Victory Lane (Shady Falls #1)

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Victory Lane (Shady Falls #1) Page 7

by Shelly Davis

  “I thought I was on a championship team. Since when do I get the bottom of the barrel for crew members?” he seemed to say more to himself than to me. But his words took me from attraction and star struck to pissed off in a heartbeat. How dare he assume I’m ‘bottom of the barrel’ just because I’m a woman!

  Steeling my eyes at his arrogance, I stood up straight and looked him dead in the eye. I was pissed, and I was going to make sure he knew it.

  “For your information, Mr. Fuller, I’m not ‘bottom of the barrel’. In fact, I’m the best damn engineer in my class. I’ve been workin’ on cars since I was ten years old and I earned my way into the pit crew program and then as intern for Kyle because I am goddamn freakin’ good at what I do.” Pushing past him and moving to the front of the car, I closed the hood and turned to look at him one more time. “If you’ll excuse me.” I moved around the car and walked toward the locker rooms so I could shower, change and go the hell home. I might even go to the gym first to work off some of this anger before going to bed. But before I got too far, Fuller called out to me.

  “So you think you’re that good?” he asked. I could hear the smile in his voice. Even though I didn’t turn to look at him, I just knew he was smiling at me, maybe even laughing to himself.

  “I know I’m that good, Mr. Fuller,” I threw over my shoulder. I stalked through the garage, wishing I could get the hell out of there faster without looking like I was running. I didn’t get far before he commenced talking.

  “It’s Julius,” he said as if it was an unconscious response. He didn’t speak for a moment as I walked across the garage. For a moment, I thought I’d get out of there without any more conversation from the sexy driver. I didn’t know what to do with my feelings, I was attracted to him, but I was pissed off too. It was all dreadfully confusing. Then, before I got too much further, he spoke up. “You have a little wager going with Ky right?”

  I stopped instantly. I didn’t turn around or move, his words repeated in my thoughts. He was testing me. This man was trying to goad me to see how far he could push me and piss me off, and it worked. I let him get to me. Kyle said he told everyone about me, my abilities and my gender, which I was sure would include Fuller. I turned slowly around to look at him but didn’t respond. He continued, “What’s the wager?”

  I sighed. I didn’t want to talk to him anymore. I didn’t want to be in this room with him anymore. Being this close to the only man that’s elicited even the slightest reaction from me was nothing but bad news. But I didn’t want to piss him off too much either. No matter what I did right now, I was in a shitty situation I had no real way out of. I sighed again, a little louder this time, resigning that I had no choice but to answer him. I had a feeling he wasn’t going away until I talked to him. “If he wins, I have to intern for him for the entire season unpaid. If I win, I get an immediate contract and a spot on the team. Why?”

  He seemed to take what the wager meant and smiled. “So either way, you’re here for a while. Do I have that right?”

  “Yeah, I guess. So?”

  His lopsided smile crept across his face, stretching his pouting lips across his white teeth. A smile which brought most female fans to their knees. And one I would love to see often, but I had a feeling it was fleeting at best. Dammit, stop looking at him like that. I stared at him as he continued to smile, causing a dimple to form in his right cheek. He crossed his strong arms across his muscular chest. His biceps bulged and strained the tight material of his t-shirt. My heart fluttered, and I realized I might not be able to fight my attraction to this man. “You must’ve impressed Ky if he’s attemptin’ to keep you around,” he said with a smile. “What do you think your chances are? Is this car up to the challenge?”

  “Yeah, it’s up to the challenge. This car is in excellent order.” I paused and smirked a little. I knew instantly it was a huge mistake to engage with this man, but I couldn’t help myself. I wasn’t usually so arrogant, no matter what Cade or Jake said, but this guy rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn’t help myself. “This will be the car you drive at Daytona,” I said firmly. I knew I was setting myself up for possible failure and ridicule, but I couldn’t stop the words from pouring out.

