PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

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PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) Page 11

by Kristal Baird

  He’d made certain. He knew how to get himself out of the shackles that Cally had been forced to endure last night. He just wanted out long enough to do what it took to prolong her fun and games. That was fair enough, wasn’t it?

  Jake unclipped the other cuff and quickly released his ankles. He’d need to clean away the evidence before she returned.

  He sighed as he encircled his urgent cock with his hand. The poor little guy had taken something of a pounding recently but he wasn’t ready to quit yet. His first strokes were slow and soothing, running firmly from where the shaft jutted out, rampant, above his balls all the way to the engorged purple head.

  He shut his eyes and brought Cally’s aroused body to his mind’s eye. Her moist, tight little cunt that called to his cock. The way she had moaned, begged him just to fuck her and put her out of her misery. He thought about her arse, bent over his desk, firm and fleshy, and could feel the excitement jerk in his hand. He could almost feel his imaginary hand as it landed in a series of satisfyingly punishing smacks on her lovely warm posterior.

  And she loved it too. He was sure. It didn’t matter how hard he slapped, her twitching little arse was practically begging him to keep going, to make her pussy quiver. It made her hotter than a whore. His hand was jerking harder and faster and his breath coming shorter. He pictured putting the clamps on her nipples. God, he loved the look on her face when he’d done that. Surprise, shock, then ecstasy as he twisted and tweaked those erect little nubs. He’d bet she could feel it all the way down to her clitoris, as if that was clamped too, the way she squirmed and writhed about in her erotic little fuck-me dance.

  Oh yes, Jake was ready to come. His balls were tight and prickling, ready to blow. His shaft was rock hard, the skin giving ever so slightly like a too-tight kid glove being manoeuvred into place over a thick, swollen wrist. He shot his load, catching as much of his come as he could in his hand. He didn’t want to leave any sticky residue dripping off the ceiling, as evidence for Cally to find. That would kind of spoil the illusion.

  His face contorted as he continued to stroke, firmly and slowly, squeezing the last of his essence from the tip. Oh, that was good. He released his held breath. He needed that. Now he had a fighting chance of holding out long enough to give the girl a good time.

  Jake recovered a hand towel and cleaned up the semen. His cock had subsided thankfully but he’d better get himself hooked up to the contraption again and be standing there all contrite and sorry-arsed when his little torturer returned. He hid the sticky towel and clipped both ankles and one wrist easily. The last wrist was trickier but he’d practised enough at it to know he could do it.

  Jake’s smile of satisfaction as he awaited his fate, in the dark, mirrored Cally’s as she came back through about an hour later. The little bitch was certainly going to try and make him suffer. But after Special Forces capture training, an hour on the frame here was a walk in the park. He was interested to see where she would take this – and maybe as keen to explore this side of himself too, if he was honest.

  He knew he liked being the dominant partner to a submissive woman, but maybe there was some sexual mileage to be made in trying out a reversal of roles. He was surprised at himself. He’d never even wanted to think about it before. But with Cally Hammond’s sexy little body, it might just have some erotic potential. As long as he knew who held the cards anyway.

  He shut off the smile as she turned on the light. He didn’t want to spoil her fun by rubbing her nose in his enjoyment of it. Name, rank and serial number. Give nothing else away.

  She was dressed. Jake tensed. In hisclothes. He made himself relax. It wasn’t that she was dressed and he wasn’t. He had no problem being naked around other people. Special Forces training soon disavowed a man of any of that nonsense. And he’d never had a problem getting naked around beautiful women anyway. He preferred it that way. What he’d got, he was proud of. He knew his body tuned women on.

  He had to force himself not to grin again. It was just that beautiful Cally looked seriously sexy even in his old track pants and T-shirt. His body was kind of standing to attention. All of it, God damn it. So much for buying a little time.

  And of course, she noticed. How could she not?

