The Devil's Curve: a Back Down Devil MC romance novel

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The Devil's Curve: a Back Down Devil MC romance novel Page 17

by Jaxson Kidman

  Reese finally slammed himself forward as hard as he could, bringing himself to her and kissing her. Josie’s hands dug up into his hair as he began to love her, right there on the table. He moved fast, hard, his kisses matching the lower half of his body. He broke the kiss and rested his nose against Josie’s so he could hear her groan and taste her sex laced breath. Her nails worked their way down and around to his ass, clawing at him, pulling and wanting him even more.

  She tried to kiss his neck but ended up biting it as she reached climax. But Reese wasn’t done yet. He never wanted to be done. With his jeans down at his knees, he felt a vibration and knew it was someone from the MC calling him. He ignored it because there were more important matters at hand.

  But then the phone started to vibrate again…

  Reese ignored it.

  He slid his hands up to Josie’s sides and pushed her back. She moved down to her elbows and stared up at him as he had her.

  He loved her.

  He fucked her.

  Josie put her head back and arched her back, thrusting her chest up into the air at him. That was all he could handle at the moment. Reese put a hand to the middle of her back and pulled her up to him again.

  They kissed wildly as Reese reached his climax.

  All the while his phone kept vibrating.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Josie had a hoodie on and panties. Nothing else. She watched as Reese got himself dressed, moving fast as he did so.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said. “I didn’t mean for this…”

  “It’s okay,” she said. “You have to go.”

  “Yeah,” he said.

  Josie bit her lip, feeling all kinds of things happening to her body right then. She was warm, gooey on the inside, her toes tingling the same way her stomach did.

  “Reese, I’m sorry,” she said.

  “For what?” he asked as he turned, putting his leather cut on.

  “For what happened. The way I got mad at you. Storming out of the clubhouse with Steph. She wanted to stay. She wanted to be near you.”

  Reese touched Josie’s face. “Shit happens. The emotions get to us. There’s no excuse I can make for this life and what I do. It’s just the way it is. It’ll never change, Josie. You know that. I can’t imagine ever losing you again. But if this life isn’t what you want, then I have to make my peace with it.”

  “You don’t need to think about that right now, Reese.”

  Josie felt her heart racing. She swallowed hard, trying to keep her emotions under control.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Reese asked.

  “This is what happened last time,” Josie whispered.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was home alone, and you came over. We were arguing about something stupid and things got hot. Remember? Up against the fridge in my old house?”

  Reese grinned. “Damn… of course I remember that. We made it so fucking hot, everything in the freezer melted.” Reese winked.

  Josie felt her cheeks burn red. “Stop. Listen to me. This is what happened before… we were together, and you promised me forever. Then you got a call and had to leave. That call sent you on the road with Laszlo at your side. You rode right into a trap. And my father was in the middle of that trap. And then they…”

  “Sweetheart,” Reese said. “You can’t do that with the past.”

  “Where are you going, Reese?”

  “To the clubhouse.”

  “Then where?”

  “I don’t know, Josie. I plan on coming back here to be with you. If we vote and something changes, so be it. This is my life. I love you. Everything I do right now is for the protection of the club and you. And Steph and her baby. Look, I’m sorry all of this is happening the way it is. We cannot let this drug thing happen in our town. If someone is messing behind our backs…”

  “You’re going to kill them,” Josie whispered, feeling a shiver run through her.

  “Don’t worry about my sins,” Reese said. “I’ll wash them away before I come to you.” He pulled her close for a hug. “You’re my savior, sweetheart. You’re the only one who can tame the beast inside me. But right now, I have to leave.”

  “You have to be the beast.”


  “I would tell you to be safe, but I don’t think that matters.”

  Reese grinned. “You’re beautiful, Josie. You’ve been beautiful from the time you were a teenager. I’ve lived an outlaw life and have seen a lot of things… but nothing compares to you. The way you make me feel when I look at you. And when we touch each other, it gives me another purpose in life.”

