The Neighbor

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The Neighbor Page 4

by Nikki Rayne

  Max grunted like a wild animal as he yanked down his pajama pants. His cock sprung free, and I couldn’t stop myself from leaning forward and grabbing him, wrapping my fingers around the soft skin.

  Max closed his eyes and leaned his head back as I stroked him. It seemed like he hadn’t enjoyed the touch of a woman in a very long time.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed him.

  “Max,” I whispered.

  “Yeah?” he asked, his word barely existing.

  “Please,” I said, sucking in a breath. “Please fuck me.”

  Max grabbed my hips and yanked me so hard I slid downward at least six inches on the mattress. He raised me slightly, and I gasped when I felt the tip of his cock at my opening.

  My fingers dug into the sheets, and I bit my lip, so I didn’t cry out as he slid himself deep inside me. He watched his cock slid in and out several times before he met my eyes.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said. “So fucking perfect.”

  I couldn’t respond. If I even opened my mouth, I’d come and I wanted to feel him a bit longer.

  My body was in a state where I felt like everything was going to be okay. That everything was perfect. I didn’t want it to end… not yet.

  Max’s hands glided up my stomach, stopping when he got to my breasts. He rolled them together, pinching and flicking my nipples as if he got as much pleasure from it as I did.

  “Come for me, Hope,” Max said. “Because I’m not sure how much more I can take.”

  My pussy tightened and my orgasm crashed over me like a ten-foot-tall ocean wave. A hand covered my mouth the second the loud moan started to escape.

  It was so ungodly amazing that I felt like I was going to pass out. My head tingled. My body vibrated.

  “Shh,” Max said before closing his eyes.

  He thrust hard and deep, grunting as he came inside me. My body felt like a feather floating through the air as reality reappeared around me.

  Max gently eased himself out, dropping down on the bed next to me. He was breathing as if he’d just finished a race.

  “That was fucking amazing,” he said as he worked to steady his breathing. “I’ve never—”

  “Me either,” I said, knowing exactly what he was going to say. Max and I fit together perfectly, and what we experienced was mind-blowing.

  Max pulled me into his arm and kissed the top of my head. I almost laughed. I couldn’t believe how angry I’d been when I’d first walked over… now I was lying in his bed.

  Max sighed as he pressed his head against mine. “I hate to say this, but you have to leave.”



  She shot straight up, just like my cock had only moments ago. Her jaw was stiff, and even in the darkness, I could tell she was glaring at me.

  “Sorry?” she asked sharply.

  “I… I’d love for you to stay but my daughter,” I said, sitting up. I took her hand, but she pulled it away. “She doesn’t even know you exist. How could I explain?”

  Hope’s eyes lowered, and her jaw relaxed. She let out a breath before she crawled out of bed.

  Her dress was back on far too quickly.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, getting out of the bed. I placed my hands on her shoulders. “I won’t keep you a secret. I’ll tell her about you, but I just don’t want her to find out like this.”

  “I get it,” Hope said, holding up her hand. “Daddy’s not allowed to have sleepovers.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair. “Yeah, I’m not. At least not yet.”

  “I’ll see you around,” Hope said as she reached out for the doorknob.

  “Hope,” I said, grabbing her hand. “I don’t want you leaving like this. I don’t want you mad at me. I want to see you again.” A smile curled my lips. “I want to do this again, don’t you?”

  I grabbed her waist and pulled her clothed body against my nakedness. The feel of her silky dress was almost enough to get me going again.

  “Yes,” she said. “I do. But as soon as I walk out the door, I have to return to my life. I’d rather stay here and forget about all that.”

  Hope looked up at me. She looked scared and lost. It was strange, but all I wanted to do was to take care of the woman staring up at me.

  “I’ll help you any way I can,” I said.

  “Will you?” she asked. “Or will I just be greeted by uniformed men again tomorrow? Or the next day? I’m tired, Max. My friends don’t get that. I’m done with partying. I’m forty-one, and I don’t have anything to show for my life. All I have is the house, and if I don’t figure out a way to pay my bills, I’m going to lose that too.”

  “We’ll figure it out,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her. “I won’t call the police again. I’ll come to talk to you. I was an asshole, and I won’t let it happen again.”

  She grinned. “You really were.”

  “I’m sorry, Hope,” I said. “It’s been a rough few years for me too. It’s not easy raising a daughter by myself. I promise you we will work this all out. I don’t want to go another day without you. You’re the missing piece of my puzzle. I don’t think you realize how long I’ve been looking for that piece… so long, I gave up. But here you are, the last place I thought to look.”

  Hope’s eyes were glassy. “I kept trying to fit in the wrong puzzles.”

  I chuckled before kissing her soft lips. I didn’t want to pull away, but I forced myself.

  “Can I walk you home?” I asked.

  “Sure,” Hope said.

  I took her hand in mine, and we walked side by side across the yard to her place. We kissed for a long time on her front porch. She didn’t pull away until a car turned at the end of the block.

  “That’s probably Olivia,” she said.

