Claimed by Pleasure: King of Spades (Wonderland Book 2)

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Claimed by Pleasure: King of Spades (Wonderland Book 2) Page 8

by Jaymie Holland

  Right at this moment, however, she was finding this turn in her life wasn’t fitting into any of the little boxes in her brain.

  Kira startled Alexi when she came up from behind and said, “Alexi, your bath is prepared for you.”

  “Thank you.” Alexi stood and took off one red stiletto before tossing it on the floor. She held onto the back of one chair with her hand as she tossed the other shoe near the first. She stripped out of her stockings and dropped them on the floor, too. She was so tired of being in those shoes and stockings that she’d be happy to toss everything in the garbage.

  Once she was ready, Alexi padded across the wood floor, into the bathroom, which had big black marble tiles for flooring and a large black granite bathtub. Steam rose from the surface of the water and looked just to be what the doctor ordered. She stepped in and sighed with pleasure as she settled into the warm almond-scented bath.

  Kira insisted on taking the stockings and washing them out in a silver tub before cleaning the dirt off of the stilettos with a cloth. Alexi was too busy mulling over her situation to give it much thought.

  Alexi protested but Kira insisted on washing Alexi’s hair. She put her foot down when it came to cleaning her own body. She could do it herself, thank you very much.

  When the water grew cool and her fingers had wrinkled like prunes, Alexi climbed out of the tub. Kira was instantly there with a thick black towel, and wouldn’t take no for an answer and helped dry Alexi’s body. The young woman seemed to take pleasure in serving Alexi, and in being subservient.

  They returned to the bedroom, Alexi with the towel still wrapped around her. She watched as Kira folded the stockings and put them with the stilettos into a trunk filled with what appeared to be leather clothing.

  “Is there anything else I may do for you?” Kira closed the trunk, snapped the closure shut, and then stood to face Alexi. “Perhaps a tonic to help you sleep?”

  Alexi considered it. She wasn’t sure she could sleep. But, if she was lucky, she might wake up to find this all a dream.

  In the end she shook her head. She preferred to stay away from drugs of any kind. “No thank you.”

  “Herbal tea perhaps?” Kira asked.

  Again, Alexi shook her head. “Thank you, but that’s not necessary.” How could she get rid of Kira for some peace and quiet? She adjusted the towel around her. “I’d like to be alone now.”

  “Of course.” Kira bowed. “May your dreams be pleasurable.”

  “May all of this turn out to be a dream,” Alexi muttered as Kira left the room and closed the door behind her.

  Alexi held the towel tight around herself as she went to the door after Kira had closed it. Alexi tried opening the door but it wouldn’t budge. She was locked in.

  She was too tired to be pissed. She wandered back to the bed and stood on the soft black rug beside it, letting her toes sink into the fur and wiggling them.

  Even as her mind continued to work over and over what had happened since she’d seen the mirror in her bedroom, her body felt more and more fatigued. She dropped the towel to the floor and climbed beneath heavenly soft covers that included a fur comforter, and all of it cocooned her. She snuggled with a feather pillow, hugging it tightly to her chest, as if it might offer her some comfort.

  The last thing she remembered thinking about was Alice and if she might be somewhere in this strange world called Tarok.


  It was late into the night when Darronn returned to his quarters, still in his tiger form. He spelled the doors open and quietly closed them behind him again with his magic. Immediately he caught the scent of Alexi’s feminine musk among the more customary smells of bathing gels, oils, and wood burning in his hearth. Kalina would have had Kira provide for Alexi’s bath as he had instructed.

  Darkness shadowed the room, save for a slice of moonlight spilling through a gap in the heavy draperies, and the orange glow of embers in the fireplace. With his keen feline vision, light was not necessary.

