Rocky Mountain Rescue

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Rocky Mountain Rescue Page 15

by Elle James

  “Keep up the hope, but don’t expect it to happen all at once.” Emily patted her knee. “You’d better get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be an extra busy day.”

  “You’re right. It’s going to be a long day.” JoJo rose from her chair. “I hope you get some rest.”

  Emily rose, walked with her to the door and gave her a big hug before she opened the door and let her out.

  “Thank you, Emily,” JoJo said again.

  “We’ll try again tomorrow, if you’re up to it.”

  JoJo walked through the door and nearly ran into Max who was leaning against the wall. “Geez, you scared me.”

  He straightened. “Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “I’m fine. I was just having a session with Emily.”

  “Did she help you remember anything?”

  JoJo took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I don’t know. Maybe. This hypnosis thing is kind of scary and, at the same time, it just might be the key to accessing those memories I can’t reach when I’m awake. It was like I was in a dream. Only this time, I could remember bits and pieces.”

  He walked with her down the hall to her bedroom. When she opened the door he said, “Let me look first.”

  “Do you really think there would be a problem in my bedroom here in the lodge?”

  “Did you ever think that somebody would sabotage your apartment and blow it up with a gas leak?”

  She shook her head. “It’s all yours.”

  It took him two seconds to look through the room, and he was back out. “It’s all clear. If you need me, you’ll know where I’ll be,” he said. “Lock your door behind me.”

  JoJo entered her room and closed the door.

  “I didn’t hear your lock click,” Max said from the other side of the door.

  JoJo laughed and twisted the lock. “Satisfied?”

  He chuckled. “I am now.”

  She could hear his footsteps moving down the hall, and his door opening and closing. She ran to the connecting door, unlocked it and flung it open. “Did you lock your door?”

  He smiled. “I sure did.”

  She leaned against the door frame. “I’m going to get a shower. Care to join me?”

  His brow furrowed. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready for what?”

  “To pick up where we left off.”

  “I think so.”

  He shook his head. “Go get your shower, JoJo.”

  She frowned. Feeling thoroughly dismissed and a little angry, she turned away, closed the door, gathered her things and went across the hall to the bathroom. She’d barely closed the door when a knock sounded on it. JoJo smiled and opened the door, “I thought you—”

  She expected to see Max standing there. Instead, she found Curry. She had always wondered what it meant by having your blood run cold. Up until that point, she hadn’t known what it meant. Now, she did.

  Curry’s eyes narrowed. “Sorry, didn’t know the place was occupied.”

  “JoJo,” Max called out.

  She looked around Curry to see Max headed her way. Her pulse was pounding. Something about Curry’s dark eyes seemed somehow familiar.

  “Mr. Curry, have we met before?” she asked.

  His brow dipped. “I’m sure I would remember if we had,” he said. “I’ll leave you to the bathroom.” He turned and walked down the corridor to the other end.

  Max hurried toward her, carrying his shaving kit. “I changed my mind,” he said, and entered the bathroom and closed the door behind them. Then he pulled her into his arms. “I don’t know what it is about that guy, but he gives me the creeps. Trust me, it takes a lot to give me the creeps.”

  JoJo rested her cheek against his chest. “I feel the same way. I don’t know what it is about him either.”

  “We don’t have to shower together,” he said. “But I’ll stay in here with you while you shower just to make sure you’re safe. That is, if you want me to.”

  She lifted the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. “I want you to stay.” While she helped him out of his clothes, he helped her out of hers, and soon they were standing together beneath the spray.

  “Did you bring—”

  He reached outside the shower for his shaving kit and produced a condom. “At this rate, I’m going to need to get a new supply.”

  She smiled. “Yes, you will.”

  He sheathed himself then lifted her by the backs of her thighs, pressing her against the cold tiles of the shower wall. “Tell me if I do anything that scares you.”

  “I will.” She captured his face between her palms and kissed him.