  “You don’t want her to see us together?” I asked with a raised brow.

  “She’s going to ask me a lot of questions,” Hope said, raising herself onto her tip-toes. “See you tomorrow?”

  “Can’t wait,” I said.

  I was back inside my house before the car pulled in the driveway. There was a light on upstairs and a shadow moving back in forth in front of the window. The light flicked off when the car door slammed shut.

  “Good night, Hope,” I whispered and went to bed.

  In the morning, I rehearsed in my head over and over again what I would tell Lily. She was feeling better, but still, I had to keep her home from school. I wasn’t exactly sure how to tell her, so, at breakfast, I just blurted it out.

  “I think I have a girlfriend,” I said. I wanted to smack myself, but Lily just stared at me. She blinked twice before smiling.

  “Oooh! Daddy has a girlfriend!” Lily sang. “I learned a song at school. What’s her name?”

  “Hope,” I said.

  “Pretty name,” Lily said. “It goes like this. Daddy and Hope, sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes marriage. Then comes Hope with a baby carriage!”

  Lily burst out laughing.

  “I like it all except for the baby carriage part,” I said with a laugh. “Want to meet her?”

  Lily’s head bobbed wildly. “I’ll show her my dolls and my coloring books. I bet she’ll like my video games. Does she like cartoons?”

  “I think so,” I said. “Who doesn’t?”

  “Is she pretty?” Lily asked.

  I narrowed my eyes. “Does it matter?”

  “No, I was just wondering.”

  “Well, if you must know, she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” I said.

  “Okay,” Lily said, looking a bit sad.

  “So, you two will have a lot in common since you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” I said.

  Lily brightened. She finished her breakfast and went back into the living room. She turned on the TV and became a zombie. I kind of understood because I sat there staring out of the window at Hope’s house, feeling a bit like a zombie myself.

  A glimpse of her was all
I wanted. But sadly, I didn’t get it… at least not until I stopped over after lunch.



  I was so nervous, walking across the yard toward Max’s house. It was just so soon to be meeting his daughter. But really, if that was what it took to be with Max, I’d do it.

  I’d never wanted to impress someone so much in my life. And also, I’ve never had to impress someone so young.

  I sucked in a breath and straightened my shoulders before I knocked. The door opened almost instantly.

  The young girl looked up at me, blinking repeatedly.

  “Hello,” I said, giving her a big, kind smile.

  She didn’t answer.

  “Um, is your dad home?”

  “Hey!” Max said, stepping up behind her. “Come in, come in. Lily, this is Hope.”

  “Hi,” Lily said in a small voice.

  Max looked really good all cleaned up and in jeans in a tight t-shirt, but I tried not to notice. He placed his hand on my back and practically pulled me inside.

  “So glad you came,” Max said, closing the door behind me.

  “Yeah, of course.” I beamed at him.

  “Make yourself at home,” Max said. He patted Lily on the head. “Why don’t you show Hope the picture you drew for her.”

  I widened my eyes. “I’d love to see it.”

  “It’s in my room. Should I get it?”

  “Yes, please!” I said.

  “I could bring down my video games, too,” Lily said. “Do you like games?”

  “Yeah, who doesn’t,” I replied.

  Lily’s feet pounded the stairs as she excitedly ran away from us. The second she was out of sight, Max wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my body against his.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  “You look so good,” I said.

  “It was between this and my pajama pants,” Max lowered his voice. “But you saw those already.”

  Lily came back and handed me a picture. “It’s a drawing of our house.”

  “I see that,” I said. The drawing was really good. “There’s shading and lots of detail. I’m impressed.”

  “I’m going to be an artist,” Lily said.

  “You sure are,” I said.

  Max clapped his hands. “Oh, Hope, I put in a call at the hospital, and I know it’s probably not a great option, but there are a few openings in reception. I could put in a good word for you.”

  He started laughing.

  “Why are you laughing?” I asked, smiling at his contagious chuckle.

  “I don’t even know what kind of job you're looking for,” he said.

  “Oh, I’m desperate,” I said. “I’ll take anything at this point. I was a flight attendant.”

  “Huh,” he said. “I don’t really see it.”

  “Apparently, my boss didn’t either.”

  Max laughed.

  “I’m hungry,” Lily said. She’d turned on her video game and was already sucked into the game.

  “Let’s eat,” Max said.

  “What is it?” Lily asked, plopping down on the chair I assumed she always sat in.

  “Spaghetti and meatballs,” Max said, raising a brow at me. “I know, you’re impressed, right?”

  I shrugged. “Kind of. More advanced that my microwave meals.”

  Max gestured at the chair next to Lily’s. I sat down, looking over at Lily’s game.

  “Lily,” Max said. “Put your game away at the dinner table.”

  “Just a sec, dad.” She pushed the buttons wildly. “I just need to finish this level.”

  “Lily,” he said in a lower, stern voice.

  The little girl rolled her eyes but set down the device. She crossed her arms and pouted for several seconds before she looked at me.

  “You’re really pretty,” she said. “Like one of my dolls.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “You’re very pretty too.”