  He padded silently to the bedside to see Alexi asleep, her features relaxed and a smile teasing the corner of her mouth. Her auburn hair tumbled about her face and he sniffed at her clean skin and the almond-scented shampoo and body gel she must have used during her bath. A light blanket was loosely draped over her form, exposing her bare shoulder and back, and the curve of one breast. On the floor was a damp towel she had abandoned. He nosed it, moving it with his snout as he breathed in her intoxicating scent.

  Need that had never dissipated grew even fiercer as he raised his head and watched his woman sleeping. No, he would not take her until he felt she was ready—no matter that she had clearly invited him inside her.

  She stirred in her sleep and mumbled Alice’s name. A moment passed and Alexi made a sound that was almost like an animal in pain, before relaxing and going still again.

  His gut twisted, guilt weighing his belly like iron. He dismissed the feeling, easing the heaviness and forced the guilt to the back of his mind.

  Unfortunately, thoughts that replaced it were ones of crawling into bed between Alexi’s thighs and taking her to their mutual oblivion.

  With a low growl of frustration, Darronn stretched out on the rug beside the bed and rested his head on his paws.

  It would be a long night, indeed.


  ALEXI WALKED THROUGH BUSHES growing in soft forest ground. She made her way in the direction of the meadow, where she had first arrived in this strange land.

  Sunlight dappled the rich, dark loam of the forest, leaves fluttering in a breeze and causing the spots of light to shift.

  She took one sluggish step after another, as if the ground was trying to hold her back from walking to the meadow. Determination grew hot in her veins. Nothing would hold her back.

  The tree line was just ahead. It seemed like forever before she reached the edge and the ground gave up trying to keep her from leaving. The meadow stretched out in front of her.

  In the middle of the grass was a mirror. The very mirror she had been dragged through, taking her from her home to this bizarre land.

  Her heart beat faster and she left the tree line. Nothing held her back as she hurried to the mirror. When she reached it, her body tingled with anticipation. She could see her bedroom and all she had to do was step through the glass—

  Alice stepped in front of Alexi, on the other side of the mirror. Behind her appeared a strange room with tapestries and marble columns.

  Alexi caught her breath. “Alice?” Excitement surged through Alexi’s veins. “You’re back? You’re home?”

  Alice smiled. She’d never looked so radiant, so happy. “Everything is wonderful.” She hesitated and a frown turned down the corners of her mouth. “Except you’re not here.”

  “Take my hand.” Alexi put her palm to the mirror, which was cool to her touch. “Pull me through.”

  Alice reached up and placed her hand where Alexi’s was. The glass remained between them and Alexi didn’t feel the warmth of her sister’s hand.

  Alexi tried to push through the mirror but all she felt was the cold glass between herself and her twin. “It’s got to work. It’s got to!”

  “I’m sorry.” Alice looked close to tears. “I can’t bring you here.”

  “You have to.” Alexi started pounding on the glass. “Get me out of here! Get me out!”

  The mirror shattered beneath her fist.

  She looked on with horror as Alice’s image fractured and disappeared one shard at a time as each piece fell to the ground.

  “Nooooo!” The word came out in a wail and Alexi fell to her knees onto the broken pieces of the mirror, not caring as they dug into her flesh and sliced it open.

  Alexi’s eyes popped open, horror racing through her as the dream kept circulating through her mind. It had felt more like a vision than a dream, but she didn’t believe in visions.

  If it had been, that meant that Alice was back home and now Alexi was missing.

blinked as everything dawned on her. She was missing, just like Alice had been. She was in a strange land called Tarok and in the Kingdom of Spades.

  She let everything come into focus and saw that she was indeed in Darronn’s bed in his enormous bedroom. She was lying on her side, facing the fireplace. The fire had died down during the night, leaving only a few glowing coals.

  For the first time in her life, she felt at a complete loss. She had lost all control of her life, and she never lost control. Never.

  She started to roll out of the bed, only to realize that something very large, warm, and immovable was directly behind her. She panicked when she saw a massive white paw draped over her shoulder. A striped paw with a spot shaped like a black spade on the front.

