Fire in the Smokies (Durham Wolves)

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Fire in the Smokies (Durham Wolves) Page 8

by Becca Jameson

Brianna flushed. She glanced around the room. What she really needed to do was pee. “Um, could I have some privacy, please?” She nodded at the toilet.

  “Oh, right. Sorry. Go ahead. I’m not a modest person, Bri. I’m sure I’ll be peeing in front of you sometimes, and vice versa.”

  Was he kidding? She knew her skin had to be beet red without even looking down. Now she was shaking. His dominance was…still turning her on. Damn damn damn. She had no idea she had such a submissive streak.

  He wasn’t going to budge.

  Brianna took a deep breath and glanced down at his cock. He wore a sagging pair of jeans again that hung low on his hips. The bulge in front spoke volumes.

  “Fine. But you have to do something for me in return.” She spoke directly into his mind. Maybe she could get the hang of this telepathy yet.

  “Anything your heart desires.”

  Brianna marched over to the commode, sat down with her legs as close together as possible and peed. It wasn’t quite as embarrassing as she’d expected. After all the things they’d done together today, what was a little bodily function?

  When she finished, Jaxon didn’t say a word. He simply smiled at her and then pulled the tank he held over her head. It was rather tight. She was the same size as Juliana more or less. Undoubtedly Sergius liked his woman half naked too.

  A glance down proved Brianna’s nipples were pebbled beneath the cotton material.

  “Perfect.” Jaxon smirked.

  “Jax, I’m not going out into the living room dressed in this.”

  “I didn’t ask you to. But I will know what you look like under this sweatshirt nevertheless.” He plucked a bulky sweatshirt off the pile next and held it up before dropping it once again. “I’m pretty dominant, I’ll admit. And I will ask a lot of you in the bedroom, but rest assured I will not share you. Not even your bare skin.” He kissed her. A quick peck on the lips that left her bereft when he pulled back almost as fast as he’d leaned into her.

  Next, he handed her a pair of yoga pants. “Would you like to put these on, Miss Independent?” he teased.

  Brianna peered around him. Panties?

  Reading her mind, he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close. His mouth landed on her ear. He whispered, his voice husky and full of promise, “I like the idea of knowing you’re naked under your clothes. Your wet pussy rubbing against the fabric of these tight pants. No one will know but me. Will you do that for me?”

  Brianna stepped into the pants, never taking her gaze off his. They were tight. And she was wet. Those were both true facts. Next, she grabbed the oversized sweatshirt and tugged it on. It was his. It smelled of him. And it was huge. It reached lower than her ass, affording her at least that small modicum of privacy.

  With a chuckle, Brianna flipped the toilet seat down and sat on it. She crossed her legs and prepared to get as comfortable as possible. “I believe you made me a promise.” She raised her eyebrows.

  Jaxon’s face went lax. “What are you up to, woman?”

  Brianna pointed at Jaxon’s bulging jeans. “You mentioned needing to do something about that. And if I recall correctly…” she tapped her lips and glanced at the ceiling as though trying to remember the details, “…oh, that’s right. You didn’t want to fuck me just now out of concern for my poor overused pussy.”

  “And?” Jaxon narrowed his gaze. “No.” He shook his head.

  “Yes.” She smiled demurely. Oh, if felt good to best him at one thing. “I so do want to watch.”

  “Fine.” Jaxon tipped his head both directions as though stretching for the mile run. He popped the button on his jeans and lowered the zipper with a flourish. His cock sprang out, the tip dripping.

  Brianna licked her lips. God how she wanted to suck his length into her mouth, but right now she wanted to watch him get himself off even more. Later…

  Jaxon crept toward her and planted one hand on the wall behind her head. Leaning at an angle, his dick inches from her face, he took himself in his other hand and pumped.

  She’d never seen anything so fucking sexy in her life. The man let his head fall back after about two strokes and sunk into his own world. She never took her gaze off his shaft, learning by example what would most pleasure her lover and storing the information away for future use.

  Jaxon gripped himself gently at first, letting his hand graze tentatively up and down. Soon, he switched to a firmer grip and pumped himself with abandon. His abs tightened behind his cock, his entire stance rigid as he groaned toward the ceiling.

