Mann Cakes: A Beach Pointe Romance

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Mann Cakes: A Beach Pointe Romance Page 16

by Mysti Parker

  The air left his lungs. One hand rubbed her back, while his other hand reached between her legs. He wanted to feel her first. Exploring with his fingers, he closed his eyes, following the hot folds and contours. He found the swollen bundle of nerves at the front and flicked it gently with his forefinger. Her whole body twitched, including her slit, which squeezed and opened again, now incredibly slick with her own moisture. He found the opening and slid his middle finger inside. Holy gods, she felt good.

  "Oh, yeah, please," she begged. "More of that."

  He pulled out and drove back in, accelerating until she bucked against his hand and slapped the wall.


  He didn't wait for her to finish. He withdrew his finger, grabbed her hips with both hands, and settled the head of his shaft right at the opening for one millisecond before he drove it in.

  Morgan cried out with the most encouraging sound of pleasure he'd ever heard. Garrett slowly withdrew and plunged back in, copying the rhythm of the hand job she'd given him a few moments ago. But already, he could feel the tightening, that sensation of being on the brink. He slowed the pace, driving into her with leisurely strokes. She tightened more with each gentle thrust, pushing back with her hips to meet his every move. No way could he continue this slow speed. The first pulses of his orgasm were racing down his shaft.

  Garrett let go of her hips and cupped both her breasts in his hands, feeling her hard nipples press into his palms. He pulled back and drove himself inside her again and again until their wet skin smacked together, echoing off the walls.

  Morgan threw her head back and cried out. Her sheath became almost impossibly tight, then pulsed around him as her orgasm took control of her body. His followed right behind it, exploding inside her, multiplying the slick heat they now shared.

  Finally, he slowed, taking hold of her hips again as he tried to stay upright while the world spun out of control. He withdrew slowly. Morgan straightened, set her foot back down, and turned to him, wrapping her arms around his waist tightly.

  Head against his chest, her bottom jaw shuddered. "Garrett?"

  "Yeah?" Good, he could still talk. The lack of oxygen to his brain had made him wonder if he'd be forever mute.

  "I love you."

  Those three little words had never meant so much to him. He'd never took much stock in love, reasoning it was just a natural feeling like happy or sad. But it was so much deeper than that, this heart-tightening desire to share everything with Morgan and be her everything in return.

  He held her tight and cradled her head under his chin. "I love you, too."

  They finished washing properly—after all, he'd smelled like vinaigrette long enough.

  "Hungry?" Morgan asked while she leaned her head to one side, twisted her hair, and wrung it out.

  "Well, we did just work up an appetite, didn't we?"

  "Yes, we have those awesome leftovers that I think we left in the Jeep." She laughed, turned off the water, and slid open the shower door. Looking over her shoulder, she added, "You'll need to regain your strength for round two."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Paige bit her lip, trying not to laugh as Tanner slipped one of her pink frilly aprons over his neck and fastened the Velcro straps. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, we can go out or whatever."

  Hand on his hip, Tanner did a supermodel strut and spin, then a pretend hair flip. "Are you kidding? This is so my color."

  She laughed. "Now I see why the gay guys flocked to your shop."

  He jutted his hip out and pursed his lips. "You're just jealous because I rock this thing."

  "Yeah, you rock it all right. Okay, first thing's first. Preheat the oven to 350."

  Tanner punched a few buttons. "Done."

  "Now we need cupcake liners for each cup in the muffin tin." Paige opened her impressive accessory cabinet, with stacks of different liners, sorted by colors and seasons. "Which one would you like?"

  "Pink, of course."

  "Of course." She handed him a container with hot pink liners.

  One by one, with surprisingly delicate fingers, Tanner filled the tray with liners. "Garrett gets all bent out of shape about using liners for muffins."

  "Technically, muffins should never be in liners. Only cupcakes."

  "Not you, too. Geez."

  Laughing, Paige released the bowl of batter she'd prepared earlier from the mixer and started to hand it to Tanner. "Hang on. I bet you help Garrett with the cooking all the time. This has got to be boring for you."

