Dead To Rights_HZA, Vol. 4

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Dead To Rights_HZA, Vol. 4 Page 28

by Marty Brockschmidt

  “Huh … What … Where am I, who are you?” Margo stammered.

  Delilah answered. “Don't be alarmed, we rescued you from a bad situation, we are friends.”

  “If I'm being rescued, how come I'm tied up?” Margo retorted.

  “That is for your own protection.” Delilah lied.

  Agnes struggled a bit to wake up Mitch and when she finally got him out of the car and on his feet, he vomited. Agnes set Mitch down in the shade as she and Delilah looked to him. Margo took the opportunity, using the toe of her boot and drew a 'M' in the vomit, a clue for Turk.

  Seeing this, Agnes admonished. “Don't be odd child, go wipe off your shoe so we are not smelling that all day.”

  Stepping to the side of the road, Margo drew 'M M C' in the dirt as she cleaned her boot. Hopefully, Turk would understand this to mean that she, Mitch and Chloe were together. Delilah made the assumption that Mitch was having a reaction to the tranquiliser and decided, he would not be walking today. Delilah cut some branches and then she and Agnes, fashioned them into two travois. Mitch was laid on one and pulled by Agnes, the second travois was pulled by Margo and Chloe and carried the meager amount of gear, they had.

  Margo did not suffer any ill effects from the tranquiliser, but as often as she dared, she fussed of feeling ill and asked for a rest break, hoping to slow their progress. Also, whenever she could she guided the travois, so that one leg would, for a time, drag in the dirt on the shoulder to leave a dashed trail for Turk. As evening approached, they came across an abandoned van and after Delilah had eliminated the driver, that had joined the fallen, they climbed in to sleep for the night.

  With the light of a small battery operated lantern, Delilah doled out a small supper of dried meat and dried fruit. The frequent water stops, throughout the day, had flushed the drugs from Mitch and he was feeling physically better, but was totally confused as to what was happening and anxiously moved closer to Margo.

  Margo's hands were still bound in front of her, yet she was able to protectively wrap her arms, around the younger boy. With their small meal done, Delilah warned that they would need to pick up the pace tomorrow and advising they get some sleep, flicked off the lantern.

  With the interior of the van now in a gloomy darkness, Margo used her best ghost telling voice for the next phase of her plan. “I don't know where you think your taking us, but you'll be dead long before you get us there. He's coming for me. He will not stop until Mitch and I are returned home.”

  “Shut up you stupid child, there is no one coming.” Agnes stated, in a shaky voice.

  “You keep on telling yourself that, it will be just like with Cain. They didn't see him coming either. Turk, he's a mountain man, he can track what can't be seen, he can hide in the light of the midday sun. He tracked down Cain, he killed Cain's men, then he killed Cain and he took me home.” Margo replied, in a brave calm voice.

  Delilah brought things to a close. “Enough talk, Sister Agnes, take watch on top of the van, I'll relieve you in three hours.”

  Margo hugged Mitch tighter and patted his arm, in comfort. She had no doubt that if Turk were able, he would come for her. She was a little anxious that he hadn't shown by now, but didn't want to let Mitch know that. For now, she was doing all she could and needed to keep believing her Papa Bear, would come for her.

  The rain from a couple nights ago, aided Turk in tracking the car, Delilah had left in. Sometimes it was a muddy tire track, other times it was something more subtle like wet leaves, shredded on the pavement.

  Turk knew he could travel more miles, if he resisted the urge to push the horses to fast. As one mount tired, he would stop briefly, let the horses graze and drink and then continued on a different mount, leading the other two horses.

  At these stops, the mares would resist moving on. However, Bo seemed to sense there was an urgency to their travel and with nips and snorts, he would get Ghost and Sassy moving. Even with Bo's help, it was past midnight when Turk came upon the abandoned car. With his flashlight, Turk found the signs Margo had left, but it was Bo that confirmed they were on the right track. Bo catching Margo's scent from the open car door, began to strain at his tether to find the girl.