  “I love you, Reese.”

  “I love you too.” He kissed her.

  Josie hated to let him go. But she did.

  Reese walked to the door and looked back with a grin.

  “Hey,” she said. “Be safe.”

  “I thought you said that it doesn’t matter.”

  “It doesn’t,” Josie said. “Whatever is going to happen is going to happen, but I wanted to say it.”

  “I’ll be safe, sweetheart. I’ll be back soon. I promise.”

  Reese left the apartment.

  Josie stepped back to the table and bit her lip.

  This was the insanity of the life. One minute, she was on the kitchen table, Reese inside her, making her forget about everything wrong in the world. The next minute, he was gone to fight in an outlaw way she didn’t understand.

  Josie told herself not to cry.

  But that was a lie.

  When the apartment door opened, Josie jumped up off the couch.


  “Hey,” Steph said with a smile. “Sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “Scaring you. I figured I’d come home and shower.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “Everything okay?”


  “You’re lying,” Steph said. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Nothing,” Josie said. “Reese stopped by before and he had to leave.”

  “Club stuff.”


  Steph frowned. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Josie said. “It’s dumb. It’s my mind…”

  “No, it’s serious. Bad things happen there.”

  Josie cut off Steph as she tried to walk to the bathroom. “Listen, Steph. The family thing there is real. And what they’ll do for you and your daughter. I’m so sorry things happened the way they did. With… him.”

  Steph touched her stomach. “I’m trying not to think about it.”

  “I know. I’m sorry for the way I said what I said. But I still mean it. I would never wish harm on anyone, but your daughter is going to be so loved. Even without her father.”

  “And what do I tell her?”

  “You have years to worry about that,” Josie said. “And you’ll be the one to make that decision. You’re going to be an amazing mother, Steph. I know it.”

  “I can’t stop thinking about it. That I’m going to mess up my daughter’s life because of this life.”

  “No,” Josie said. “Don’t think that way. You should be proud of yourself. You’re working. You’re making money. You’ve got a big family. Even if they’re not blood.”

  Steph nodded. “Thank you, Josie. For everything you’ve ever done for me. I don’t know if I’ve ever appreciated it.”

  “I got your back. Now go get a shower and have some fun. Just no stupid stuff.”

  “I’m already pregnant,” Steph said. “What other trouble can I get into?”

  They laughed but it made Josie’s stomach do a backflip.

  As much as Steph was trying hard to grow up and understand life, she was far from truly understanding a lot about it.

  And the problem with trouble was that you didn’t always need to go looking for it to have it find you.

  Which was a lesson waiting…

  Chapter Nineteen

e last person Reese expected to see at the clubhouse was D.O. He ran the runners and was inside the Back Down Devil MC clubhouse, which was a pretty big thing to see. They didn’t let people into the clubhouse from rival crews and clubs. But there D.O. sat with a beer in hand, wearing all black. He looked right at Reese and gave a nod. A second later, the second in command for the runners appeared.

  Walking next to Levi, File was tall and thick with massive muscle that was not natural at all.

  “What is this?” Reese asked.

  Levi waved him over and a second later, Reese was standing there with Levi, D.O., and File.

  “We have a problem, my brother,” D.O. said in his smooth and always relaxed voice.

  “I can see that,” Reese said. “A couple of street movers making their way into my clubhouse.”

  “I invited them,” Levi said.

  “Why?” Reese asked.

  “We have something you want,” File said.

  He had a gold-filled smile and his eyes were full of murder. He got the name File because he had a nasty street reputation of filing off fingers and toes by hand. That was how he got information for the runners.

  “What do you have for us?” Reese asked.

  “Hey now,” D.O. said and slowly stood up. “We can’t just give up information without negotiation.”

  “Fuck your negotiation,” Levi said. “You have a rogue member working behind your back and our back. That’s why you’re here.”

  “Say that again,” Reese said. “A what?”

  “Easy now, big man,” D.O. said. “Easy.”