  “We’ll see.” He grinned, eyeing me from the tip of my boots to the top of my head. I was still in the standard uniform that all of the guys wore—my hair in a messy bun, and not a stitch of makeup on my face. But the way he looked at me made me feel like he saw what was under the clothes. Part of me liked the way he looked at me, the other part wasn’t so sure I liked how he made me feel. I turned and walked toward the locker rooms, trying not to run or turn around and look at him. I wanted to get the hell out of there and away from Julius Fuller. I would definitely be going to the gym tonight. I had to work off all of this energy, but whether it was from anger or sexual tension, I didn’t know.

  Chapter Four


  I watched her walk across the room and I didn’t know what to think. She definitely wasn’t what I expected to find when I approached her tonight. When Ky told me we had a woman as an intern and he told me about her accomplishments, I didn’t have a problem with it. I’ve seen lots of women who were into cars, my mom being one. They were all great ladies with a ton of knowledge and skill, but I never once saw one who looked quite like her. Even though she wore the work uniform, had grease and dirt all over her hands and arms, and didn’t seem to wear any makeup, she definitely didn’t look like any other mechanic I’ve ever met.

  Just watching her walk across the room with the natural sway of her hips and the fluid way her entire form moved, I was beginning to wonder how any work was being done around here, especially with her leaning over cars the way she was. I never thought I’d enjoy looking at someone’s ass in a pair of polyester work pants but damn, her fantastic figure was hard to avoid. The fabric of her pants hugged at her curves in a way, I couldn’t help but to look. It seemed she tried hard to make the bulky, unflattering uniform top hide her breasts, but there are no way curves like hers could be hidden. No woman with that body could hide what was there, no matter how hard she tried.

  Her huge, expressive, golden honey brown eyes were bright next to the dark mahogany hair framing the warm beige of her face. The freckles dotting her perfect nose added to her look of innocence. I loved that she didn’t feel the need to put on any makeup. There was nothing made-up or fake about the way she looked. She hid nothing, and her loveliness was natural and perfect.

  The shock of seeing this woman under the hood of my car caused a reaction in me I wasn’t expecting, but I couldn’t help myself. I definitely wasn’t anticipating the woman Kyle was bringing in to help bring my team into a new era to be so gorgeous. I reacted without thinking. Her reaction to me didn’t help either. She seemed to be dumbstruck at seeing me standing there. Her gold eyes shone when she looked at me, surprise glimmering in their depths. She was just so much more attractive than I thought she would be. When she introduced herself, I immediately knew who she was. Margie and Kyle have talked about her incessantly all week. He was sure this woman was going to be the key to unlocking the full potential of my team and my cars. He insisted she had new and inventive ideas that could help us win the championship this year. But her staring awoke something deep within me; something I thought was dead. That instant attraction people talk about but I never once believed, actually happened. It couldn’t be anything but a physical attraction. But then the more I talked to her, the more I liked. She was brazen and bold, confident and conceited. She was assured in her ability and she wasn’t afraid to let me know it. Once she snapped herself out of wherever her mind was floating, she wasn’t about to take shit from anyone, even the boss. I liked that about her.

  Turning the opposite way from where she disappeared, I walked toward the door. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, hell bent on bitching out my best friend. I wanted to get outside to the privacy of my truck before I dialed Kyle; I didn’t want anyone to hear what I had to say to
my pain in the ass crew chief. My silver Range Rover sat next to a black Chevy step-side truck which could only belong to her. I had to admit, I liked her taste in vehicles.

  The minute I was in my truck and had the heat blasting through the vents, I dialed Kyle. He had to know I’d be pissed.

  “Hey asshole, what’s up?” he asked when he answered.

  “What the fuck man, you could’ve warned me or somethin’,” I growled.

  Hearing the smile in his voice, he knew exactly what I was talking about, “So you met our Toni. She’s somethin’ else, ain’t she? What was she doin’ there so late?”

  I scowled into the phone; I wanted him in front of me so I could punch him in the face for being a dick. “I don’t know. She said there was a stutter or somethin’. She wanted to fix it. What the hell is this chick doing to my fuckin’ car?”

