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Roosted Page 13

by Brooke May

It was mine; like hell I’d let those arseholes keep it.

  My large frame sinks into the seat. There is no creaking, no wailing from my weight, or the slow sound of the chair dying as was customary with my old one. No, the only noise from this one is the rasp of the leather being rubbed as I slide back into it and nearly match it.

  It’s more comfortable than my own bed.

  “Nice, right?”

  “Fuck, yes.” My head drops back with a thud, and my eyes close. “I could easily fall asleep here.”

  “Well, then …” Paige’s legs brush against mine, and I’m jolted upright. My wide eyes watch her black hair cover her face as she straddles me and whips it off her face, hitting me with not only her hair but also her amazing perfume only made by working in a garage. “Looks like I may have to give you a reason to stay awake,” she teases and nips the tip of my nose.

  Her flared waist feels perfectly molded for me to put my hands there.

  “I think I could handle that.” I bring her closer to me, but Paige has other ideas. This seems to be a growing norm with her. One of her tattooed digits taps my lips while her other hand wraps into my short hair.

  “Not today, Oz.”

  Before I can object and demand to keep her there with me to devour her luscious red lips, Paige is off my lap and walking to the door.

  “Come on, tour time.”

  Clambering out of my chair, my shoes slide on the floor, but I manage to catch her before the doors close behind her.

  “You will keep wearing what you do for work. I want office staff to keep the business looking professional. I want to be taken seriously, and that needs to start with the employees.”

  I can’t help my eyes; they’re glued to her arse, and I’m lost. I will do and say whatever she wants if I can just keep staring at her amazing body.

  “The mechanics all wear matching jumpsuits with the company logo on the back, their names on the left, and which garage they work in on the right.”

  “And the racers?”

  She stalls in the lift, keeping her back to me. I push the button for the first floor, and we ride back down.

  “The racers will wear whatever they want as long as the logo is present and something someone would see first. Otherwise, I don’t give a shit.” From the main lobby, I’m guided through security doors where I will recieve an employee pass in the next couple of days. Not everyone in the offices will have one, but I’m special.

  Just like my mum always said I was. Look, Mum! You can be proud!

  Paige leads me through every garage until we end up in the motocross one. Some are still just the bare bones of what they will house while only a couple of them are fully ready to take on the necessary load. The motocross garage is in full swing when we work our way down. Everyone falls silent with Paige’s entrance and hurry onto whatever job they were doing. No one makes any true eye contact with her, even when they are saying hello or asking how she is doing.

  Following Paige to the last bay, I take in her bike as it is being worked on by Len and another mechanic. Everything I’ve seen completely mesmerizes me. The high-end garages for racers on television pale in comparison to this one. I’ve never seen one as nice and as diverse. The doors are open, and the sound of heavy machinery in the not so distant field pulls my attention.

  “She’s building tracks.” Len comes to a stop next to me, looking out at where a bulldozer is pushing a dirt pile. Her faux hawk hangs in her face, giving the illusion of bangs. It doesn’t take away from the confused expression on her grease-covered face. “I didn’t think you would still be around.” Her lips turn down in a way that tells me she is impressed. “Maybe there is hope for her yet,” Len mutters, more to herself than to me.

  “Men don’t stick around?”

  “With Paige?” She spits out a laugh. “No way in hell. She finds them, fucks them, and dumps them without even thinking of the path of destruction she leaves.”

  As I look back at Paige, watching her sit on her bike and talk to the other mechanic, it really hits me that I don’t know a damn thing about her in a personal setting. Sure, I know her intimately but other than that? Paige is still a stranger to me. She hasn’t shared anything remotely personal with me aside from her pussy and letting me know a little about Taylor and their relationship.

  I look around, curious which man is Taylor’s foster dad, and I wonder why Paige would care so much about a child in the system. She doesn’t seem like she’d get along with children, but she does. Paige doesn’t seem to have a soft side; she’s like a porcupine protecting her soft underbelly with the quills on the rest of her body. Only she does when it comes to Taylor

  “Maybe times are changing,” I say with absolute confidence. I can feel it. I just kn—

  “Ha, you sound like all the others. Don’t get used to it. She may keep you around to fuck for a while, but she will cast you away like the others.” Len’s dual-colored eyes are etched with concern. “And it will be hard for you because when she’s done with you, she’ll still be your boss.”

