The Elemental Collective: Volume One: An Elemental Paladins Spin-off Series

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The Elemental Collective: Volume One: An Elemental Paladins Spin-off Series Page 17

by Montana Ash

  “Then go after him,” Reid urged.

  Dawn began twirling her hair around her finger in an agitated motion. “I don’t think he’ll listen. I mean, I made him go all other.”

  “Then you make him listen,” Reid said. Watching her closely as he added, “That is, if you think he is worth it.”

  Dawn didn’t even need to think about that. Casting her insecurities aside, she jumped up and headed for the door.

  Chapter Nine

  Knox didn’t stop until he reached the back of the bar. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, so it was only fitting his body was too. He had gone to visit Dawn alone, after convincing his paladins he was a big boy and could take care of himself while he dropped in to see his crush. He had been so excited, wondering if Dawn had thought about their shared kiss as much as he had. Only, his dreams had been crushed when he found her kissing another man. He had been too far away to hear what was being said, but there was no denying Dawn had voluntarily kissed Micah. He had been too stunned to move for a few minutes and then even more disbelieving when Reid came along, sat himself down, and Dawn had kissed him too. Knox had moved of his own accord – what he was intending to say he had no idea. But he was rendered speechless when he heard Dawn tell Reid very clearly that she loved him. His darker emotions had rushed to the surface and he had fled before he did anything stupid, like kill Micah and Reid.

  “Whoa, what’s with the tornado?” Kane asked, looking concerned when Knox finally ceased the torrent of air around him.

  Knox pushed past his son, storming up the stairs to his apartment. The bar had fully equipped living quarters above it, featuring three bedrooms, a living room, a dining room and just one bathroom. It was tight quarters for him and his three boys, but they had managed to build a temporary wall in the dining room, effectively turning it into an extra bedroom. It meant everyone got their own space. Knox was happy there, grateful to have a roof over his head and a bed to sleep in every night. He had spent far too many nights on the unforgiving ground, surrounded by nothing but air. Which was why he damned well deserved better than a woman who cheated, he told himself. He swore when he felt his eyes turning black once more, and had to consciously rein in his temper.

  “Dad? What’s the deal?” Kai rushed over to him.

  “Do you need vitality?” Kellan then asked.

  All three of them were now surrounding him, looking worried and trying in vain to access the Order link Knox had purposefully shut down. He didn’t need anyone else to see his humiliation. “I’m fine. I don’t need vitality,” he finally managed to respond.

  “You are not fine. And you’re blocking us out. You promised you would never do that. You swore you would never let us think you left us again,” Kai’s voice was filled with hurt.

  Knox cursed out loud, hating the anxiety he was causing. He knew his sons had real issues with abandonment. What Evangeline had planted the seeds for, his disappearance had sown. He cracked the link open a little before apologising. “I’m sorry. I’m just pissed off.”

  “Did things not go well with Dawn?” Kane hazarded a guess.

  Knox barked out a bitter laugh. “Not exactly. She’s sleeping with her Order.”

  The triplets reared back as one. “What? Who?” Kane asked.

  “Dawn,” Knox snarled. “She’s sleeping with Micah and Reid!” They all looked shocked and Knox couldn’t blame them. He was shocked too. But the hurt was quickly catching up.

  “What?” Kellan yelled. “Where are you getting this? Dad, there’s no way.”

  “I saw her,” Knox said, wearily now.

  “You saw her having sex with Micah and Reid?” Kai was incredulous.

  Knox huffed out a breath and began to pace. “No, I saw them kissing. She kissed them both. They were all smiling and laughing, all sitting together on the one chair.”

  “Maybe you misinterpreted –” Kai began.

  “I didn’t misinterpret anything,” Knox interrupted. “By the Great Mother, what a fool I’ve been. I thought she was just shy or awkward. That she truly didn’t see herself the way everyone else does. It was cute and endearing. Turns out, she’s just plain not interested. She has all the men she needs on tap already. And after pouring out my heart to her yesterday. Fucking humiliating,” he cursed himself.

  A knock on the door interrupted the next round of questions and Kane hurried to answer it. He winced when he saw who it was. “This really isn’t a good time.”

