The Creeper Invasion

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The Creeper Invasion Page 2

by Winter Morgan

  “We might be,” said Brett, “but we made a commitment to the people of the taiga.” Brett banged his pickaxe again. As he reached another layer of blocks, he spotted a piece of coal. “I found coal!” he called out.

  Poppy hurried toward Brett’s side and hit her pickaxe against the ground. She found another piece of coal. “It looks like we found a patch that has a lot of coal, and it seems like we’re lucky.”

  Brett pulled coal from the hole they had dug. “If we keep finding coal, we will be able to get some sleep tonight.”

  Joe wasn’t helping them unearth the coal. He was pacing the length of the cave, saying, “I have a feeling we shouldn’t go to the cold biome.”

  “Can we stop talking about this?” Brett was annoyed. He wanted Joe to help him pull coal from the mine. “I want to go to the cold biome and start a farm. It’s a challenge I’ve always wanted to take, and I never had the opportunity before to do something this big.”

  When Joe heard Brett speak, he remembered that he also wanted to create a farm in an icy biome. It was a lifelong dream of his, and he decided that he would join Brett and Poppy and gather coal. Even though he worried they might be tricked while they were in the taiga, he knew it was a chance they had to take.

  As they finished gathering coal and got ready to craft beds, they heard voices entering the cave.

  “Who is there?” asked Brett as he pulled his diamond sword from his inventory.

  Two people dressed in red jumpsuits walked inside the cave. They put their hands up. “Please, we aren’t here to attack anyone. We are just looking for shelter,” said the blue-haired girl in the red jumpsuit. “My name is Callie, and this is my friend Laura.”

  Her friend, dressed in the same outfit and sporting short black hair, added, “And we are looking for coal.”

  “Why are you here?” asked Poppy. She clutched her sword. She wasn’t ready to trust these two people.

  Laura said, “We’re builders, and we were invited to build an ice castle in the taiga.”

  Poppy was shocked. “But I was asked to build an ice castle and an igloo.”

  “We weren’t asked to build an igloo, but maybe they want to have more than one ice castle,” said Callie.

  “Did they give you a map?” asked Poppy.

  “Yes,” said Callie, “but it doesn’t work. I mean, we tried using it, but it led us in the wrong direction.”

  “That’s how we ended up in here. We just barely survived being in the swamp,” said Laura. “And I hate the swamp. I have a fear of witches.”

  “So do I,” said Poppy, and she introduced herself.

  “Wow,” said Callie, “you’re Poppy? You’re famous.”

  Laura added, “I can’t believe we’re actually meeting Poppy. Everyone in the Overworld knows about you.”

  Poppy blushed. “I am just a builder like you guys.”

  “I think we were probably hired to help you,” said Callie. “We aren’t well-known builders.”

  “Truthfully,” Laura said, “we must confess that we were shocked that we were invited to the cold biome to help them build anything. We just built a tree house in our town and it has gotten some attention, but that’s the first thing we ever built.”

  “That’s strange,” said Poppy, “but I assume your tree house was amazing. I’d love to see a picture of it. I’ve never built a tree house, but I’ve always wanted to build one.”

  Joe listened to Poppy, Callie, and Laura speak, and he began to grow even more suspicious of the invitation to the cold biome. He asked the group, “Don’t you think it’s odd that we are all invited to the taiga?”

  Poppy said, “I think we should all head to the biome together. If this is a setup or a trap, we will stick together and get out of there.”

  “Poppy,” Callie smiled, “aren’t you known as a great prankster?”

  “Yes,” said Laura. “Everyone in the Overworld talks about how you pull pranks with your friend Brett.”

  Brett said, “We used to pull pranks. We don’t do it much anymore.”

  “You’re Brett?” asked Callie. “You’re also famous.”

  Like Poppy, Brett also blushed. “I am just a farmer.”

  “You guys are so modest,” said Callie, “but I’m so excited to meet both of you and work in the taiga with you.”

  Poppy offered to help the two young builders search for coal and then craft beds. “We should get some sleep before tomorrow.”

  The gang jumped back into the hole and mined for more coal. As they pulled pieces of coal from the ground, they tried to contain their yawning. They were all exhausted. When they finally had enough coal, the group checked the ground for silverfish and spiders, then crafted beds on the dirt floor.

