Under Cover Of Dark

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Under Cover Of Dark Page 11

by Juanita Kees

  * * *

  Sometimes the shit just kept coming quicker than you could connect the dots, Mark thought as he drove up the hill to Karalee. Albero’s bombshell had stirred up leads on a cold case he wanted solved more than he wanted a cold beer right now. What a miserable bitch Fate was that she’d found it necessary for these two cases to have a common denominator.

  Bennetti and Albero had kept their involvement in The Golden Diva very quiet and pulling cold case evidence from the archives was the last thing Mark had expected to be doing that afternoon. The memories those dusty boxes brought with them had scarred his heart and mind badly enough for him to consider retiring from the force. If it wasn’t for Harold talking him out of it, he might have been sailing the Pacific instead right now.

  His sister — Peta — battered and beaten, just like Lily. His gorgeous niece, Bella…missing. And his best mate, Jaime — shot — caught up in the web of lies and deceit that surrounded The Golden Diva.

  Mark pulled up in the parking area at the refuge and checked his phone for the umpteenth time. Still no word from Peta. With a sigh, he got out the car, climbed the veranda steps and knocked. Beyond the door, the dinner party was in full swing. He could hear the boys’ raspy voices mingling with those of the adults. Harold and Jeannie were here, and judging by the laughter, so was Jeannie’s mum. Olive was bound to lighten his mood. The door swung open and there was Lily. Beautiful, flushed with laughter, small and warm, she held out her hand to take his and draw him inside.

  ‘You’re late. Olive was telling us about the hot date you two had.’

  Mark smiled and rolled some of the tension from his shoulders. ‘Good old Olive. Not the retirement home ballroom dance again?’

  Lily picked up on the tired note in his voice he’d failed to hide. ‘Everything okay?’

  He squeezed her hand in his. ‘It will be. Dinner smells good. I hope I’m not too late?’

  Lily studied him with narrowed eyes, taking in every inch of his face. ‘No, we waited for you. Are you sure you’re okay? You look tired…worried.’

  He cupped her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb. ‘The case took a bit of a twist today. I’m waiting for a phone call.’

  Lily sighed and pressed her cheek into his hand. ‘Will it ever be over?’

  ‘Oh, honey, I hope so. Sooner rather than later too.’ She stood closer now, so close he could feel her warmth radiating against him, smell her fresh perfume. His body rose to the challenge of hers and he pulled her closer still. ‘Lily…’

  ‘Well, it took you bloody long enough to get here!’ Harold’s voice had them jumping apart. ‘Olive’s dying of a broken heart. She thinks you stood her up.’

  Mark acknowledged the warning message in Harold’s eyes. Hands off. He pushed them into his pockets as Lily walked away towards the kitchen. He wasn’t sure he could keep his eyes off her either.

  ‘There you are, Mark! I was just telling Lily here about your moves.’ Ninety-two-year-old Olive shuffled over and wrapped her arms around his waist, making sure she grabbed a handful of his arse before hugging him.

  Mark laughed and gathered the lavender-smelling bundle of woolly jumpers in his arms. ‘Olive, my darling, when are you going to put me out of my misery and marry me?’

  ‘Ha! I’m more woman than a boy like you can handle. Besides, that one over there is much prettier than me and she can cook.’

  ‘No-one’s prettier than you, Olive,’ said Mark, releasing her to guide her to a chair.

  ‘No bloody wonder you’re still single,’ muttered Harold. He dodged the jab of his mother-in-law’s cane. ‘Blind as a fucking bat.’

  ‘Watch your language! There’s a lady present,’ Olive warned.

  ‘You’re a lot of things, but you’re sure no bloody lady,’ retorted Harold, his voice softening as he kissed her on the head. ‘Can we eat now?’

  It didn’t take long for the lasagne to disappear. As delicious as the meal was though, Mark couldn’t relax. Between the tantalising smell of Lily’s perfume and waiting for his phone to ring, his nerves were stretched to the limit. That Olive kept catching him in the act of staring at Lily didn’t help either. With a chuckle, she leaned over and squeezed his knee with a knobbly, arthritic hand.

  ‘You’ve got the hots for her,’ she whispered.

  ‘You’re the only woman in my life, Olive.’ He squeezed the hand on his knee gently. ‘How’s the arthritis behaving?’

