Sex, Love & Valentines

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Sex, Love & Valentines Page 17

by Miranda Forbes

  Although I couldn’t see their point of connection, the knowledge that Mia was pounding Kevin’s ass was quickly bringing me to the edge. That combined with the sensation of his thrusting dick and the friction of his pelvis against my clit sparked my release, and as the pleasure washed over me, my cunt spasmed around Kevin’s cock. He followed me shortly afterward, burying his face in my shoulder as he released a series of wordless moans and shot his load. He collapsed most of his weight on top of me, with his dick still nestled in my pussy, as Mia took her pleasure by reaming his back hole. I concentrated on her face, which wore a mask of absolute ecstasy as she bucked into him one last time and came with a triumphant shout.

  Afterward, as we lay together in a breathless heap, Kevin spoke up. “So, Belinda, you never answered my question. What do you think of Mia?”

  I looked from her smiling face to his and said, “I think she’s a keeper.”

  That Kevin, he always knows exactly what I need.

  Katy Keene, Teen Detective

  by Lynn Lake

  It was a high-pitched scream that awoke Katy Keene that fateful Saturday morning – her dad discovering that his beloved, brand-new, riding mower had gone missing from their garage.

  The red-headed tomboy turned heartthrob was on the case in an instant. Three bookcases full of Nancy Drew mystery novels, a shelf full of Zodiac P.I. mangas, a spinning rack of CSI DVDs, and a laptop loaded with detecting games, attested to the eighteen year-old’s avid interest and informal training in the art and science of sleuthing.

  But that was all on paper and pixel. Now, at last, she could actually put theory into practice.

  Katy jumped in and out of the shower. Then wriggled into a pair of pink shorty-shorts and a ‘Clue You!’ T-shirt, dipping her sparkly-tipped toes into a pair of white sneakers and staring determinedly at her pretty, freckled face in the mirror. As she braided her copper-coloured hair into twin pigtails,

  she took a deep breath, so excited her nipples poked out of her tee and her pussy stayed moist in her shorts. And, then, she sprang into action: Katy Keene, Teen Detective.

  First, she intently listened to her father blubber out his discovery of the mower theft – and a detailed description of the missing Toro Classic GT/315-8 – to the overworked local Sheriff’s Department on the telephone. Taking notes, and taking names. Because all the police could promise was: ‘to look into the matter’.

  Next, Katy polished off a bowl of Fruit Loops and stuffed her ‘FBI’ backpack full of forensic tools (her Nancy Drew detective kit). Then left the house to get her bike out of the garage. Her father was standing looking at the empty spot where his riding mower had been parked. He’d forgotten to lock the garage door the previous night, again.

  Katy gave the distraught man a consoling hug and then walked her bike out on to the long driveway that led to the rural road out front. The hot summer sun blazed down on her smooth, slender arms and legs, adding a new layer of tan and dew to the dusting of hair on her youthful limbs.

  She was ten feet down the driveway, scouring the asphalt with her big blue eyes, when she noticed a small clump of dried dirt that had once been mud. Like the mud on the tyres of Dad’s riding mower, after he’d been cutting down by the pond yesterday evening.

  She examined the lump of dirt with her magnifying glass and pair of tweezers, then dropped it into a baggy – to be definitely matched up with the pond edge earth later on. Then she smiled and nodded, eyes and hair glinting under the sun, squinting at the vague trail of flung-off mud that led down the driveway and out onto the road.

  She hopped on her bike and peddled slowly away, following the dried mud clues. Concluding that the perp hadn’t pushed the mower out of the garage and loaded it onto a waiting getaway pick-up or van, but rather had pushed it out to the road and then ridden it away.

  The dirty trail ended at Timothy X Gruder’s front lawn, a half-mile down the road.

  A lawn that was normally wildly overgrown with grass and weeds, testament to the eccentric man’s commitment to all things organic; but which was now neatly cut!

  Katy was busily taking grass blade samples, measuring cut depth and blade angles, when Timothy found her crouched down on his front lawn. “Hey, little lady, whatcha up to?” the environmental beanpole with the hippy complex asked, looking down at the teenager’s delicately curved back – where her shorts rode low and tee high, and her brown skin was exposed.

