Vampire Betrayed (Vampires Destined 3)

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Vampire Betrayed (Vampires Destined 3) Page 2

by Rachel Carrington

  They’d shared much more than just a bed. Their lives had become entwined, neither wanting a day to go by without a touch, a smile, or a kiss. There had been a desperate hunger to spend as much time as possible with one another.

  And now, all of that was gone.

  Perhaps he should have told Ariana the truth, but he’d known what would happen once he did. He placed his hand over his chest, that spot where his heart used to beat until he was savagely attacked one hundred and seventy-five years ago. He still remembered it as if it had happened yesterday.

  Coming from out of the darkness, the vile creature had caught him off guard, but Joaquin took back control days later. After he’d risen, it hadn’t taken him long to track down his sire.

  The vampire who had created him never killed another innocent. Joaquin had made sure of that, but it didn’t change what he’d become.

  The leaves crunched beneath his feet, a reminder that fall had arrived. The air was crisp and cool, the scents a mixture of pine and just the hint of rain.

  “Damn it, Ariana.” He pressed his spine against the gnarled trunk of an old oak and searched through the darkness with night vision an owl would envy. Though he was alone and hundreds of miles away from her, he swore he could smell her perfume, that intoxicating blend of spice and jasmine.

  His hands curled into fists, and curses littered the air. He’d broken the rules, allowed himself to get close to a human. That was the warning his sire had given him in a last ditch effort to remain alive. He’d offered advice like a father might. Joaquin had still killed him, but he now understood what the bastard meant.

  Interacting with humans was risking the chance of exposure, opening himself up to the possibility of discovery and to vampire hunters, but it was so much more. With Ariana, he’d opened himself up to agonizing pain and a reminder that he didn’t belong in her world.

  So he was condemned to spend his life alone.

  And this time, he’d remember the warning.

  * * * *

  Ariana threw her hairbrush across the room and cursed. “Damn it! Why couldn’t you have just been a normal guy?”

  “Because you don’t have the ability to recognize the animals.”

  The sultry response had Ariana spinning around, wishing she hadn’t launched her hairbrush. It might have come in handy as a weapon.

  A tall, voluptuous redhead faced her. Wearing a long white dress that skimmed the floor and accentuated her curves, the woman glided forward without touching the floor. “I can see I’ve surprised you.”

  “Who the hell are you, and how did you get in here?”

  White teeth gleamed in a bright smile. “Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Charon.”

  “That still doesn’t tell me how you got into my house.” Now on her feet, Ariana backed towards the door. “Never mind. I don’t want to know. I’ll just call the police, and you can explain it to them.”

  “Please.” Charon waggled her fingers. “You are not in any danger.”

  “Yeah, that’s what my last guest said before I saw his fangs.”

  A scarlet-tipped nail tapped at bright pink lips. “Oh, you must mean Joaquin.” Charon waved a finger to and fro. “He’s a cagey one, for sure.” With a sigh, she positioned herself on the edge of Ariana’s bed and crossed her legs, dangling a silver sandal. “I’m so sorry about all of this, Ms. Bautiste.” At Ariana’s gasp, Charon held up one hand. “Please don’t be frightened that I know your name. I’m only here to help.”

  “Help what?”

  “We’ve been trying to catch Joaquin for years.”

  Intrigued, Ariana ventured forward. “We?”

  “Forgive me. I tend to forge ahead like everyone knows what I’m talking about.” She gave a cheerful laugh and leaned back against the mattress. “Now, where was I? Oh, yes. The ‘we.’ Well, I’m a part of a guild of vampire hunters.”

  Ariana’s breath caught in her throat. “You hunt vampires? And do what with them?”

  Charon tipped her head back, causing her copper-coloured hair to fall closer to the bed. Her green eyes blinked slowly. “We have to protect humans. That’s why I knew where to find you. We’ve been watching Joaquin and realized, once he’d starting seeing you, he intended to convert you.”

  Though the words made her shiver, Ariana disputed them. “Joaquin would never hurt me.”