  ‘Don’t try to distract me with your pretty words. Are you going to make a move on her?’

  Mark sighed with relief as his phone rang. Removing it from his pocket, he glanced at the screen. ‘Excuse me a moment, love.’ He rose from the table with an apologetic wave. ‘Hey,’ he said into the phone as he walked through the kitchen door, out onto the veranda.

  ‘Sounds like you’re having a party. Finally decided to get a life?’ Peta’s voice soothed his erratic nerves.

  ‘Something like that. I’ve had to reopen your case.’ Silence dropped like a stone. ‘I’m sorry, Sis.’

  Peta sighed. ‘I’m sure you have a good reason for it. What’s happened?’

  ‘A case I’m working on appears to have a common link. Did that ratbag ex of yours ever mention the names Albero, Bennetti or Snow?’ Mark wandered over to the veranda to look out over the velvety black sky. A cloud wandered aimlessly across the moon and he shivered. His gut feeling had run riot all afternoon with a sense of foreboding.

  ‘Serena Snow?’

  His stomach churned. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while and was hoping never to hear again. She’s bad news, Mark.’ The tension in Peta’s voice increased. ‘Will we need to come to Perth?’

  ‘I don’t know yet. What can you tell me about her?’ He closed his eyes, not really sure he wanted to know.

  ‘She was a regular at the Golden Diva. I caught her dealing drugs and told Paul to get rid of her. He refused and I paid the price for asking.’

  ‘Was there ever anyone else with her other than buyers?’

  ‘Not usually, but after I spoke to Paul about her, two beefy-looking characters started coming in with her. Paul said they were her lawyer friends.’ Peta hesitated. ‘I was told not to ask any more questions after that.’

  ‘Did you know Paul had two partners in the club?’ Mark rubbed a hand across his jaw.

  ‘No. He borrowed money from somewhere which is what landed his sorry arse in prison. I’ll never forgive him for what he did to Bella.’ The pain in his sister’s voice echoed the stab in his heart.

  ‘Should’ve killed the bastard while I had the chance,’ Mark muttered.

  ‘It wouldn’t have solved anything. You know that. It would have brought you down to his level. Why did you ask about the partners?’

  ‘Albero and Bennetti. Albero tells me they owned shares. Bennetti can’t back it up either way. He’s dead.’

  Peta’s cynical laugh echoed in his ear. ‘Is that the reason you need to reopen the case?’

  Mark sighed. He turned around to see Lily moving around the kitchen clearing plates away. Through the window, he watched as the light glowed behind her, framing her in a hazy halo. His heart skipped a beat as she caught him looking, answered her wave with a wiggle of his fingers and willed his pulse to slow.

  ‘Yes. I want these bastards behind bars. They’ve done too much damage already.’

  ‘Really? And that damage…would it have something to do with a honey-blonde widow and TJ’s teenage rehabilitation program?’ Peta’s voice held a smile.

  ‘Jesus! Do you know everything? Bloody Harold’s been shooting his mouth off again, hasn’t he?’

  Peta laughed. ‘Settle down, big brother! Or I might think Harold’s right and you do have a crush on the lady in question.’

  ‘It’s complicated. How’s Bella and the new bub?’

  ‘Changing the subject won’t get you off the hook. Bella is fine and the new bub is baking nicely. Speaking of which, I need to
pee. Are we done?’

  Mark sighed. ‘For now. I’ll be in touch. Hey, Sis?’

  ‘Yes, I know. Take care of myself and look out for signs of bad guys. I’ll let Jaime know.’

  ‘Good. Tell him to watch out for black sedans and slimy lawyers named Albero.’

  ‘Okay. You take care too. Love you.’

  ‘Love you too.’

  Mark hung up and turned to stare across the darkened valley. He didn’t like the turn the case was taking. They had to find the missing pieces of the puzzle fast.

  Chapter 11

  ‘Everything okay?’ Lily asked from the doorway to the kitchen. Sarge nudged past her and loped across the veranda.

  Mark pushed away from the rail and leaned down to scratch Sarge’s ears. The big dog leaned blissfully against his legs. ‘Yeah, all good.’

  Lily stepped over the threshold and moved towards him. ‘TJ’s making coffee.’