  "No, not at all. The only cooking-related thing I do is cleaning the kitchen. Garrett's the cook, not me."

  "Good." She handed over the bowl of batter and a spatula. "This is my strawberry cake batter—my favorite. Now try to pour an even amount into each cup. You'll need the spatula to cut off the flow and scrape the bowl."

  He tipped the bowl over the first cup. Pink batter splattered into it, overflowing slightly. He moved to the next without cutting the flow and left a little trail of batter across the pan itself.

  "Oops. Do I get points deducted for that?"

  "I'll let you by this time." She smiled and leaned against the counter as he filled the rest. He did reasonably well for a non-baker. None of the cups were filled evenly, and he'd left too much batter in the bowl, but what the heck? This was just practice. He looked adorable with the apron on over his jeans and T-shirt and so sexy with his back and shoulder muscles flexing as he worked.

  Tanner set the bowl on the counter and jumped back, arms in the air. "Done!"

  "Not by a long shot. Put those babies in the oven."

  He chose a pink mitt to match his apron, put it on his hand, and opened the oven door. He slid the pan inside and shut it again. "Where's the icing?"

  She grinned. That sounded like something Tyler would ask. He loved icing. "I have some in the bowl there on the counter, but we have to bake them and let them cool first."

  "If you say so. What do I set the timer for?"

  "Eighteen and a half minutes exactly. Turn the pan around at nine minutes."

  "That's precise. How'd you figure that out?" The buttons responded with digital beeps as he set the timer for 9-0-0.

  "Trial and error. Story of my life."

  Tanner picked up the bowl, scraped up some leftover batter, and licked the spatula. "Mmm, good stuff, but you really should stop obsessing about the past."

  "Easy for you to say."

  "Easy? Have you ever seen what an IED can do to a person? I watched a friend get blown apart thirty yards from me. He was a good guy. I have nightmares about it, but I choose not to obsess over it. PTSD can kiss my ass."

  "I'm so sorry you had to see all that. I never stopped to realize what you guys would face over there. Or maybe I just didn't want to think about it."

  "You had enough on your plate. It's okay."

  "No, it's not. You risked your life to save that little girl and every day that you were there, something could have happened..."

  He set down the bowl and placed his hands on her shoulders. His tender smile made her long to kiss him and never let go. "It's a risk we all took; I knew that going in. But I'm here now. I survived. That's all that matters."

  He cupped her face with his hands. They were calloused but gentle as though he feared she might break. He lowered his head, bringing his mouth tantalizingly close. His breath steamed across her cheek. As his lips brushed hers, Paige pushed his arms away and stepped back.

  "What is it?" Disappointment weighed down the corners of his eyes.

  "I stopped waiting for Prince Charming a long time ago. He doesn't exist." She turned away from him, ran a shaking hand through her hair, and crossed her arms. "I'm scared, okay?"

  "Of what? Me?"

  Taking a deep breath, she let it out in a rush before she could lose her nerve. "I'm afraid of getting hurt again. What if you see something better and decide I'm not worth the trouble? That Ty and I aren't worth it?"

  He sighed. "Well, first of all, T
y could be my kid, so I'd never abandon him if that's the case. And if not, I'd like to hang around anyway, but that's up to you."

  Her heart sped, both from Tanner's pledge of devotion and the question that had plagued her for so long. "What happened with Lisa?"

  Silence hung between them for a few heart-squeezing seconds before he answered, his voice soft and heavy with emotion. "I tried to explain that to you a long time ago."

  "I know, and I was too angry to listen, but I'm listening now. I need to know, Tanner, even if you think it'll hurt me. Not knowing is worse." She thought she had convinced herself that she didn't care what had happened between them, but now that she was ready to forgive, the unknown reared its ugly head and threw up a wall between them.

  He drew in a long breath and let if out slowly. "Okay. You and I had an argument that afternoon, if you recall. You were angry with me for wanting to join the Air Force and told me we were through. So...I found a bottle of Dad's bourbon, went to the park, and got stupid drunk. Lisa found me and offered to drive me back home. We got in her car, and well...she didn't drive me home."