  Katy jumped to her feet, sealing the baggy of grass blades. “Your lawn seems in unusually good order all of a sudden, Mr Gruder,” she commented dryly.

  Timothy rubbed his large, bony hands on his patched-up bell-bottoms. “Right on. I got an order from the county to clean it up – or get fined.” He shoved his granny glasses back up his long nose. “Hey, man, you don’t think I lifted your dad’s riding mower, do you?”

  Katy tightly gripped the straps of her backpack, making her cupcake boobs stick out even more, nipples pointing hard and accusing at her neighbour. “You’ve complained about the noise and gasoline consumption of such lawn-care devices before, I believe. Perhaps, as an act of–”

  “Hey, that’s heavy, sweet mama,” Timothy protested, his eyes losing their natural glaze as he fully appraised the teen hottie. “Here, come with me – I’ll show you I’m clean.”

  Katy shadowed the man back to the tool-shed in behind his chartreuse-painted house. The small wood and hemp structure was crammed full of everything from scythes to sledgehammers, but no riding mower. Katy cleared a spot on the workbench that ran along one wall and hopped aboard, balancing her ‘Police’ writing pad on a bare leg and making notes. Knowing that any fibres she picked up on her shorts could be matched to the recovered mower later on, if necessary.

  “See, no – whoops!” Timothy tripped over a rake and went down on his knees in between Katy’s legs, grabbing onto the bronze flesh of the girl’s thighs for support.

  Katy reflexively tightened her legs around the man’s skinny neck to hold him upright, her teenaged body, and pussy, flushing with the hot, sweaty feel of Timothy’s big hands on her bare legs. She swallowed hard, staring down at the trapped man. “You will tell me who cut your lawn then, won’t you, Mr Gruder?” she said, not resisting the impulse to squeeze a little harder. A good detective has to use any advantage presented to her.

  Timothy’s glasses steamed up, as he moved his head forward in the heated vice of the girl’s thighs in an attempt to get some air into his windpipe. Until his thin lips inadvertently bumped into the crotch of Katy’s shorts, kissing up against the thin, damp material.

  “Mmmm!” Katy murmured, tingling all over; but especially where the kneeling man’s lips met her private lips. She eased the pressure on his neck, as he increased the pressure on her crotch.

  He kissed up and down the front of Katy’s fresh-smelling shorts, hands rubbing, caressing her firm, sun-burnished thighs. And then he licked – dragging his long tongue over the teenager’s clothed pussy.

  “Ooooh, Mr Gruder!” Katy moaned, the man’s heavy, wet tongue feeling so very good on her buzzing slit. She closed her eyes and leaned back, digging her sparkly fingernails into the wooden edge of the workbench.

  Timothy gripped the girl’s thighs and ardently stroked her thinly veiled pussy with his tongue, long, soothing, sensual strokes that left both of them gasping. Then he swirled the hardened tip of his tongue all around the exact spot where her clit lay hidden and swollen beneath her pink cotton shorts.

  And when he lightly nipped her there, Katy impetuously bumped his reddened face back with her flushed mound and popped her shorts open. She scooched them down and off her legs, so that the mature man could kiss and lick and suck her bare pussy.

  He gulped. “Groovy, I see someone likes to keep their own lawn nice and trimmed,” staring at Katy’s bald pussy mere inches away. Its puffy, pink folds glistened wet and inviting.
Like the overheated teenager herself.

  “Eat me, Mr Gruder!” she yelped, clutching his ponytailed hair and jerking his head forward. “Please, eat me!”

  His open mouth slammed into her naked pussy, and he tasted sugar and spice and everything naughty, before eagerly lapping at her slit, chewing on her petals, and sucking up her tangy wet excitement.

  Katy tore a hand off the man’s bobbing head and stuck it up her tee, grabbing onto a shimmering boob and squeezing, anxiously pinching and rolling the stiffened tip, as Timothy clung to her bucking thighs and licked and licked her pussy. He began fingering her juicy flaps apart and capturing her button between his lips, and then sucking. Sending the teen dream into sweet spasms of joy, and squeals of delight, her smooth-muscled thighs almost crushing his head again.

  He barely had time to lick her hot, sticky juices off his lips, when she pulled him up and she went down herself – on him. Fumbling the zipper of his bell-bottoms open and pulling his long, hard cock out of his tie-dyed shorts.