  He snickered, he fucking snickered, and I didn’t like it. “Ya honestly want to know?”

  “Yeah, I’d like to know if the car I’m driving two hundred miles per hour is gonna blow up or something. Damn Ky, tell me this chick knows what the hell she’s doin’. Or that you know what she’s doin’.”

  “I don’t, actually. This is a competition. She promised me she’d show me what she did after time trials. Besides, Kev’s workin’ with her.”

  “And if the goddamn car blows up?”

  Kyle sighed; I could hear the annoyance in his nonverbal noises. I was starting to piss him off. Not only was I questioning her, I was questioning his decisions. Kyle knows more about cars and racing than almost anyone I knew, except maybe his father. If he feels this girl knows what she’s doing, then she’s the real deal. I just needed to be able to look beyond the other stuff. “Look Jules, I know she’s different. But this girl impressed my father, and from what I’ve seen this past week, she’s impressed me and the crew of guys she has workin’ with her. Hell, Kevin’s treatin’ the girl like his long lost daughter or some shit. Give her a chance. Give the car a chance. She’s damn good, I promise.”

  “And the other stuff?” I asked before I could stop myself. How the hell was I going to handle this woman on my crew and having to see her every day when she looked like that?

  “I don’t know what ‘other stuff’ you’re talkin’ about.” But I could hear, just from the sound of his voice, he knew exactly what I was talking about.

  “Ya coulda warned me she looked like … like that. I mean damn man.”

  He snickered again. The amusement in his voice came through in his words. “I thought you’d like the way she looks.”

  “What the fuck, Ky?” I growled.

  “Look, before she started I didn’t know how pretty she was. The images I saw did her no justice. I’m not gonna get rid of her just because she’s pretty. The girl knows her shit. Her knowledge is my only concern, and it’s all you should care about also.”

  “It is all I’m concerned about.”

  “Sure it is,” his voice sounded unconvinced. “Then trust me and trust her. I have a feelin’ it’s gonna be her car you’re drivin’ in two weeks.”

  “You seriously have faith in her?” I asked.

  “Hell yeah I do. I’ve never heard my father praise someone so much in my life. He’s the reason I insisted on her as my intern. I decided if I was gonna take on an intern, I had to specifically request her. She’s the real deal, I wouldn’t fuck with our chances for the championship just to be politically correct or some shit like that.”

  “Alright. I’ll trust you.”

  “I’ll see ya at the airport on Thursday. And Toni’s flyin’ with us.” His voice was insistent, leaving no option for arguing, but of course, I had to question.

  “Wait, what do you mean? Why can’t she fly with the rest of the team?” I didn’t actually care she was flying with us, what I did care about was being in a small plane with her for two hours with nowhere to go.

  “This ain’t up for negotiation, Jules. She ain’t travelin’ with the team. I need her down there with me, ready to go. She don’t need to be stuck in the trailer or on some commercial flight. She needs to be able to rest.”

  “Yeah, fine. Whatever. See you Thursday.”

  Hanging up the phone, I felt even more annoyed with Kyle than I did before I called. It was almost as if he expected my reaction. I didn’t know what I was supposed to think. I leaned my head back on the seat, closed my eyes, and tried to think. I didn’t know why I was so strung out about this chick working on my cars, but I was. It shouldn’t matter she’s a chick or hot as hell, all that should matter was she’s apparently one hell of a mechanic. So why was I so stressed about flying to Daytona with her and about driving the car she worked on?

  Outside I heard a door slam, startling me out of my thoughts. I opened my eyes and instantly wished I hadn’t. Toni walked across the parking lot toward her truck in a tight pair of jeans, knee high boots, and a bulky winter coat. Her hair was out of the knot it was in earlier and she was flushed from the cold. Her skintight jeans clung to the muscles in her thighs; her legs looked long as hell. She didn’t pay any attention to my truck, other than to give it a passing glance. She climbed up into her truck and moments later, it rumbled to life. I sat there and watched as the truck left the parking lot and turned toward town.