  "So you're saying she seduced you?"

  "No—I'd never lay the blame on her."

  "That's very gentlemanly of you." Paige circled around him and grabbed the bowl from the counter. This confrontation called for some sugar therapy. She scraped some batter up with a spatula, licked it off, and scraped up some more. "Did you go out with her after that?"

  Wrinkles formed across Tanner's forehead. "No, and I never wanted to."

  "You had a one-night fling with my ex-friend and didn't call her the next day?"

  "I never called her at all. Was I supposed to? I mean, I'm seriously confused right now. Are you mad that I didn't start dating Lisa?"

  "No, but if you could do that to her, what's to keep you from doing it again?"

  "I was seventeen and drunk off my ass, Paige. I'm twenty-four and rarely drink now. Is that enough reassurance for you?"

  "What about the other women after that?"

  "What about them? I didn't cheat on any of them, if that's what you're getting at."

  Paige's heart pounded. Why the hell was she still so mad? Maybe it was because she'd never let it out and acknowledged it. She was the older sister, the perfectionist, the one who was supposed to make something of herself. That very night after she saw Lisa straddling him in that car, she'd cried until dawn. But then she'd gotten up, had a shower, and forced herself to put it behind her. She told herself to forget him and follow her dreams instead. Right. Then she'd screwed up by screwing Vic on the rebound. The only good thing that had come out of that mess was Tyler. But now here she was again, faced with the choice of following her heart or her head. Why couldn't it be easier? Why couldn't a boring accountant walk in and sweep her off her feet? Someone predictable who she wouldn't be scared shitless to get close to?

  He took a step closer. "Seriously, do you really want to keep holding a grudge?"

  "I tried to forget you. Why did you have to come back and complicate everything?" Scraping up more batter on the spatula, she started to lick it, but something in Tanner's cynical tone pissed her off. She flung the batter right at his face. It hit him smack dab in the middle of his forehead. He flinched and took a step back before swiping it away.

  He licked his fingers, head down and shoulders back like a bull ready to charge. "Because, that's who I am, baby. I'm one complicated asshole." They circled each other, until he was next to the counter. Quick as lightning, he slipped around her and snatched the spoon from the bowl of icing. He shot a big glob at her, slingshot style.

  It splattered on her neck and kind of hurt. She knew she should have thinned that batch. "Oh, no you didn't."

  He put a hand on his pink apron-covered hip and jutted it to one side. "Oh yes, I did. What are you going to do about it?"

  She held the batter bowl to her chest like a shield, scraped up more, and flung it. It left a streak down his arm like a pink bug that met its end on a windshield.

  Tanner scooped up a glob of icing with his hand and drew back his arm like he was going to throw it. Instead, he lunged forward and smashed it onto Paige's cheek. It wasn't hard enough to hurt, but she still yelped. While he smeared it in and laughed maniacally, she flipped the batter bowl over and sunk it onto his head. Tanner stumbled back, bent forward, and shook off the bowl. It clattered to the floor.

  Little streams of pink batter matted down his hair and dripped from his nose. Before he could counterattack, Paige grabbed the powdered sugar container, ripped off the lid and tossed the contents at him. A thick cloud of white dusted him mid-stride. He coughed, but kept coming. Frantically, Paige went for more, but he caught her with one arm, wrapping it around her and holding her back from the counter. He didn't squeeze hard enough to hurt anything but her pride. He seemed to know where to draw the line, so she trusted him.

  Tanner shoveled up a handful of icing and slapped it on her other cheek, then smeared it down her neck and stopped just at the top of her breasts. Every nerve ending in her skin tingled. If he kept touching her like that, there would be no turning back.

  She struggled and stomped his toes, but he held tight. "You are an asshole! Let me go!"

  "Yeah, but I'm your asshole." He let her loose just long enough to shake the powdered sugar from his head. Paige went for the icing again, but he grabbed her wrist and reeled her in against his chest.

  She froze, holding both arms up in surrender. But then she got a good look at his pink batter-stained face and burst out laughing. "You look totally ridiculous."

