Sex, Love & Valentines

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Sex, Love & Valentines Page 9

by Miranda Forbes

  The blackness was overwhelming. Defensively, she put her hands out in front of her, feeling only air, and took a few steps forward. She could hear low voices and rustling. When she’d left the others, they’d been sitting on cushions on a plush oriental rug in the centre of the room, lit only by the fire and a few candles.

  “Wow,” Carl’s voice exclaimed. “You’re beautiful. Joe you are a lucky man.”

  A hand took hers and led her across the room.

  “Sit, please.” Nina’s voice was firm. Liz sat on one of the high straight-backed chairs she’d noticed earlier. “Time to begin.”

  Liz remained still. Her body was taut with anticipation. She sat upright in the chair. The flames from the fire flickered, offering her warmth again. Then someone took her hands and tied them behind the back of the chair. Another pair of hands pulled her arse forward slightly and pushed her legs apart, exposing her pussy. She surrendered herself, allowing the hands to position her; quite sure the surrender would be the start of something sweet.

  Then someone kissed her. A deep, insinuating kiss. It was Nina. Her full, soft lips tasted sweet. The kiss became increasingly urgent, the tongue twisting around her own, teeth nibbling her lips. Liz’s body began to respond and she returned the kiss, her legs parting further as desire throbbed through her. Nina sat on her lap, their pussies touching. Nina’s soft thighs were naked too, the rustling sound she’d heard earlier had been clothes being discarded. The kissing continued. Liz wondered what the men were doing. Nina’s hands ran swiftly over the curves of Liz’s body, stopping to cup her breasts, then ran down her hips and along her thighs. Her touch was smooth but firm. Liz’s arousal was increasing, her skin sensitive to the lightest of touches. Her friend’s pussy pushed against her own, their pubic hair becoming entwined as they pulsed against one another.

  Liz groaned with desire, wishing to touch her friend in return, to grind her fingers into her soft wetness. Nina’s hand reached down to Liz’s slit and parted her lips, exploring her folds. Liz writhed with excitement. Her friend’s touch was delicious. She knew how to please another woman. Her fingers circled Liz’s clitoris then pinched it gently, sending shocks of pleasure through her body.

  “I want to touch you,” groaned Liz, pulling away from the kiss. Her lips felt bruised.

  “Keep still,” replied Nina. “There’s two men here happy to deal with me.”

  Liz moaned her response, her juices flowing over Nina’s fingers and she gave herself up to the moment. Then she felt two mouths on her breasts. Carl and Joe. She pushed her chest forward, wanting them to devour her. She recognised Joe’s tongue as it circled her nipple, slowly, sweetly. Carl’s mouth was rougher, nibbling, biting, attempting to take her entire breast in his mouth. She felt both men’s hardness press into her hips and she pulled against her restraints.

  “Time to release her?” Carl asked, acknowledging that Nina was in charge.

  “Yes,” she answered. “She’s ready. It’s time for her to please us.”

  Moments later, Liz’s hands were freed. Reaching sideways she found both men’s cocks standing erect, ready for her hands to take them. Knowing exactly how to caress Joe to bring him to a long, slow climax; she would do the same with Carl. So she ran her hands down their whole length, cupped their balls and ran her fingers back to the tips, where moist beads of come lay. Then she firmly squeezed and pulled on them both, increasing her speed, feeling their balls tighten, knowing that she was bringing them both close to melting point.

  Then Liz gasped as she felt Nina’s fingers push inside her. Her pussy pulsed with desire around her friend’s fingers as they slid in and out of her. She matched the rhythm on the men’s cocks.

  “I think it’s time to remove her blindfold, boys.” Nina instructed.

  A deft hand untied the bow behind Liz’s head and she shook her hair free. The sight before her only served to increase her desire.

  Both men were close to climax. Joe was finger-fucking Nina in return for the pleasure being given to his girlfriend. Nina smiled at her friend as she rode her boyfriend’s fingers. Then she pulled away from him.