  “Gopher, get your ass over here and tell me what you did to my bike.” Paige’s voice booms, silencing everyone but Len, who only laughs manically and walks off, leaving me with her warning.

  “Hey, Axle?” I lift my gaze back to Len as she’s walking backward. “I take it back; you aren’t like the others. I can see you are a pretty cool guy, but it doesn’t mean anything. In the end, all her shit will come flying up, and you will get roosted just like the others.” With a sad smile, she nods and turns back to face Paige.

  A pissed-off Paige.

  “Settle down, Paige. I know what the fuck I’m doing.” Her green eyes pinch, shooting to me when they should be shooting at Len, who is attempting to pacify Paige.

  “Go ahead back up to your office and get settled in. Afterward feel free to leave for the day.”

  “All right.” Taking one last look around, I realize everyone is busying themselves, and since I don’t know anyone in here aside from the two women who are now yelling at one another, I take my leave and meander back up to my luxurious office.

  I don’t talk to Paige for the rest of the day. I only watch her from the wall of windows. Len must have gotten her bike to run properly because she spent most of the afternoon driving it and then returned to the garage before going back out.

  I end up leaving without saying anything to anyone, much like when I left my old job at the end of the day. But this time the receptionist whispers a good-bye just as the doors close behind me.

  My phone has been silent all day, not that I expected anything from it. None of my friends or family are aware I lost the job I left for this morning and have come home with a different one. While at a stop sign, I decide to fire off a text to both Jax and Levi. I need a drink and having one at home isn’t going to cut it tonight.

  Me: Lumpy’s?

  A sports bar we frequent, Lumpy’s will be a drive for me to get back to that side of the city, but I don’t give a shit. I may have gained a new job today, but I still lost one. One I had for a long arse time.

  My phone chimes twice as I drive to the interstate and head back to the city. I don’t need to check to know both of the guys are in. They will get there long before I do. Turning up the radio, I just let the music take me.

  I just lost my first full-time job after university today. The company is dying because they couldn’t secure the Piston Motor Sports account. In a way, I’m not surprised I was canned. I knew it was a matter of time; I was on borrowed time as it was.

  The opportunity Paige has given me is one I have dreamed of. I have a boss who doesn’t directly control me because, shit, they don’t know much about what I do; otherwise, they would have done it themselves. I can go down to the garages whenever I feel like it or am able to, to see what is going on and watch everything behind the scenes. I’ve always enjoyed being in a garage setting. This job also grants me the opportunity to help hire people around me I can tolerate. No more wombats I can’t sta
nd to be around or nasally snobs who think they are better than me.

  But the best goddamn part of this job is getting to see Paige. The woman has gotten under my skin like a needle dosing me with a never-ending supply of an addictive drug. I can’t get enough of her; just looking at her is good for me.

  Len’s warning comes to mind. Am I just someone to entertain Paige for a bit? Will she get bored with me and disappear?

  Shaking my head, I don’t let my mind wrap around it any further. Why should I really worry? It isn’t like we’re committed to one another. We are just having fun.

  Chapter Eighteen

  By the time I make it to Lumpy’s, the place is packed. I have difficulty finding a place to park my truck. In the door, I quickly find Jax and Levi sitting at a table. I head over, waving to the bartender who in turn nods and grabs a beer for me.

  “What took you so long?” Levi slings an arm over the back of his chair and regards me as I pull my seat out and slam down.

  Rubbing my tired eyes, I shake my head. “Took me a while to get back here from Lake Point.”

  “What the hell were you doing out in Lake Point?” Jax sets his glass down and wheels back a touch from the table.

  “Work.” I smile at the waitress as she sets my drink down, and I admire the sway of her arse as she walks away. Paige may be deeply embedded in my skin, but it doesn’t mean I can appreciate a nice arse clearly on display.