  “Righteous!” he groaned, the kneeling girl gripped his dong at the furry base and enveloped the cap with her lips. The shock of her warm, wet mouth engulfing his hood had him shaking all over.

  Katy earnestly stared up at the towering man and pushed her head forward, swallowing up more and more of his pulsating pipe, until Timothy’s meaty cockhead bumped the back of her throat and she gagged slightly. He instantly grasped her dangling pigtails and pumped his hips, fucking her mouth; faster and faster, his pistoning cock deliciously cushioned by the teen’s wet, beaded tongue, sealed tight between her soft, full lips.

  Katy blinked tears out of her watering blue eyes and desperately sucked air in through her flared nostrils, the man’s churning meat filling her mouth and jamming her throat. And then really, truly filling and flooding her mouth, Timothy yanking on her pigtails and bucking and bawling, “I’m trippin’! I’m trippin’!” Hot, salty spunk spurted into Katy’s mouth and down her gulping throat.

  She eventually swallowed his story, as well, after he gave her the name of the landscaping company he’d used to cut his lawn: Greenleaves Inc. They’d paid a visit to his property especially early just that morning.

  Katy pedalled over to the Selkirk County Library and googled everything she could find on Greenleaves Inc. Then she perused the local newspaper microfiche files to find out even more about the company, and its reclusive owner, Leif Bjarnson. Not all detective work was as exciting as what had gone down in Mr Gruder’s tool-shed, the teenager well knew.

  She plotted Leif’s home address into her GPS device, and let it guide her to his house three miles over. Peddling hard, her brown legs pumping and red pigtails flying, perspiration shone on her cutely resolute face.

  She found the man’s place – a large home with an assortment of expensive cars out front. A pretty fancy set-up for a guy who filed a pretty modest tax return (Katy had computer hacking skills she only used in case of an emergency, like now).

  After snapping a few pics of the property with her digital camera, she rode over to the Greenleaves Inc. compound a little further down Highway 1. Just in time to recognise the small, dark, shifty-looking character getting out of a battered Ford pick-up and entering a corrugated-metal building. He looked just like his picture in the paper.

  Katy trailed after him.

  “Hello, ‘Greenfinger’,” she said, catching the man by surprise in his small, cluttered office behind the counter out front.

  He spun around and glared. Then smirked, when he saw it was only an eighteen-year-old girl. Though a very pretty redheaded one at that. A ‘Red Roses’ pin-up calendar hung from the wall in back of his crummy desk, July’s beauty: a scantily-clad Rita Hayworth, in living colour.

  “Where’d you get that name from?” Leif Bjarnson asked, his voice high-pitched and jittery.

  Katy gripped the straps of her backpack and glanced around the rat’s nest of an office, noting the forty-five year-old’s weakness for redheads. The chest area of her stretched-out tee and the crotch area of her bunched-up shorts were damp with moisture, but her voice was calm, as she said, “Oh, I’ve done my research – Greenfinger. Did a bit of jail time for counterfeiting way back when, didn’t you?”

  He snarled, “What’d you want, cherry pop?”

  Katy twisted a copper-coloured pigtail around her finger, watching the man intently watch what she was doing to her hair. “My dad’s mower was stolen. I was, um, just wondering if you’d seen any ‘hot rides’ show up here recently?”

  Leif licked his lips, staring at the girl’s tightly-braided flaming tresses, her tight, sun-bronzed body blazing out of her skimpy shorts and tee. “Me?” he squeaked. “Naw, I ain’t seen nothin’ like that. I run a clean operation. Check in the back, if you don’t believe me.”

  The amateur girl sleuth took the nervous man up on his offer, and they walked further into the rusty building. Back into a cramped repair/storage area that contained seven broken-down hand mowers and nine limp-stringed weedwackers. Plus one very new John Deere X740 riding mower, with the plates missing.

  Leif climbed onto the yellow seat of the high-end grass-cutter and gripped the leather-wrapped steering wheel and casually claimed, “I just bought this baby last week – beauty, huh?”

  “Uh-huh,” Katy agreed, admiring the expensive machine’s fine lines. Then impulsively shucking her backpack and leaping onto the mower herself, right into Leif’s lap. “It’s a real beauty, all right,” she breathed into the man’s startled face.