  Her panic eased as she realized it had to be Darronn. She scooted away from the white version of Tony the Tiger, but he only let her move enough that she was able to roll over in his feline embrace and face him.

  Darronn’s vibrant green eyes were open and studying her. Even in his tiger form, his gaze was expressive, telling her more than he wanted her to know, she was certain.

  He didn’t know what to do with her. She wasn’t fitting the mold of every other woman he’d ever known.

  Her heart pounded just a little harder as he shifted within moments to a man. It was breathtaking, and she was certain she could never get used to seeing him do that. He was lying on top of the fur comforter, naked, while she was still beneath the blankets and the fur. She let her gaze travel from his massive chest to his taut abs until they rested on his huge cock.

  Her jaw dropped. Oh. My. God. It’s King Kong.

  She’d never seen a cock as big as his. When she looked at his face, his expression was one of amusement. His black eye had faded quickly and could barely be seen any more.

  He reached up and touched her cheek. “We have much to do with your training today.”

  If that wasn’t the way to ruin a moment, she didn’t know what was.

  She turned away from him, flung off the covers, and started to scramble out of bed. He caught her by the waist and pulled her hard against him. Her naked flesh was flush to his bare chest and hips, and his amazing erection burned into her.

  “Let me go.” She squirmed, but he had his arm firmly around her waist.

  Her movement only seemed to make his cock bigger against her and she couldn’t help the instant wetness between her thighs. She pushed at his arm with everything she had, but it was like a steel band surrounded her.

  He nuzzled in her ear. “You want what I have to offer. You merely have to ask.”

  “Fuck you.” She banged her fists on his arm.

  “Soon.” A note of satisfaction was in his voice. “But not until I am ready to slide into your slick core.”

  The words nearly made her melt as the image penetrated her mind. She shook herself back to reality and tried to kick back with one heel. He caught her legs between his, rendering her immobile.

  The only thing she could move was her head and she bit his arm, sinking her teeth into his muscled flesh.

  The bastard only laughed. “So my firecat likes to bite.” He nipped at her shoulder, but it brought a burst of pleasure, not pain.

  “Listen, you ogre.” She stopped squirming because she was expending energy without any results. “Let go of me.”

  “Ask.” His voice held firm authority.

  “If you don’t let go, I’m going to scream.” She clenched her jaw tight.

  His laugh was low, his breath tickling her neck. “The servants will merely think I am doling out the punishments you have earned. If you want me to release you, all you need to do is ask.”

  Oh, sure, and call him Master. No f’n way. She wanted to bang her head against something. The bastard was so stubborn he’d never let her go. However, he’d met his match in her. She was just as stubborn, if not more so.

  “All right then.” She ground her ass against him. “If you’re not going to let me go, then fuck me.”

  For a moment he didn’t say anything, clearly not expecting the response she’d given. “Don’t tempt me.” He thrust his hips against her and she had to hold back a groan as she imagined that huge erection stretching her, sliding into her, filling her.

  A knock shattered the moment, startling her into looking at the door and causing Darronn to growl.

  “What is it?” He bellowed the words.

  The door opened and Kalina stepped into the room. “Excuse me for the interruption, Master, but Karn is here and a situation requires your attention.” She did not look embarrassed at seeing Alexi and Darronn naked in bed together or intimidated in the least as he let out another growl when she added, “You are needed in the library.”

  Alexi raised an eyebrow. The Neanderthal has a library? She scoffed to herself. Doubtful. He probably used the space to store all of the bondage equipment he no doubt had on hand. Maybe even animal trophies.

  He released her and rolled out of bed.

  She grinned. Saved by the bell. Or rather, the knock. She and Darronn both saved face. This time.

  “Do you require anything else of me?” Kalina asked.

  “No.” He waved her away then pulled on a pair of leather pants that had been draped over a nearby chair. “I will summon you if I require your services.”

  Kalina gave a slight bow to Darronn before winking at Alexi when he turned his back. Kalina slipped out and closed the door behind her.

