Wicked Rich

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Wicked Rich Page 6

by C. Morgan

  Satisfied that my jeans and long-sleeved shirt combo looked good, I slid my sneakers onto my feet and grabbed my wallet. Inside it, there was now a bright and shiny fake ID. When Finn had found out I’d had a run-in with campus security, he’d sent me straight to his contact for fakes. It’d cost a ton of fucking money, but it had been worth it.

  No more of that bullshit for me. Thank you very much.

  As I slid the wallet into my pocket, I walked out of my room to join the rest of the guys downstairs. The frat was housed in a sprawling old manor house that’d been left to us by one of the founding members and was owned by the organization itself. There was also an annex out back where some of the senior members lived in bigger rooms.

  There were only four freshmen living in the house this year. Ryker and me because we were legacies, a guy called Colt who was some kind of football god, and Thomas, who was supposed to be a pure-blooded genius. Ryker, Colt, and Thom were already waiting when I reached the foyer, along with some of the other brothers who were heading out with us.

  “So,” Ryker said, falling into step beside me as we walked outside. “Have you seen your hot little bully again yet?”

  I shoved my shoulder into his. Hard. “We’re not going to be referring to Hadley like that, but yes, I have. Actually, I forgot to tell you that I have Business 101 notes for us.”

  “Yeah? They any good?” he asked. “I made my own, but it’s always nice to have someone else’s as backup. I figured since we’ll be studying together, we could just compare our notes but it’s cool if she’s offered us hers as well.”

  “Sure, let’s say she offered them to us.” I grinned, waggling my brows at him as I hooked my thumbs into the pockets of my jeans. “You’re not going to care where they came from once you see them anyway.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t steal some girl’s notes.” He groaned and planted one of his hands over his face before glancing at me. “If they’re good, I’ll still use them but fuck. That’s rough. It’s our first week and you’re sabotaging her.”

  “I didn’t steal them,” I said, shrugging one of my shoulders casually. “I took them. She knows where they are. If she really wanted them back, she could’ve asked for copies. That’s not sabotage.”

  “Well, actually, academic sabotage comes in many forms,” Thomas piped up from my other side, pushing his glasses up his nose.

  For a guy who was hailed to be the smartest in the house even as a freshman, it was only the glasses that made him look the part. He was taller than me, as muscled, and covered from head to toe in tattoos.

  “What did you do?” he asked. “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve if you really want to mess with this girl.”

  “No,” I practically growled. “Thanks for the offer, but I’ve got this. She’s mine to handle.”

  He chuckled but dipped his head in acknowledgment. “Sure, man. My offer stands, though.”

  “I’ve already got three chicks taking notes for me,” Colt said, walking behind us with one of the sophomores. “You’ve got to work the system, right?”

  Thomas raised his arm over his shoulder and offered Colt a fist bump. “That’s what I’m saying. Anyway, what was that you guys were talking about earlier about scoring cheap kegs for our first party?”

  Colt and the sophomore whose name I couldn’t remember started filling Thomas in on their plans. Ryker didn’t bring Hadley up again, but I had a feeling he wasn’t quite on board with my plan of making her pay.

  He didn’t know what she’d done to me, though. How she’d belittled me in front of everyone who’d once mattered to me and broke my heart all in one fell swoop. Before I could get sucked down that mental rabbit hole again, I focused on the night ahead instead.

  There was plenty of time to deal with her but tonight was all about cutting loose. The bar turned out to be a hole-in-the-wall type place, but it was already packed by the time we arrived.

  Some of our brothers were already there, occupying several booths in the back near the pool tables. A cheer went up from them when we joined them, and pitchers of beer were passed around as we got settled in.

  A few drinks and two wins at pool later, I spotted a girl chalking up a cue at the next table. She was fucking hot, with long blonde hair hanging in a straight ponytail down her back and eyes that were so vividly green that I could make out the color even from where I was sitting.