  After she left, I decided to leave. My mind flew, thinking about everything that happened from the moment I walked into the garage tonight. When I saw an unfamiliar truck, I was sure the person Ky brought in was there, I just didn’t know she would look the way she did. I needed to try to understand my reaction to her. She’s not the only beautiful woman I’ve been around. Hell, beautiful women are always around, they throw themselves at me and are ready, willing, and able to do whatever I want, whenever I want. So what was it about this chick specifically that made me act like a kid? She wanted me; I could see it in her eyes and in her reaction. But that stubbornness when she got pissed was what turned me on more than anything. It was real, the most real reaction I’d seen a woman have in a long time. The fire in her eyes, the tension in her body, and the jut of her chin were all hot as hell when she got pissed. I’d do things daily to piss her off just to see her fire again.

  As much as I tried to convince myself I didn’t want someone constant in my life, I hated going home to an empty house. Going home alone at night always sucked. It wasn’t as if I couldn’t go out and find a girlfriend, although none of my usual options appealed to me for any kind of long term. They were all about being with a famous driver, not me specifically. They’re good for a good time occasionally, but nothing more. As I drove through town, I contemplated stopping at the gym for a workout. At least if I wore myself out before going home, I’d fall asleep faster. Just as I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a familiar black pickup truck sitting there. What’re the chances Toni would workout at this gym too? Curiosity took over as I stepped from the Rover and out into the frigid cold night. I opened the back door Cade let me use and made my way into the private locker room. As I changed, I thought about going into the main gym today so I could find her, but that was never a good idea. I couldn’t get anything done when I tried to use the main areas.

  Starting out on the rowing machine, I worked myself into a sweat. I loved how I felt after a good workout. I stretched and moved my muscles, working the machine the way Cade taught me to get my maximum workout. It felt good just to move and sweat as I went from workout to workout. When I started on the squatting machine, I heard voices coming from the other side of one of the doors. I knew this door to lead directly to the Hansons’ office so I was sure it was just them talking. Until I heard her voice. Hers was a voice I was now sure would haunt my dreams. Everything about Toni was unique, her beauty, her attitude, and especially her voice. It was deeper than most women’s voices, crisp and clean with just a slight hint of rasp. I was sure it was her. I listened quietly as they talked. I wanted to know what her connection was to the brothers. There had to be a connection, otherwise why would she be in their private room.

  “Cade he was so damn condescending. I don’t know if I can do this,” Toni’s voice rang loud and clear. I knew without a doubt she was talking about me. But then I worried some asshole in the gym fucked with her and she was reporting it. I listened more; if I had to, I would go out into the gym and bust every asshole’s head just to make her feel better.

  “Sweetheart, you’ve been dealin’ with attitudes for years. What makes you think you can’t handle it now?” Sweetheart? Cade Hanson called her sweetheart? Are they together? Maybe he just calls every woman in his gym sweetheart. Lots of guys give pet names to the women they’re around.

  “Dammit Cade, I know that. But this is different. You just don’t understand.”

  “Well then explain it to me, honey, ‘cause I don’t get what’s so different.”

  Her exasperated sigh rang through the room making me feel low for listening to their conversation. But I couldn’t stop myself. I needed to know what her relationship was to the twins. Was she fucking one of them? Was she in a serious relationship with one of them? Neither of them ever acted like they were in a relationship and I’d seen them flirt with lots of women in the gym, but maybe it was all a ruse to make those women feel better about themselves.

  “Honey, you have to calm your cute ass down. You can do this and you can win these guys over, even Julius Fuller. People can’t help but see how sweet you are. It’ll be fine. He’ll see how great a mechanic you are and everything will be fine,” Cade’s voice sounded firm and reassuring but him talking about her cute ass and talking about her sweetness pissed me off. How dare he make comments about her figure! But then again, I was doing the same exact thing with Ky on the phone. Damn, this woman had me all tied up in knots and I barely met her.


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