  “Just need to check on your readiness, Liz,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. Liz continued to stroke the two men as her friend buried her face in her pussy. Nina licked and sucked her clit, drinking in her friend’s juice, circling deep into her cunt. The feeling was exquisite; Liz was close to melting, ready for surrender. Just as the waves of her orgasm threatened to tighten round Nina’s tongue, her friend withdrew. She nodded at Carl. Pulling himself from Liz’s grasp, he gave himself some quick strokes with his right hand and knelt before her. Nina took his place at her side and began circling her clitoris again. Holding her thighs, Carl began to push inside her. She groaned as he filled her, moving slowly at first, then faster, thrusting into her, fucking her hard.

  Nina led her friend’s hand to her own dripping pussy, pushing her fingers deep into her cunt. Liz was happy to be led, seeing from the look of pleasure on Nina’s face that her release was close.

  Joe was the first to climax, with Liz’s expert ministrations. He groaned as he came over her hand and she smiled as she slowly licked the familiar tasting come from her fingers. He rested his head against her breast, taking her nipple between his lips.

  Liz turned her full attention to Nina, taking one heavy breast into her mouth as she continued to finger fuck her. She watched as her friend climaxed, feeling the rush of juice and her tightening round her hand. In turn, Liz felt waves of pleasure rush through her, her own pussy tightening around Carl’s cock. She looked at Nina’s face, twisted now with desire. Her friend’s pleasure gave her permission to let go completely and she threw back her head and groaned as her orgasm pulled Carl into her throbbing, tightening pussy, and drew him to his own climax.

  A few moments later, they fell to the floor in a tangle of warm, wet limbs, each satisfied, for now. Nina was the first to speak.

  “Well, here’s to fucking with friends,” she raised a glass, then drained it. “More poker, anyone?”

  Better Than Chocolate

  by Amelia Thornton

  God, it had been a long day. Work had been a constant stream of rude, difficult people all deciding today was the day to call up and make incredibly awkward requests, and the new temp had misfiled nearly all of my customer records, resulting in me spending my whole lunch break hunched over the filing cabinet trying to resolve it. The admin girls all seemed to think February 14th was carte blanche to do no work whatsoever except giggle over who got which Valentine’s card, and if I saw another Interflora moron coming in with a personalised bouquet I swear the whole office was going on lockdown. By the time 5 p.m. rolled around, I was in no mood for enjoying any kind of romance, especially as I still had a huge pile of invoices to go through before I could even think about getting out of the office, not to mention the cloyingly sweet goodbyes of all the girls as they left to head home for boxes of chocolates and rose-petal-strewn beds.

  It was nearly 7.30 by the time I finally switched off the lights and headed for the lifts, my head developing an irritating ache and blisters rubbing on my feet. Aaron was no way getting lucky tonight. Part of me felt bad, as he always loved Valentine’s Day and all of that kind of thing, but I could just never get myself into the spirit of all that commercial junk. “Just a marketing ploy by the card manufacturers and confectionery industry!” I had grandly informed him on our first Valentine’s together. I smiled to myself as I thought about him. Maybe we could still have a nice evening together, even without all that Valentine’s junk. Maybe I’d be in the mood by the time I got home.

  By the time I’d endured the bus journey back to my place, I wasn’t feeling any more inclined, and in fact just more tired and irritable than before. I ran a hot, steaming bath, peeling off the layers of my work clothes and slipping beneath frothy lavender-scented bubbles, and gradually began to unwin
d a little. I guess some nice underwear could probably do it. That wouldn’t be too much effort. I had bought a nice burgundy set back in the sales he’d not had a chance to see yet, and it would at least get me in the right frame of mind. I towelled off my wet body and rubbed my favourite moisturiser into my skin before dressing myself in the new lingerie and a simple black cashmere sweater and short, pleated black skirt. Surely he would appreciate that, at least. I touched up my make-up, grabbed my coat and car keys, and headed over to his.

  He opened the door, planted a kiss on my cheek and just wordlessly led me through to the lounge. This wasn’t like him, to be so quiet, and I began to puzzle at his mysterious attitude. Had he gone and got me some stupid present, like I asked him not to? Well. What I saw certainly beat a box of Milk Tray, there was no denying that. There it was, right in front of me – just about the finest Valentine’s present an anti-Valentine’s girl could hope for. Around his tightly muscled torso was a large red ribbon, tied in an elaborate bow at the front, and on his bottom half was nothing but some tight black briefs. Certainly not what I expected to find in the middle of the lounge on a chilly February 14th. I turned to Aaron, grinning stupidly like a kid in a candy shop, and saw that he was beaming just as much as I was.