  After they sated themselves in the shower, they dried each other off, dressed and crossed the hall into her bedroom.

  “Do you want me to stay?” he asked.

  She took his hand and led him to the bed. “Yes, I do. When you were with me last night, I didn’t have dreams.”

  “But isn’t that the idea of having dreams, so that you can remember what happened?”

  “I’ll leave that to Emily and hypnotism. I’d rather get a good night’s sleep. I hadn’t had one until you slept with me.”

  He frowned. “How long has it been?”

  “Over six months,” she said.

  Max picked her up and laid her in the bed then crawled in beside her. He pulled her into his arms.

  “I want you to know it’s not all about the sex,” she said.

  He chuckled. “That’s my line.”

  JoJo smiled. “I just want to hold you through the night, and I want you to hold me.”

  She lay there nestled in his arms and fell into a deep dreamless sleep, thinking how nice it would be if she could do this every night.

  If only.

  Chapter 15

  Max woke before JoJo the next morning and crossed to his room where he dressed. By the time he came back to check on her, she was up and dressed as well. “How’d you sleep?” he asked.

  “Never better,” she said. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t want her thanks. He wanted her healthy and happy. “We’d better get downstairs and help with the breakfast to feed all the people that are here.”

  The day flew by as they kept the campaign staff in the conference room flush with water and snacks. RJ, Jake, JoJo and Max managed the lunch crowd at the bar and set up for the afternoon meet and greet. Stover had arranged to have a band there.

  Cage and Jake were given parking duty to direct the guests into a field where they could park their cars. Max worked with JoJo making sure the guests had drinks. RJ, Gunny and Emily worked the food with Gunny at the grill, making hot dogs and hamburgers. RJ and Emily kept a table of sides and condiments refreshed.

  Stover’s campaign team hung banners and patriotic signs throughout the area. Stover was the star of the show, standing at the center of attention as the guests came to meet him. He smiled and shook hands, with Curry standing nearby to help him with any other needs.

  After the meet and greet was officially over, a significant portion of the guests adjourned to the Watering Hole to continue the party there. Stover and Curry ended up in the bar as well. Max and JoJo made the drinks, while Emily, RJ and Jake served.

  By the time the last person left, Max’s leg ached. He could just imagine how Jake felt, being on his prosthetic all day long. Neither one of them complained. It wasn’t in their nature. By the time everybody had left, they were all so exhausted.

  Emily came by the bar where Max and JoJo were finishing up. “I know it’s late and you’re tired, but do you want to do another session tonight? Or we could wait until the morning.”

  JoJo shook her head. “I’m exhausted and tomorrow morning is going to be really busy, getting everybody fed and out the door for the day’s team-building activities.”

  “Then maybe tomorrow night since everybody’s going out to eat, we can do one more hypnosis session before I leave on Sunday.”

  JoJo nodded. “That would wo

  “Is there anything I can do to help in here?” A voice called out behind JoJo and Max. They turned to find Stover standing at the entrance to the kitchen. “I already asked Gunny if he needed help cleaning in the kitchen, but he said he had everything under control.”

  “We’re about done in here,” JoJo said.

  “What’s this about hypnosis?” Stover asked.

  Emily smiled. “Nothing. Do you or any of your guests want a hot cocoa bar tonight?” she asked and walked over to where Stover stood. “Why don’t you walk me back to the lodge, and let’s ask the others.”

  Cage emerged from the kitchen “I’ll go with you.” The three left the Watering Hole. Gunny, Jake and RJ emerged from the kitchen.

  “Done here?” Gunny asked.

  “Done,” Max said. They headed out the back door and walked across to the lodge.

  Once inside, they found the campaign staff lounging in the great room by the fire, sipping hot cocoa or coffee.

  RJ turned to Max and JoJo. “You two go on up. Gunny and I will take care of this.”

  JoJo shook her head. “You’re just as tired as we are. We can stay a little longer and help.”