  ‘Thanks.’ He straightened to settle his back against the rail as she stepped closer. ‘I hate to turn this back to business, but did Gino ever mention a man named Paul Price or the Golden Diva?’

  Lily shook her head. ‘Gino was always careful not to name drop. I remember him going to a function at the Golden Diva once or twice, though. Why?’

  Mark sighed. He raised a hand to brush her cheek with his fingertips. In the moonlight she seemed almost ethereal. The golden glow of her hair, the soft whisper of her voice, the smell of her perfume as the scent tantalised his senses and teased his body. Temptation he dare not succumb to…yet. He dropped his hand and rammed it into the pocket of his jeans.

  ‘That was my sister on the phone.’ His eyes held hers. ‘A little over twelve months ago my niece was kidnapped by Peta’s ex-husband, Paul Price, and held to ransom for information Peta had gathered on Price’s illegal business activities. Price owned the Golden Diva. Peta remembers Serena Snow being there, dealing drugs and Albero told me this afternoon that he and Gino were silent partners in the club.’ He watched her face as Lily processed the information. Realisation, anguish, pain, shock — expressions flitted across her features in the glow of the moon.

  She reached out a hand to steady herself on his arm as the force of those emotions rocked her on her feet. ‘My God, Mark…is there enough evidence to bring them all in?’

  ‘Price is already in prison but we missed the connection to Albero. We need to make sure where it stops first. We have the trump card with the things of Tiny’s you found, but I need to make sure that the net has captured all the bloody sharks before we drag it in.’ Anger coloured his tone and fed his restlessness. He pushed away from the rail and paced, missing the warmth of her hand on his arm.

  ‘Mum?’ Luke’s voice sounded from the doorway.

  Lily turned towards him. ‘Luke?’

  ‘Can we have that talk now?’


  ‘It’s okay. Detective Johnson needs to know too.’ Luke stepped out on the creaky boards of the veranda. ‘The Hangman was at work today. He drove into the car park and waited a while. Just watching.’

  ‘Did you let TJ or Scott know?’

  Luke shook his head. ‘When he saw me throwing away the rubbish, he just kinda laughed and drove off.’

  Mark caught Lily’s eye and saw the fear there, in the rigidity of her spine and the set of her shoulders. ‘Anything else, Luke?’

  ‘Nah, but a little later someone else drove by and stopped for a look.’

  ‘Did you see who it was?’ Lily stepped closer to Luke.

  ‘I think it was Snow but I couldn’t see very well. The tint on the car windows was too dark.’

  ‘Good job, Luke. You did the right thing by telling us. I’ll let Scott and TJ know to keep an eye out. Whatever you do, don’t ever approach the car or either of them, okay?’ Mark patted Luke’s shoulder. ‘Is that all?’


  Lily watched as Luke turned and walked into the kitchen. She waited until she heard him talking to Marty before she turned to face Mark.

  ‘I’m scared, Mark. Scared for Luke. If anything happens to him…’

  ‘Nothing’s going to happen, Lily…to either of you. I promise you that.’ He stepped closer, placed a comforting hand on her arm. The skin was soft and silky under his, if not a little chilled. ‘Trust me when I say I want these guys as badly as you do. For you, for Luke and for my own family…and I won’t give up until I have them all.’

  ‘I trust you, Mark, but how do I protect my son from what they’re so obviously capable of?’

  The anguish in her voice had him pulling her closer and into his arms, hoping to provide the warmth, comfort and reassurance she needed. Instead it stirred feelings in him he had no right to feel when her life — and her son’s — were in danger. He cuddled her closer as her arms wrapped around his waist and she rested her head against his chest. Gently he stroked her hair before placing a kiss on the top of her head. Becoming a habit, his conscience chastised but he ignored the warning.

  He had no idea how long they stood like that, bathed in the moonlight, looking out over the peaceful valley, her head nestled against his heart and his arms holding her there.

  Lily wasn’t complaining. The steady beat of his heart promised more than sanctuary. It promised hope, security and fulfilment. It promised the answers and closure which she and Luke needed to be able to move on from their past, to rebuild their future and live with the freedom they deserved.

