help her out of the car. She grabs the pie we purchased at the market, then we walk to the porch. With one last reassuring squeeze, I say, “I love you.”


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