  “I know big fella, we're close now. We need to catch them,while they are exposed on the road though.”

  Turk found a spot near a stream, where they could stop. He removed the saddles from each of the horses and tethered them each to their saddle, forming a rough circle. That way, one of the horses would be downwind if any zeds came. Turk bedded himself down, in the middle of the circle, depending on one of the horses to alert him, if trouble came.

  Turk woke at sunrise anxious to get moving, but brushed the horses down quickly, before saddling them. Turk figured Margo could be little more than ten or twelve miles ahead and he would overtake them, in a couple of hours.

  Sister Agnes woke the three children and with all the water they had been pushing on Mitch, he needed to relieve himself, something fierce. When he had been on the road with Tom and Sue, he had gotten used to having a pee buddy, but this time he had to do his business with Margo, Chloe and Sister Agnes nearby.

  Breakfast was the same as last night’s supper and minutes later, they were headed down the road. With Mitch now able to walk, Agnes carried the backpack of supplies and a rifle was in her hands. Agnes tied a line from her waist to each of the three children.

  Agnes, feeling relieved that no one had come for the children during the night, couldn't resist taunting Margo for ruining her sleep, last night. "Where's your big rescue, child?”

  Margo shrugged, but kept a brave tone to her voice. “Turk will show, when the time is right.”

  They walked for a couple of hours and the morning sun, was starting to heat things up. They came around a bend in the road and the sun was directly in their faces. Margo heard an odd trill, almost like a bird, but she knew it was no bird. With her bound hands, she took hold of the rope at her waist and dug in her tiny heels.

  The rope grew taught and caused Agnes to stop and look back to see. why one of the children had stopped. Turk took aim at Sister Agnes' ear and let his arrow fly. Agnes reached up to touch the shaft that had, miraculously. sprung from her ear then toppled over dead. Margo kicked Mitch's feet out from under him as she too hit the ground.

  Frantically releasing herself from the rope that connected her to Agnes, she hissed at Mitch. “Stay down, get off to the side.”

  Margo crawled to the side of the road, on her knees and elbows, tearing at the bonds with her teeth, trying to break free. It took Delilah only a second, to realize they were under attack. When she did, she made a grab for her pistol. Turk's second arrow tore through her forearm, severing tendons and nerves, preventing Delilah from drawing her pistol.

  Barely missing a beat, Delilah reached across with her left hand, but again, Turk sent an arrow through her left forearm, pinning the arm to her abdomen. Now unable to fight back, Delilah had no way to complete her mission. Her programming reverted to its fallback instruction, return to her mistress.

  Delilah, ignoring the pain and blood loss, began walking forward. Turk stepped from his ambush spot and called to her. “Where do you think you're going? You won't make it a hundred yards.”

  “My mistress has started to cut the chaff and will need me by her side.”

  As Delilah passed, Turk raised his pistol and fired a round behind her ear. Turk turned hearing Margo call. “Paaa Pa Bear.”

  Before Turk could holster his pistol, Margo launched herself into his arms, wrapping her arms tight around his neck.

  “I knew you'd come, I knew you'd come, I knew you'd come” Margo expressed, gleefully punctuating each affirmation with a kiss to his cheek.

  Margo continued. “I knew you'd come, I wasn't afraid at all, well maybe a little, but I knew you'd come.” Margo finished by hugging Turk tight around the neck and pressing her face to his cheek. Turk gently patted her back and kissed the side of her head, then let one joyous tear roll down
his cheek.

  Turk and Margo, Margo's hand firmly placed in Turk's, walked over to Mitch and Chloe who were still struggling with their bonds. Turk cut them loose and then sent Mitch and Margo to salvage what they could, from the bodies.

  Turk observed Chloe, who was trying to take all this in. Her face still expressionless as she watched the two children take weapons and supplies, from the dead women.

  "I told your father, we were going to meet up with him in a couple of days. Is that what you want?" Turk asked.

