The Elemental Collective: Volume One: An Elemental Paladins Spin-off Series

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The Elemental Collective: Volume One: An Elemental Paladins Spin-off Series Page 8

by Montana Ash

  Gently tilting her face up, he wiped her wet cheeks tenderly. “We should head in. What little warmth the sun provided is gone now that it is set,” he whispered.

  Dana maintained eye contact, her mouth quirking a little. “Oh, I can fix that,” she promised.

  Heat wafted off Dana like she was a damn heater, filling the small space between them and infusing him with warmth. He huffed out a breath, telling himself he should have known better. The woman was a goddess of nature. She controlled all the elements just like Max. “If you could do that, why didn’t you do it before?”

  Dana pulled out of his arms, turning to face him fully even as she remained seated between his upraised knees. “And why would I deny myself the pleasure of your arms?”

  His amusement fled, sexual tension taking its place. He watched her lick her lips as her eyes darted to his mouth and knew she was thinking of the kiss they had shared earlier that evening. He wanted nothing more than to lay her back against the sand and ravish her. But he knew that wouldn’t be wise given the circumstances. He may have let go of his negative feelings toward her, but his mind was still reeling with all the new information and the revelations it brought. Dana had been a virtual prisoner for years. She had been trapped and helpless to watch as her daughter struggled to find her destiny. And all the while Mordecai – and hundreds of other wardens and paladins – had cursed her name. It was true, Max had sacrificed herself for their people. But so had Dana. The one-eighty of his feelings needed time to process.

  Dana, clearly sensing his reticence, pulled back. “I apologise. I didn’t mean to take liberties where they were not welcome.”

  Mordecai stopped her with a hand over her mouth. “Dana, let’s be clear; I’m fine with you taking all manner of liberties, okay? I just think we shouldn’t indulge in them right now. On the beach. With over a dozen pairs of eyes watching us,” he finished dryly.

  Dana’s eyes darted to the house and she giggled when she saw numerous faces pressed to the windows. The sound was innocent and carefree and had Mordecai hardening in his pants faster than he could blink. Groaning, he reached down to adjust himself, Dana’s eyes tracking the movement. “You’re not helping,” he informed her.

  “If you really want my help …” she licked her lips once more.

  “Dana,” he said, warningly.

  Dana shrugged and smiled impishly at him. “You cannot blame a girl for trying.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Father Time is responsible for the fabric of reality. Tempus not only constructed this reality, but he also maintains it. Tanda, on the other hand, is responsible for the transport of souls. Whether it be coming or going,” Dana lectured to her enraptured audience.

  It had been a week since her revelations with Mordecai and she was pleased to say their relationship had well and truly mellowed. The friendship she had been hoping for with the father of her child now felt solid. She had spent the past week explaining everything she was able to about Otherworld, the deities, the veil and how it all worked with the occupants of Max’s home. The Order of Aurora now had a sound grasp on what was real and what was legend. Unfortunately, for their tiny human brains, much of what they believed to be legend was in fact reality and Dana had thought some of their heads might implode from the information. After seeing her immediate family educated, she had resolved to enlighten her other guardians and warriors as well. As such, she was now at Eden, talking to a large crowd of wardens, chadens, and paladins. Including the entire IDC.

  “Coming or going? Death is responsible for life?” Dawn asked, clearly intrigued by the notion.

  Dana nodded. “Life and death are two sides of the one coin. All souls are created equal. Well, almost all souls,” Dana amended, smiling at her daughter in the crowd. “It is what people choose to do with them that decides their fates when Tanda comes to collect. Besides, Tanda is only the ‘Death’ god in this realm. There are many others just like him. As well as those who work with him. But they are not as powerful,” Dana added as an afterthought.

  “Because he’s one of the Triumvirate, like you,” Knox stated.

  Dana nodded and smiled. She felt great satisfaction in teaching her people. She also loved the simplicity of just talking with them as well. Although she had acquaintances and even a select few individuals she considered friends, she had never given much thought to how isolated she was over the eons. Once, she and her colleagues had walked the earth freely and were worshipped as the Gods they rightfully were. But over time, she – along with Tempus and Tanda – had withdrawn. Their legacies becoming more lore than anything else. She was lucky, the warden society largely still viewed her as a real Goddess. But Tempus and Tanda were more forgotten. Thinking on it now, she realised the exact moment they had retreated semi-permanently behind the veil. It was after that precedence had been set and they felt the need to make an example of it. Dana sighed regretfully, oh, boys, we really screwed up, did we not? Dana thought, not expecting a response. She therefore jolted harshly when Tanda responded.

  ‘We are not immune to human infallibilities. Although, you and Tempus do appear to be more susceptible than I.’

  Tanda’s internal presence was gone as abruptly as he arrived, leaving him with the last word. As usual. Still, it was telling that he was monitoring her on this side of the veil in the first place. She allowed the discussion to ebb and flow around her, her gaze searching and touching on her daughter. Her dark red hair shone in the winter sun and she absently stroked her unborn babe as she talked with Blu and Hyde. To think Max was a one in a billion oddity of accidental fate. And now she was carrying a whole new deity herself. It made Dana wonder just how much of an ‘accident’ Max’s new life thread was. Yes, she had thought to create a weapon – a cure – for the chades, but she truly had not expected a genuine, new life thread to sprout. She could have sworn she heard Tanda chuckle in her ear. Spinning quickly, she ran straight into a solid wall instead. At least, that is what it felt like. But her spiking pulse and hardening nipples told a different story.