  “Unfortunately, vampires always show their true colours eventually. I can’t explain why he hasn’t harmed you before now. Who knows why vampires don’t kill? But—” She rose with the grace of a queen. “—I can tell you that Joaquin always kills, how shall I put this delicately? Paramours.”

  Heart sinking, Ariana stumbled, the back of her knee connecting with the desk chair. She didn’t want to listen to the woman’s words, didn’t want to believe them. Joaquin wouldn’t kill her. They’d shared something special. Hadn’t they?

  “I know you’re probably thinking what you had with Joaquin was special. He has an innate charm which convinces women he would never harm them. In fact, that’s what all his prior victims thought also.” Charon rose and floated forward or maybe Ariana was just seeing things. She wouldn’t be surprised.

  “If you’re wondering how I know,” Charon continued the conversation while Ariana tried to keep up, “I tried to talk with them, too, but they wouldn’t listen. I certainly hope you will.”

  Ariana couldn’t get past the word ‘victim’. She wasn’t a victim and wouldn’t allow herself to believe that Joaquin would come after her. He’d said he loved her. That had to mean he wouldn’t hurt her...didn’t it? Or had her distrust in him now changed him? Another shiver snaked its way down her spine.

  “Ah, I can see the disbelief in your eyes. Now, I know this might be difficult for you to see, but you must look at these photographs.” Charon slipped two pictures into Ariana’s hands. “Take a look at these, and then tell me if you still believe you’re safe.”

  The images magnetized her gaze. A grotesque display of bleeding necks and long, golden limbs bent at odd angles, hair matted with blood, which pooled onto the concrete beneath their heads. “Who are they?” Her voice was as rusty as an unused chainsaw.

  Charon tucked the pictures back into the folds of her dress, though Ariana had seen no pockets. “The last two women Joaquin slept with.”

  “No! Joaquin wouldn’t do that. He isn’t capable of doing that. This has to be some kind of trick!” Her head was spinning. Hadn’t she seen and heard enough for one day...for a lifetime? Her world had begun to tilt like an amusement park ride.

  “How do you think he survives? What do you think he does when he leaves you night?”

  Closing her eyes, Ariana pressed her palms against her temples, trying to shut out the vivid pictures Charon had waved in front of her face. But the images she saw seemed to take on a life of their own, contorting and twisting in her mind until she saw them everywhere.

  A beautiful blonde with an oval face. Joaquin standing over her, his teeth bared, dripping with blood. And then the necklace. She watched him rip it from the woman’s throat before walking away.

  God, the necklace!

  Her eyes popping open, Ariana’s hand tightened around the chain she wore. A small, heart-shaped pendant bearing Joaquin’s initials hung from a delicate rope of filigreed gold.

  Shaking, Ariana dropped her hand to her side. The blonde had been wearing the exact same pendant. And Joaquin had given it to Ariana a little over a week ago. Had he been preparing her for a feast? Was she just a pawn in his deadly game?

  Charon wrapped an arm around Ariana’s shoulders. “Are you okay, sweetie? You don’t look well. Here. Sit down.” She guided Ariana down to the mattress.

  “This can’t be happening.” Her throat felt as raw as her heart.

  “I’m so sorry, my sweet. I wish I could have gotten to you sooner, but Joaquin’s best friend had me a little busy.” Patting her leg, Charon sat down beside her. “He’s a damned good fighter, that one.” Her hand went to
her throat. “For a few minutes, I actually thought he was going to kill me, as ludicrous as that sounds. I mean, I’m not so easily killed.” She leaned in and peered at Ariana’s face. “Take some deep breaths before you pass out.”

  “None of this is making any sense. You’re not making any sense.”

  “I can understand your shock, but you have to understand that I got to you as quickly as I could. I’ve been sending you those messages just to keep you on your guard until I could get here.” Her breasts heaved as she pulled in a deep breath. “There was no way I was going to lose another one, and I honestly don’t know how much longer Joaquin would have kept you...alive, Ariana. I’m sorry. May I call you, Ariana?”