  The light blue pants she had on looked suspiciously like scrubs, but before I could figure out the pants, my attention strayed to her bare midriff and the cleavage that was on display in the tank top she was wearing. Draining the last of my beer, I refilled my glass and clapped Ryker on the shoulder as I got up.

  “Okay, I’m going in,” I said. “Watch and weep, Mr. I’m Taken. This is what you’re missing out on.”

  He laughed, raising his glass and tipping it toward me. “Godspeed. But again, I’m not missing out on what you’re after with her. I just don’t have to work for it night after night anymore.”

  Some of the guys overheard him, and it sparked a debate between the guys who were in relationships and those who weren’t. Leaving them to it, I swiped one of the empty glasses on the table and filled it as well, taking both my beer and the spare with me.

  “Want a drink?” I asked as I went to stand beside her at the pool table. “It’s cold and it’s free.”

  She glanced up at me, those emerald eyes slowly and methodically raking over every inch of me before she shook her head. “Cold and free doesn’t mean it hasn’t been drugged, so no thanks.”

  My brows jumped up. “You really think I’d drug you? Trust me, babe. That’s not my style. I’ll prove it. I’ll have a drink out of both glasses and you can make sure nothing happens to me before you take it.”

  Her chest rose and fell on a sigh that dragged my gaze back down to her cleavage. She laughed but shook her head again when I looked back up.

  “If you do that, it’ll mean that both of those glasses would’ve touched your lips,” she said. “What makes you think I’m interested in ingesting all the germs that must be on those things?”

  “If you weren’t interested in my lips, you wouldn’t have been staring at them since I came over here,” I countered. “I’m Dax by the way.”

  “Ruby,” she said, turning back to the pool table. “I’m pre-med, majoring in nursing and I’m only out tonight to get to know a few of the people in the program with me. I don’t have time to date anyone, but least of all not someone with pick-up lines like that. Sorry, Dax. I’m not interested in you or your lips.”

  Just in case I hadn’t gotten the memo that she was blowing me off, she turned her back fully on me and lined up her shot. All I could do was stare and chuckle about the fact that she’d just effectively told me to fuck off.

  Holy shit. When was the last time that happened to me? I honestly couldn’t even remember.

  Shrugging and shaking my head, I glanced back to my table to find Ryker laughing at me. I downed my beer and headed over to the bar with Ruby’s drink still clutched in my hand. Ah well. At least he saw me going for it. Maybe he’ll stop bugging me about it now.

  When I reached the counter, I pulled out my fake ID and got us another few pitchers from the bartender. Ryker and Colt came over to help me carry, both of them commiserating with me before we went back to the table.

  They kept pointing out other girls I could approach, but I was having fun just drinking with my boys. I’d never been one of those guys who had to chase tail every fucking night. Plus, there’d be plenty of other options when we got to the sorority party later.

  Our group got more and more rowdy as pitcher after pitcher dropped. Eventually, some of the guys were dancing on the tables while the rest of us laughed and cheered them on. Just as Thomas was about to drag me onto the table with him, one of the other guys checked his phone, then stuck his fingers between his teeth and whistled.

  “It’s time to go, guys,” he yelled above the music and raucous laughter. “G
et your shit and let’s clear out. We’re moving this party to the next stop.”

  More cheers went up as the guys stumbled to their feet. Most of us had put away enough beer that the world was fuzzy around the edges when we spilled out of the bar. But that was only until we became aware of voices arguing snidely at the front of our group.

  Ryker and I exchanged a glance when we realized that the guys who’d led us out of the bar had run right into a different house. Our rivals, as luck would have it. I didn’t personally know any of the guys in that house, but there were about as many of them as there were of us on the sidewalk and they were about as sloppy as we were.

  Not a great sign.

  Andrews was still busy trying to elbow his way to the front when the first punch landed. I didn’t know who’d been hit and who had dealt it out, but pandemonium broke out as the realization rippled over the crowd about what had happened.

