Dead To Rights_HZA, Vol. 4

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Dead To Rights_HZA, Vol. 4 Page 26

by Marty Brockschmidt

  From the security office, Sue had Jimmy start the radio checks. “Patrol one,check in.”

  “Patrol one, all clear.” Tim answered.

  “Patrol two, check in.”

  “Patrol two, all clear.” Turk answered.

  “Patrol three check in.”

  “Patrol three, all clear.” Jackson answered.

  “Eye in the sky check in”

  “Eye in the sky, all clear” Caleb responded.

  “Back door, check in”

  “Back door, all clear” Mitch answered.

  “Front door, check in”

  “Front door, all clear” Prescott replied.

  “Home base, all clear at 2:35” Jimmy reported.

  “Thanks honey, good job” Sue replied.

  “Mom, stick to the protocol” Jimmy admonished.

  “OK dear, check in confirmed Control.” Sue answered.

  The sound of gravel crunching underfoot, drew Prescott and Tracey closer to the campground area. Prescott saw the flash from a muzzle. Prescott barely heard Tracey wince as he pumped three rounds, from his 30-30, in the direction of the shot and heard Tracey's assailant, scream and hit the ground. Tracey gritting her teeth from the pain of the flesh wound, dragged Prescott to the cover of a large decorative boulder, at the entrance to the park campground.

  Prescott pulled the radio off his belt. “Front door under attack. They are coming in near the campground. Tracey's been shot.”

  “On our way.” Turk answered.

  “Home base hold tight, but get everyone ready to bug out.” Tom ordered.

  As they checked their go bags, Abigail realized Chloe was no longer in the building. Fearing she might get caught in a crossfire, Abigail pulled Red aside. “Red, I'm sorry to do this to you, but I can't find Chloe anywhere.”

  “Shit. She picked a hell of a time to go wandering.” Red fretted and then sighed. “Alright, let's go find her.”.

  Margo overhearing, piped up. “She probably went to the stables to look after Sassy. I'll get Jax and he'll track her down.”

  Red took a spare radio. “This is Red, Chloe has lit out. Margo thinks she may be headed to the stables, I'm taking Abigail along with me and Margo will be leading us with Jax.”

  “Copy that.” Tom answered.

  Pete and Mitch on the far side of the compound ,were intently trying to watch what was going on, across the compound from them. They didn't catch that three women dressed in black, had cut through the fence below them and were creeping up to their position. A soft 'pffft' of the tranquilizer gun and Mitch cried out as the needle stung him. Pete turned to see Mitch crumple just as a pair of bolt cutters wielded by Delilah, were swung at his head. Pete was able to partially block the blow with his arm, enough to prevent his skull from being crushed, but not enough to keep him from being knocked out.

  “Sister Agnes, take the boy back to my trailer. Sister Ingrid and I will continue on to retrieve Chloe.” Delilah commanded.

  Tim and Turk arrived near Prescott and Tracey's position, just as a flare was shot in the air illuminating their positions and causing them to drop flat to the ground. Prescott used the light to get a bead on the head of the man he had shot and made sure the man didn't turn and add a zed to their problems. As the light from the flare started to flicker out, Turk caught sight of two more men, beginning to descend the ladder used by the first man, to enter their compound. Tapping Tim on the shoulder Turk directed. “You go low and I'll take the one at the top.”

  The two men fired, almost as one and two more of their attackers were dispatched. Jeff had dropped off Jackson at the security office. Tom and Jeff hurried to enter the fray, leaving Jimmy and Jackson with Sue in the security office, to manage communications.

  Margo and Jax reached the stables, when the flare illuminated the compound. Margo saw Chloe near the stable gate and before Red could call her back, Margo raced towards Chloe.

  “Chloe, what on earth? We were worried about you.” Margo called out.

  The silent 'pffft' of the tranquilizer gun, sent a dart into Margo's neck. Red and Abigail watched in confusion as Margo clapped a hand to her neck and then in horror, as she collapsed to the ground. Two figures dressed in black, emerged from the shadows and moved towards Margo and Chloe. Abigail moved towards them at a run, screaming. “Leave them be”.

  Delilah and Ingrid turned towards Abigail and Ingrid, raised her pistol. Red pushed Abigail to the ground, just as Ingrid shot. The bullet, meant for Abigail, passed through Red's left shoulder. Red had her own pistol up and fired three rounds, into Ingrid's chest. With the last flickering light of the flare, Delilah brought up her weapon to return fire. Jax growled and leapt at her, protecting Margo from this loathsome women.

  Delilah swung the butt of her pistol down hard on the top of Jax's head, firing, as she struck Jax and her bullet tore through Red's left thigh. Red dropped her pistol and collapsed to the ground. Delilah picked up the unconscious Margo. “Come along Chloe, we will let Sister Ingrid take care of them, once she joins the fallen”.

  The light from the flare flickered out and Abigail crawled over to Red. In the darkness, Abigail felt down Red, until she found the wound on her leg. Feeling the blood, pouring from Red's leg, Abigail pulled off her shirt and bound the wound tight and used both hands to put pressure and staunch the bleeding. Hearing Ingrid starting to move, Abigail called out. “Help … Someone … Anyone please help”.