  “Is this really for me?” I asked incredulously.

  “Of course. I know Valentine’s isn’t really your thing, but I thought this might change your mind.” He put his arm around me and turned appreciatively to the toned young man in front of us, surveying his lean arms and broad chest with admiration.

  “I was kind of hoping you might want to share though,” he added wickedly, his eyes still running across the tight muscles of the shoulders, the strongly featured face with welcoming eyes and an even more welcoming smile. I felt a flicker of excitement in my stomach as I thought about Aaron’s hands running across this strange new man’s skin, their tongues twisting around each other, bodies pushed close together…

  “So where did you find him?” I asked, pulling myself back to the reality of the moment. I was quite aware I was still talking about him like he wasn’t there, but it was very hard not to objectify a man standing half naked with a ribbon around him.

  “A little bit of internet research, that was all,” he replied casually, smiling at the man. “It’s amazing what you can find when you put your mind to it … Dylan, isn’t it?”

  For the first time, my Valentine’s present spoke, sounding almost shy, which just made him seem all the more endearing.

  “Er, yeah… nice to meet you,” he said with a sheepish grin. “I hope I made for a good surprise?”

  “Well you could say that!” I laughed, stepping closer to him, reaching for the ends of the ribbon, and releasing them with a tug. “I’ve not had anything quite so enticing to unwrap before, that’s for certain …”

  His sharp blue eyes met mine with a teasing glint. “Well, for the next 3 hours, I’m all yours … so I hope I can do more for you than just get unwrapped?”

  I barely had time to cringe at the cheesiness of his line before his soft lips were on mine, pressing gently at first, tentatively almost, until my tongue slipped into his mouth and he began to respond more intensely, biting on my lower lip, his strong hands gripping my hair, a tiny whimper escaping from my mouth as his teeth teasingly clamped down on my tongue. There was something strangely exciting about kissing a man who wasn’t Aaron, the different feeling of his mouth, the rush of adrenaline of someone new. Yet this was nothing compared to the knowledge that he was standing right there, watching me, his eyes darting all over my body, drinking in the sight of another man’s lips on mine.

  I pulled away from Dylan just long enough to glance over at Aaron, his cock straining against his jeans, a wicked grin on his face, his hand gently rubbing the bulging denim, moving nearer and nearer to us. He wanted this as much as I did. With Dylan’s lips hungrily caressing my neck, I pulled Aaron towards me, my tongue instantly in his mouth, his kisses just as passionate back. Like a tangled mess of limbs, we fell back on the sofa, Dylan’s hands running across the swell of my breasts beneath my tight black sweater, Aaron’s caressing the length of my leg, encased in shiny black stockings, gently lifting my skirt to expose the glimpse of pale thigh above them. As he slipped it back down over my legs to reveal my deep burgundy suspender belt and panties, I was suddenly very glad I had bothered to put decent lingerie on after all…

  His fingers inched further up my thigh towards the damp lace of my panties, my breath quickening as his thumb pushed aside the flimsy fabric, moving towards the slick wetness of my opening. Gasping, I felt two fingers pushed roughly inside me, curving around immediately to hit my g-spot as Dylan pulled my legs further apart. Aaron’s strong hand thrust deeper inside me, hitting me just right to make me moan each time, as Dylan pulled my sweater above my breasts, revealing the firm curves of my cleavage, framed by deep burgundy lace. My nipples were teased to responsive erectness beneath his fingertips, his tongue wetly fucking my ear as Aaron continued to massage my g-spot, his thumb curling around my throbbing clit and rubbing in a circular rhythm just the way he knew would drive me crazy as his mouth found my other nipple and began to suck.

  “God … yeah… don’t… stop…” I managed to stammer, as the intensity began to agonisingly build, my whole body alive with sensation as two sets of hands and mouths continued to pleasure me, until finally I felt myself come crashing over the edge, my muscles rippling tightly around Aaron’s fingers as orgasm engulfed me.