  “No.” RJ crossed her arms over her chest. “I insist.”

  JoJo lifted her chin. “Then we’ll get up early and start breakfast.”

  “Deal,” RJ said with a smile.

  JoJo and Max walked up the stairs.

  “Gunny will be down here at four-thirty in the morning to get breakfast started no matter what,” JoJo commented.

  “I kind of figured that,” Max said. “But maybe RJ will sleep in.”

  She snorted. “Not a chance.”

  “One more day,” Max said, “and then they all leave.”

  They showered together and lay in bed. Before long, they were making love. Max let JoJo be on top, knowing what it meant to her. Afterward, she fell asleep in his arms and slept the entire night through with no nightmares.

  Max had stayed right with her during the day, and he’d vowed to stay with her the next day as well. He liked being with JoJo.

  Thankfully, the day had gone by without incident. Nobody had made an attempt on JoJo’s life. Being with her had helped. Having so many people around made him nervous. He couldn’t watch everybody all the time, so he’d concentrated his efforts and his attention on JoJo.

  One more day, and they’d be through the big event. Then it would be back to smaller crowds, making it easier for him to guard her and keep her safe. He figured he’d already broken every rule a bodyguard should live by. Don’t get involved with your client. Don’t sleep with your client. And don’t fall in love with your client. He figured he was well on his way to failing all three of those.

  * * *

  Saturday morning was a repeat of the previous morning. All Lost Valley Ranch hands were on deck to get the campaign staff fed and out the door for the day’s activities.

  Once they had the guests served, the ranch hands sat down to their meal. They ate quickly and went back to work.

  While the campaign staff met in the conference room, RJ, Emily and Jake stayed in the lodge to clean up the dining room and kitchen. Cage, JoJo and Max cleared the tables.

  JoJo carried the last tray of dirty dishes into the kitchen and set it on the counter near the sink. “I’m going out to the barn to check on the ATVs for the tour this morning.”

  “I’m going with her,” Max said.

  As they left the lodge, Max held out his hand to JoJo.

  She placed hers in it. JoJo liked the strength of his fingers wrapped around hers. “I did a headcount of the guests. We have more guests than ATVs. I’m not sure if all of them will want to ride.”

  “You and I can double up,” Max suggested. “That will free up an ATV.”

  JoJo smiled. She liked that idea. Any time she could be close to Max was fine with her. “That works for me.”

  Once they were inside the barn, he pulled her into his arms. “I have to admit you’re the best job I’ve ever had.”

  She laughed. “So, now I’m a job, huh?”

  He grinned. “The best.” And he kissed her.

  JoJo was happier and more secure in his arms than she’d felt in a long time. And she didn’t feel trapped. She knew that if she wanted out, all she had to do was say let go, and he’d immediately release her. Her sleep had been better the last two nights in his arms than she’d slept since the attack.

  How would she sleep again when he went on to a real assignment? All of that kind of thinking would have to wait until after the ATV tour.

  JoJo and Max doublechecked all of the vehicles, cranking them up and shutting them down. JoJo even checked for any oil leaks. The last thing she wanted was for one of the vehicles to die out on the trail.

  When they were certain the four-wheelers were in good working order, they took care of the animals that needed morning care.

  The campaign staff had the option to do one or all of the teambuilding activities. Each member had stated a preference to do all of the slated events to include the rope bridge, zipline and the ATV tour. The rope bridge would be first, followed by the zipline and, finally, the four-wheelers. Riding the trails was the last event before the group left for their dinner reservation in Fool’s Gold that evening.

  “You know, it’s going to seem kind of quiet around here, after this group leaves,” Max said.

  JoJo nodded. “We’re getting close to the end of the season. There will be a bit of a transition between summer and winter activities where there’s a lull between them. It gives us time to get everything cleaned up, stored and pulled from storage for when it snows.” Her lips twisted. “Then, I’ll be working on snowmobiles instead of four-wheelers. Have to keep them running through the winter months for the tours RJ and I will lead through the forest and hills. Those tours don’t usually start until late December or early January when there’s plenty of snow on the trails.”