  A second flare went up and sniper fire broke out from the treeline, across from Turk and the others, pinning them to the ground. Tim pointed out to Turk the muzzle flashes, from a tree, about fifty yards from the fence. Lying prone, Turk used the nightscope on his rifle to target the sniper. With the last remaining light from the flare Turk took the shot, dropping the sniper.

  In the dark, Abigail could hear Ingrid shuffling towards her. Daring to look up, she could just barely make out the dead woman, coming closer. When the second flare went up, Ingrid stopped and watched the light for a second, or two, but the lure of the smell of fresh blood and the two living women, drew her attention. Ingrid drew closer and closer to the two women. Abigail was unwilling to leave Red, but was afraid that if she removed her hands and took the pressure off the wound, Red would bleed out.

  When Ingrid bent to bite Abigail, Abigail quickly removed one hand and shoved back, against Ingrid's head as hard as she could. Abigail knew there was just a bare few seconds of light left, from the flare and she feared she would be unable to fend off Ingrid, again. Tears streaming down her face, Abigail wailed. “Help …. Please …. Help”.

  A small voice answered. “I'm here.”

  Lizzie picked up Red's pistol and confronted the zed. “Stay away from her, you bitch.” Lizzie snarled and sent a bullet, between the eyes of the zed.

  As the zed fell, Lizzie asked. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Oh thank God. Honey, the radio fell off of Red's belt, try to find it and call for help.”

  “Come in, anybody come in. Red is hurt real bad, we need help at the stable.” Lizzie called, into the radio.

  Hearing her plea come over the radio, Tom yelled to Turk. “Go, we got things covered here.”

  Turk was on the run, before Tom finished. The strides of his long legs eating up the distance, between him and Red. What seemed like an eternity to Turk, was actually slightly over a minute. Turk had heard the gunfire and the possibilities raced through his mind, faster than his legs could carry him. Turk flicked on his flashlight as he approached, causing Lizzie and Abigail to jump, slightly.

  “Its alright, its me Turk.”

  Turk quickly looked at Red’s shoulder wound and examined her thigh, while having Abigail maintain pressure on the bandage, then finished with a quick check of Red vitals. Will and Emma arrived, just as he finished his exam. Turk removed Red’s belt and used it as a tourniquet, on her thigh. “Will, I'll take Red to the first aid station, you and Emma make sure the back door is secure.”

  Turk picked up Red. “Liz
zie, we'll get Red patched up. It'll take a bit , but I reckon she'll be right as rain by and by. Abigail, if you would tag along and fill me in.”

  Before she left with Will, Emma peeled off her jacket and handed it to Abigail. Jax was stirring from the blow to his head and Turk gave a soft whistle to bring him along. On their brisk walk over to the first aid station, Abigail poured out the whole story of their search for Chloe, the attack by Delilah and the other woman and the subsequent kidnapping of Margo.

  At the first aid station, Turk assisted by Abigail set about caring for Red, while Lizzie kept hold of Red's hand. When Turk was satisfied the bleeding was under control, he pulled up a chair, drew Lizzie up on his lap and clasped his hand, over Lizzie's and Red's.

  “She'll be alright, then?” Abigail asked.

  “If we can buy some time for her to recuperate.” Turk answered.

  “This is all my fault. I am so sorry. If I had pointed out Chloe's odd behavior, this would of never happened.” Abigail confessed.

  “And what, precisely, would we of done differently knowin that an odd child, was actin oddly? You got Red's bleedin under control quickly and you did not run, when attacked by the zed. Ma'am, I am grateful for what you did and eternally in your debt.”

  Lizzie pulled Turks free arm, tight, around her waist and Turk leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “I'm proud of you to lil miss, don't make a habit of not doin as you're told, though.”

  Lizzie smiled and then asked. “What about Margo?”

  “You let me worry about Margo, you worry about Red. Deal?”


  Pete was brought in, still unconscious and Emma dressed his head wound. Tracey came in and Emma took care of the bullet graze on her shoulder, as well. When Emma was free to keep watch on Red and Pete, Turk excused himself, kissing Red on the forehead, before leaving.

  Turk joined the others, who had gathered in the security office to think out their next steps. When he came in, Sue asked. “How is Red?”

  “She should be fine, if she has time to heal.” Turk replied.

  Tim continued, from where he left off. “We've been watching our gates, but they ignored the gates and breached the fences, we need to be ready for them.”

  Turk interrupted him. “Enough, we been playin this game by their rules, all along. They send zeds at us and we clear them, they make some noise on one side and we all run there. It's time they dance to our tune. They are going to hit us with everything they got, come sun up, we're gonna use that to run a diversion of our own.”

  “What exactly, do you got on your mind Turk?” Tom asked.

  “First off Tom, do you think you, Will and Jeff can make like an army?”

  “We could give it a hell of a shot, what for?”

  “You're the diversion, I need you to make enough noise to cover what I'm up to. Sue, do you think you could make me something from the elk hides?”

  “Let me know what you need, Miri and I will get it done.” Sue answered.