  “Duck,” Ryker yelled a second later, and I only just managed to dodge the fist flying my way.

  After giving him a quick nod of thanks, I shoved my sleeves up to my elbows and jumped into the fray without any hesitation. I’d been hopeful that tonight would end in a fuck and not a fight, but that asshole had taken a swing at me. There was no way I was backing down after that.

  Chapter 10


  Lying on my bed staring at the ceiling, I wondered if there was anyone on campus as pathetic as I was. It was my second Saturday night as a university student, my first as a student who’d survived a whole week, and I was in my dorm room. Alone.

  Ruby had gone out earlier, and while that meant I could actually study in my room for once, the prospect somehow wasn’t as exciting when I knew that the rest of my peers were out there. They were making friends, getting to know each other, catching up, and having the time of their lives.

  Meanwhile, I was turning into a hermit who got bullied by the golden boy and ignored even by her own roommate. But I was also determined to stay positive and not to feel too sorry for myself.

  Another benefit of having the room all to myself this evening was that I could indulge in my guilty pleasure without having to explain anything to Ruby. And without having to wear my headphones. With that thought in mind, I raked my laptop closer, propped it open on my legs, and clicked into my Movies folder.

  Chick flick titles from the nineties filled my screen, and I let out a contented sigh. I’d just decided on 10 Things I Hate About You when the door suddenly flew open. Purely out of reflex, I slammed the lid of the laptop down and jumped back, a tiny shriek coming out of me.

  “Were you watching porn?” Ruby asked, standing in the doorway as her purse slid off her shoulder.

  She let the door shut behind her and, surprisingly, came over to sit at the end of my bed instead of just ignoring me the way she had been. “What’s your thing? Is it girl-on-girl?”

  “Are you seriously only talking to me right now because you think I’m watching porn?” I asked, relaxing again now that I knew she wasn’t some unknown intruder barging in on me.

  Ruby giggled but then shrugged as she leaned back on her hands. “No, I’m talking to you because I was planning on getting to know some people tonight and that hasn’t really worked out for me. So I figured if I got to know you, I was still sort of on track with my plan for the night.”

  “Gee, thanks.” I moved the laptop off my thighs and drew my knees up to my chest. “But even if that wasn’t the warmest, most enthusiastic offer I’ve ever heard, I’m hard up for company myself tonight, so I guess I’ll take you up on it.”

  The most genuine smile she’d ever aimed in my direction spread on her lips. Then she glanced back down at my laptop. “Sorry if I ruined your me-time. I can go take a walk if you want me to. I should’ve knocked. I’ll knock next time.”

  “The only me-time you ruined was me about-to-choose-an-old-movie-to-watch time.” I motioned toward the computer. “The folder is still open if you’d like to check your options. I’m afraid they’re not blockbusters or anything.”

  Curiosity crept into her eyes, and I nodded when she reached for the laptop. She jabbed the space key to wake it up. Then her gaze moved slowly down as she read the titles from top to bottom. When she looked back at me, she smiled again.

  “You’re a sucker for the nineties, huh?” she asked, setting the laptop back on the bed as she got up.

  She crossed the room and sat down on the chair behind her desk, turning her laptop so the screen was facing me after she’d typed in her password. When she opened her own multimedia folder, my eyes widened when I saw how many of the same movies and TV shows we had.

  “I know what it’s like because I’m a sucker for the nineties too,” she said, beaming at me before shutting the laptop down again. “We could have some epic movie nights while we’re rooming together.”

  Hope sparked deep inside me as a trickle of the excitement I’d felt to meet her filtered back in. But I didn’t want to scare her off by breaking out in a victory dance and laughing maniacally. It was a struggle to just smile and sit still, though.

  “That would be fun,” I said. “I was hoping we’d have stuff like that in common.”

  Her smile faded a bit and a contemplative expression crossed her face. “I haven’t been the best roommate to you, have I?”

