PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)

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PA Expose - a full length erotic novel with submission themes (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) Page 17

by Kristal Baird

  Cally glanced at herself in the mirror. She would do this with dignity. Looking good. If he was going to tell her goodbye, then she wasn’t going to cry; she was going to make him wonder if he was doing the right thing. Think about what he would never have again.

  Cally walked back into the office with her head held high.

  Jake looked up as she came through the door. He didn’t say anything for a moment, but his face told her everything she needed to know. His words only confirmed it.

  ‘You look beautiful, Cally.’ Jake’s voice tailed off. ‘It’s a real pity.’

  What was a pity? That he was getting rid of her? Cally thought she wasn’t meant to hear that last remark. Well if she was going, she was going out with a bang, not a whimper – a phrase which struck her as hilarious, under the circumstances. She wouldn’t just stand about like some lame duck, waiting for the axe to fall.

  ‘What’s a real pity?’ she asked him.

  Jake stared at her. Yes, I’ve still got a voice. You haven’t silenced me.

  Herose and came toward her. ‘It’s a pity that I have to chain you up again.’

  Cally looked around where the potted plant hung. The basket was down again. Her heart beat wildly. So she was going out with a bang, after all. She laughed. Jake looked a little perplexed. He obviously didn’t expect that reaction but he didn’t question it. Maybe she wasfalling apart. Quietly. It sure had been a hell of a couple of days. Welcome to investigative journalism.

  She held out her wrists docilely for Jake to cuff and went quietly as he led her to the hook on the ceiling and hitched her up. He stood close. Too close. His hand reached up and stroked her hair. The gesture was almost affectionate. Then he leant in and kissed her on the lips. It all began to feel a little crazy. And that was saying something after the 48 hours she’d just experienced.

  Jake returned and sat at his desk. He just stared at her. It was the waiting game again and it excited Cally, like it always did. She recalled him saying that when she next came to orgasm, she would only get to come the way he said she would. This must be it. What else could it be?

  Yet it felt different somehow. Jake felt different. Perhaps he was thinking that he would genuinely miss her. So then why not keep her for another day or two? Nothing made any sense. But what part of any of this made any sense?

  Cally heard a sound. Someone was coming through the outside doors. Had he arranged for Thomas and Luke to come back? She saw Jake stiffen slightly, although probably no one else but her would have recognised it. He was good at covering his emotions. So how come she could read them? As the visitor approached, Cally swivelled round to try and see who it was. Jake hadn’t told her she had to remain still. Whoever it was, stood just beyond her line of vision, outside the door and Jake hadn’t even looked over, although he had a direct view. Whoever it was, Jake was expecting them.

  A figure walked through the door. A familiar one.

  It was Mathers. Hell no. It couldn’t be. The idiot had probably come to reassure himself she was OK when she hadn’t checked in since yesterday. Probably had some fool notion about riding to her rescue. He just couldn’t let her handle this herself and now he would ruin everything. She tried to catch his eye. Let him see she was fine. That, despite appearances, she could handle this. She knew exactly what she was doing. Although even she could see it would be rather difficult to suggest to her real boss that hanging from Jake Stone’s ceiling by her manacled wrists was any definition of “fine”.

  A slow smile broke out over Mathers’ face as he stared at her. What the hell was going on? Cally looked across at Jake, who was still staring at her. He didn’t acknowledge Mathers, even now. And why the hell not?

  Mathers kept grinning in her direction. This whole scenario was beginning to creep her out. He didn’t look exactly shocked to see his newest recruit standing in a backless ball gown, hanging from a hook in the ceiling. Shit, he damn well looked pleased about it. Cally turned from Mathers to Jake and back again, in quiet disbelief. Now her heart was pounding for real.

  It was Mathers who broke the silence. ‘You said she was ready for collection.’

  Jake’s earlier phone conversation pounded through Cally’s mind. Oh, God, no. She couldn’t be the package. This couldn’t be happening. She stared at Jake, waiting for an explanation. Any explanation that wasn’t what she was thinking. Her mind, even as it was working things out, couldn’t take it all in. This was like Jake’s previous sleight-of-hand with the restraints at the apartment. He’d tricked her into believing something that was not true.