  Chapter Eight

  CALLY STALKED SLOWLY around Jake. She was almost relieved to see him still trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey. Her silly mind had been playing tricks on her. She’d thought for one stupid moment that he might have escaped. Then she’d be in trouble, after what she’d just done to him. But he was still where she’d left him.

  Nerve, don’t desert me now, she told herself. Especially when she noticed his cock swelling. Rising up before her like it was greeting the dawn. She forced her eye upwards. He was looking straight at her, the arrogant bastard. No humility whatsoever. She could learn a lot from the way he handled things.

  Cally walked behind him, to catch a breath. Now what? Back here, it wasn’t much better than that from the front. In terms of calming her tripping heartbeat, that is. In terms of a view, he was one gorgeous hunk of flesh. His buttocks were pure muscle. She found herself reaching out a hand to touch, as if she couldn’t trust her own eyesight.

  His tight buttock muscle twitched when she touched it. It was coming back to her now. Her pleasure, his torment. Just the way he’d done it to her. She stroked her fingers across both cheeks, dallying across the cleft between them. Then she let her hand withdraw and fall in a slap.

  Now the muscle rolled for a moment where her hand had landed. She lifted it again and dropped it in the same place, harder. That had to sting. But he didn’t seem to react except for a slight pink colour glowing softly beneath the golden skin. She struck a third time, with as much force as she could manage. He hardly seemed to notice and she was sure her hand was hurting at least as much as his buttocks. Probably more. This wouldn’t do.

  She lifted down the whip that was hanging at the side of the frame. The one he had tingled her nipples with and whipped up her pussy and buttocks until she’d cried out to come.

  Cally trailed the soft leather end across his back, gently. Now she detected him stiffen a little. And she didn’t mean his cock. He knew what this thing could do. She observed him relax his spine. He was putting on a show, like she had. Well, not exactly like she had. She had pretended she wasn’t aroused, wasn’t about to erupt in rapture. But he was wary. Just a little. She would show him that he ought to be more than a little wary of a woman with a whip.

  Especially when she was angry. Cally felt her temper rise. When she thought about all the things he had forced her to endure, she wasn’t going to go all girly and useless on him now.

  It was as near to a riding crop as didn’t make any difference, and she had handled some wilful stallions in her time. She knew how to use this. Cally took a step back to get a really good swing and let him have it. Right where her ineffectual hand had already landed.

  Jake hissed a sharp breath through his teeth.

  ‘So you thought I’d be having a little fun with you, did you?’ Cally sneered.

  ‘Uh ha,’ he answered, recovering his cockiness.

  She let him have it again. Once more he jerked and drew in breath harshly. He was feeling the sting. ‘That is a disrespectful way to address your mistress, slave. Now respond to my question again, properly.’

  She gave him a third stroke of the whip across his buttocks.

  ‘Yes, mistress,’ he growled through gritted teeth.

  Cally responded with a soothing caress of her hand. She was getting the hang of this.

  ‘Now, will I walk around to the front of you and find your cock wilfully raised, seeking its pleasure?’

  Jake looked down. As if he had to. They both knew the answer to that one. ‘Yes, mistress.’ He even sounded contrite. Just a little.

  ‘Well, you’d better do something about that. You are here for my pleasure and not for your own. Your cock has had about as much pleasure as it is going to get.’

Jake didn’t respond. Even she could see there wasn’t much he could say. Or do. But she had no pity. Hadn’t he set her up for failure over shutting that stupid door lock yesterday? And spanked her thoroughly when she had inevitably failed? She had been a good student. Was learning fast.

  Cally padded around Jake, drawing the whip slowly, sensitively over his hip and across his taut stomach. It stopped just above his fully realised erection. God, the damn thing was even throbbing out its excitement. He liked playing as much as she did. Perhaps he needed to experience more of the pain and less of the pleasure?

  Cally withdrew the crop a few inches from his cock and tapped it lightly. It jumped in response.

  ‘What do you call this?’ she accused.