  It took all Brianna’s restraint to keep from licking the come leaking from the head just a breath away from her mouth. She held firm, enjoying the show almost as much as she would later enjoy sucking him off. She imagined what he would taste like, how his cock would feel against her tongue and the roof of her mouth. The tight skin was so smooth. It would glide toward her throat with ease when she took him. She did nothing to block these images.

  Before she could even finish the thought, he shot off, his come jetting out onto the floor beside her as he jerked to one side to avoid hitting her.

  When he was spent, Jaxon leaned forward and claimed Brianna’s mouth. He grabbed her face with both hands and held her head still while he plundered her until she forgot the world around them.

  When she no longer had any sense at all, he pulled back. “Don’t think for one minute that exchange was equal. Payback is a bitch and I can’t wait to watch you finger yourself to completion. I won’t be lenient.”

  Jaxon stood, tucked his still-hard cock back into his jeans and fastened himself. He grabbed a section of toilet paper and wiped the floor of his come. “And, by the way, I didn’t miss that push of thoughts into my head, you little nymph.” He winked at her, a coy smile on his face. “Let’s go. I’m sure my family is wondering what happened to us.”

  “I seriously doubt it,” she muttered as she stood.

  Jaxon turned toward her and nailed her with his gaze as she rolled her eyes. “Did you sass me, mate of mine?” He grinned, but in a flash, before she even knew what hit her, Jaxon had grabbed her hands and pressed her face-first into the wall. He held her wrists above her head and licked a line up her neck.

  “Baby, you tempt me.”

  “Tempt you to what?” she taunted. Her heart beat rapidly. What the hell is wrong with me? No matter what Jaxon did, she grew even more aroused.

  He nipped her earlobe and licked around her ear enough to make her shiver. “I’ll spank that sweet ass of yours in a heartbeat, baby. Would you like that?” He paused and then chuckled. “Fuck… You are going to kill me. Stop distracting me with your scent. I can’t concentrate.”

  “Good, ’cause we’re even.” Brianna wiggled her ass against his groin. Probably not a good idea, because he ran his hand through her crotch, grazing over her clit and sex with just enough pressure to make her moan. With her arms above her head, the sweatshirt she wore climbed up her body, exposing her ass. A quick swat made her suck in a breath.

  “Hell, I can’t even punish you without making you moan.” Jaxon released her, rubbing her ass where his hand had just landed. “Come on. We have to get out of here before I lose myself.”

  As though nothing had happened and she wasn’t on the edge of an orgasm, he clutched her hand and dragged her from the bathroom, straight through the bedroom and down the hall.

  Chapter Eight

  “’Bout time you two showed up.” Sergius lay sprawled out as though bored on an overstuffed couch as Jaxon led his mate back into the living room.

  Jaxon at least flushed, but he didn’t let his brother get to him. It had only been a few months since Sergius had been in exactly this same predicament. He remembered. There was no doubt.

  Dragging his mate behind him, Jaxon found a seat on the couch across from his older brother. Juliana sat nestled under Sergius’s head. Micah relaxed in a recliner between the two facing couches.

  “So tell me more about what happened this morning, Micah.” Jaxon tugged
Brianna down next to him, holding her body so close she was practically on his lap. He wanted her. Even though he’d just come at his own hand, he still didn’t even take the edge off. But right now he needed to think.

  Juliana cleared her throat. “Brianna, would you like a drink? Perhaps a glass of wine with me? It might drown out some of the testosterone in the room,” she joked.

  “Thank you. That would be amazing.” Brianna moved to stand. Jaxon held her tight.

  “I’ll get it.” Juliana shook her head as she wandered to the attached kitchen. “Chardonnay?” she asked over her shoulder.

  “Sounds perfect.” Brianna glared at Jaxon, but he ignored her. “Little highhanded, don’t you think?”

  “Nope. I just like having you near me.”

  “And the kitchen is too far away?”

  “Yep.” Jaxon looked down at his mate. She smelled so fucking good. He knew he was being a bit of an ass right now, but he wanted her next to him—touching him.