  Jake never broke his gaze. He had balls. She’d give the bastard that. But how did Mathers fit into all of this? Had Jake somehow blackmailed the man into letting him use her? And now she was being returned. The package. That still didn’t sound straight.

  Jake’s words to Mathers broke through her dazed thoughts. ‘Just the handover work to complete.’

  Handover work? Now the conversation was two-way. And it didn’t include Cally. Somehow, although she was screaming inside, no one could hear her. The sounds just wouldn’t seem to come out.

  ‘Can I touch her yet?’ Mathers seemed excited. He deferred to Jake but crept toward Cally.

  Cally saw Jake flick his head up in assent, and Mathers needed no further encouragement. He stepped up to her and stroked the backs of his hairy fingers down Cally’s cheek. She tossed her head to throw him off.

  It was enough to bring her voice back. ‘Take your hands off me, you creep.’

  Mathers looked perplexed. ‘You said she was ready.’ He looked like she’d just bitten him. ‘You guaranteed –’

  Jake interrupted him. ‘I told you. There’s a transition period. She’s trained to submit to me.’

  Cally felt sick. Her head spun. Her legs had faltered, shaking wildly, and right now it was only the shackles holding her upright. Words kept spinning through her head. Ready. Transition. Trained.

  ‘You can touch her again. It’s best if she gets used to it quickly.’ Jake moved a little closer, but Mathers raised his hands readily and lifted a strand of her hair. He brought it to his face and inhaled.

  ‘I always wanted to do that,’ he said. ‘She smells good.’

  Jake looked as if there were a few things he had always wanted to do to Mathers too.

  ‘Jake?’ Cally petitioned him to help her. She ignored as best she could the older man’s unwelcome handling, although it gave her gooseflesh.

  For the first time since Mathers’ arrival, Jake openly acknowledged her. ‘You’re to let him touch you, Cally. You’re his now.’

  Cally could not take her eyes from Jake, any more than she could believe what he had just said to her. That was all the encouragement Mathers needed. He reached up and touched her manacled wrists as if he was just checking that she couldn’t get away from him. His hands ran lightly down her raised arms, closer and closer to her body, sliding over her shoulders and down to rest over her breasts, cupping them with wide-stretched fingers.

  That was enough. Cally jumped out of her catatonic state of shock. She twisted and threw herself around in the limited confines of her imprisonment, wildly enough to make Mathers take a step back. She was literally growling at him. Jake moved in and, grabbing her wrists, held on tightly, denying her the mobility to fight.

  ‘Have we learnt nothing, Cally?’ He sounded like he would snap.

  Now she was mad. Really mad. She still wasn’t certain exactly what game these two bastards had cooked up between them, but she wasn’t planning to be a party to it any more. ‘Take your hands off me, Jake Stone.’ They both realised it was the first time she had ever truly denied him.

  His expression was resolute. ‘I’m not about to do that, Cally.’

  ‘What the hell have you done to me, Jake? Why is Mathers here?

  ‘I’m not here to answer your questions, Cally. You are here to do as you are told.’

  ‘Well I’m not letting him touch me –’ she tilted her head toward Mathers ‘– so
choke on that.’

  Jake’s tone was as calm and deadly as Cally’s was wild and vulnerable. ‘If you are disobedient, you know what it will earn you.’

  ‘I’d rather be beaten to death than let him run his paws over my body.’

  Jake laughed mirthlessly. ‘You’d agree to anything I demanded, long before I needed to beat you to death.’ He sounded like he could do that too, though, if the situation demanded it.

  ‘Please, Jake. I don’t understand any of this.’ Cally knew Jake well enough by now to know that threatening him would gain her nothing.

  ‘You don’t need to understand. You just need to do as I tell you, like you did before. It’s as simple as that.’

  ‘Or?’ The fight had not yet gone out of Cally.

  ‘Or I will have to punish you. And then you will comply anyway.’

  ‘Can I touch her againyet?’ Mathers’ voice intruded into an intense battle of wills. Both Cally and Jake glared at him for the interruption.

