Relative-ly Speaking

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Relative-ly Speaking Page 13

by Karen D. Badger

  Finally, exasperated at the group of mannequins and robots she had in front of her, Alex called a time out. "Okay, ladies, let's take a break. All right, I'd like all my little grandbabies to come here for a moment," she instructed.

  The seven little girls all gathered around their grandmother. "Okay, sweetlings," she said. "How would you like to do Grams a big favor?" she asked.

  Seven heads shook in unison.

  "Good! Please run in to the house and tell Maggie that Grams would like a big pitcher of her special ice tea and eight glasses for us ladies, and to give each of you some cookies and something to drink as well. Okay?" she asked.

  Once the kids were out of hearing range, Alex sat the ladies down for a talk. "Okay ladies, we need to talk," she began. "I'm gonna be up front with y'all. This dance I'm teachin' you is not only a war dance, it's an Amazon mating dance."

  Bridget's eyes flew open. Rising to her feet, she put her hands on her hips and exclaimed, "I thought so! Grams, how could you? Why, I never!" she said.

  "That's just the problem, Bridge. You never!" Amy replied.

  "Now that's enough, girls," Alex said. "Anyway, y'all need to loosen up and to put some passion and spunk into it. Your goal here is to seduce your mate."

  Billie leaned in to whisper in Cat's ear. "So, should I play hard to get?"

  Cat poked Billie in the ribs with her elbow.

  "All right now, here comes our refreshments," Alex said, indicating the maid pushing the refreshment cart onto the patio, followed by the children.

  One by one, eyes widened as they sampled Alex's special ice tea. This was going to be an interesting lesson.


  By dusk, the estate was buzzing with activity. The entire morning and part of the afternoon was spent practicing for the evening dance. By early evening, everyone was in costume and war paint, beer bellies and wrinkled old butts included. By that time, all self-consciousness about how foolish they looked had flown out the window, thanks to the whiskey shots and special ice tea they had consumed all day.

  A nice buffet dinner had been laid out on the patio, containing several food items one would expect to see at a primitive cookout, including spare ribs, corn on the cob, corn muffins, fresh fruit salad, cold baked potatoes and several skins of very strong wine.

  After dinner the music began. The men were so loose from the shots and wine they had consumed that they played flawlessly. It didn't take much encouragement for the women to get up and dance to the intoxicating beat, swaying their bodies to and fro, seductively gyrating their hips, throwing their heads back and flailing their arms. It did take some effort however, to remember that the children were still awake and anxiously waiting for the bonfire to be lit.

  Soon, the fire was raging as the wall of flames lit up the night sky. Within a couple of hours, the children started yawning. One by one, they were led to bed by parents anxious to get the party started. By eleven, they had all retired, including Seth. Finally, they were alone as both the bonfire and the fires within their souls were fed by the alcohol they had consumed and the atmosphere they had created by the music and dancing.

  The dance started with the nine women moving in war-like fashion around the bonfire. The fire reflected off the scantily clad forms, covered with a layer of sweat produced by the heat of the fire and the exertion of the dance. The dance was intoxicatingly seductive, pulling the women into a trance-like state as they moved around the fire.

  Primal urges overcame them. One by one, they loosened up and released their inhibitions, gyrating to the drumming, singing in deep guttural tones as they swayed to the music, seducing their respective mates with thrusting hips and roaming hands as they passed by them. The most surprising release of inhibition came from Bridget who, fueled by the amount of tea she had consumed throughout the day, totally let loose and openly seduced Kevin while he tried desperately to keep his tempo on the drum. They were the first couple to leave the party.

  One by one, couples deserted the flock. Doc and Ida, Dylan and Drew, Jim and Laurel, Alex and Jo, Amy and Joe. Finally, Cat and Billie stood alone, wrapped in each others arms, sweat glistened bodies melding together in front of the dwindling bonfire, Cat's head lying flat against Billie's chest, Billie's cheek resting on top of Cat's head.

  "Billie," Cat whispered.

  "Yes, my love?" came the answer as they swayed to the nonexistent music.

  "Let's go walk on the beach," she suggested.

