Graham (Scandalous Boys Book 2)

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Graham (Scandalous Boys Book 2) Page 9

by Natalie Decker

  “Bullshit! Your mom did everything, man. Fuck. I’m surprised you even know how to wipe your own butt.”

  “Ha-ha. What else did you want besides busting my balls?”

  “Just got into town. I dropped Hails off at her folks’, and I was heading over to see your punk ass.”

  “I’m here. Just pull in behind the beater.”

  He laughs again. “All right, man.”

  It literally is less than a minute when the front door flies open and Bryce strolls right into my living room as if he owns the place. He looks around and whistles. “Jesus, your mom still deck the halls or what?”

  I roll my eyes. “Tell me about it. Did you see the newest shit she bought?”

  Bryce eyes the gingerbread carpet under his feet and lining the staircase. “Wow. I didn’t know they made this. You have to tell me—does she go to a special Christmas store where they sell the ugliest shit imaginable?”

  “Probably. She said she wanted to have an ugly-Christmas-sweater party. I swear, if she tries to dress me up as an elf, I’m outta here.”

  He shakes his head and takes a seat in the empty chair. “Dude, you really weren’t kidding about laundry.”

  “Nope. Sure wasn’t.”

  He snaps a picture of me. “Sorry, man. Madison wouldn’t believe me if I said this.”

  “Both of you can kiss my ass,” I laugh. Okay, before I went to college, Bryce was right. Not about having my mom wipe my ass. I can do that. But she did do a lot for me. Hell, there have been times I was up in my room completely stoned, playing video games, and yelled out at her to send me up some sandwiches. She always did. Don’t ask me why. But she did, and now that I think about it I really am surprised she didn’t slap the hell out of me.

  However, all this changed when I went off to college and met my roommate. Jim was way dirtier than I could ever be. This dude would call his mom and have her come pick up his laundry. Like she was a personal maid. To top it off, she’d clean our entire room. I thought she was the housekeeper or some crap. Then Jim introduced her to me as his mom. I think my eyes bulged. Especially after he made a grocery list and requested she prepare certain meals for him for the week.

  Let’s just say it changed my whole outlook on growing up. My first week home, I think my mom thought I’d gone insane. She kept asking if I was coming down with something or feeling okay. I guess it’s because I actually did my own laundry, ran the vacuum, and cleaned the bathrooms.

  I continue folding the mountain of towels beside me. “So when do you have to go back?”

  “I leave Sunday. What are you doing Friday?”

  “You’re looking at it. Probably a load of laundry, cleaning, who the hell knows. My life is not what it used to be.”

  Bryce nods. “I know. How long do you have?”

  “February. I’m a prisoner of this goddamn place until February.”

  “Sucks. Look on the bright side of things, though. Could be worse. You could be in jail. You could be on house arrest, which would mean you’d never leave not only this town, but the creepy fucking elf décor.”

  I laugh, but it’s bitter. “Yeah.”

  “Madison and I planned on going ice skating tomorrow, wanna come?”

  “And be a third wheel while you two practically hump each other? No. I’ll pass.”

  He shrugs. “We’re not that bad.” His grin says otherwise. “Speaking of third wheels, what’s up with you and Sarah?”

  “Nothing. I’m not gonna lie and say I can’t stand her. Fuck, I don’t think I’ll ever be over the girl. But it’s not going to happen.”

  Bryce grabs a towel and starts to fold. “Well, don’t let Mads know you have any feelings for Sarah. She’ll give you a lecture on how you can’t toy with Sarah’s emotions and all that jazz.”

  I’m not really worried about Madison’s lecture on how I feel about Sarah. I’m more worried that she’ll dig for the reason I’m here.

  “Thanks for the warning.”

  “You know she’s dying to ask why you’re here and not in school.”

  I figured as much. “What did you tell her?”

  “I told her I loved her but it wasn’t my story to tell. So, what is the whole story?”

