PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

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PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) Page 9

by Kristal Baird

  ‘Tell me what it feels like,’ he ordered.

  Her voice was husky with need. Each time he thrust, he knew, it agitated the love eggs nestled in her vagina and agitated the nipple clamps against the desk, enough for the pain to subvert the pleasure, preventing her from coming. ‘It feels good. Your cock fills me completely. Please Jake, I need to come.’ Cally begged her eternal lament.

  Jake punished her demands by addressing his own needs fully. He thrust forward and withdrew his length to the tip, thrust again fully and withdrew. He noticed Cally move as she reached for the remote. It was the only way she could stimulate her own throbbing vagina, her hands trapped above the desk top. He removed it from her greedy little grasp.

  ‘You bad girl. That is my toy.’ Jake gave it a one-second buzz, to prove his point. The vibration travelled through her vagina walls and he could feel its tantalizing echo inside the cavern of her arse. The wicked sensation impelled along his shaft was exquisite. Cally writhed in pleasure beneath him, heightening his own stimulation, as he shut it off smartly. It was enough to finish him. His final thrust was deep and savage and his cream shot from his cock in a wild eruption, filling her with the proof of his attainment.

  He shuddered as he came, giving several little thrusts to complete his ecstasy and drain him of all need for the moment. He withdrew slowly, fixed his clothing, and pulled her back, limp with need, across the room to hook her up to her controlling restraint again.

  He believed she was almost his to command. He didn’t want to rush into the next phase of her training, though, making her perform like this with other men. The thought made him uncomfortable. He wasn’t done with her himself yet. First he was going to have to punish her for her remaining wilful attempts to wrest control from him. Well, if a job was worth doing …

  Chapter Six

  CALLY FELT DRAINED and twitchy. She hadn’t been allowed to orgasm since last night, and that was far from satisfying her needs. Under normal circumstances she had a very healthy sexual appetite, and Jake had kept her halfway between heaven and hell since she got up this morning.

  If she’d been at home she would have encouraged her boyfriend to service her needs several times before she let him leave her. He’d accused her of being demanding. Unnatural. At least Jake seemed to appreciate her constant sexual arousal. And his own seemed a good match for hers. Jake Stone had come so many times since she arrived yesterday, and it looked like he wasn’t finished with her yet.

  No wonder he needed submissive PAs. Women allowed a will of their own would not put up with his demands. He would have to make much more effort to satisfy their needs if he wanted this much sex from them.

  Jake removed the nipple clamps, to her relief. He gave them a final tweak as he did it, though. When he lowered his head to lick the pain away she was stunned and grateful. She would be a liar if she pretended she didn’t like his treatment of her, harsh as it might seem. She liked being sexually dominated by a powerful male. It gave her a thrill like she had never experienced before.

  ‘Thank you,’ she whispered, and he hadn’t even asked her to be grateful for his mercy. It was just too damn easy to fall into the trap of becoming his subservient sex slave and she would have to be careful. That wasn’t the reason she was here.

  Jake brought her a glass of water and held it to her lips. She gulped it down greedily. When he withdrew it and let the rest of the glassful drizzle over her naked breasts, she gasped. It was cold and made her nipples pucker more solidly. He made no attempt to wipe the water away, but left her chilled and wet, appearing to enjoy it. Did he do anything that wasn’t for his own sexual pleasure?

  Even the thought of that made her clit hum. She wished her hands were free to stimulate herself. She knew it was no good begging Jake to bring her to completion. It seemed like the more she showed him she wanted to come, the more he intended to refuse it. He clearly got off on having complete control over her sexual responses.

  ‘I’m going to leave you here for half an hour, so you can think about your behaviour. I want you to think about the rewards that will be yours if you submit fully to my will and forgo your own desires.’ Jake placed the remote in full sight but clearly out of her reach and left, closing the door behind him.