  When all the animals were taken care of and JoJo was satisfied the vehicles were in satisfactory condition, they joined the other ranch hands working the rope bridge and the zipline.

  While some of the guests waited their turn on the ground, Gunny showed them how to rope a wooden steer.

  Max and JoJo manned the rope bridge on either end.

  Stover was the first to cross, followed by his aide, Curry. Both men had been in the Army and were familiar with rope bridges. They made it across with no problem. Others were a little less steady.

  One woman got halfway across and froze. JoJo walked out on the bridge and helped her to the other side.

  When everyone had their chance to cross the bridge, they moved on to the zipline. Several of the campaign staff members opted out.

  “No way.” One woman shook her head and planted her feet firmly on the ground. “I’ll stay here and wait for you guys to be done.”

  Again, Stover was first, followed by his aide. Then, one by one, the others slid down the zipline.

  Emily stayed with the woman who’d opted out of the event.

  The team adjourned for snacks in the lodge, while Max, RJ, JoJo and Jake pulled the ATVs out of the barn and lined them up.

  The woman who’d refused to go on the zipline hurried up to Max where he stood beside JoJo. “I’ve never ridden a four-wheeler before. Will you be the one to show me how?” She batted her eyelashes.

  JoJo fought to keep from rolling her eyes. Yes, Max knew how to drive a four-wheeler, but JoJo and RJ were the ones leading the tour. The woman was slender, with long blond hair and pretty blue eyes. Everything JoJo wasn’t.

  The woman turned to the closest vehicle. “Do you give individual lessons on how to drive these things?”

  Max glanced toward JoJo.

  JoJo shrugged. “I’m sure Max would be glad to help you.”

  Max gave her the briefest of frowns before turning a smile to the young woman. “I’m Max, by the way.”

  The blonde held out her hand. “Brianna.” And they shook.

/>   JoJo had the urge to slap the woman’s hand away when she held onto Max’s for a bit too long. Was this what jealousy felt like? Wow. She’d never felt like that before.

  “I’d be happy to show you how to work the machine,” Max said. And he led her over to the nearby four-wheeler and had her straddle the seat.

  JoJo watched as he explained where the brakes and the throttle were and how to use them.

  Meanwhile, JoJo, RJ, Jake, Cage and Gunny helped the others. After they’d given a brief round of instructions, they had each of the individuals drive around the barnyard to test their skills.

  The four-wheelers were simple to operate, and everyone seemed to have it down by the time they left the barnyard and passed through the gate into the pasture. RJ led the group, and JoJo brought up the rear, with Max sitting behind her, his arms around her waist. She liked how thickly muscled his arms were and how secure she felt in them.

  Brianna might have gotten instructions from Max, but JoJo had Max on the back of her ATV. She enjoyed a great amount of excitement and satisfaction in that fact. RJ led them up the path JoJo had explored a few days before, moving slowly in order to keep the guests together. They’d agreed to take them up to the bluff where the view of the Colorado Rockies was the most stunning of any other place on the ranch.

  Stover followed RJ, Curry followed Stover, and the rest of his team fell in behind them. Since they had to go single file, they created a long chain of ATVs headed up into the mountains. Each guest had been told to keep the person in front of them in sight at all times. That way, no one would get lost on the trail.

  At several points along the way, they had to slow even more than they were going already to allow people to catch up on the rocky patches that were a little more challenging than others. Everyone enjoyed splashing through a small stream and the short stop they made at the old mining ghost town.

  When they finally reached the bluff, RJ had them park their ATVs far from the edge, up against a stand of evergreen trees. Guests walked to the bluff and stared out over the view as RJ explained to them which peaks they were looking at. Then she gave them a little history about the mining in the area and some of the original settlers.


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