  I groan and start placing the folded towels back into the basket. “I really don’t remember. One minute I was drinking and playing beer pong during rush week. Next thing I know, I wake up in a holding cell, cops telling me I’m not allowed to leave until the trial. There was a video. Fuck, Bryce, I’m telling you I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it. I was screaming, punching people, and then I kept yelling ‘Why did you drag me here? What did you do to me?’”

  “Dude. Were you drugged?”

  “I don’t know. I think maybe I was. I don’t know. They didn’t run any tests on me besides making me take a breathalyzer.”

  “That’s messed up.”

  Yeah, it was. But there isn’t shit I can do about it now.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Arms swing around me and squeeze tight. “Umph.” I groan. “Maddy, I can’t breathe.”

  “And that’s how you greet a person.” Madison lets me go and beams like she’s a kid in a toy store.

  I grab her bags and shove them into my trunk. Her friend Emily stops by the car and eyes me up. We’re still not at a friend level, but it’s fine. I completely understand. What I did to Madison was messed the hell up, and I deserve the cold shoulder treatment from someone.

  “Hi, Emily,” I say with a smile. “Need a lift?”

  She looks around. “It looks like it.” She frowns, and Madison hugs her. “Mads, I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine. How could they forget?”

  She shrugs. “It doesn’t matter. Can you give me a lift? I’ll pay for the gas or whatever.”

  “It’s fine. Toss your luggage in the trunk. That security guard has been eyeing me ever since I pulled up. I think he’s just itching to give me a ticket.”

  Emily and Madison laugh. “Oh my God! He totally is,” Madison says.

  Once everyone’s crap is in the trunk and their butts in the car, I take off. The security cop glared as I was pulled away. Emily and Madison are chatting up a storm, and I tune them out. As I coast into Emily’s driveway, the car becomes silent.

  “I’ll help you,” Madison says as she jumps out of the passenger seat.

  “Thanks for the ride,” Emily says to me and gives me a half smile.

  “No problem.”

  She nods once and gets out of the car. I watch Madison and Emily approach her house. Emily stands outside for about five minutes. I roll down my window. “Is everything okay?”

  “I,” Emily stammers, “uh—”

  “Her parents aren’t here,” Madison interrupted. “Took the housekeeper with them. Come on, you’re staying at our house.” She lugs Emily’s bags back into the car. She looks pissed off. Emily just frowns.

  After they’re both back in the car, I use the rearview mirror to observe Emily. “Some parents are assholes. Mine used to do this all the time. Randomly disappear and not tell me.”

  Emily narrows her eyes as I drive us away from the house. “I knew something was up when they deposited a bunch of funds in my account. Ever since I graduated, they’ve been MIA. It’s like I no longer exist.”

  “At least they waited until then. Mine just stopped being in my life the minute I turned ten. Then I had a nanny. She left the moment I was fifteen.”

  Madison gasped. “You mean Auntie Catlin and Uncle Aaron never did things with you?”

  I glance at Madison. “No. They thought money solved everything. They tossed me cash, and that was our relationship. They stopped hugging me at eleven.”

  “Wow. No wonder you were such a bitch,” Emily says.

  “Yeah. I was. It’s a working process.”

  We remain silent until we pull into to our driveway. Madison helps Emily with her luggage. Bryce swoops in and takes the bags from Madison, pec
ks her on the temple, and smiles at Emily. “Damn, babe,” he says to Madison, “you packed enough for a three-month snowstorm, I see.”

  “Not her bags. Those are mine. And yes, I pack a lot,” Emily says as she pats his arm.

  I grab Madison’s bags from the trunk and head up to the porch. Kyle glares at Bryce and pales when he sees Emily. “Hi. Em. What are—”

  “She’s staying. Talk about it later. Help, Sarah, will you?”

  Kyle grins at me with my arms full of luggage. “I got this.”

  “Thanks.” I hand him the large bag and enter the house. I drop the small suitcase off in my room and head back downstairs.

  As I’m passing Kyle’s room, I hear hushed voices. It sounds like Emily and Kyle. “It’s okay, Em. I’ve got you.”

  “I just don’t understand,” she says, and it’s muffled.