  Billie looked up at the sky. "It looks like it might rain, Cat," she observed.

  "Don't worry love, you're not made of sugar, you won't melt," chucked the smaller woman.

  Billie threw her head back and laughed, taking Cat's hand. They headed across the field to the beach.

  It was a very dark night, the moon peeking through at random intervals between the dark clouds that floated across the sky. Led primarily by the sound of the water, Cat and Billie made their way to the water's edge, walking along in the surf, hand in hand, savoring the feel of the warm water on their feet and the smell of the sea invading their nostrils. They would stop occasionally to share a kiss, a touch, or a look.

  At one point, the sky completely clouded over, leaving them in total darkness. The couple stopped walking and just held each other, basking in the solitude their self imposed prison brought to them. No light...only sound and touch. Suddenly, it began to rain.

  Falling to the sand, they huddled together, with Cat sitting between Billie's legs, resting her back against Billie's chest. The feel of the damp sand under their fingers was their only connection to the earth as they listened to the sound of the waves hitting the shore. They imagined the white cascading foam receding back into the ocean, as the smell of salt and seaweed permeated their senses. Inhaling deeply, their lungs filled with the glorious nectar of life-giving air as the spray of the ocean settled lightly on their skin, adding to the dampness brought on by the rain.

  Suddenly the sky above them released the demon within, thunderous applause rolling in its wake as the sky lit up with its fire. Wave after wave of vibrations rocked the earth as the storm raged its way across the earthen stage, touching its audience with breathtaking adeptness, as baby angels cried their sorrows down upon the earth in torrents.

  Cat and Billie smiled broadly as the forces of nature joined to hit the earth with a resounding crash that shook them to the very core of their beings, making them gasp for breath and filling their chests with a sudden burst of adrenaline. Billie reclined on the sand, holding herself and Cat up by her elbows. Throwing their heads back, they thrust their chins toward the traitorous sky as the rain drops pummeled their bodies and the lightning proudly displayed the slick moisture covering their skin.

  Another loud clap of thunder and burst of lightning filled the darkness as a wave of near-orgasmic excitement ran through the women sitting on the beach. The excitement was too great for Cat to control. As another bolt of lightning lit up the sky, she scurried to her knees and faced a reclining Billie. Billie could see the intense passion in her face reflected by the streak of lightning.

  "Billie, this is driving me crazy. Make love to me, right here…right now," she pleaded.

  Billie narrowed her eyes at Cat, smiling seductively. She helped Cat to her feet then stepped in close to cup her face between wet sandy palms. Lowering her face, she kissed Cat passionately, the rain falling in torrents around them, causing their loose hair to adhere slickly to their faces, dark entwined with red-gold.

  Billie reached under Cat's legs and lifted her into her arms, carrying her to the edge of the water. Falling to her knees, she lowered Cat into the surf and laid her body on top of her, propping herself up by her elbows on both sides of Cat's head. Taking Cat's face between her hands, she kissed her long and hard, driving her tongue deep into her wife's mouth, just as a wave crashed onto their entwined forms, covering them completely with water.

  Cat gasped, desperately fighting both Billie and the receding tide for air. As soon as the water cleared, Bi
llie returned for more, barely giving Cat time to fill her lungs before devouring her mouth again. Another wave hit them. In a surge of desperation, Cat pushed against Billie, rolling them both over. Sitting up straight on top of Billie, Cat threw her head back, her hair whipping the water and sand around as she gasped once more for air.

  "Billie!" Cat gasped. "I need you now!" she said desperately, her hands placed firmly on Billie's shoulders, pinning her to the surf. The combination of air restriction and the storm raging around them was causing her level of desire to rage out of control.

  Billie surged upward, bringing herself into a sitting position, with Cat straddling her lap. Reaching up, she grabbed the center of Cat's Amazon bra and ripped it off forcibly, breaking the straps that held it in place around her neck and back. Reaching behind Cat, she pulled her close, their cores separated only by the thin material of their outfits.