  “Mordecai,” she breathed.

  “You okay? You seem to be on a mission,” he said, releasing her upper arms where he had reached out to steady her.

  Dana simply nodded, struck – as always – by the raw, masculine beauty in front of her. His jet-black hair shined like a raven’s wing and his eyes were as green and as clear as a pure cut emerald. The hint of Scotland in his voice was the icing on a very delicious, very sexy cake, and she longed to hear him whisper filthy things in her ear as he stripped her naked. Shaking herself out of her lust-filled thoughts, she took a full step back and congratulated herself on her steady voice as she replied, “I am fine. I thought I heard – never mind.”

  Mordecai’s eyes searched her face for a moment, a frown pinching his brow as he looked around him. “Are you sure everything is okay? I could have sworn my domain went haywire for a second there. If there is any chance of danger, I need to know.”

  Dana winced and silently chided Tanda. Of course an old and powerful Death Warden would be aware of the presence of a Death God. “There is no danger here. I promise.”

  Mordecai scrutinised her face for a few more seconds before relaxing, his four paladins following his lead behind him. “I see your talk went well.” He gestured to the crowd who were talking excitedly amongst themselves.

  “Yes,” she said, excitedly. “It is a positive step, do you not think? Education, facts, history.”

  “Indeed. We are destined to repeat the worst of our histories if they are forgotten.” Mordecai snorted in derision, “I’ve seen it happen enough in my lifetime.”

  “As have I,” she agreed.

  They stood together in silence for a few moments before it began to get awkward. Dana peered up at Mordecai, wondering if she should say something about the weather. Or perhaps Max, she thought. The one thing they could always talk about these days was their daughter. Thankfully, Aiden stepped forward, offering her a small bow and a quick grin.
r />   “My lady, perhaps you would like to see Mordecai’s suite in HQ? We’ve been here over a week now and he has done nothing further than put sheets on his bed.”

  Mordecai scowled at his Captain. “And? You don’t expect me to sit around picking paint colours, do you?”

  Aiden shook his head, “No. In fact, as someone who is going to be living in those rooms too, I sincerely urge you not to. You have no taste whatsoever. But Dana on the other hand …” he turned his rakish grin on her once more. “You created nature itself. You’re like the original interior designer.”

  Dana laughed. “I would love to take credit for all the beauty that exists in the world, but I merely created the seeds. Evolution has wrought many miracles – thanks to the aid of my wardens and paladins.”

  “Pfft, you’re too humble. I bet you’ve got a great eye for colour. Mordecai, take Dana to your room,” Tobias picked up Dana’s hand with care and grabbed Mordecai’s more forcefully. He then smooshed their hands together and spun them bodily around. He went so far as to give his liege a shove, though he didn’t attempt the same with her.

  Mordecai snarled, shooting daggers at his Order and Dana had no doubt he was giving them a mental tongue lashing through their link. He finally swallowed down a curse and turned to her. “Would you like to see my place?”

  Dana pursed her lips, holding back her amusement with effort. “I would love to.”

  Mordecai grunted and began leading her across the green expanse of Eden in the direction of the huge, three storey building that was now very much completed – on the outside at least. Nobody but Mordecai had moved in and no meetings had yet to be held there either. “You wouldn’t find them so amusing if your soul was intertwined with theirs.”

  “I would say there are worse souls to be bound to,” Dana offered. “I am grateful to be shown around. I cannot believe the progress. And just in time too. I will be returning to Otherworld tomorrow.”

  Mordecai stumbled, whipping his head down to look at her. “Tomorrow? For how long?”

  “For at least two weeks.” Mordecai’s silence was telling. He disapproved of her actions. Placing a hand on his arm, she brought him to a stop. “It is not that I don’t want to be here. I have –”

  “Responsibilities. I know,” Mordecai cut in. His smile was sardonic as he looked down at her. “I’m not trying to be an arse. You’re an important person with a really fucking important job. I like having you around is all,” he ended with a shrug.

  His words gave her such happiness – and such hope for the future. But was that hope fruitless? Her time spent with Gaias had been brief and filled with more questions than answers. She really had no idea what it meant that her last custodian had been given a body. Just because Tempus said he was her protégé did not mean she could suddenly give up her life in Otherworld and live fulltime on Earth. Did it? She had no clue, and Tanda and Tempus had been unusually enigmatic when asked. It was something she planned to gain clarification on. Regardless of whether she and Mordecai turned their friendship into anything romantic, she wanted to see and hear and touch her daughter every day.

  “I am very glad to hear you say that,” Dana finally said, shaking off her introspection. “But I was not going to say responsibilities. I was going to say I have rules I must abide by – scales that must be balanced.”

  Mordecai frowned down at her. “What do you mean?”