  Juliana handed Brianna a glass while Micah spoke. “Seemed like McKinney was tracking you two. The way he circled that cave, not even paying a bit of attention to me and Serg on his tail—it was just weird.”

  “When did you first notice him?” Jaxon squeezed Bri’s leg.

  “Right after we split up and you found Brianna. Who knows how long he’d already been there.”

  “Do you think it was a trap? Or a coincidence?”

  “I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t rule anything out.” Micah stood and began to pace.

  Sergius sat up next to his mate and rubbed his chin. “Should we go after him?”

  Jaxon flinched. “I’d like nothing more than to kill that bastard, but I don’t think we have enough information. I’m not letting my guard down for an instant though.”

  Sergius stood now too. “I think it’s time we put the word out to some other packs and see if anyone knows anything about other vampires in other parts of the world. This jackass is starting to royally piss me off. I had hoped we’d seen the last of him after he kidnapped Jules and tried to get away with her. If he threatens us again, I don’t think we can simply chase him off and assume we’re safe. Enough is enough.”

  “After all these months, I secretly hoped he’d been killed in that mineshaft blast.” Jaxon cringed to think how lax they’d all gotten in recent weeks, silently hoping McKinney was out of their lives.

  That bastard had rocked their world last spring when he’d lured Juliana off her hiking path with his mind games. And then, after Sergius determined the missing hiker was his mate and claimed her, the vamp still tried his best to get her back. He’d even set up an elaborate ruse, sending the three brothers in separate directions to hunt down three separate women. As soon as they’d fallen into his trap, he’d kidnapped Juliana from the sheriff and taken her to an abandoned mine shaft.

  Luckily, Sergius had been sharp enough and quick enough to thwart McKinney’s designs and the vampire had found himself on the inside of the mine where he inadvertently set off his own antiquated dynamite.

  God how Jaxon wished he’d died in that explosion. Such did not seem to be the case now. If that bloodsucker thought he was going to sink his teeth into Brianna…

  Jaxon grit his teeth and squeezed Brianna’s thigh almost too tight. And his sweet mate wondered why he didn’t want her wandering away from him.

  “Wait.” Brianna glanced around at everyone, her hand trembling, sloshing the wine inside the glass. “You think this vampire is after me?”

  Juliana spoke up. “It’s possible. Trust me. You don’t want to get caught by him. It’s disheartening to say the least. He tried to get away with me in the spring. If Sergius hadn’t outsmarted him, I don’t know what would have happened.”

  “Jesus. Does he have something against you people…er…wolf-people?”

  “Seems that way,” Jaxon stated.

  “Motive?” Brianna turned to Jaxon. Her look stopped his heart.

  “I don’t think he likes the fact that we took up residence in his national forest ten years ago. We keep chasing him off. We might have been able to live harmoniously at one point, but we wolves don’t care for anyone who threatens humans.” Jaxon rubbed Brianna’s thigh. She stiffened under his touch. He could smell her fear.

  “I have to work in the morning. Do you think I’ll be safe? Maybe he isn’t after me…just you.” Brianna bit her lip.

  Jaxon shook his head. Not a chance. “No way, baby. I know I said we’d discuss this, but there’s no fucking way I can let you go back out on the front line of that fire under the circumstances. It’s too risky. I don’t even want you to go to the bathroom alone until we figure out what McKinney’s angle is.” He gave Brianna a half grin at his unintentional choice of comparisons.

  He meant that literally, but making her pee in front of him earlier had been a show of dominance. It hadn’t had anything to do with protecting her inside the house.

  Brianna yanked herself from his grasp and stood. She glared down at him. “Not very submissive outside the bedroom, are you?” he questioned. He secretly was glad. Not that he was going to budge on this issue, but he wanted his woman to be strong-willed and determined…outside of the bedroom.

  “No. And don’t you forget it.” She spoke out loud, but if anyone was confused, they didn’t say a word. “I worked very hard to get where I am as a female firefighter. If you think I’m going to cower and hide over some mythical madman that no one else in my unit even knows exists, you’re crazy.”