  "Maybe, but at least now you're smiling." Before she could answer, he crashed his lips into hers and kissed her like a madman.

  Her arms looped around his neck. Her fingers swirled through his sticky hair. She pressed herself as close as she could, jamming her hips up against his. He groaned and pulled back.

  She was about to protest, but Tanner grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and peeled it off over her head. He tore off his apron and flung it behind him, followed by his T-shirt. Paige fumbled with his belt, finally getting it unbuckled. She yanked it from his belt loops like a whip and went to work on his jeans button and zipper. Batter, icing, and powdered sugar made it a sticky task. She tasted strawberries on his tongue.

  Oh, God, this was really happening—the tidal wave she'd both dreaded and wanted. Where it would wash them up, she had no idea. Nor did she care right now. Her body had been starved for too long. It craved touch—his touch. Her hands were all over him. His pecs, his abs, biceps, shoulders—all of him felt firm and strong as she explored his contours. He'd grown up a lot since seventeen, both inside and out. Tanner's quick fingers unfastened her bra, and she shook out of it. Both his hands found her breasts and squeezed. Her nipples immediately hardened until they ached.

  He broke from their kiss and looked her in the eyes. The intensity in his sent a jolt of energy straight to her core. Already, she could feel herself getting wet. It had been a long time since she'd been truly satisfied. She was already throbbing. It wouldn't take much.

  "Are you sure you want this?" he asked, his voice raspy and rich with promise.

  "God, yes!"

  He had her shorts unfastened in a split second, and slipped his hand straight down inside her panties. His fingers found the swollen nub and circled it. She held to his waist and closed her eyes, letting her forehead fall against his chest. His lips played hopscotch on her neck while his fingers flicked and circled, increasing the pressure until the buildup threatened to spill over. One more flick, and her orgasm burst through her core, so shockingly intense, she let out a breathy scream. Her entire body shuddered, muscles tensed. Her empty sheath clenched until her panties were soaked.

  She hoped to God he wouldn't stop there. That emptiness needed filling. She needed to feel someone there again, to connect with her in the most intimate way two people could. Still coming down from her high, she tugged helplessly at his jeans. Tanner withdrew his hand and took them off along wi
th his boxers, kicking them aside through the layer of powdered sugar on the floor.

  She removed her shorts, staring at his hard erection. Holy shit! Had it always been that big? Soon as she was free from that last piece of clothing, Tanner grabbed the afghan draped on the back of the kitchen chair and lay it at her feet. He dropped to his knees. Cupping her buttocks, he pulled her right up against him until she could feel his breath on her wetness.

  "Tanner," she whispered. Was he really going to...?

  He guided her legs apart and buried his face in her. His tongue found her still-swollen nub and licked. A primal moan resonated from her chest as she held his head and spread her legs even more. Tanner locked his lips around it and sucked. Her second orgasm of the night rocked through every inch of her. Toes curled on the afghan, her head fell back. She cried out in unintelligible syllables. He sure could work magic with that tongue.

  He gave her one last, long lick and took her hands, lowering himself to the afghan until he lay on his back, and she straddled him. She leaned forward, letting her breasts brush against his chest. He cupped both in his hands and kneaded them. She pushed herself forward again, until he caught a nipple between his lips and gently suckled. Paige closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of his warm lips and tongue drawing her nipple in until it beaded up so hard, it hurt.

  When he let go, the cool air doused her wet skin, turning it to gooseflesh. She grinned and shimmied down his body. Spying a dollop of icing on his collarbone, she scraped it off with her fingers and held her hand just above his erection. His whole body froze up, his eyes wide as saucers.

  Paige took his shaft in one hand. So hard and warm, she could hardly wait. She gently rubbed the icing on its head. "Dessert's on you."

  She took him in her mouth, almost all the way to the base. Tanner's breath shuddered. She slowly withdrew, drawing her lips slowly along his shaft, until she reached the sweetness on the head. Her lips tightened around it, and she sucked.

  An "Mm" rumbled in her throat, followed by Tanner's, "Shit, yes."


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