  Dana ran her hands through her loose hair as she explained. “For every day I spend here on the mortal plane, I must spend two in Otherworld.”

  “Say what, now?” Mordecai’s confusion was clear.

  “Tis true. It is not against the rules for me to visit here. However, it does come with consequences. Double the time must be spent over there.” Dana had only explained the situation to Max earlier in the week. Max had been surprised but had taken the information well, suggesting Dana visit for one day and then spend the next two days in Otherworld. Rather than staying for big chunks of time and then losing even longer chunks when she returned. It was a good idea – a logical one. Too bad Dana did not want to spend a mere single day in Mordecai’s presence at a time.

  “So, the longer you spend here, the longer you are gone? Sounds like a crock of shit to me,” Mordecai informed her, before opening the double frosted glass doors of the IDC headquarters.

  They did not say much as Mordecai walked her across the cavernous entryway and over to a set of stairs. They walked up six flights – two flights for each level – before reaching the top storey. Here, the hallways were just as empty and bland as the rest of the building was. Reaching out with her senses, Dana found it to be almost completely devoid of all life. But she knew that would not be the case for long. The structure had spirit and it was just waiting for people to give it purpose. Mordecai led her all the way to the end on the north-facing side. Opening the door, he ushered her in, and Dana paused just inside the threshold.

  “Wow, Aiden was not exaggerating,” Dana muttered, more to herself than Mordecai. The living room was spacious but completely empty. She could see that the kitchen was yet to be fitted out, and there was no paint on the walls nor was there any flooring.

  “Yeah, well. Compared to some of the places I’ve crashed over the years, this place is a palace,” Mordecai said.

  She wandered around, opening doors and discovering which rooms were those of the paladins. Their spaces were already infused with their energies. She was happy for them. They were already making it their home. It was not until she was standing next to Mordecai’s bed that she realised she was alone in a bedroom with the only man she had ever had sex with. The Valhalla Order had not followed them. Dana’s heart began to pound. Turning quickly, she came to an abrupt stop when she saw Mordecai casually leaning against the doorjamb. He had his ankles crossed and his hands in his pockets of his dark slacks.

  His hands are in his pockets. Why is that so sexy? even her thoughts were breathless.

  “Make yourself at home,” his voice rumbled out, amused and lightly accented.

  “Oh, I am being impolite, am I not?” Dana asked, feeling sheepish. Of course she was being impolite. She had just wandered into the man’s sleeping chambers, she scolded herself.

  Mordecai pushed himself off the wall, hands still in his pockets as he walked toward her. The dark grey knitted jumper he wore stretched across his chest, moulding his physique to perfection. “You are welcome in my bedroom anytime,” he told her, eyes shining down at her. “And in my bed.”

  Dana could not help the tiny moan that escaped her throat. Am I really going to do this again with him? she questioned herself. Running her eyes over his hard frame – and taking note of his already hard member between his legs – Dana decided, yes, she was most definitely going to do it. And then, with a single thought, she stood naked before him.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Holy shit!” Mordecai exclaimed, jumping back. “You’re naked!” he pointed out stupidly.

  Dana raised her eyebrows and looked down at herself. “Indeed I am. Is it not better to be naked for such things?”

  Mordecai’s breath wheezed from his lungs as he took in the image before him; creamy, unblemished skin, full, heavy breasts with the palest of pink nipples – nipples that were already hard. Her waist flared appealingly and the neat thatch of hair between her toned legs was a mere single shade darker than the riotous red hair on her head. He wondered how drunk he must have been on that night all those years ago. Because he couldn’t remember seeing anything as beautiful in his whole life as Dana standing proud and unselfconsciously naked before him right then.

  “How –” his voice broke. “How did you get naked so fast?”

  “I am a goddess. I can pretty much do anything. I simply thought it,” Dana explained, shrugging negligently, and causing her breasts to move.

  “You simply thought it.” Mordecai swallowed. He spent so much time thinking of Dana as the woman who had deprived him of time with his daughter, then the woman who wilfully i
gnored him, and finally simply as the woman he desired, that he had all but forgotten she was one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

  “You seem perplexed,” Dana noted. “Should I … should I not be naked?” she then asked, looking a little unsure now.

  “Naked is good!” he immediately shouted. “Especially on you. But I didn’t bring you here to have sex.”

  Dana’s cheeks pinked. “Oh. I seem to have misread the situation.”

  “I’m not complaining – don’t get me wrong,” Mordecai rushed on to say, unable to keep his eyes from the temptation standing in front of him. “But I don’t want you to think I was going to take advantage of you.”

  Dana huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and plumping her tantalising breasts. “Perhaps I am long overdue to be taken advantage of.”

  “It’s been a long time?” Mordecai asked, endlessly pleased with the thought.

  “Only about fifty years or so,” came her dry response.

  Mordecai stilled. “You haven’t slept with anyone since me?”

  Dana looked away as she replied, “I haven’t been with anyone but you – ever.”

  Mordecai literally felt his jaw drop, he was so stunned. “You were a virgin that night?”

  Dana nodded once, still not looking at him.

  “Oh, dear gods. I defiled Mother Nature!” he shouted, yanking on his hair as he began to pace.


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