  Panting, I lay there recovering as the familiar glow began to subside, both men grinning at each other like they had just discovered some exciting new trick. Neither even needed to speak as they leaned right across me, hungrily grabbing for each other, their tongues darting inside each other’s mouths, two hardened cocks begging for release. Dylan reached for Aaron’s flies, frantically tugging the jeans off as Aaron yanked his T-shirt over his head, Dylan’s hands deftly pulling Aaron’s straining cock from his boxers. I watched, entranced, as this strange young man began to play with my boyfriend’s rock-hard cock, his fist tightly gripping the shaft, his free hand caressing his balls. I soon forgot all about my fading orgasm as Aaron slipped Dylan’s snug black briefs to the floor, revealing his short, thick cock and tight balls, and dropped to his knees, his lips closing over the throbbing head. Dylan’s fingers gripped his hair as Aaron’s mouth worked on his cock, saliva running the length of his as he took it deeper and deeper, my eyes never leaving the sight of the mouth that kissed me goodnight sucking cock on the floor of his lounge.

  Slowly, I slipped my fingers back inside my soaking panties, my clit still hypersensitive yet longing to be touched. Gently, I began to rub back and forth, keeping with the building rhythm of Aaron’s mouth on Dylan’s cock, sparks of the beginning of another orgasm darting through me as I quickened the pace of my fingers. Just as I finally began to pay no attention to them, and was closing my eyes, leaning my head back to allow another wave of pleasure to peak inside me, I realised they had both stopped, and Dylan was now standing in front of me, rolling a condom onto his throbbing purple head. Aaron stepped behind me, spreading my legs apart as Dylan pushed inside me, his thick cock widening my tight, wet hole and thrusting roughly into me. My fingers snaked back to my swollen clit, rubbing furiously as he pounded my aching pussy, Aaron’s fingers tightly gripping my nipples as I finally came in a shattering jolt. As my muscles clenched even tighter around Dylan, he plunged into me one final time and with a guttural roar came himself.

  We both lay, spent and exhausted, sweat clinging to our skin. I glanced over at Aaron, and saw that his cock was still firmly standing to attention, his fingers tightly gripping it and slowly pumping, droplets of precum glistening on the head.

  “Come here,” I murmured, motioning him next to me, taking him deep into my mouth. Running my tongue along the length of his shaft, I moved aside to allow Dylan next to me, his own tongue hungrily lap
ping at my boyfriend’s cock. The two of us took turns swallowing him, kissing each others’ lips over the swollen head of Aaron’s cock, my fingers gently probing his balls as we both sucked him. Dylan reached over to his rucksack, lying upturned on the floor next to the sofa, and scrambled around until he pulled out a travel-size bottle of lube, and flicked the lid.

  “You wanna fuck me?” he asked, an impish glint in his eye. “You wanna feel your cock pushing on my tight little asshole?”

  The eager expression on Aaron’s face told him all he needed to know. Bending over on all fours, he offered his tight, tanned butt to the other man. Skilfully, Aaron rolled a condom down the length of his cock, pouring a generous dribble of thick gel over it, and worked a little into Dylan’s asshole with his fingers. Spreading my legs in front of him, I pulled Dylan’s face towards my already-longing cunt, and sighed with pleasure as his tongue began teasingly flicking against my clit. He grunted deeply as Aaron began to ease the length of his cock into his slick hole, slowly working his way in, Dylan’s tongue still darting hungrily between my legs.

  I looked up at Aaron, his eyes closed in satisfaction as he made his final thrust and fully entered Dylan’s ass. It was so sexy, to watch him begin to slowly fuck the other man, his balls slapping against his toned cheeks, Dylan’s own cock already beginning to get hard again. Moaning gently, I pulled Dylan’s mouth closer, rocking back and forth as his lips sucked on my swollen clit, my fingers pulling on my own nipples as I felt yet another orgasm gradually escalating inside me. Dylan’s panting as Aaron fucked his ass only excited me more.

  My whole body bucked forward as my third orgasm ripped through me, my fingers almost pulling out Dylan’s hair as I buried his face between my legs. As if spurred on, Aaron plunged ever more frantically inside Dylan’s entrance, pounding him until he almost collapsed on top of him as he shot his load. At last, it seemed like all three of us couldn’t take any more. We lay, sweaty and panting, in a heap on the floor, at last all completely satisfied.


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