  As Ariana nodded, pressing her hands against her abdomen in a fruitless effort to quell the nausea, Charon continued her speech. “Oh, honey, I know it’s a surprise, but Joaquin can’t afford to leave witnesses alive. It’s self-preservation which will make him kill.” She fluttered her hands as if uncertain what to say next. “I do believe that killing you will be harder than the others. He got closer to you than any other mortal I’ve ever seen.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Head spinning crazily, she just wanted the sympathetic woman to leave.

  “No, it’s supposed to make you want to stand and fight. Don’t let him come after you when you’re unprotected, honey.”

  “So I’ll buy some garlic and a few crosses. I should be safe enough then.”

  Charon swept towards the door, but not before Ariana saw the disappointed look on her face. “Very well. I shall leave you alone for now, but hopefully, one day, you’ll see what I’m talking about.”

  “Wait a second! You can’t just waltz into here, dump this load of information on me, and then walk out like I’m supposed to believe everything you say. You say you’re a vampire hunter, but that doesn’t tell me a whole lot. Why am I supposed to believe you? You say you’ve been following Joaquin. So why haven’t you approached me before now? Why let him get as close as he’s gotten to me?” Ariana fired the questions in rapid succession.

  Turning with a smile, Charon leaned back against the door. “Ah, yes, the inevitable questions. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised given your profession. It’s all very simple really. I became a vampire hunter when my parents were killed by vampires. Fortunately, a very powerful shaman helped me to become the person I am today.”

  “And what did he get out of the bargain?”

  “He got me.” Charon swept her hands up and down her body. “Because of him, I have the power to defeat any vampire, to avenge my parents, and to protect innocents like you.”

  “So a shaman made you magical?” One of Ariana’s eyebrows quirked upwards. She’d heard a lot of bullshit in her life, but this was beginning to top everything. “Are you taking any kind of medication?”

  Charon laughed. “I understand your disbelief. It’s to be expected, but if you believe anything I tell you, believe that Joaquin is a very dangerous vampire. You can’t trust him, but I promise you can trust me.” She blew a kiss in Ariana’s direction before disappearing into thin air.

  Ariana flopped back against the mattress and draped an arm over her eyes. Hysterical tears leaked down her face, quickly followed by gut-wrenching sobs.

  She was going crazy. That was the only way to explain the recent events. Sleeping with a vampire, having a conversation with an angelic-looking hunter, and finding out she was now next on Joaquin’s hit list all led her to believe she had spiralled off the edge of sanity.

  And she had no idea how she could get back to reality.

  Chapter Two

  Three days later

  Charleston, South Carolina

  It shouldn’t matter to him that Ariana had been missing for over forty-eight hours, but the second the polished reporter broke the story on the local news station, Joaquin’s heart cracked.

  The screen flashed to the desk anchor who spoke of the police’s involvement in Ariana’s disappearance. Uniformed officers milled around the yard while onlookers huddled together beside the curb.

  Yellow and black tape surrounded her home while flashing red lights illuminated the darkness. In the background, the sombre voice of the reporter provided little information. No word on what had happened to her. Neighbours hadn’t seen anything, and her car was still parked inside her garage.

  A gifted writer who was popular with the local magazines and newspapers, Ariana had acquired legions of fans, and it hadn’t taken them long to start leaving roses and various gifts on the porch outside her house until the area had been cordoned. Unfortunately, all the sentiments prevented Joaquin from getting back inside. He could track her if he could catch her last scent.

  No matter how their time together had ended, he still cared for her. No, loved her. And whether she wanted him to or not, he would protect her. But first he had to find her.

  * * * *

  Ariana came awake with a pounding head and a dry mouth. With a groan, she pressed a hand against her forehead and cracked open one eye. Charon smiled down at her.

  Blinking in surprise, Ariana tried to push herself to a sitting position, but Charon pressed a hand to her shoulder to prevent further movement.

  “No, dear. Now isn’t the time to be trying to get up or move around. You’ve just been through hell.” Charon rose and lifted a glass of water from a bedside table Ariana didn’t recognize. “Here. Have some water.” She lifted the back of Ariana’s head and held the glass to her lips.