  Brianna jumped back a few feet when Jaxon tried to grab her hand. All he got was air. “Baby—”

  “No,” she asserted. “This is not negotiable. You may have noticed I can be quite flexible when the need arises, but not on this issue. This is my job, Jaxon. Not a game. I love my work. Those men are counting on me and I’ve proven myself to be a fine asset to the team. They’d never look at me with respect again if I don’t show up tomorrow morning at six sharp ready to work as hard as any man.”

  Jaxon exhaled. Fuck. How the hell was he going to handle this?

  “I’ll tell you how you’re going to handle it. You’re not. I am. This is my life. The one I was leading just fine until today. Back off where it concerns my work.”

  “You read my mind.”

  “You must not block well when you’re pissed.” His mate cocked her hip to one side and glared at him. If she’d had a wad of gum, she’d no doubt be smacking it in his face and blowing bubbles as though he’d bored her to tears with a poorly executed joke.

  “Let’s calm down. I’m sure there’s a solution we can all live with.” Sergius, the peacemaker, stepped into the middle of the room.

  Jaxon hung his head and stared at the floor. His face heated. Hell, his entire body shook with anger. No…fear. He wasn’t mad at Brianna. He was scared.

  “I just found you,” he whispered toward the carpet.

  “And I’m so glad you did. You probably saved my life in that cave.” She kneeled on the floor in front of him and took his head with both hands. “Look at me.”

  He lifted his gaze to hers.

  “I’m going to be fine. I’ll be with a dozen firefighters. And hey, you said yourself the vampire guy didn’t seem to like flames. He stayed clear of them, right?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “Then I’ll stay as close to the flames as possible. Simple. Problem solved.”

  “That makes me feel so much better. Perfect.” His tone was sarcastic, but he grinned at her all the same.

  “If we are going to be together—”

  “And we are,” he interrupted.

  “Then we have to compromise.”

  “Okay. Fine. You can pee without me in the room, but you can’t run wild in the woods with a vampire on the loose who is undoubtedly going to track you down and suck your blood until he turns you into his concubine for all of eternity. There. Compromise.” Jaxon matched her stance, wrapping his fingers around her face the way she held his.

  Micah spoke
up. “Dude, I think you might possibly need to reevaluate your definition of compromise.” He laughed.

  Jaxon stood, pulling his mate to her feet. He glared at his younger brother. They were only two years apart, but still… “When you get a mate, and I hope that’s soon, then you can talk to me about her safety. Until then, butt out.”

  Micah held both hands in the air and pursed his lips. He still grinned, but at least he kept his mouth shut.

  “Well, I for one have a mate. And I’ve been in your shoes, Jax, and I have to agree with Micah. Let’s find a way to make this work instead of stomping our foot and pouting.” Serg sat back down.

  “I’m not pouting. I’m—”

  “Scared,” Sergius finished. “I know. I get it. Sit.” He nodded toward the couch and waited until Jaxon had resumed his spot, Brianna at his side.

  Jaxon even handed her back the glass of wine she’d set on the end table.

  Sergius resumed his speech. “What if we three take turns spending the day following Brianna in wolf form? It won’t seem strange to anyone for a wolf to be ambling around trying to escape the flames if we are spotted. We’d be able to keep a close eye on her and we’d be sure to scent McKinney if he dared to approach her from any angle. If anything goes awry, all bets are off. Could you agree to that?” Serg turned his gaze to Bri.

  “Seems reasonable to me,” she murmured.

  “I don’t like it,” Jaxon began, “but I suppose it’s better than nothing.”

  “Great. Then it’s settled. Jaxon, you take the first shift. You can drive her to work and then not come home. Keep us posted on your location and we’ll step in when you need us.” Serg stood again. “Now let’s get some dinner. I’m starving.”

  Brianna was exhausted. By the time the five of them rustled together a meal of hamburgers, fries and salad she was dead on her feet. Undoubtedly caused by the stress of the day, multiple orgasms and mind-blowing sex. Oh, and let’s not forget mating with a werewolf and being stalked by a vampire. No wonder I’m tired.

  “Jax, I need to get up by about five to get to the base on time. Do you mind if I go to bed?” She leaned on him from her spot at the table.


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