  She hugged Mark a little tighter. It felt so damn good to be held, comforted, safe. Once again doubt niggled at her mind. Was this tingling desire she felt for him real? Or was it transference because he’d rescued her, championed their case, promised to remove the threat that hung over their heads like a bucket of cold water balanced on the top of a door?

  ‘You’re thinking too much, Lily.’ His voice rumbled against her cheek. The flat of his hand stroked a soothing circular path against her back until she relaxed once more.

  Lily lifted her face to his. ‘I know. I wish it was over.’

  ‘So do I, honey, so do I.’

  The finger under her chin was warm as he tilted her face up further. The warmth of his eyes kissed her lips and she parted them to take an expectant breath. Mesmerised, she watched as his head descended, blocking out the moonlight. Her lips met his with a gentle eagerness and she felt the firm rub of his mouth across hers. Warm and delicious, she enjoyed the pressure he made no move to deepen…just enjoy.

  Her hands found their way inside his shirt and up the heated skin of his back. Firm muscles rippled under her exploration and she felt him grow hard against her. His own hands wandered into the curve of her spine, stroked the firmness of her hips through the rough denim of her jeans. Still his lips only tempted hers.

  ‘Where’s that bloody Mark got to?’ Harold’s voice boomed out through the kitchen door.

  ‘Mind your own bloody beeswax,’ Lily heard Olive reply.

  With a sigh, Mark lifted his head. ‘When this is over…’

  Lily smiled up at him and moved out of his arms. ‘Yes, when this is over.’ On feet that felt a little unsteady, she walked over to a deck chair and sat just as Harold stepped out onto the veranda.

  ‘Come on, pretty boy. Time to go. Olive says you need your beauty sleep and she wants you to take her home.’

  ‘Harold Jones, don’t you go telling porky pies!’ Olive’s cane tapped against the kitchen floor.

  Lily rose from the chair. ‘Let’s go inside then. I’d hate for you to lose any beauty sleep, Mark.’ She led the way into the kitchen, relaxed, happy and just a little frustrated.

  * * *

  Annoyed, irritated, frustrated from a night of tossing and turning, filled with dreams of Lily, followed by a cold shower, Mark was in no mood for fun and games. He attacked the whiteboard in his office with a vengeance until it resembled a rainbow of boxes and connecting arrows, and he’d run out of colours.

  He’d worked through the evidence he’d retrieved from the cold c
ase store, shuddered as he’d gone through it, remembering the danger his sister and her daughter had faced. He’d found payments, transfers and linked them to a business account — Albero and Bennetti’s Law firm — surprise, surprise. Tiny’s drawings began to make sense. He’d drawn a reverse hierarchy. Each sketch on the bricks of his graffiti wall resembled a package drop and there, to the left of the intertwined snakes, was a stick person leaning on a dollar sign holding a golden statue, a speech bubble with the words I paid the Price.

  Harold whistled through his teeth as he stepped into the room, a takeaway coffee in each hand. ‘Fuck me, you’ve been busy. Here, I brought you real coffee to make up for the donkey pee we had to drink earlier.’

  ‘Not only busy, but I found the link to Price.’

  ‘Why am I not surprised,’ mumbled Harold. ‘Go on, tell me.’

  ‘First things first. Did you get a look at that USB that was in the box of stuff Lily found?’

  ‘Yep. They appear to be recordings, like a voice recorder on a mobile phone, very sketchy quality. The techs have copied it and I’m waiting for them to iron out the distortion and load it up with their fancy voice recognition software.’

  ‘Good work. All we need is something concrete enough to bring Albero in with a warrant. I don’t want him wriggling.’ Mark rubbed at the headache forming between his brows. He took a coffee from Harold. ‘Let’s listen to those recordings over coffee.’

  His partner shrugged. ‘Got nothing better to do.’

  Mark inserted the USB into a port on his laptop and scanned the files. Dates not names, he figured looking at the file names. ‘I guess we’ll start with the first one then.’ He double-clicked on the file and waited for the media file to load. Cold fingers crept up his spine as he listened to recording after recording and prayed the evidence would hold up in court.

  * * *

  Lily looked around her office with a smile. Her office — another step closer to freedom, to independence, yet another positive move forward out of the darkness that ruled their past. She placed a potted, double-flowered begonia on the sunny windowsill and arranged the items on her desk.


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