  Then I’ll get spit in my drinks for being an arse and ignoring her and that, ladies and gentlemen, would ruin my favorite establishment.

  “What are you doing working …?” Jax trails off, realization finally hitting him. “Havre and Bell gave you the Bartin account?” He falls back into his ever-present seat, flabbergasted.

  Snicker, flabbergasted—oh, what a word.

  “No.” I shake my head and take a pull, letting the ice-cold liquid cascade down my dried throat.

  “Then why would they send you out there?” Something over my shoulder catches his attention. For a moment, a smile graces his face.

  “I was fired today.” Usually, news of this caliber would bring Jax’s attention back to me, but whatever or rather whoever is behind me is far more interesting.

  “They finally canned your ass?” Levi’s bottle rests at his lips, his brow raised, and he huffs. “I knew it would happen soon.”

  “Thanks. I was really looking forward to not having a job this week,” I deadpan.

  “But apparently, you aren’t on the hunt, so what did you find so quickly?” His bottle clinks with Jax’s when he sets it down. Jax, our dear friend, is still enamored with … someone.

  “I wasn’t unemployed more than two minutes when an opportunity presented itself.”

  Well, something has risen at the moment, and it sure wasn’t the job opportunity. It was my dick. My dick was extremely happy to see its current playmate.

  “I’m sure it did. Did a male strip club hire your horny ass? Or maybe an escort company finally nabbed you?”

  “Hardy fucking har har, you pig dick,” I grumble to my own drink.

  Yes, the insult is not a very nice one. If none of you have seen a pig’s dick before, it isn’t very thick. In other words, I’m calling him a pencil dick.

  “Well? What is it then?”

  “He’s working with me now.” A tiny, almost child-size hand lands on my shoulder, causing it to drop with the unexpected touch.

  A gleefulness overtakes me when I hear Len’s voice. If Len is here, there is a chance Paige is also here. I look up at the pixie. She smiles at me, winks, and rounds the table to take a seat right on Jax’s lap.

  “Best seat in the house.” She kisses his cheek and turns her attention back to me and Levi. “Paige and Parker hired him to work directly for them.” She grabs the bottle Jax abandoned and slams it.

  “Paige here?”

  Fucking girl.

  I’m a complete fucking woman who is hoping to get the attention of someone I’m interested in. Len lightly shakes her head with sympathy in her eyes.

  “Was she busy tonight?” Len looks around the bar, avoiding my question. “Will she be by later?” I ignore the questioning expressions of my friends. They’ve never seen me consumed by a single woman before. I’m sure they are either elated or incredibly concerned.

  Hell, I can’t even figure out what I am.

  “Glad to see I’m not the only one getting laid regularly,” Jax quips. “And by one woman each.”

  “It certainly will make life around the garage interesting,” Len teases. “I can’t wait.”

  There is a distinct feeling you get when you know someone is smugly watching you. I have this feeling right now. Turning my head, I find Levi looking very self-satisfied.

  “Give yourself a blow job over there or something?”

  His grin grows into a full smile. “Nope, I have someone lined up to do that later.”

  “Then what tickled your balls?”

  “You.” The outrageous expression I throw at him makes him laugh. “You know I’m not into big, grumpy Australians. I mean, fuck, Ax, you’re working for a company now founded by two moto racers and you drove one of the sickest bikes last weekend.”


  “So maybe this is fate. You’re supposed to be in the motocross world. Jax and I have been telling you this for years.”

  I mull it over. I’ve never been one to believe in shit like fate before. Every fucking thing that happened to me has been … I don’t know, but it hasn’t been fate, that’s for damn sure.

  “Wait, am I missing something?” All eyes go to Len. She looks puzzled, lost at what Levi spews from his giant arse mouth.

  “Axle used to be one of the top motocross riders in Australia—” Jax starts to fill her in.

  “Until I wasn’t,” I butt in. He can tell her later about all the shit that went down. I don’t care to relive it once more. “I was good—”

  “You were amazing.” Jax cuts me off. “You cut yourself short and could have gone on to be a somebody.”