  Chloe looked squarely at Turk, a look of incredulity in her face and then slowly her tiny shoulders began to quiver as he started to weep. "My ... my ... my Daddy wants to see me, he ... he wants to be with me?"

  Turk knelt down, held one of her hands and gently explained. "Of course he does, you’re his daughter, he can't wait to see you."

  Suddenly, like a dam had burst, Chloe walked over to the dead Agnes and began screaming. "Liar, everything you told me was lies, I'm glad your dead."

  "Shhsh there Honey, I know your upset, but carryin on like that is just going to bring zeds. Looks like Margo and Mitch are all set, Sassy is waitin for you just up the way, we'll get the horses and be on our way to meetin your Dad."

  Mitch and Margo came back, now carrying the knives from the two dead women, Mitch had strapped on Delilah's pistol and Margo had slung Agnes' rifle, over her shoulder. Margo slipped the backpack off of Agnes and handed it to Turk, saying with a smile. "You said something about the horses?"

  They rode three abreast, Margo and Mitch riding double on Bo, Chloe in the middle on Sassy and Turk on the far side, riding Ghost. They rode in silence for a while, getting used to the rhythm of the horses. Chloe pensively looked side to side, first at Turk and then at Margo, eventually, she broke the silence.

  "I'm sorry I got you into this Margo and you to Mitch. I can't explain it, but when night came I knew I just had to leave, I had no choice." Chloe explained.

  "We're friends Chloe and friends look after each other. When you were missing, I didn't have a choice either, I had to go look for you."

  Chloe turned her attention to Turk. "Miss Abigail and Miss Red did they ... uhm did they die?" She finished, in a near whisper.

  "No they didn't, Abigail is fine, Red is hurt bad, but she will be fine time. She has good people looking after her." Turk answered her.

  Margo perceptibly slowed Bo. “Shouldn't you be getting back to Red? She needs you.”

  “Little Miss, I want nothin more than to be there holdin her hand, watchin her get better. Problem is, Abigail saved Red's life. I owe her, she saved Red for me, we are goin to save her daughter.”

  Margo stared at him, like he had lost his mind. “Papa Bear, we are a pretty small cavalry.”

  Turk burst out laughing, the first time he had even felt like laughing, in days. “Nothin gets by you does it Missy? We'll be joinin Chloe's father and his people, I'm hopin we got a friend inside that camp, too.”

  Margo considered what he had just said and then asked. “What does culling mean? I heard Delilah tell Agnes that a time of culling, is at hand.”

  “That don't sound good. Cullin means they are getting ready to take out folks, they don't want. Maybe some of the kids, who were taught like Chloe.” Turk answered.

  “Then we had better hurry.” Margo responded and picked up the pace again.

  Tim, from his lookout position on the hill, turned when he caught the sound of steps, coming up behind him.

  “Don't shoot, it's me Prescott.”

  “What the hell you doing here, boy?” Tim asked.

  “I couldn't do it, I couldn't let Turk do this alone.” Prescott replied.

  “What am I, chopped liver?” Tim joked.

  “I sent Jim and Jack to watch their dad's back. I need to have Turk's.” Prescott, responded, in a determined voice.

  “Well, there is no changing it now, Turk just dropped into the trench. You watch him and I'll focus on clearing the way, in front. Let me know, if he seems to get hung up.” Tim instructed.

  The two stayed in silence, intent on making sure Turk got out of the trench alright, celebrating with high fives, when he exited. They quietly cheered and slapped each other on the back, when Will stopped the True Believer assault, with the big earth mover. Tim and Prescott, had a clear view of the scene outside of Josiah's trailer and were making guesses as to what was unfolding. Hearing Turk's radio call to Tom, let them know some negotiations were underway, but they were left perplexed when Turk rode off alone, with the three horses.

  While watching the True Believer group disperse and seem to be making evacuation preparations, the radio crackled and Tom called. “Tim, I need you down here.”