  Brett didn’t have a hard time falling asleep. He was so tired from all of their adventures, and their job hadn’t even begun. He hoped they’d find their way to the taiga the next morning. As he closed his eyes, he dreamed of farming in the taiga. He wanted to suggest to their new friends that they all share a large igloo in the taiga, but he looked over and realized he was the only one who was still awake.

  Brett closed his eyes again, and when he awoke in the morning, he was shocked to see a familiar face standing above him.



  “Nancy?” Brett was surprised to see his friend from Meadow Mews.

  “Brett?” she questioned as she spotted him. “Joe? Poppy? What are you guys doing here?”

  “We can ask you the same question,” said Brett.

  “I’m on a treasure hunt,” Nancy replied. “I told you guys I was going on a massive hunt, and when I spotted this cave, I thought I could mine for some minerals. I thought you guys were going to the taiga.”

  “We were.” Brett stood up. “But the map led us in the wrong direction.”

  “That’s strange,” said Nancy. “Maps are usually accurate.”

  Callie and Laura walked over to them and introduced themselves. Callie mentioned that their map had also led them to the same cave. Nancy processed this information and said, “You know what’s weird? I ran into a few people in the swamp who were also lost. They were standing there reading a map and asked me if I knew the correct way to the cold biome.”

  “I guess they need a lot of people for the project and they accidentally gave everyone the wrong map,” said Brett. He wanted to rationalize the situation. He could see the sun shining through the narrow opening of the cave and said, “We have to get going to the cold biome now. Good luck on your treasure hunt, Nancy.”

  It was nice to see a familiar face in the middle of a journey. Nancy climbed into the hole and began to mine as they hurried out of the cave. Brett stared at the mountain in front of them, gasped, and asked, “We have to climb that mountain?”

  “Yes,” Joe said. “I think once we get to the other side, we should see the taiga.”

  “You think?” asked Brett. “I mean, what if we climb over the mountain and there isn’t a taiga on the other side?”

  “I’ve been to the taiga before, and we had to climb over this mountain. I’m almost a hundred percent sure that we will see it,” said Joe.

  Brett walked slowly as he made his way up the mountain. Callie called out, “You have to pick up the speed, Brett.”

  Brett’s voice trembled as he confessed, “I’m afraid of heights.” He looked down at his feet as he spoke. He didn’t want to see how far they had climbed up the mountain, or he wouldn’t be able to move.

  “It’s okay,” Callie reassured Brett. “You can go at your own pace. I’m sorry I tried to rush you.”

  Brett took a deep breath as he made his way up the mountain. When the others stopped to soak in the views atop the mountain’s peak, Brett just concentrated on making his way down.

  “I see the taiga!” Joe exclaimed as he stood on the top of the mountain. “I’m so glad I was right. We are almost there.”

  Brett wanted to race down the side of the mountain and sprint to the taiga
, but he decided it would be best to keep at the same pace and stare at his feet until he reached the bottom. Once he did, he followed the others toward the taiga. As they reached the icy biome, the scenic snow-topped hilly terrain overwhelmed Brett. “Wow,” he marveled. “This is stunning.”

  “Do you see that?” asked Callie, pointing ahead.

  “Yes,” said Laura. “There’s a stage.”

  There was a large stage set up in the middle of the taiga. The stage was made of snow. A person dressed in a navy snowsuit stood on the stage, and various people stood behind him. They could hear the person in the snowsuit, who introduced himself as the new mayor, call out, “We have more all-stars,” and there was loud applause from the audience.

  The first thing Brett noticed was how cold he felt. A shiver raced down his spine, and as he looked at the crowd standing by the stage, he wondered if he was dressed appropriately. Everyone was wearing coats, hats, and gloves, while he wore a blue T-shirt with a hole in it. His arms were covered in goose bumps. He looked over at Joe. His blue hair had icicles forming in it, but he seemed warm in his black leather jacket.

  Brett didn’t have time to add a jacket to his skin. Before he knew it, he was being invited up on the stage and people were applauding his introduction.

  “We have Brett building a farm for us,” announced the mayor. “And his coworker, Joe. They will create the first farm for Hillsdale.”

  The mayor continued, “We also have Poppy building an ice castle and an igloo.”