  His words would have the effect he desired, she was certain. The word desire infiltrated her mind and refused to leave. The idea of complete submission to him and the thought of that remote in his hot little hands had her greedy cunt twitching and thrumming. Cally twisted and writhed but the love eggs did their job well. They teased her intimately by tormenting her vaginal walls, making her willing to do whatever it took to orgasm hard. But without giving her enough stimulation to fully achieve it.

  Jake Stone, you’re one twisted bastard. She knew if he asked her to fuck Mathers right now, she would agree to it, just to get to come. And she hated the creepy old lecherous toad. But, hey, any port in a storm.

  Cally knew that half an hour of her current torment would drive her crazy. She would be better to stand perfectly still and let the feelings subside as much as they could. She would have to stop looking so damn longingly at that remote and turn her mind to anything rather than keep dwelling on her pussy’s need to be stroked and licked.

  She wanted to scream. She wanted to flay Jake Stone alive. She wanted to make him feel like he was making her feel. Now that was the first thought that distracted her for a second from her own body’s needs.

  OK. So she’d enjoyed all of this, as bizarre as that might seem to anyone else. Her sexual interests were no one else’s damned business. But she wanted more than she was getting. Why should Jake Stone get all the relief? She was capable of having demands of her own and wanting her needs serviced too.

  No wonder she hadn’t been able to find any evidence of the work Jake did. How did he possibly have time to run a company when he spent every waking moment teasing women and pleasing himself with their services? Perhaps the notion of a company was just a front for his fun and games?

  Cally thrilled at the realisation she had made. What a story that would make. Exposing Stone Enterprises as a facade for one man’s hedonistic pleasures in the sexual abuse of unsuspecting victims who thought they were selling their services as professional career women rather than sexual submissives.

  That was why she couldn’t find anything about his business. There was no business to find. Now the question was where did she go from here? She still had nothing but a suspicion and a photographic album, and if she was going to write an article, she damn well better be able to prove what she claimed.

  Cally found that distracting her mind with plans had the desired effect. She had stopped writhing in search of pleasure and her body had calmed enough for her to have some rational thoughts. By the time she heard Jake returning, she was under some degree of self-control.

  She would find nothing in this office, she realised, so what would be her next source of information? Jake Stone himself. She had to get the man to talk. There was only one way to make someone prepared to do whatever another person demanded of them. And she should know what that way was, by now.

  ‘You must be feeling rather tense,’ Jake suggested as he entered the office confidently.

  You hope so. ‘Yes,’ Cally responded simply. She mustn’t raise his suspicions.

  As she expected he went straight to the remote control. This was it. Could she do it?

  Jake turned it on. Cally twitched at the sudden vibration, but she stood solidly, clenching her jaw. If she was capable of faking an orgasm, she should be just as capable of faking a lack of response. In fact, she knew she could. How many times had she stimulated herself to a discreet little climax in a quiet corner of a busy office? Well, she had a very high sex drive. She could do this.

  She looked directly at Jake Stone and saw he was already looking a bit confused by the minute little frown deepening between his brows. It made him look seriously sexy. He turned the switch off.

  She nearly laughed when she saw him
give it a little shake, as if he thought the battery hadn’t worked. It had. It bloody well had. But she wasn’t about to let him know that.

  He turned it on again, holding it at arm’s length, pointing it directly at her pussy. Again she twitched as it started humming inside her. She couldn’t seem to prevent that initial response. She was only human.

  Her face felt a little warmer, so she knew she was flushing. She couldn’t help the natural response of her body to the intense internal stimulation of the thing. But what she could do was prevent him from enjoying its response equally.

  Jake kept it going a long time. He was beginning to suspect. One smart cookie.

  ‘You wouldn’t be holding out on me, Cally, now would you?’

  Definitely suspicious. Could she trust her voice to speak while the damn thing worked its magic? Cally just shook her head. Jake slammed off the pulsing. She released her breath slowly enough for him to be unable to detect her relief. But he was no fool.

  ‘Oh, I get it. You are one clever, sexy little bitch, Cally Hammond.’ He sounded impressed as well as annoyed. ’If I can’t tell where you’re at, I won’t be able to stop it before it’s too late. You think you can trick me into letting you orgasm.’