  I stop listening and continue down the steps. Madison and Bryce are in the living room and apparently having a deep conversation too. “Mads, just give him some space. He’ll tell you when he’s ready.”

  “I can’t believe you won’t tell me. I thought … ugh, never mind.”

  He laughs and kisses her on the mouth. “I love you. You know that, right?”

  She folds her arms. “Whatever.”

  “Hi, Sarah. How have you been?” Bryce asks.

  “Good, I guess.”

  “Babe. I love you, but I gotta head back to my house. Come over later and say hi to Mom. She misses you,” Bryce says to Maddy.

  “I will.” She kisses him and walks him to the door.

  Madison sighs as soon as she closes the door. “Are you okay?” I ask.

  She frowns. “I think he’s going to break up with me.”

  “Are you insane? That guy practically flew over here to help you with your bags. He has this goofy look on his face every time he sees you. And I swear he doesn’t see anyone but you in a room full of people.”

  She walks into the kitchen, and I follow her. “I’m telling you something is up. For the last three weeks he’s been super busy. He’s out late. And he’s been having secret conversations with someone. I don’t think he’s cheating but … I don’t know. I ask him, and he says it’s nothing and kisses me.”

  “Well, maybe it is nothing.”

  “Okay, you know how you have gut feelings? Like something is definitely wrong?”

  I nod. I got it the night before my parents were arrested. My stomach churned all night, as if I were going to vomit.

  Maddy chews on her lower lip. “My stomach is in knots all the time.”

  “You’ve been under a lot of pressure though. I mean, think about it, Maddy. You have your big art presentation coming up. You didn’t know what you wanted to present to the gallery for a long time. That’s probably where the nerves are coming from.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. I just … I’ve never been in a relationship like this. And I really love him, Sarah. I’m scared as hell of losing him.”

  There is nothing I can really say to make her feel better. I mean, hell, I’ve never been in a relationship like hers. Not really. Graham and I probably could have had something like this, but I messed that up. And before Graham, there was just a string of flings and one-night romances. Nothing serious. Nothing to make my heart pound or my palms sweat. Graham was the first. The only.

  She sniffles. “Oh goodness. Look at me. Being all mopey and stuff. It’s completely rude. How have you been? How’s, you know, the little situation with you and an unnamed someone?”

  “It’s fine. I’m just—”

  “You just what?” Kyle interrupts me.

  “Nothing. All is good. How is school?” I ask as he wraps me up in a hug.

  “It’s great. Hey, Maddy, hate to be a Debbie downer and all, but Em needs ya.”

  Madison smiles and makes her way up the stairs. Kyle studies me for a moment more. “I still can’t get over this hair. What made you change it to red?”

  “Madison suggested it. I said I didn’t want to be recognized.”

  Kyle frowns. “Is it bad? I’ll kick someone’s ass if they’re being a dick. Just point me in the direction.”

  I shove Kyle and laugh. “You do that, and you’ll be in jail too. Thanks, though. It’s getting better. Not as bad, I’m sure, as it would be if I were home.” Which reminds me of the conversation I had with Mom a few days ago. She wants me to come see her. Spend time visiting a woman who practically abandoned me in jail. How about no?

  Kyle walks over to the fridge and nods. “Yeah. I imagine it would be a lot worse. Listen though, if you need me to say something, I will. I mean it. I’ll drive up here in a heartbeat and put some jackass in the ground. You’re not your parents, Sarah. You didn’t steal from those people. In fact, I think you’re just as much a victim as they are. You know?”

  Am I? If my trust fund wasn’t frozen, would I still be here? Would I have gone back to my spoiled life? I think I might have. Considering that trust fund has well over a million dollars in it. Yeah. Kyle and I probably wouldn’t be having the same conversation if that were the case.

  The phone rings and Kyle grabs it, “Hey, Mom. Yeah. Hey, uh, we have an extra guest.”

  He groans. “No, Mom. Emily came home. Her parents are still in the Caribbean or something.”

  He narrows his eyes. “Hold on.” He passes me the phone.

  “Hi, Auntie Heather.”

  “Hi, hon. How’s Emily?”