  "God, Billie. Yes!" Cat screamed as Billie pounced on and roughly devoured first one breast and then the other. Cat grabbed Billie by the hair on either side of her head as she threw her own head back, forcing her breasts closer to Billie's eager mouth. Rain pummeled down, lightning highlighting their passion-filled silhouettes against the darkened beach.

  Billie pulled Cat's mouth to her own. "Cat, I want you so badly. I want to kneel before you and inhale your musky scent. I want to explore your center with my mouth. I want to fill you with everything that I am. Oh, God, Cat, I want to hear you scream my name and beg me to take you over and over," Billie proclaimed passionately.

  Cat was shaking out of control, her whole body in a state of sexual shock. "Do it! Billie, please. Love me," she said, her nerves strung out to the breaking point.

  The clouds started to thin, allowing the moon to shine through; however, the rain continued to fall lightly.

  Rocking herself forward, Billie laid Cat back down in the surf and leaned in between her legs, tenderly kissing her face and neck. Cat's core was pressed into Billie's abdomen, her legs wrapped around her waist. Sitting back on her heels, she forced Cat's bottom to lie flat on the sand, her legs still straddling her wife's lap. Billie knelt above her lover and savored the look of intense passion and pleading in her wife's eyes. Placing her hands on Cat's knees, she slowly ran them down the insides of Cat's thighs, causing Cat to convulse with desire.

  "Billie, please!" Cat pleaded in a small voice. "I am so wet for you, love."

  Reaching under her wife, Billie pulled the rest of her Amazon costume off, placing kisses along the length of Cat's legs as she released each one from the confines of the panties. Billie inhaled the scent of her lover from the panties before casting them away.

  Cat was shaking out of control from the intensity of her own sexual desire. Her head was thrown back, hands grasping the sand by her sides, rain falling steadily onto her face.

  Billie leaned in once more to place several tender kisses on Cat's mouth, neck and breasts as another tide surged in and covered their bodies.

  Sitting up, Billie looked down at her Cat's naked, quivering form. Green, smoldering eyes, hooded with desire. Red-gold hair spread out around her in the sand, swaying to and fro in the tide like seaweed. Nipples became erect from desire and the effects of the cold tide flowing over them in periodic waves. A small puddle of sandy water was trapped in her navel, the hair around her treasure wet and glistening from a combination of the tide and Cat's overflowing desire. Billie's restraint was sorely tested as she took in the sum total of desire before her. She felt her own font overflow with wetness for this wondrous beauty beneath her.

  Unable to restrain herself any longer, Billie reached under Cat and lifted her bottom out of the surf, raising it high out of the water, and resting in on her own chest, bringing Cat's core to with reaching distance of her mouth. Looking down over the expanse of abdomen at the smaller woman below her, Billie saw the desperation and want in Cat's eyes. Without further hesitation, Billie closed her eyes and inhaled the heady aroma, bringing her mouth to feast for long moments upon the treat awaiting her there as Cat writhed in sexual agony.

  Oh, God! Billie thought, almost climaxing at the sheer pleasure she was bringing to her wife. God, Cat, you taste wonderful. I could feast on your gifts forever. How does this feel, love? She flicked her tongue over Cat's pleasure point.

  Cat responded in kind with a loud moan and an upward thrust of her hips.

  You liked that, huh? I thought so. God, I love doing this to you. How about this? Billie thought again, as her teeth nipped lightly at the swollen bud of desire.

  Cat's whole body stiffened in response.

  Oh, no, no, no, no. Not yet, love. It's much too soon, Billie thought as she released the bud and blew cool air over the heated area.

  "Billie! I am so close. Please let me come," Cat begged.

  Billie responded by blowing more cool air over Cat's heated core. "Not yet love," she said, lowering Cat's bottom to the sand once more, relieving the pressure on the smaller woman's neck.

  "Yes. Billie, please!" Cat begged.

  "No love," Billie answered as she leaned in once more to kiss her wife. Reaching under Cat's shoulders, she gathered her into her arms just as another wave hit them.

  Lifting Cat out of the water, Billie pulled her in to straddle her waist once more. Cat ground her core into Billie's abdomen in an attempt to gain some relief.