  Cally stood dumb. Well, he hadn’t wanted her to speak, had he? And he might have got the method, but he didn’t know the real reason she was doing this. He just saw the upside of it.

  ‘Answer me!’ Jake raised his voice, as he stood. He walked across to stand in front of her. ‘You think you can fool me into letting you come. Isn’t that it?’

  Cally kept her voice calm. Thank God the machine was off. ‘No.’ Jake wouldn’t know she wasn’t simply lying.

  Jake was a man of action, obviously. He pulsed the vibrator. Once again, Cally jumped at its start-up. He slammed it off. Cally visibly relaxed her tense muscles. He pulsed it again, and slammed it off equally quickly. And again.

  Damn him. Her face felt as warm as her clit, but she bit back any moan of response. She was damned if she would give him any clue as to where she was at, as he put it.

  It was making him angry, which gave Cally strength. He juddered it on and off and on and off. Still Cally held back her moans and, with supreme will, prevented her hips from thrusting or her legs from parting. Although she so wanted to do both she could die.

  Jake grabbed her breast in his palm and squeezed hard. She held his stare, even when he twisted her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Cally wanted to throw her legs around his waist, hold him in a vice-like grip and hump him to completion, but she thought about anything she had to, to turn off her erotic responses. Newspapers, office workers, Mathers. Mathers. Mathers.

  Jake throbbed the vibrator on, off, on, off. She held firm. She wanted to scream. To tell him she was sorry. Beg him to fuck her hard. But she knew he wouldn’t help her to come, if only to punish her for this show of defiance.

  This could only end one of two ways. Either he would keep working that electric magic until she finally got to come, or he would stop teasing her with it. Either way, he lost, she won. If she could only hold out just a little longer. Once she started to come, there was nothing he could do about it. And she was close, so close. Not that she would let him know it. It was her only weapon. She held her expression like that of an alabaster statue.

  ‘Damn it, Cally. Are you deliberately provoking me?’

  Still she said nothing. But Jake stopped turning on the remote.

  ‘If you’re trying to make me angry with you, you’re doing a good job.’

  He was met, yet, with her silence, her stillness.

  ‘Don’t think I’m going to let you come.’ He was quietly seething now. She’d succeeded in riling him, that was for sure. But she didn’t plan to flinch at his anger either.

  ‘I thought you were learning to obey me. I guess I was wrong. It seems you leave me little choice.’ Jake waited for her to respond.

  If he thought she was going to beg him for mercy, he was wrong. She stared back defiantly.

  ‘Do you want me to spank you?’ he threatened, increasingly frustrated by her lack of response.

  Cally wasn’t about to show him she was intimidated by his threats either. If she was going to turn this around, she would have to be able to stand up to anything he could throw at her.

  ‘Yes!’ She sounded like a demanding bitch. Good. That was the effect she was going for.

  Jake moved like lightening. ‘You disobedient little bitch.’ He yanked her from the overhead hook, dragged her across the room and, throwing himself down on a chair, pulled her across his knee.

  The first slap landed hard on her fleshy cheeks across the centre, tormenting her sensitive pussy between. He waited while she felt the full effect develop. His second slap was harder. On top of the first, it was a little more uncomfortable, yet gave a resounding throb of pleasure to her over-sensitised pussy at the same time.

  Result, she thought. She had thwarted him and she would get to come. If he lost all reason in his rage at her disobedience, he would forget the spanking was capable of bringing her the pleasure of orgasm. Just as long as she didn’t betray how near she was to coming.

  Jake let his hand fall rapidly again and again, until the pure white flesh of her bottom grew pink and heated. Just a couple more and she would be there.

  Cally squirmed against his legs, adding the friction of his trousers to her swollen clit. It was enough, with the shifting love eggs, to start her vagina tensing around them. Jake froze. He had sensed her imminent orgasm.