  After he’d put on his black boots, he turned to Alexi. “We are by no means finished.”

  She shrugged. “You’re not going to get your way, so you might as well get used to it.”

  This time his growl was close to a roar as he stomped out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him.

  She held her hand over her mouth to hold back a giggle. With Darronn, she couldn’t help but want to laugh because he wasn’t getting his way with her. He was frustrated and clearly didn’t know what to do about it.

  The thought of her twin made her frown. Last night she’d been so sure Alice must be in this world. Was it a vain hope, or could it be true?

  But the dream… Alice had been on the other side of the mirror, but not in Alexi’s room. Had it been just a dream, or some kind of vision? Her knees ached and she looked down at them, almost expecting to see cuts and blood from the broken mirror, but of course everything looked normal.

  She thought about the dream and the strange background. Had Alice been back home or here, somewhere in this land? Everything behind Alice screamed “castle” but that made no sense. Unless Alice really was in this world.

  Alexi shook her head as she tried to make sense of what must have been her overactive imagination wishing Alice was somewhere close. But Alexi didn’t have dreams that she could remember. Sometimes vague threads, but nothing as vivid as this one had been.

  She’d talk with Darronn about whether or not Alice was in this world, and he’d better give her a straight answer.

  A feeling of hope gave her energy and she slid out of bed. She was tired of being naked and needed something to wear. She went to the large wooden trunk at the foot of the bed. She pressed a brass button of sorts that clicked, and then the hinges creaked as she raised the lid. To the left were her stilettos and her stockings were folded neatly on top of the shoes. They were sitting on what looked like a stack of leather pants. On the right was more leather, but instead of neatly folded leather it looked like a pile full of scraps.

  She picked up the top one and grimaced. She didn’t know how to put the thing on, much less hope for any decent coverage. After rummaging through the pile, she pulled out what could pass for a dress with a whole lot of cutouts. She stood and let the lid thunk closed again.

  Alexi raised her brows as she held up the outfit. There wasn’t a lot to it, just like what Kalina wore and many of the women she’d seen in the village. She held back a frown. “Better than nothing, I suppose.”

  It took her a while, but she managed to figure out how to g
et the thing on. She sighed. It definitely revealed more than it hid.

  Another knock came at the door. Now that she had at least something on, she didn’t feel as snappish as she went to the door. This time it opened when she pulled on it and she found Kira standing on the other side. She held a tray filled with breakfast foods, including something similar to Danishes. A long-stemmed purple bloom sat on the tray next to the breakfast.

  “Good morning, Milady.” Kira nodded then flushed. “I mean, Alexi.”

  “Come in.” Alexi managed to smile at the young woman and stepped aside to let her in. “Let me take the tray for you—”

  Kira was already headed to the table where Alexi had eaten last night. She looked from Kira’s backside to the doorway. She could walk right out and leave this room at this very moment.

  Her gaze returned to Kira who had set down the tray and faced Alexi. “King Darronn posted guards.” Kira looked apologetic. “You would not get two steps outside the door.”

  Alexi groaned. “I’m hungry anyway.” She looked at the bloom. “What kind of flower is that?”

  “Ravenwood.” Kira gestured toward the doors that led to the balcony. “It is the king’s favorite. It climbs the wall just to the right of the balustrade.”

  Alexi considered the purple flower. It was beautiful with lots of teardrop-shaped petals.

  “I will leave you to your breakfast.” Kira gave another smile and a nod before passing Alexi and stepping into the hallway. Alexi closed the door with a harder thump than she’d intended to.

  She walked to the table and stared at the tray. What she assumed was a teapot, from the smell of herbs and lemon, sat on the right side of the tray, steam rising out of the spout.

  Plates of pastries and rolls, and a bowl of fruit rested on the tray, along with jars of jam and a ramekin of butter. She marveled at how similar it was to breakfast in her world, and wondered how many parallels there were and who taught whom?


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