  Dawn held her head high as she pushed her way into the room, followed closely by all four of her paladins. “I insist.” Her gaze immediately sought out Knox. “Knox, I want to explain –”

  “You don’t owe me any explanations, my lady,” he informed her, voice brittle with formality.

  “But –” Dawn attempted to speak again, only to be cut off by Knox once more.

  “You’re free to do whatever you want. Or whoever – as the case may be. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get the bar open.” Knox gave Dawn a wide berth as he rushed out his front door, leaving his sons to deal with his mess. It wasn’t his proudest moment, to be sure, but it was the best way to keep himself from getting hurt further.

  He grabbed a broom and began sweeping the already clean floor, when the door to the bar burst open. Knox pointedly ignored the intruder, knowing it wasn’t a customer. They didn’t open for another two hours.

  “Are you proud of yourself for hurting her that way? Do you feel even now?” Micah demanded, charging forward.

  “I hurt her?” Knox scoffed, tossing the broom to the side in a fit of temper. “She was the one who led me on.”

  Micah scoffed, “Dawn couldn’t lead you on even if she tried. She is completely clueless about all that stuff and you know it. You’re just pissed because you saw her kissing someone else.”

  Knox got right up in Micah’s face, shouting, “Of course I’m pissed! I thought –” he abruptly broke off, spinning away.

  “You thought she liked you as much as you like her,” Micah supplied for him. “She does,” Micah said, voice strong and sure.

  Knox shook his head. “Look, I know some wardens and paladins have no issue sleeping around or recharging through intercourse. But I’m not one of them. I also don’t share. That is a deal breaker for me.”

  “Dawn is not one of them either. She abhors the practice. Unless it is consensual of course. I don’t think Ryker has a problem with it for example,” Micah added.

  Knox would not be humoured. “Don’t bullshit me, Micah. I saw her. And you. And Reid.”

  Micah frowned fiercely. “That wasn’t what it looked like.”

  Knox scoffed, “Of course it wasn’t. And I suppose I misheard her declaration of love too?”

  Micah moved suddenly and with the speed of a soldier. He grabbed Knox by the shirt and slammed him against the wall. “Listen, you prick! You are the first man Dawn has been interested in for centuries! And the first man who has been interested in her for the right reasons. You see the real Dawn. I know you do.”

  Knox peeled Micah’s fingers off one by one. “Correction: I thought I saw the real Dawn. Turns out I was wrong.” He pushed Micah away, giving the other man his back.

  “I wouldn’t have pegged you as a quitter.”

  Knox closed his eyes, drawing in a deep breath and not moving a muscle. He was afraid he would seriously harm the paladin if he didn’t calm himself. “I am not a quitter,” he ground out through clenched teeth. Spinning to face Micah, he pointed a finger in warning at him. “I know more about survival than you ever will. Don’t you dare presume to know anything about my strength of will.”

  Micah stared at him for a few tense moments before he relented, “Fine. You’re a survivor. Good for you.” He shook his head, “Was it that you were just looking for an excuse to run then?”

  “I’m not a runner either. Watch your mouth, kid,” Knox warned.

  Micah smirked at him, looking all superior. “Then why are you acting like a brat who got his favourite
toy taken away? Why are you being so dramatic? Why won’t you just listen? You –” he broke off abruptly, snapping his fingers as if he had just solved some great riddle. “Oh! It’s like that. I didn’t realise.”

  Knox said nothing, turning his back as he reached for an upturned chair stacked on the closest table. Lifting it, he spun it up the right way and placed it on the floor. He did the same thing another three times until one table was clear. “Only twenty more to go,” he muttered to himself, ignoring the silent, judgemental paladin as well as the deep ache he felt in his chest region.

  “That was fast,” Micah commented, as if in the middle of a conversation.

  Knox glanced at him, seeing a pitying look on Micah’s face. That look was worse than the anger. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied.

  “Yes, you do,” Micah retorted quickly. “You don’t just have a crush. You’re in love with her. That’s why you’re so angry. You’re not just pissed. You’re heartbroken.”