  ‘An erection,’ he stated, turning up one side of his mouth and one eyebrow as if to say what the hell else do you want me to say or do about it?

  Cally whacked the whip more firmly on his penis. He jumped and stiffened. ‘Don’t be smart with me. I told you I did not want to see this. Now make it go away.’ She almost laughed at his expression. She was asking for the impossible, but that was the nature of the game, wasn’t it?

  She stood and waited, as if she fully expected him to be able to obey her command. Nothing happened. If anything, his tumescence developed further. She could practically see the thing thrumming.

  ‘Maybe your balls should pay the price for your disobedience?’ Oh, he didn’t like the sound of that. Good call.

  Cally started by cupping them in her hand. She softly jiggled the weight of them as if picking the ripest, heaviest fruit at the market. ‘My. Such fine specimens. So tight and unprotected.’

  Her very words made him wince. A veiled threat of what she could do to him.

  She drew out the moment for the sake of his terror. Cally knelt down before him. She moved her face into his crotch, studiously avoiding his erect penis, and softly flicked her tongue over his balls.

  His reaction was immediate. He rolled his hips to attempt firmer contact with her lips and moaned out his delight at her whispering touch. At each movement he made toward her, she withdrew slightly.

  ‘Don’t move,’ she commanded. Cally remembered how exquisitely torturous it was to fight the natural reaction of your body to erotic stimulation. She doubted he would be able to master it, any more than she could.

  He tried his best. As she fondled and blew and licked, first rapidly and lightly tickling, then alternately giving a heavy, slow caress, she felt his body jerking beneath her to the limits of his constraints.

  It crossed Cally’s mind that just as she had learnt her torturer’s methods from him, she was possibly teaching him the subtler torments that he could turn around and inflict back on her at a later date, if he chose to. The thought made her hot and wet, as much as the power she was exerting over him did.

  She smiled as she realised her hands were free to pleasure herself, just like his had been when he stimulated her but would not let her orgasm. But first he needed more correction.

  ‘I told you not to move and you have disobeyed me. Now I must punish you and then you will thank me properly for this correction of your faults.’

  She took the whip and landed it smartly on his balls. They hitched violently as if they would jump back into his body for protection. He mouthed out a note of tender pain.

  ‘You’re not quick enough to thank me for my efforts in disciplining you, Jake.’ Cally landed another two light thwacks which she could see burned while they yet stimulated his sexual responses, if his twitching cock was anything to go by.

  Jake had to work hard to overcome the pain enough to speak quickly. ‘Thank you mistress for your harsh correction. I am so sorry to have disappointed you.’

  Cally gave his balls another beat of her whip, then rapidly blew on them and caressed them with a slow tonguing. She could tell he was being driven crazy. If his hands had been free, she knew he would have turned her over the bed by now and fucked her firmly in the arse, both to obtain his own release and to punish her for daring to treat him in such a manner. But they weren’t free. She was.

  Cally stood up. She moved in close, secure in the knowledge she could do what she wanted to him and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. She had a few more tricks up her sleeve. Wasn’t done tormenting him yet.

  An exquisite echoing of her submissive’s pain was felt by Cally as the dominant partner. It made her equally horny to tease and punish Jake in this way.

  She stood back a little and raised the T-shirt over her full breasts. She hadn’t worn a bra and she wanted him to be teased by the sight of her pleasuring herself, just the way she had had to watch him.

  Her nipples had been erect for some time now, and they were extremely sensitive to her gentle caress. She’d never quite realised how stimulating it could be to torment a virile man like this.

  She decided to crank up his tension by giving him the full sound effects with the vision of her playing with her own body.

  ‘Mmm. That feels so good,’ she murmured as she flicked her fingers across her aching buds.

  Jake’s eyes were riveted to her breasts and the tightness across his face told her he enjoyed the sight of her pleasuring her nipples almost as much as she enjoyed the feel of the rough stimulation. She used her long nails to create firmer friction.