  When I didn’t say anything, she waved a hand and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m really committed to my education and to my career. I’ve been known to get a bit carried away at times.”

  “That’s okay. I know what it’s like to get that involved in your studies.” I cast a gaze at my desk. It was piled high with extra reading, separate notebooks for each class, and mind-maps I was busy making. “I’m the same. I’ve just been studying at the library instead of in here.”

  A faint flush covered her cheeks. “Is it because of the music?”

  I shrugged. “I know it helps some people, but I’m not one of them.”

  After considering what I’d said for a minute, she grabbed her earphones from her desk and held them up. “I’ll wear these when you’re here from now on. I’m so sorry. I’m just realizing now how terrible I’ve been.”

  “At least you’re coming around, right?” I joked, but she averted her gaze and busied herself with straightening piles of books instead of looking at me. “Ruby?”

  She sighed softly. “Well, I am coming around, but I wouldn’t have been if tonight had played out the way I’d wanted it to. Instead, I ran into Daxton the Dick at the Clubhouse and then got left behind by the people I was supposed to be with tonight.”

  “Daxton the Dick?” I asked. “The Clubhouse? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a little out of the loop. You’re going to have to explain those things to me. I’m sorry you got left behind, though. That sucks.”

  “It does, but I should’ve known it was going to happen,” she said, shaking off the sense of remorse that’d been coming off her since she’d realized how crappy she’d been to me. “The people I went out with are super popular juniors. I wanted to get to know them, but they’re not exactly known for sticking to one place for a whole night. They must’ve moved on and forgotten that I was with them.”

  I scrunched up my nose. “At least you got invited out with them, right?”

  “Right.” She shimmied her shoulders. “I’m practically a rockstar.”

  Standing up as she completed her shimmy, she moved over to her bed and sat down with her back to the wall, crossing her legs on the mattress as she frowned at me. “You haven’t heard of the Clubhouse?”

  “Nope,” I said. “Is that bad?”

  “It’s weird,” she replied, then smiled kindly. “It’s not necessarily bad, though. The Clubhouse is a popular hangout in town. They’ve got pretty good prices on burgers, wings, and beer. It’s mostly the cool kids who go there, which means it’s probably better to just steer clear.”

  “And Daxton the Dick?” I asked. “What’s up with that?”

  Ruby rolled her eyes,
chuckling softly as she shook her head. “It figures you haven’t heard about him. Daxton Breyer. He’s a freshman at Sigma Xi Delta this year, but his father is some kind of big-shot donor.”

  “Why call him Daxton the Dick, though?” I asked. “I know Dax, and I know why he’s a dick in my eyes at the moment, but I didn’t think anyone else thought that.”

  “He’s already got a bit of a reputation,” she said. “Hold up a minute, though. What do you mean you know Dax? Please don’t tell me you’re on nickname basis with him because you’ve slept with him? If so, he really is a dick. He hit on me tonight, so I really hope he’s not with you.”

  “Oh no.” I widened my eyes at her and shook my head hard and fast. “I’m not with him. We haven’t slept together. We just go way back. In a platonic way. Why do people think he’s a dick?”

  “Most people don’t,” she said. “Most of the girls and guys on campus love the guy, but the way he walks around acting like he owns the place has made him slightly less popular with others. Apparently, he’s also been flirting at parties with so many girls, but he just keeps blowing them off when they try getting closer to him.”

  For some reason, I liked hearing that he was blowing girls off. But still… “You said he hit on you tonight?”

  “Yeah, but I blew him off,” she said. “I figured he could use a dose of his own medicine.”

  I chuckled at the evil smile that crossed her face when she said it. She was practically rubbing her hands together when she told me all about how he’d approached her but she hadn’t given him more than a minute of her time.

  We giggled a few more times at his expense, but considering that I was finally bonding with Ruby, I didn’t feel too bad about laughing at his antics. It sounded like he deserved it anyway.


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