  “She seemed really upset when I picked Madison and her up from the airport.”

  “I see. Can you do me a huge favor?”


  “Up on top of the fridge is a jar filled with cash. Take three hundred out of it and the grocery list I have tacked up under the bright-green magnet. You see it?”


  “You, Madison, and Emily go run to grocery store. Pick up an extra pint of ice cream. Get everything off that list and also any extra snacks you kids can think of. God knows Kyle will raid the kitchen of all food, if he hasn’t done so already.”

  I smile at that. He has been in the kitchen a lot. Twice since I came home from work, and again just now. Gosh knows how many times after I left to go get Madison. My cousin sure can eat. Well, so can Maddy. I mean, she might have the flat, toned stomach, but the girl can out eat most guys I know.

  “Okay. Is that it?” I ask.

  “You know what? Take another hundred just in case and an extra twenty for your gas tank.”

  “You don’t have to give me gas money.”

  “Sarah, I know I don’t. But I want to. I’ll be home at seven.”


  I gather up the money and the list then head to the store without Madison and Emily. I figured they could use the time to catch up. And let’s face it, who in the hell wants to catch up or spill any of their thoughts at the grocery store? No one.

  I get what my auntie Heather was trying to do. Getting Emily out of the house might get her mind off of things. But sometimes you need to have a meltdown first.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Wednesday morning a thunderous pounding on our front door wakes me. I groan and grumble while making my way down the stairs to find out who in the hell is dying to come in. “What?” I yell as I throw open the door.

  Madison eyes me up and then snorts. “Good morning to you too, bestie!” She hands me a cup of coffee and heads upstairs to my room.

  “Maddy! What the hell?”

  She looks back at me and grins. “You and I are going to have a talk. A long one.”

  Fuck! I knew I couldn’t simply ignore her. Once we’re in my room I take a seat on my bed. She is on the floor in front of my mom’s Nintendo, which is now mine. “Game, coffee, and thoughts. Every time I beat a level you have to come clean about something. Like why you’re here and not in school. Or how you feel about Sarah. And why you keep playing with her.”

  “Madison, it’s eight in the morning!”

She shrugs. “Does it look like I’m leaving? Sit!”

  She unravels a controller and hands it to me as I take a seat beside her. “Bryce isn’t gonna kick my ass cause you’re here, is he?”

  “No. Bryce knows we’re friends. And I’m pretty sure he won’t care if I’m here.”

  I snort. “You really have no clue. Our buddy Bryce has changed a lot, Maddy. He’s always been jealous of anyone around you. But now that you’re his girlfriend, it’s worse. He would go to the ends of the earth to make you happy. You know that, right?”

  “I’m not here to talk about Bryce. I’m here to play and talk about you.”

  “How was ice skating?”

  She starts up Super Mario Bros. 3 and then glares at me. “Fine. You want to know?”


  “He didn’t come. I waited for him at the rink for twenty minutes then left. He said he forgot. He’s been doing that a lot lately. In fact, it’s his favorite excuse, and you know what? I’d rather he just get it over with, dump me now.”

  What the … ? No. Bryce is madly in love with Madison. Anyone who is around them can see it. Him missing their dates and ignoring her doesn’t sound right. Whatever, I’ll get to the bottom of it Friday.


  “I see it,” I say. I pounce onto the mushroom coming after me.

  “Okay, now …”

  “Maddy, I got this!” I have Mario jumping and collecting all the coins.

  Madison sighs. “Why are you here?”

  I pause the game and set my controller down. “You really want to know?”


  “You can’t tell anyone. Promise?”

  She nods. “I swear I won’t.”

  For the next hour I tell her everything about the night, the video, and I even tell her my feelings for Sarah. I also explain why I can’t act on those feelings. And a funny thing happens then. Madison says, “Wow. I get it. I mean, it sucks for both of you, but I get it.”

  “She hates me now I bet, huh?”

  She laughs. “Nope. Not even a little. Graham, if you think you were punked, why can’t you get someone to testify for you? I mean someone who saw and knows how you normally act with and without alcohol?”


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