  The liquid provided relief to her parched throat. “Where am I?” Ariana finally asked when the red-haired woman moved away

  “You’re in my home. More importantly, you’re safe.”

  “Why did you bring me here?” Her mind a blank, Ariana demanded answers. Why couldn’t she remember anything, and why did her head throb liked she’d been knocked unconscious? She eyed her benefactor suspiciously. Maybe she had.

  Charon turned, sympathy written all over her face. “Oh, you don’t remember, do you? Poor thing. I suppose it’s for the best really. You certainly don’t need to relive all of that.”

  “All of what?” Heart thundering, sweat beading on her upper lip, Ariana clung to the comforter while her gaze did a sweep of the room. Dark drapes covered the windows, but the furnishings were white with cheerful pink accents. Almost as if the room had once belonged to a child.

  With a heavy sigh, Charon returned to the bed, one hand extended. “Listen to me, sweetheart. There are some things in life you’re better off not remembering.”

  “Like how I got here? I don’t think so.” Her stamina had returned if not her memory. “Tell me what happened, Charon, or I’m making a beeline for that door. Then my next stop will be the police station.”

  “Please calm down.” The tempo of Charon’s voice didn’t change. She sounded as calm as though they were simply discussing a favorite movie or food. “The doctor said you shouldn’t get yourself worked up.”

  “The doctor? I’ve seen a doctor?” What had that doctor done to her? Trying to quell the panic rising inside of her like a tsunami, Ariana ignored her pounding head and scrambled to her feet. “Why did I need medical attention?”

  “You were attacked in an alley, Ariana, and I daresay had I not come along when I had, you wouldn’t have woken up at all. Those guys did quite a number on you.”

  Ariana sucked in a breath, and pain stabbed her abdomen. “What was I doing in an alley? How did you find me? What guys?” Her stomach twisting into a knot, she blinked up at Charon. “Were they...vampires?”

  “Not even close. They were simply hoodlums.”

  “I don’t remember any of this, but I do know I don’t walk down dark alleys by myself. Every woman in America knows better than that. So whatever story you’re trying to spin isn’t going to work.” Though she wobbled a bit, Ariana forced herself to remain standing and even attempted a tentative step forward.

  “You must calm down, Ariana. It isn’t good to get yourself all worke
d up like this.” The picture of pure innocence, the woman oozed grace and charm, but Ariana wasn’t buying it.

  “So if I really was in this alley, how did you find me?”

  “I couldn’t leave you alone and unprotected. I suppose it’s a good thing I was just around the corner when I heard your scream.” With a sigh, Charon sat down on the edge of the bed. “I’m sure you don’t remember any of this because of everything you’d gone through the night you found out about Joaquin.”

  “That was tonight.” Ariana managed to stumble toward the window. She pushed a side of the drape away see the night sky. Relief flowed through her. Still dark. So she couldn’t have been unconscious that long.

  “Honey, that was three days ago.”

  * * * *

  “We’ve spent the last twenty-four hours searching for her, Joaquin. Perhaps she doesn’t want to be found.” Devlin, twenty years younger and much more carefree than Joaquin would ever be, lifted one shoulder in a negligent shrug. “Especially if she left on her own.”

  Joaquin shook his head in slow motion, hearing the words but just as quickly disowning them. “She didn’t leave on her own. Something’s happened to her. I need to get back into her house. I picked up on something, but I couldn’t quite figure it out before the police returned.”

  His best friend of over one hundred and seventy plus years, Devlin looked at him for a long moment before replying. “Maybe what happened between the two of you affected her in a way neither one of us can understand. I mean, let’s face it, pal. Finding out your lover is a vampire isn’t exactly ‘hey, Mom, my boyfriend wears fifteen earrings’ kind of stuff.”

  “I know that.” The words were bitten out from between clenched teeth. Joaquin didn’t need a reminder of their differences, but as painful as their break-up was, he still didn’t believe Ariana left on her own.


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