  “Roger that, on my way.” Tim answered.

  “You want me to stay here and give you cover?” Prescott asked.

  “No, tag along, Tom wouldn't bring me in, if he didn't think the situation was controlled.” Tim told the boy.

  As Tim and Prescott closed in on Tom, they could see he was frustrated by some radio conversation.

  “Fuck these radios have such limited range. They made it to the cabins okay, but I barely told Sue anything, before I lost the signal.” Tom fretted, to Tim.

  “We'll try em back in a bit, what's the deal here?” Tim replied.

  Tom let them know that they had basically cut the head off the snake and the folks left, had no reason to pursue a fight with them. The problem was, they had been herding nearby zeds into pens. One pen, a few miles to the south and the other, a few miles to the north. Tom introduced Clay and then let him get them up to speed on the penned zeds.

  “There are lots of places that have a large, fenced off lot. We just picked a couple that came with trucks, or trailers that could be parked alongside the fence, to reinforce it. We use a couple of modified ice cream trucks to lead the fallen, to the pens. Right now, there are a couple of men at each pen, that Zachary trusted. Every night, he would give them word that it was all clear. If they don't get that word, they'll let them loose and lead them here.” Clay informed.

  “Can they radio each other?” Tom asked.

  Clay gave a slight nod. “I have to believe so.”

  “What do you think Will, can your catapult light up a pen of zeds?” Tom asked.

  “I can make up some extra napalm charges, real quick. We also have a bunch of propane tanks here, we can wrap some nails, or ball bearings around. That'll do some extra damage, which pen do you want to hit first?”

  Prescott piped up. “This pen is closest to the cabins, our people have run to. We need to hit that one first. Turk will have my hide, if I let those people get hurt. Mister Albright, how many good marksmen do you have?”

  “I don't rightly know, how many were you looking for?” Clay answered, a little perplexed, not used to being questioned by a boy.

  “Tim and I will go in and take out the guards. Mister Albright, once they are out of the picture, you be ready in that ice cream truck to lead off any zeds, that squeeze out. If you have fifteen rifles, Tim and I will fall back with them here.” Prescott explained, pointing to a location on the map and then continued. “Will can setup the catapult here. If you have another fifteen rifles, Tom will take them here and give fall back support to our people, in the cabins.”

  Tom, Tim and Clay looked slack jawed at the detailed plan, the young man laid out and then Tom patted Prescott on the back. “You heard the General here. Clay, can you come up with thirty good shots?”

  “I will. Do you want the rest of us to stay here?” Clay replied.

  “We'll leave the folks we have left to watch our home, if you can leave us a vehicle so they can bug out if needs be. The rest of your folks, can move on to the rendezvous Turk pointed out to you.” Tom answered.

  Tom and Will left to fill in Jeff and prepare charges for the catapult, while Clay left to find shooters from his people. On the way, Clay tried to figure out how in the hell did it get to be his people. An hour ago, he was just trying to no
t let Zachary get him killed, now his big mouth had him in charge of this group of people, from Kentucky. A group that had been together for the better part of a year, but barely knew each other.

  As the Kentuckians broke down their camp, Clay moved from group to group, asking for volunteers with shooting skills and spending a couple minutes getting to know them as individuals. When he was nearly done, Clay found Phil at the munitions trailer.

  "Look at all this Clay. There is only a handful of them others here, we could take em easy. The Mother will take us ..." Phil was cut short as Clay punched him square in the nose, causing bones to crunch and blood to spurt.

  Clay pinned Phil to the wall of the trailer, his forearm pressed against his throat, the anger he had suppressed flooding out, like a burst dam. "BACK? BACK TO WHAT? Three hots and a cot, is that all you want? I lost my wife, my children. I spent the past year, not looking anybody in the eye, afraid they would turn me over to the zealots, or worse yet, the Sisterhood. We got a way out of that, gain some decent allies, be people again, have some self respect and you talk about going back."


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