  Billie looked at her and raised one eyebrow in reprimand.

  Cat leaned in and placed butterfly kisses on and around Billie's left ear. "Please," she whispered to her wife.

  "No," Billie whispered back.

  Wrapping her arms tightly around Cat's waist, Billie rose to her knees and then to her feet. Cat remained locked around her wife, arms around her neck, legs around her waist, tongues firmly entwined in her mouth, as Billie walked into deeper water. When the water came to just below Billie's breasts, she relaxed her hold on Cat and allowed it to provide buoyancy.

  Billie grasped Cat's face between her hands and once more buried her tongue deep into her mouth.

  Cat was on fire. She couldn't believe that she was standing there in the cold ocean with her wife, yet she was on fire...literally overheated with desire. Cat returned Billie's ardor tenfold in a breathtaking kiss, fighting for room in Billie's mouth.

  Cat was so preoccupied with the kiss that she didn't feel Billie moved one hand into the water, beneath her. Suddenly, Billie thrust upward, burying two fingers deep within her wife.

  Cat came out of the water like she was shot from a cannon. "Oh, my God!" she screamed into the night. "Billie! God, Billie! More! Please! Harder!" she cried loudly as Billie added a third finger and thrust repeatedly into Cat.

  Cat was nearly comatose from the sensations coursing through her body. Never before had she felt such sudden, intense desire as she did at that moment. In the seven years she had been with Billie she had experienced nearly every level of desire possible...or so she thought. This was something totally foreign and far more intense than anything she had ever lived through. Between the intense shafts of desire shooting from her core to her brain and the stimulating temperature of the water, she was helpless to resist as she tumbled violently over the chasm of orgasmic pleasure. Down she plummeted, free falling for several moments until she finally landed on a downy pillow of love in the arms of her wife.

  Shivering uncontrollably, Cat laid her head on Billie's shoulder as her body recovered from the desirous trauma it had just experienced.

  Billie reached around and lifted Cat into her arms, holding her close as she slowly walked toward the shore.

  God, Cat. I feel so needed right now. To be able to bring you this level of pleasure is all I ever want out of life. I will love you till my last breath, sweetheart, she thought as she approached the shore and sat with her back against a large piece of driftwood, holding Cat across her lap as the smaller woman fell asleep in her arms.


  The next morning found Billie and Cat asleep on the beach, both lying on their sides, Billie's bac
k up against the large piece of drift wood she had used as a backrest the previous night, with a naked Cat tucked protectively within the circle of her arms. They were a mess—covered with war paint, dried mud and sand particles in places they didn't even know existed, hair tangled and littered with sand and seaweed.

  "Hey," said a voice. "Hey, you two, time to get up."

  Startled, Billie immediately jumped to her feet to defend herself and her charge. Clearing her eyes of sleep, she looked at the intruder and realized it was Josephine.

  "Grandma Jo," she said, rubbing her eyes, effectively adding more sand to them. "Damn!" she said, brushing her hands off. "What happened?"

  "I'd say, too much wine, and passion by the looks of it. Amazon bonfires...gotta love 'em!" Jo exclaimed, handing Billie the blanket she had brought with her.

  Taking the blanket, Billie knelt down and shook the still-sleeping Cat. "Cat, sweetheart, come on, wake up, love. Grandma Jo is here," Billie said gently.

  Cat brushed her hand away. "Go'way," she said stubbornly, causing Jo to chuckle and mumble something about it running in the family.

  Billie resorted to the direct approach. "Cat, you are lying on the beach in broad daylight, naked. Now I have a blanket here for you to cover up with, but you don't get it until you get up," she said.

  Cat immediately shot up into a sitting position. "What?" she said alarmed, looking around wildly.

  Billie gave her a few seconds to recover before handing the blanket to her. Helping her to her feet, Billie threw an arm around the smaller woman as she steadied herself.

  Cat looked around at her surroundings. "We spent the night here, didn't we?"

  Billie shook her head.

  Opening the blanket to look at her own state of undress, she looked back at her still-clothed wife and grinned, "Looks like I owe you one, huh?" she said.


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