  “Tim, I need you to plow the field for me.”

  With less than two hours before daybreak, they flew into a flurry of activity. Their vehicles had been largely ready for a quick exit, but they squeezed in as much of their remaining food, water and weapons as they could. The horses were fed, watered and saddled. Despite their lack of experience working in leather, Sue and Miri quickly put together a suit for Turk.

  Except for Red, Pete, and Emma, they gathered outside their commons building, waiting for Tom to address them.

  “This isn't about beating them, it is about us surviving. If we stay here any longer, they will continue to whittle us down. There is no shame in leaving this place behind, if it means we continue to stay together. You all know what you need to do and where you need to be, let's get er done.”

  On their way to the waiting vehicles, they stopped at the first aid station. Pete was loaded onto a stretcher and Will and Tim carried him to the vehicles. Turk scooped Red up in his arms and carried her to the willys.

  At the waiting vehicles, Tom and Jeff kissed their wives and sons. Emma came up to Will and hugged him close. “Will Bartlett, you make sure you keep your head down. You come back to me, you hear?”

  “I promise, as soon as Turk clears that trench, we're out of here.”

  Miri got behind the wheel of their new truck and they slid Pete, into a raised bed in the back. Sue and Emma climbed in next to Miri and Jimmy, while Jackson and Arianna, loaded into the back seat. Sam hopped into the driver's seat of the willys and Caleb and Lizzie, waited in the back seat.

  Turk placed Red in the back seat, next to Lizzie. Red gave a soft moan and her eyelids fluttered. Turk gave her a soft kiss and after she gently kissed him back, Turk told her. “We're clearing out of here, its for the best.”

  Red felt the leather jerkin under his shirt and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “They took one of our girls, I aim to get her back.” Turk responded to her.

  “I know, I'm sorry.” Red said sadly.

  “You got nothin to apologize for.” Turk told her, flatly.

  “I do, you know?” Red asked him.


  “Love you.” Red answered.

  Chapter 11 - Can-opener

  Turk turned about to find Prescott waiting. “I can help you.”

  “You are not bein sent away son, you are bein sent along. You and all these people are precious and dear to me, I am entrustin their safety to you.” Turk answered.

  As the sun cleared the horizon, Tim and Turk exited the side gate and made their way to the top of the slope. From their vantage point, they could see the scene start to unfold. Zachary had armed a number of the men and women in his camp and lined them up atop one of the dirt rises, nearest their camp. On command from Zachary, they began firing upon the compound.

  “They are still three hundred yards off, most of their rounds aren't even making it to our fence.” Tim pointed out.

  Turk shrugged. “Just another diversion, time for me to get started.”

  Turk made his way down the slope, to the edge of the trench. “Turk, you stupid son of a bitch.” He told himself and jumped into the trench.

  The trench had been filling with zeds for several days and except for the rare animal that fell in, they didn’t have anything to eat. The zeds nearest to where Turk dropped in were hungry, very hungry.

  After Turk left, Prescott took a moment to consider what he had been tasked with, until Tracey broke his concentration. “Prescott, we've got to get going.”

  Prescott nodded, more to affirm himself. “One minute, there's something I got to do first.”

  Prescott went to the back of the truck and pulled out a couple of rifles. “Jim, Jackson come here.”

  When the two young men joined him, Prescott handed them each a rifle. “If they try to come over that fence, where they pinned down Tracey and I last night, your Dad's could be flanked. You two keep your Dad's safe, keep out of sight, but be there when you're needed.”

  Jim and Jackson each grabbed spare magazines, checked their pistols and then took off, giving Prescott a thumbs up. Prescott walked back over to Tracey, slipped a crooked finger under her chin, tipped her head up and leaned in to kiss her. Lack of experience made him a bit clumsy, but the sincerity of his feelings, gave him confidence. When finished, Prescott whispered. “I didn't want to regret not having done that. Turk is wrong, I need to be here and I know you got this.”

  Will sent a couple of napalm charges in the direction of the trench,Turk was advancing through. This served to not only cover Turk's struggle up the trench, but also caused some of the True Believer's to move away from the trench. Will then joined Jeff and Tom as they moved back and forth, sending sporadic gunfire from different points on their fence, making it look like they had more defenders in the compound.

  From his position atop the slope, above the trench, Tim began picking off zeds, ahead of Turk. The recent rains, had left the bottom of the trench a muddy mess. The mud slowed the
zeds advance toward Turk, but also mired Turk in place. Turk cut loose with his shotgun and in the close quarters of the trench, the buckshot was taking down multiple targets, with each shot. To get through the mud, Turk allowed some zeds to get close. Close enough to be used as a bridge to get over the mud. Turk reloaded the shotgun and began walking across the bodies he had dropped, in front of him.

  Tim seeing Turk making forward progress and having cleared as much of the trench ahead of Turk as he could, stopped to spy on the True Believers.

  “Tom, you seein this?” Tim called, over the radio.

  “What, where?” Tom questioned

  “Service road, they got a big ass Cat. Dude, they are going to roll right in, it’s time for you to leave.” Tim replied, in clipped sentences.


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