  “Thank you,” she replied, letting her arms uncross.

  The evening couldn’t have gone any better. Lily and I had become fast friends.

  Max had a smile on his face that didn’t disappear the entire night. He seemed really happy. And for the first time, in a very long time, I felt happy too.

  At the end of the night, the three of us watched a movie together. Lily was on one side, and I was on the other. She leaned against his side, and he had his arm around me.

  It was crazy how comfortable I felt being in Max’s house… with him and his daughter. It just felt so… right.

  After Lily went to bed, Max and I cuddled on the sofa. He rubbed my feet while we watched TV.

  “Max,” I said, breaking the silence. “What happened to Lily’s mom?”

  “She didn’t want to be a mom,” Max said. “Or a wife.”

  “Sorry,” I said. “I shouldn’t have asked.”

  Max patted my thigh. “No, it’s fine. You can ask whatever you want. I want to know everything about you, and I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

  “Oh, wow. There isn’t much to know,” I said.

  We talked for hours—both of us falling asleep eventually.

  Lily woke us bright and early at seven in the morning. She didn’t seem upset or surprised to find me there.

  “I should go home and take a shower,” I said. I stood and straightened my clothes.

  “Are you going to come back later?” Lily asked.

  “Oh, um, I don’t know,” I said.

  Max folded his hands together. “Please!”

  I laughed. My eyes locked with Max’s. “Are you sure?”


  I smiled. “Okay, then it’s decided. I’ll be back later.”

  Epilogue - Hope

  We saw each other almost every day for the last year. My job at the hospital was going well, and it helped that I could see Max on lunch breaks once a week.

  Lily and I had grown close. So, close I couldn’t even imagine my life without her in it. I also couldn’t imagine my life without her dad.

  I spent more time at their house than I did at mine. But Olivia kept my house clean… ish.

  We didn’t have parties at my house anymore. Not because Max didn’t like it but because I wasn’t interested.

  My days were filled with work and spending time with Lily and Max. It was the first time in my adult life everything felt like it was in place.

  I was Max’s missing puzzle piece. Lily and Max were my long-lost puzzle.

  Max and I were busy working on decorating the backyard for Lily’s birthday party. The cake was in the kitchen, and it wouldn’t be long before the children would arrive.

  “Oh shit,” Max said. “I forgot something. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay,” I said as I twisted a streamer along the fence.

  A few seconds later, Lily and Max came out of the back door, both with big smiles on their faces. They looked guilty.

  “We can’t wait,” Lily said.

  “What are you talking about? We have to wait,” I smiled as I twisted. “It won’t be much longer.”

  “Not that,” Lily said. “Better than the party.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  Max stepped over to me and dropped down on his knee. Lily clasped her hands together and squealed.

  “Drop something?” I asked.

  Max took a little box from Lily and looked up at me. He cleared his throat. “Hope?”

  “Yes?” I said suspiciously. It hit me like a fist to the gut. What was happening?

  My breath felt like it was caught in my throat. I brought my finger to my lip as if that would somehow help.

  “I love you,” Max said. “More than I ever thought I could love someone that wasn’t my own flesh and blood. Lily and I want you to be part of our family forever. Hope Blair, will you marry me?”

  “Marry us!” Lily said as if she were correcting and begging at the same time.

  Max opened the box and showed me a gorgeous ring. The diam
onds sparkled in the sunlight with a pale blue tint. It wasn’t large, and it wasn’t gaudy. It was absolutely the kind of ring I’d wear. It was perfect.

  “Are you serious?” I asked when I finally found my words.

  “Yeah!” Lily said.

  Max smiled. “This isn’t something I’d joke about.”

  “It’s her birthday,” I whispered as if I didn’t want to take away from Lily’s special day.

  “I wanted to wait,” Max said. “But Lily insisted we do it now. Guess she couldn’t wait another minute. Not that I wanted to wait either.”

  Lily hopped. “We’ve waited like a week. It was so hard not to say anything to you! Are you going to say yes or what?”

  “Oh my God, yes,” I said. I covered my mouther and forced myself to stare at the ring, so I didn’t start crying. “Definitely, a hundred times, yes.”

  “Yay!” Lily squealed. “Daddy, she said yes!”

  “I heard,” Max said, placing the ring on my finger. He stood and wrapped his arms around my waist. “I love you, Hope.”

  “I love you too,” I said.

  Max smiled that sexy smile before giving me a small but very sensual kiss.

  Lily clapped.

  I pulled back and smiled at her as I reached out my arm. She squeezed between us, stretching her little arms around us.

  It was official. We were going to be a family. A perfectly happy, little family… forever.

  Max and Lily both looked happy, and I felt… complete.

  More to Come!

  Want more? Of course you do!

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  About the Author

  Nikki Rayne writes hot and dirty, sweet and sexy books that will steam up your windows. Between the covers of her books you’ll find bad boys to billionaires and everything in between.

  If you’re looking for a steamy, hot, and satisfying insta-love romance with a guaranteed happy ever after, you’ve come to the right place.


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