  “Someone had better explain this shit,” Reese said.

  “Tell you what,” D.O. said. “My main man, File, is going to hang outside and watch my back. Then we’ll talk about talking.”

  File walked slowly toward the door and left the clubhouse.

  D.O. lifted his drink to sip it. Reese wasn’t in the mood to deal with anything. He had just been with Josie, tasting her sweet skin, taking in her love, and now he stood there watching this cocky guy try and drink something that came from the MC’s bar.

  Reese took a swing and smacked the glass out of D.O.’s hand. The drink splattered, and the glass went over the bar, shattering as it hit the floor. D.O. jumped right up and took out a long knife, putting it right to Reese’s throat.

  “Not a good idea,” Levi said as he grabbed D.O.’s arms.

  “Tell your VP to breathe,” D.O. said. “I have everything you want and need.”

  “We have it already,” Levi said. “And you’re in our clubhouse. You so much as breathe the wrong way and you’ll be full of bullets and buried somewhere out back.”

  “You want to start another war?” D.O. asked Levi as he stared at Reese.

  “Seems to me you’re the one starting the war,” Reese said. “Acting disrespectfully in our clubhouse…”

  “Put that knife down or I’ll paint the walls with your brains, motherfucker.”

  Hawk was suddenly there, a gun to the side of D.O.’s head.

  “Right,” D.O. said. “Right.”

  He took the knife away from Reese’s throat and put it away. He showed his hands while Hawk stood there, gun drawn, ready to fire.

  “That’s enough,” Levi said to Hawk.

  “No,” Hawk said. “I can’t stand there and watch this happen. I protect.” He looked at Reese. “Even if I think you’re a fucking prick.”

  “Hey, it’s good,” D.O. said. “Leave the bird boy with his gun.”

  “My name is Hawk,” he said.

  D.O. started to chuckle.

  “Can we get down to business?” Levi asked. “Because we are down to two options. The first is that you represent your crew and make it known that you’re behind this drug situation. You do that and the bloodshed for the runners will be a lot less. You keep this bullshit up, I’m tossing your ass out and we’re coming right for you.”

  “Someone had better tell me what the fuck is going on,” Reese said.

  “Easy now, easy,” D.O. said. “I’ve got a small problem.”

  “A big problem,” Levi said. “Zac got some footage that showed one of the runners making that deal with our favorite topless dancer.”

  “Fuck,” Hawk said. “Who?”

  “You want him here?” D.O. asked.

  “Hawk,” Levi said. “This is…”

  “He stays,” Reese said.

  Levi raised an eyebrow at Reese.

  Reese gave a nod. “Hawk stays. Start talking or else he will paint your brains on the wall. And we’ll leave it there. It’ll dry. Become these little crusted chunks on the wall. And it’ll make a hell of a story to tell.”

  “Damn, my brothers,” D.O. said. “You don’t know how to chill.”

  “Not with a piece of shit like you in here,” Reese said.

  “I’ve got a guy running rogue,” D.O. said. “Been suspecting this for a little while now. Just small shit, you know? Figured maybe he needed some money for his own issues. Not that I planned on letting it go. I wanted to track it. These deals are bigger than I expected. He’s going right to the supplier.”

  “Who is it?” Reese asked.

  “Haney,” D.O. said. “He’s sort of related to me.”

  “Sort of?” Levi asked.

  “Through marriage. Almost like a nephew.”

  “Is this going to be a problem?” Reese asked, raising an eyebrow.

  D.O. started to chuckle. “Of course it is. You think I can show my face to my crew with a member being taken out and not get pissed?”

  “You’re a fucking pussy,” Hawk said.

  “I prefer to be called diplomatic,” D.O. said.

  Hawk made a fist and jerked at the air. “Fuck that.”

  “How did this meeting here happen?” Reese asked.

  “Zac got footage,” Levi said. “We found the night it all happened. Starla was telling the truth, as far as we can tell. Haney approached her, and it looked like he made a deal.”