  Crossing my arms, I hunched my body over and leaned heavily on the table while averting my eyes. I don’t want to discuss it. I don’t want to go down memory lane and think about how much I loved to ride and how my bike and racing came before any girl.

  “I have to go.” Standing abruptly, I toss a few bills on the table. It will cover my drink and at least another round for them. “Catch you guys later.” I hear their hushed talk as I walk away, and soon, the noise of the bar absorbs it. I take my leave and drive straight home.

  Paige’s bike is gone.

  That’s the first fucking thing I see when I pull into my spot. I knew she would eventually come and get it, but I didn’t think she would take it so soon. My phone chooses that moment to ring just as I’m walking into the flat. I’m not one of those people who have individual ring tones for other people.

  “I’m fine,” I bark into my phone.

  “Jeez, didn’t take you for one to be so volatile on the phone.” Paige’s smoky chuckle stops me; my breathing, my thoughts, my movements. “Are you alone?”

  “Yes.” My chest vibrates as I answer. Shutting the door behind me, I dart to my room. Knowing Jax, he won’t leave me alone for long.

  “Good, so am I.” She sighs into my ear, like she is really here; I feel her.

  “What are you doing?” Taking off my shoes, I set them in their proper place before sitting on the edge of my bed.

  “I’ve been in your office, sitting in your chair for the past half hour touching myself and thinking of you.”

  Holy fuck!

  I mean hooo-ly fuck!

  The image she paints comes to my mind in an instant. She’s in my chair, her legs bent and her feet resting on my desk, her pussy open for me as her fingers slide down, playing with herself, slipping into her, teasing me. And even though I know she wasn’t in heels today, that’s how I picture her. Her jeans and panties are gone; the vest she was wearing unbuttoned revealing her taut, pi
erced tits. They are pushed together and waiting for me to consume them.

  “Oh, yeah?” I loosen my tie to drop it to the floor and then pull off the rest of my clothes. “And how are you touching yourself?” My dick springs from my pants, and I wrap my hand around the throbbing strain of my dick.

  I hiss as I pump once, waiting for her reply.

  “Roughly.” The sigh comes out in a sharp breath. “Like you would, Oz.”

  “Yeah?” The grip on my dick grows tighter as I pump a little faster.

  “Yes, I need to use two of my fingers to measure up to one of yours.”

  “Are you pinching your clit, Paige?” I move up my bed, resting against the wall and squeezing my balls while the phone stays cradled between my shoulder and head.

  “Yes.” She pants. “My pussy aches for your fingers, your tongue … fuck …” Her breath hitches. “I want your dick.”

  “It’s yours, baby.” I pump faster, squeezing a little harder, imagining it’s her walls holding me in a vise grip. “Don’t forget to play with those pretty tits as well.”

  I hear something popping out of a mouth, a wet sound you can’t mistake as anything other than either a mouth releasing a dick or a tit. In this case, I know her tits were just in her mouth.

  “I haven’t forgotten. The way you bite and tug on my piercings drive me crazy.”

  “Oh, yeah? How about when I tease your clit? Fuck you with my fingers and tongue. You like that?”

  “Fuck, yes.” She pants again. “The way you hit all the right spots makes me want to sit on your face all day every day.”

  My balls draw up; I’m about ready to bust my load all over my bed and myself. “Paige, you are welcome to use my face as your throne any day.”

  “Thank fuck.” She moans. In my head, I imagine her rolling her head against the back of my chair, her dark hair fanning out and blending in with the dark leather. “Are you touching yourself, Oz?” There is a voice a woman uses when she is close to coming. I don’t care how tough the woman; is she will use it. It is a higher pitch and almost annoying, but it is a clear sign her orgasm is coming.

  “Oh, fuck yeah. My hand isn’t anything near the level your pussy is, baby, but fuck, I’m about to come.” I grunt at the end. My fist tightens as I come up to my tip, my piercings doing nothing but making it feel that much fucking better. “Come all over my chair, Paige.”


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