  ‘What?’ Mathers acted like he couldn’t believe the censure in their expressions. ‘I’m the one paying plenty for this, remember?’

  Cally’s position was becoming clearer to her by the minute. ‘You sold me out?’ She addressed herself to Jake. ‘You found out what I was really doing here, and got Mathers to stop chasing the story somehow. And pay you a shitload of money. What did you promise him, Jake?’ She was pretty sure she knew. A package. All tied up, but not with a big yellow bow.

  Jake’s eyes went cold and hard. ‘It’s business. Now he’s going to touch you any way he pleases and you’re going to let him.’ He stepped back and gave Mathers a non-verbal signal to continue.

  Mathers’ keen hands worked their way over the strapless, draped fabric, pulling down roughly on it and shifting it out of his way until Cally’s breasts bounced gloriously free. Then he leant back a little to admire, for the first time, his intern’s naked breasts. ‘What lovely titties you have, Cally. I knew they would be firm and pert. The times I thought about you like this, pictured myself touching your naked skin.’ All the while he spoke he stroked, fingered, and felt his way around the contours of her breasts. He paid laborious attention to the dusky, pink nipples that raised and hardened as he teased them. Nothing Cally could do prevented the automatic response her body had to his sustained manual stimulation.

  The only thing was to deny Mathers access to her body entirely. She screamed and twisted out of his grasp again. ‘No! Don’t!’

  Mathers got a little angry. The growing excitement didn’t help him to control his temper any. It was as if he was a terrier that had seen a rabbit and would rip anything apart that got in his way. ‘Now look here,’ he stated. ‘I paid big money to have you, you little bitch, and I fully intend to get my money’s worth. And you know better than to mess with me.’ He addressed his next words to Jake. ‘Now bring her to heel, or I’ll be taking my money back. With interest.’

  Jake kept his cool. It was as if he had worked with rich and powerful jerks, like Mathers, before. Cally remembered the album of women, saw it flash across her mind. Another penny dropped into the slot. Maybe he had sold all these women out, one way or another.

  ‘I don’t take kindly to being threatened, Mathers. I told you before we started the handover could seem like a step backward, but she’ll come around. I prefer to train with firm discipline and reward, rather than brutality. I save that skill for men.’

  Jake’s own threat was veiled and implicit but Mathers hadn’t got where he was without being able to read between the lines. He seemed to back off a little. ‘I’m just a bit eager. You don’t know what this little darling’s been doing to my mind these last few months.’

  ‘I do know,’ Jake murmured. ‘Just let me handle things. OK? We’ll all get what’s due.’

  Jake approached Cally and took both her nipples between his fingers and thumbs. He manipulated them gently, then firmly, twisting the rigid flesh well. Cally began to react, the way she had learnt to, beneath Jake’s hand. She shivered and her lips parted, inviting a kiss that did not come.

  ‘You like that, Cally, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes.’ Cally panted her response. His thumbs both soothed and electrified her.

  ‘Then you shall have it.’ Jake motioned Mathers to step in and continue what he had begun.

  Cally gritted her teeth as the feeling changed. Mathers’ urgent fingers bit and provoked, but it wasn’t the same. With Mathers, and his lack of finesse, there would be little need for nipple clamps. He was clearly more interested in his own pleasures than hers. But in her current aroused state, the feelings still stirred sensations of longing between her legs. And, she berated herself, she was as overcome by lust at Mathers’ domination of her, his clear expectation that she would submit to his sexual desires, as she was toward Jake. She wanted a hot hand gripping her pussy, stroking through her fur. She wanted fingers delving between her labia, sliding across her wet clit, to agitate it to the frenzied state where she would want the cock that was to be placed in her cunt. But she knew, this time, it would be Mathers’ cock.

  Not Jake’s.

  Despite the bastard selling her down the river, she still wanted Jake to be the one to fuck her. Cally felt a hand groping at the dress, at her hip. Mathers yanked her dress up clumsily, bunching it into his fist, preparing to enter her body with his. Fingers or cock, one would surely follow the other.