  “Stupid woman,” Reese growled.

  “Nah,” Hawk said. “She’s just trying to get by.”

  “Really?” Reese asked. “She wiggles her tongue on your dick and now you’re in love?”

  “I don’t fall in love,” Hawk said. “I fall in like… as in, I like the way she dances, wiggles on me, and I hope she keeps doing so.”

  “Back on topic here,” Levi said. “We knew it was a runner doing this. The plan was to pinpoint exactly who. But then our good friend here…” Levi clamped a hand to D.O.’s shoulder. “He wanted to meet. Clear his conscience.”

  “Ah,” Reese said. “Welcome to the outlaw confessional.”

  “Ready to repent and live a life of no more sin,” D.O. said as he put his hands together and looked up.

  “You’re looking in the wrong direction,” Reese said. “We prefer hell.”

  “It’s warmer,” Levi said.

  “And that’s where all the bad girls go,” Hawk said.

  Reese laughed. “So, you’ve got a guy moving massive shipments behind your back. Why not just put a bullet in his head? Send a clear message to the rest of your guys. I’m sure if you did that, we’d be willing to give you the supply back that Haney took.”

  “That’s generous,” Hawk said. “I say we put bullets in all their heads and destroy their supply.”

  “Now, now,” Levi said. “We can’t judge how a man earns his keep. All we can do is make sure that what we demand is happening. Right now, D.O. has fulfilled what he’s supposed to do. It’s not his fault his balls are long gone.”

  “You laugh, assholes,” D.O. said. “You laugh. This isn’t just put a bullet in the back of Haney’s head.”

  “Why not?” Hawk asked.

  “It goes higher up. You take out Haney and you have bigger issues.”

  “Why?” Hawk asked.

  Reese looked at Levi. Levi slowly nodded.

  Reese looked away for a second. “Fuck.”

  “Fuck what?” Hawk asked.

  “The supplier,” Levi said. “We’ll have to face that music.”

  “We can’t let that happen,” Reese said. “You don’t push that shit through this town. Not right under our noses.”

  “Then it’s your problem,” Hawk said to D.O.. “Man-up and fix it.”

  “How?” D.O. asked. “If I let my guys see the chance for something bigger, we’re screwed. I have to play dumb and be logical. Why do you think I’m in a fucking biker bar right now?”

  “Christ,” Reese said. “So, this asshole is pulling something bigger into this town.”

  “And your fake titted beauty fell into the trap,” D.O. said.

  Nobody said a word.

  Reese faced the bar and rubbed his jaw. He thought about Josie. The direction where this could end up going was like nothing he’d seen since Lasz and Josie’s father were killed.

  “I’ll leave you to it,” D.O. said. “All I can do is offer help. I’ll keep my guys busy. I can tell you where Haney is.”

  “And you’re not going to face him down?” Hawk asked. “Look into the eyes of the bastard that stabbed you in the back?”

  “Never said that,” D.O. said.

  “You’ll do it when we’re about to pull the trigger,” Reese said. “You fucking pussy. Get out of here.”

  “I could have kept this quiet,” D.O. said. “Gone a different route. Watch your club squirm and turn into ash like the other charters. But I-”

  Reese turned and punched D.O. in the nose. He flew back into Levi’s arms. Hawk jumped forward to stop Reese from doing anything else.

  “I’ll kill him!” D.O. yelled.

  “No, you won’t,” Levi said. “Let me walk you out. Make sure File didn’t get his ass shot by one of my guys.”

  Reese watched Levi drag D.O. to the door. He stood with his teeth gritted tightly. His mind played an image of him and Josie together. Of Steph having a baby. The wildness of the MC and how much it was going to mess all of them up.

  “It’s going to be okay, brother,” Hawk said.

  Reese set his sights on Hawk. “I’m sorry about before.”

  “About what?”

  “You have short term memory or what?”

  “I worry about right now.”

  “Well, brother, what happened… I was wrong going after you like that.”


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