  Before she knew what was occurring, Jake had grasped the cord attached to the love eggs and steadily but inexorably removed them. The action cranked up her excitement immeasurably. He flipped her onto the floor on her back, braced himself above her with one muscular arm while he disengaged his throbbing shaft from his trousers, and plunged powerfully to the hilt, in one fierce movement, into her hot, wet, imploding cave.

  Jake remained perfectly still inside her vagina. Cally held her breath as her muscles twitched around the fullness stretching her. The wave of muscular activity grew incrementally fast until the walls of her slick cavern clamped down on the rock-hard rod filling her.

  Jake did not allow her to move any muscle but the one neither of them had any control over by now. They looked into each other’s eyes, both with a measure of anger and dense desire floating through the darkness of their expanded irises.

  The long hours of denial had an obvious effect. Cally’s vagina cramped and released, then clamped harder and tighter, milking the essence from Jake’s hot cock. He growled out her name, coming uncontrollably inside her.

  Cally had never experienced such a powerful orgasm as the one that gripped her, made all the more intense by Jake’s restraining power. Each minute thrust he made involuntarily at the end agitated her tormented pussy to an increasingly powerful response of its own. She felt like her body was intent on crushing the life out of the muscular serpent that had invaded her intimate space.

  Cally realised the sounds of screaming were her own as she came with an intensity she had never before experienced. Her whole body went rigid, lights flashed before her eyes, and she felt an orgasmic wave pass through her entire body repeatedly.

  By its end, she collapsed beneath Jake’s body. Both of them were breathing as hard as if they had run a marathon. If Jake had wanted her screaming beneath him, he’d got his wish. Sated to the point of exhaustion, never before had Cally felt such a delicious sensation. The aftershocks of her orgasm still tripped along her flesh, making her vagina clench spasmodically, torturing Jake’s sensitive weapon beyond his endurance. Pain and pleasure, waiting and longing, need and desire and erotic stimulation, all came together in an eruption that would take some time for her to recover from. She was utterly spent.

  Cally heard herself laugh, only partly hysterical.

  Holy shit. That had never happened before, Jake admitted to himself. Women frequently resisted, but by this stage of training, no woman he’d ever had
in his hands had ever tried to completely manipulate the situation like this. He had totally underestimated Cally Hammond in his arrogance. He had allowed his attraction to her sexually to undermine his full awareness of her intelligence, her potential for self-fulfilment, her downright animal cunning. God, she was going to have to pay for this.

  Jake was as angry at himself as he was with Cally. And she excited him. How many women had the ability to do that any more?

  He’d wanted her screaming beneath him when she came, and that was exactly what he’d got. Except she had made it happen. Not him. It was the wrong way around. He should have been in control of it. Of her. But she had controlled him, directed his responses. She had made him confused, then angry. She had made him spank her, because she wanted it, not because he did. And that spanking was for real. She had got to that eruption of an orgasm because she wanted to, when he had planned to make her wait even longer to achieve the prize. She had made him fuck her. Now where did he go from here?

  Jake rolled off Cally. She lay exhausted below him so he yanked her to her feet. She looked so satisfied, so replete, that it would take an age to get her back to the needy state of being where he could control her responses, until her will was broken enough for her to accept Mathers as her master.

  Jake had to laugh himself. He wasn’t happy with Mathers getting such a hot little fox anyway.

  He backed Cally into a chair. ‘Sit there and don’t move.’

  Cally couldn’t have moved at that moment if she tried. It was as much as she could manage to raise her eyelids and follow Jake around the room by sight alone. She watched him gather up his clothes and dress, marvelling at his energy, if he felt anything like she did.

  She smiled. He was one hell of a fuck. Worth every minute of the waiting. She had never come that hard before in her life, and she had tried, every way she knew how. She knew it was the control thing. The way Jake had made her wait for it, kept her aroused but not permitted her to orgasm for so long. It was the discipline. She knew her fantasies hadn’t been wrong. Being turned over a hot guy’s knee and spanked like that made her pussy quiver even now, just thinking about it.


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