  His hand rubbed the skin of her inner thigh, thumbs getting closer to the crotch of her panties. Her brain created the image of Mathers’ naked body pressing into hers. His thick fingers greedily pushing their way into her wet cunt and her hands tied, unable to reject his assault. He thought he had bought her and could do anything he liked with her. She rejected the image. Rejected him.

  She struggled to throw Mathers’ hands off her body. He grabbed at her roughly. Jake intervened.

  ‘She must submit, not be forced. Stand aside.’

  God, Jake knew how to handle her so well. Mathers withdrew, hot and red in the face from his exertions and his aroused state.

  Jake spoke calmly to Cally. She knew by his tone alone she was in trouble. ‘You were warned, Cally. You are not giving your body willingly to your new master, as I have said you must, so you will be punished.’

  ‘Please Jake,’ Cally whispered. ‘Let me go.’

  Jake drew the strapless dress completely down to her waist, slid it over her hips and let it fall to the floor. She stood there in a black silk thong, arms suspended above her head.

  She heard Mathers’ voice as if it was a long way off. ‘Remember she’s mine, Stone. It’s my hands I want on her body, not yours.’

  Jake replied to Mathers as he retrieved something from his bag. ‘I need to show you how to discipline her. It’s to give you control over her responses and to bring on her desire to submit to you.’ Jake turned and looked squarely at Mathers. ‘It’s not about pain. Got it?’

  ‘Yeah, yeah.’ Mathers sounded distracted. His lust-driven eyes rode up and down Cally’s skin, making her shiver beneath their intensity.

  She knew she couldn’t avoid what was coming. ‘You do it, Jake.’ She didn’t trust Mathers as it was. With a whip in his hand, he would be lethal. If he could betray her so callously, what wouldn’t he do to her?

  Cally’s eyes floated to the device Jake held in his hand. It wasn’t a riding crop, like before. She had never seen this one. The words “cat o’ nine tails” entered her head. She started to perspire in earnest. ‘Jake?’ This one scared her. No blindfold, this time. She was meant to see what Jake had in store for her.

  Mathers was practically salivating in anticipation of her being whipped into submission.

  Jake turned her to present her back and buttocks to the two men. He explained the device. Cally didn’t know whether it was to prolong the agony of expectation for her, to let Mathers get more of a thrill for his money, or to let her know it wouldn’t be so very bad.

  ‘This is a special whip. It goes with the girl. You on
ly use this on her and only the way I say.’

  Mathers was eager for the action to begin. ‘What’s the difference? This whip, that one. The point is the same, isn’t it? To make her agree to be fucked.’ Ever the inveterate, hard-bitten hack.

  ‘This whip is specially made. It torments with subtlety. And, most important of all, the calf leather strips are so soft they will not leave a mark on her skin. You don’t want a woman covered in scars, do you?’

  ‘No, no,’ Mathers agreed. ‘But she needs to learn she’s mine now. Get on with it. I want to see it in action. On Cally.’ He was breathing hard.

  ‘Listen to me, Mathers.’ Jake was working hard to keep Mathers’ focus on his instruction. ‘It will teach her to be obedient to your will, but only because it stimulates her to want what you want.’

  ‘I get it. Sex. It’s why we’re all here.’

  Cally cringed. How could Jake let Mathers have her?

  Jake applied the first lash. The multiple strands of leather licked her flesh and spread out across her back, tingling across the entire surface of her skin. The first stroke was always the worst to Cally. The contrast between before and after was intense. Her body went rigid as the heat burned beneath her skin to the underlying muscles.

  Jake spoke while she experienced the full effect from first to last as it died slowly away. ‘You see. Not a mark, but she felt it. There is an art to the lash. You must remember you are a man, with a man’s strength. You hold back. She is a woman, with a woman’s soft body. Too much and the effect you seek will be gone.’

  ‘I see it.’ Mathers sounded more excited than ever, to Cally’s ears. He had very different reasons to want to see her lashed than Jake did. She just knew it.

  Jake directed his second attack to her bare buttocks. She squirmed at the encompassing intensity that covered the entire region, all at the same time. It made her hop on her feet and emit a squeak signalling to the men that she felt the consequences.


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