  He was heartbroken, Knox acknowledged. More than he thought he could be after such a short period of time. But there was no denying what that pain in his chest was – unless he was about to have a heart attack. He liked that idea better than being in love with an unavailable woman.

  “Aren’t you going to deny it?” Micah taunted.

  Knox looked at him, “What good would it do? You know, when I turned, it was fast. Like, within a week. There was no insidious voice whispering sweet nothings in my ear for months on end. It was just – bam – you’re cursed. But in that week, I still had enough reasoning to understand what was happening – and I denied it. I didn’t want to believe it. I knew that it was impossible to stop the infection. But I could have had that one last week to be truthful to my sons. To prepare them for what was to come. My denial cost me that. It cost me time with my sons. I didn’t get to say goodbye.” Knox paused, making eye contact with Micah so he would see the truth of his words. “When Max healed me, I promised myself I would never lie to myself again. I won’t break that promise.”

  Micah’s rigid stance relaxed, and he shook his head slowly, “So it’s true – you’re in love with Dawn.” It was a statement.

  Knox turned around and punched the wall behind him, shouting, “Gods! Yes! Yes, okay! I am in love with Dawn. Are you happy now?” He spun back around to ream Micah some more but was struck mute when he saw Dawn standing in the doorway of the bar.

  “You love me?” she asked.

  Knox snapped his mouth closed, looking everywhere but at Dawn. “By the Great Mother, kill me now,” he muttered.

  ‘Oh, I don’t think so,’ came Dana’s amused reply in his head. ‘All is as it should be. Go ahead. Answer her.’

  ‘You can’t make me,’ was his mature comeback. But he was forced to leave his argument with Mother Nature when Dawn began sashaying toward him.

  Chapter Ten

  Dawn’s heart was pounding for a new and wholly unexpected reason as she dismissed Micah with a silent thank you. Knox looked like a cornered wild animal, all round eyes and pale skin. When she had chased after him, she had never expected to hear that he loved her. It was too soon. Wasn’t it? she asked herself. Her head said it was, but her heart disagreed. “Is it true? Do you love me?” she asked again, needing to hear him say it to her face.

  Knox shook his head, a dark frown on his handsome face as he stared her down. “Nope. That is not how this is going to work. I don’t owe you jack, Dawn. You have one minute to explain yourself. If I like what I hear, then and only then, will I answer you. If I don’t like it – if I don’t believe you – you leave and never talk to me again.”

  Dawn pressed a hand to her rioting stomach. The ultimatum left her feeling ill. Still, she launched into a long-winded, and unnecessarily convoluted explanation of how she came to be kissing her paladins. It involved lots of stuttering and her trying to convey how blind she was when it came to her own appeal and picking up signals from the opposite sex. When she was done, she felt like she had run a marathon, and Knox stood staring at her like she was an alien.

  “So, let me get this straight,” Knox began, slowly prowling toward her. “I pour my heart out to you and admit I’ve been harbouring a crush on you. I then kiss you – and you kiss me back! You then go and try to sex up the Captain of your Order – who you’ve been best friends with for five-hundred years and have never, not once, felt an ounce of attraction to.”

  Dawn opened her mouth to answer but apparently Knox wasn’t finished. He held up a hand for silence and came to a complete stop in front of her. So close, she could feel his body heat.

  “Your poor, poor paladin humours you with a kiss, which you then see fit to bestow on Reid as well. You then declare your love for Reid – but in a purely platonic way – for me to stumble across you just at that moment, leading me to the wrong idea and causing me to flee like a teenage girl. Do I have that right?”

  Dawn dropped her head in her hands, releasing a thin scream, hoping beyond hope her hands would be enough to smother herself into unconsciousness. But today was not her lucky day because Knox peeled her hands from her face, tilting her chin up to meet his pewter gaze.

  “Dawn?” he prompted.

  “Yes, that about sums it up,” she admitted.

  Knox dropped his hand, waving it about in frustration. “Seriously, Dawn. What were you thinking? How could that possibly seem like a good plan?”

  “I was thinking how could I be so terrible at reading men? I mean, I’m a life warden for fuck’s sake! I’ve spent every day with you for weeks and weeks now, and I had no idea you felt that way. I mean, you mentioned flirting that one time but when you didn’t bring it up again, I figured maybe you just wanted to be friends.”