  The landscaper flushed with the heat from the teenager’s bare legs straddling his legs, her heaving, handful titties so close. He inhaled the sweet, tangy scent of her eager, young, curvy body, his mind clouding and cock hardening.

  Then he tore his dazed eyes off her prominently poking nipples and looked at her hanging, red pigtails. And that did it. He grabbed onto the twin copper, coiled love handles, pulled Katy’s face close, and kissed her.

  She jumped in his lap. Before promptly returning the man’s fierce kiss, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her body into his.

  “Fuck, yeah!” Leif grunted.

  “Yes! Oh, yes!” Katy gushed.

  Leif’s slick tongue slithered through the girl’s plush lips and bumped into her tongue. Their slippery tongues entwined over and over, feverishly. The both of them surged with shimmering heat, locked together atop the shiny new riding mower.

  Leif rained kisses down on Katy’s freckled face, and fine hair. Katy closed her eyes and sighed, wriggling with pleasure in the man’s lap. Diving one of her hot little hands down in between his legs, she grabbed onto the large appendage that had swollen up there, and excitedly started rubbing.

  Leif pulled Katy’s top out of her shorts and, peeling it up her quivering bod, popped it off. Baring the teen’s dewy brown boobs, her wicked-hard, inch-long nipples burnished an even darker brown by a season of surreptitious sunbathing at the abandoned rock quarry. The hard-breathing man stared at the girl’s treasure chest, then clutched her boobs, squeezing the firm, warm, young flesh in his sweaty hands.

  “Yes, Greenfinger!” Katy squealed, shuddering with delight.

  She grabbed onto the guy’s short, slightly greasy hair, as he attacked her trembling boobs with his hands – really mauling them – and then with his mouth, devouring them. He spun his snake’s tongue around first one jutting pink nipple and then the other. Before sucking the entire spongy mass of a tit into his mouth and tugging on it.

  Katy went wild, tearing the man’s shirt open and going after his hairy chest, grasping and squeezing, licking and sucking on his hard, red nipples. He dug his dirty fingers into her shining hair and jerked when she ran her tongue up to his neck and her hand down into his dungarees, grabbing onto his pulsing cock and tugging.

  Leif hastily unbuttoned and unzipped, and Katy yanked his cock out of his pants and
out into the open. She enthusiastically pulled on its ribbed, throbbing length with both of her hands, as the two of them urgently kissed and frenched.

  The precocious teenager stood up on the tractor and shoved her shorts down, exposing her bald, brimming pussy. Then plopped back down into the mature man’s lap and tilted her legs up so that he could pull the itty-bitty garment right off.

  She grasped his pulsating cock and rose up and then down on it, guiding the rigid member in between her dripping lips and deep inside her sopping pussy. All the way in, until her bum touched down on his thighs.

  “Fuckin’ A!” Leif growled, buried to the balls in the redheaded teen’s tight, oven-hot pussy.

  “Fuck my cunny, Mr Bjarnson!” Katy shrieked into Leif’s face, wrapping her legs and body around the stunned man. Overcome with frenzied girlish passion, her lover’s cock filled her to bursting with bliss.

  Leif pumped his hips as best he could, as Katy bounced up and down in his lap, in rhythm to his fuck-thrusts. They desperately clung to one another, his straining dong churning her love tunnel, almost splitting her in half. Their impassioned gasps and groans, the hot, wet smack of his thighs against her rippling bum, echoing erotically in the steamy, sex-funked repair and storage space.

  Until Katy suddenly wailed with all her heart, “Oh my God, Mr Bjarnson! I think I’m gonna … come!” She surged with sweet, soul-drenching joy, her pigtails flying and boobs bounding. The man’s upright stake stoked her full of fiery adult delight.

  “Fuckin’ A, Red!” Leif hollered, thrusting with abandon, wide-eyed watching the teenager flower and erupt with total release. He grabbed onto her jumping boobs and just about squeezed the buzzing tops off, furiously plugging her pussy, the girl’s hot juices soaking his cock and lap.

  And then he exploded, spouting blazing ecstasy into the screaming, quivering teen, sperm blasting out of his pumping, pussy-sucked cock, orgasm scorching him right down to the sexual core.


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