  ‘Oh, it makes my clit humwhen I touch my tight nipples.’ They puckered under her fingers.

  ‘Oh Cally,’ Jake groaned. It was becoming a little too much to have to wait for his pleasure. He was clearly a man used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it. Cally would bet this was the first time he had ever been restricted in his own sexual enterprise. And she loved the feeling of power it gave her.

  ‘Do you want to feel what I’m feeling, Jake?’ Cally’s tone was hot with desire.

  ‘Yes,’ he gasped.

  ‘Then you must ask me properly, or I will never allow it to happen.’ Cally sounded as strict as she could while still in the throes of erotic excitement. She twisted her nipples firmly between her fingers and thumbs. It made her hips buck.

  ‘Please, mistress, be kind to me. Show me what you’re feeling. Please, Cally.’

  He had started to beg for her body and she loved hearing him. She knew all too well the unfulfilled sensations that must have led to him resorting to it. But she wasn’t about to be controlled by Jake Stone right now, in any way.

  ‘Then you had better start being obedient and get rid of that erection.’ She might as well have asked him to produce a diamond out of his arse. She almost felt sorry when she saw the look on his face. ‘Do I have to beat it away, like a poisonous snake?’

  ‘Cally?’ Suddenly Jake didn’t sound so sure about the way things were progressing

  She flicked rapidly with the whip, allowing the softer end to fall on the swollen, sensitive tip of his penis, a couple of times. ‘Apologise for being so disobedient.’ She flicked him twice more until he knew she meant business.

  His reply sounded rather angry and ungracious. ‘I’m sorry, mistress Cally, that I can’t do anything about this damn erection. Perhaps you would be so kind as to get rid of it for me?’

  She knew he wasn’t playing the game any longer. The way it should be played.

  ‘I am afraid that anything I do to help you to be a better man will not work. I am afraid your wilful behaviour is too entrenched by now. I think the only thing left to me is to beat it out of you.’

  Cally started as she saw him struggle against the restraints. It was as if he would break free of them and, for a minute, she almost believed he might.

  Then she saw him freeze, take a few deep breaths and stand silently waiting for her to continue. It was silly; of course he couldn’t get out until she released him and she would definitely make sure he was sexually replete before she dared to do that.

  Although she even wondered if she dared let him out at all after what she had done to him. Perhaps it would be safer if she left and then phoned someone to come and rele
ase him when she was well away. The thought of an entire fire-crew, in full gear, breaking down the door to find him chained naked to that frame had her almost laughing.

  Her courage returned. Jake Stone needed to know what it was like to be sexually tormented and, frankly, she was still enjoying herself far too much to give it up.

  Perhaps she would be advised to take things a little easier for a while, though. She knew herself it was the contrast between pain and pleasure that made the whole experience more tantalizing and bearable. She might want to beat Jake Stone to death and fuck him to death too, but she must only do each a little at a time. Or the result would be totally different. Abuse, not fantasy. Maybe she could teach him the difference.

  Cally moved up close to Jake again. She rubbed her naked breasts against his chest, letting him feel the tightness of her nipples. She wanted to encourage him to continue playing her game.

  ‘Do you see what you’re doing to me, Jake? When I have control over what happens to you, you also have control over what happens to me. It makes me so horny, I want to come. With you, like this.’

  She could feel his tense muscles soften a little. He took a few deep breaths to regain his self-control. She thought she ought to reward him further and get a little pleasure for herself, into the bargain.

  ‘I want you to tongue my nipples, Jake. I’m going to stand on my tiptoes so you can reach down and take me in your mouth.’

  His eagerness was written all over his face. Cally knew a woman’s control was much more subtle than a man’s. But just as she was thrilled by the barely controlled, masculine power and action of Jake’s dominance over her, perhaps he was as charged by her more manipulative, teasing, feminine control over him. She was learning a lot here with Jake Stone, and perhaps teaching him something too.


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