  Knox choked, looking incredulous, “Dawn, I flirted with you every single time I saw you.”

  “See!” Dawn yelled, pointing at him. “This is what I’m talking about. I had no idea. I knew I wanted you to like me the same way I liked you, but I wasn’t getting any vibes. I figured it was just hope, you know? And then you kissed me last night and my heart went all pitty-pat and I got all tingly and lightheaded. It made me question everything I knew about attraction and men and signals.” She snorted, “Which, it seems, is exactly nothing. I know nothing.”

  Knox was silent for a long time, his eyes watching her with focused regard. “Your heart went pitty-pat, huh?”

  Dawn peered at him, fearful and hopeful at the same time. “Yes.”

  “Why do you suppose it did that?” he then asked.

  Dawn chewed her lip, wanting to get the answer correct. It was too important to get wrong. “Because I like you?” she ventured.

  “Is that a statement or a question?” Knox demanded, crossing his arms over his chest and causing his biceps to flex appealingly.

  Dawn straightened her spine. “A statement. I like you, Knox.”

  “Like me as in …?” he asked, repeating Dawn’s question from the day before.

  Taking a chance, Dawn took a few steps closer to him. “As in, like you, like you. I like you as a man, Knox. I like you as a chaden. I like the way your grey eyes darken like thunderstorms when you’re angry. I like the love you show for your sons. I like the way you look at me when I talk as if what I have to say is the most important thing in the world. I like the way your butt looks in jeans. I like you, Knox.”

  “Now, that, is the right answer,” Knox said, snatching Dawn close and taking siege to her lips.

  Dawn moaned, wrapping her arms around Knox’s head and holding onto his ears so he couldn’t escape. The kiss spun out of control, both of them fighting for dominance. Dawn managed to pull back, giving his top lip a small bite before soothing it with her tongue. Her hands roamed across Knox’s broad chest, slipping under the hem of his shirt and discovering hot skin covered in a fine smattering of hair. Knox allowed her to explore and she decided to take advantage of his kind nature. She dropped to her knees.

  “What are you doing?” Knox asked breat
hlessly, eyes round as saucers as his chest rose and fell rapidly.

  Dawn smiled up at him from her new position, squeezing his hardness through his jeans. The thick fabric was definitely a hindrance and she reached up to unbutton them and pull down the zipper amid a flurry of curses. She hummed happily when his hard cock was instantly revealed. He wasn’t wearing underwear. Pushing his jeans down to his ankles, she jacked his length a couple of times, learning the shape and texture, before she looked up at him. “Do you mind?”

  Knox vigorously shook his head, “No. Nope. Nuh-uh. I don’t mind at all.”

  Dawn smirked, “I didn’t think so.”

  Getting a good grip, Dawn held Knox’s flushed dick still as she rubbed it across her mouth, his pre-cum painting her lips like lipstick. She then looked directly into Knox’s eyes and licked her lips, moaning at the taste. Knox’s breath wheezed out as he begged and pleaded. Heady with her powers of seduction, and horny as hell, Dawn sucked the tip of Knox’s dick into her mouth. She stopped, carefully fitting her teeth under the cap of his foreskin and swirled her tongue around his slit. Knox grabbed her hair in a punishing grip – just the kind Dawn liked – and thrust his hips forward, forcing her to take more of him. It had been a long time since she had given anyone head, but she did her best to relax her throat as Knox did his best to fuck her face. Dawn loved it. She clutched his arse cheeks, drawing him in closer and bobbed her head in counterpoint to his hips. Reaching down, she fondled his balls, feeling them roll around before they pulled up tighter to his body.

  Knox swore creatively, pulling back and grabbing the base of his dick. “Enough. Mercy. Holy shit, I’m gonna blow.”

  Dawn reached for him, swatting his hand out of the way and stroking his spit-slicked cock. It was long and thick, and red and shiny from her mouth. “It’s delicious,” she stated, more to herself than Knox.

  “Sweet heaven, Dawn,” Knox groaned, dragging her to her feet and practically bending her backwards from the ferocity of his kiss.


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