  The crowd applauded Poppy. The mayor introduced Callie and Laura, who were also greeted with enthusiasm. “We have accumulated some of the most talented people in the Overworld to create Hillsdale, a wintery community. I know all of you snow lovers are grateful that these people will be building your homes and creating a substantial farm.”

  As the mayor spoke, Brett realized that this wasn’t anything sinister. They had called everyone there to build a new community. After his experience of going back in time and being there for the founding of Meadow Mews, he was excited now to help build a new community. He was also thrilled to meet all of these other important people from around the Overworld. He watched Poppy chat with a fellow builder whom she always wanted to meet. He looked around the stage and spotted Harold. Harold was one of the most prominent farmers in the Overworld. Brett had only heard about Harold’s farms and had always wanted to see them. He didn’t have a chance to walk over to Harold because the mayor called everyone off the stage.

  “It’s time for us to begin,” said the mayor as he broke everyone into smaller groups.

  Brett was happy to see Harold joining their group, which was just the three of them. The mayor led them to a stretch of icy land and said, “This is your canvas. Create a farm that can sustain this new village, and we will provide you each with fifty emeralds.”

  Brett didn’t even know they were going to be paid for the project and was very excited. When the mayor left, Brett and Joe introduced themselves, and Harold said, “I usually work alone. I will try to tolerate you guys, but I’m not going to lie, it’s not going to be easy for me. I like to make my own decisions, and if you guys get in my way, I will fight you.”

  It was hard to meet one of his idols and then realize that he wasn’t as nice as Brett had imagined.

  “Can we try to work together?” Brett reasoned with Harold.

  Harold stood silently. There was an uncomfortable pause until Poppy came toward them.

  “Look over there!” She smiled and pointed to a spot adjacent to the farm. “That’s where I’m going to build my ice castle. This means we can create an igloo and room together.” She looked at Harold. “Do you want to live in the igloo with us?”

  Harold shrugged, pulled out a torch, and began to melt the snow without saying a word.



  Brett melted ice with a torch as he chuckled to himself. It was very ironic that he often daydreamed about creating an ideal farm with Harold and now that he was working with him, it was an awful experience. They had been in Hillsdale for a little less than a week, and Harold hadn’t spoken a word unless it was to tell Brett that he was wrong. Harold even had the audacity to take the room that Brett had built for himself in the igloo.

  “I don’t know if I am going to make it another day,” confessed Brett. “I might just have to go back to Meadow Mews. Harold is impossible.”

  “I know he’s hard to work with, but you can’t just stop working on the farm. We made a promise, and besides, I want the emeralds,” said Joe.

  “You can stay and get the emeralds. I can leave. I think you know enough to work on the farm alone with Harold,” said Brett. “But I don’t think I can keep this up.”

  Joe suggested, “Perhaps you should take a walk and just be alone for a little while. Maybe when you come back, you’ll feel better. I know Harold isn’t easy to work with, but I don’t think it’s worth giving up the job.”

  Brett wondered if Joe was right. Maybe he was overreacting. He decided to take Joe’s advice and bundled up in a black coat and took a walk toward Poppy’s ice castle.

  He saw Poppy, Callie, and Laura hard at work on the castle. In less than a week, they had built the entire base of the castle. They were completing the job in record time. Poppy had mentioned they worked well together and that was the reason they were being so productive. He was in the exact opposite situation, and he secretly envied Poppy’s relationship with her coworkers.

  Brett waved to Poppy, but she didn’t see him. She was distracted with building the side of the castle. As he approached the castle, Brett slipped on the ice and fell into an icy hole. He had thought Hillsdale was cold, but the frigid air in the hole was brutal. He shivered, and this feeling was all too familiar to him. Brett remembered falling down the hole in Meadow Mews and landing in the past. He had no idea where he was going to wind up, but he knew he was in a portal. He recalled the sensation of feeling as if he were falling forever. Although he had experienced this before, it still made him nervous. His heart beat rapidly, and his forehead was covered in sweat that was slowly transforming into ice. He was terrified. He was trapped, and this time he didn’t even have Joe with him. He was alone.

  As Brett tumbled deeper in the hole, he hoped Poppy had spotted him fall down the hole; but as he traveled on this seemingly endless journey, he didn’t hear anybody call out his name. The idea that he could be trapped on his own in a strange place terrified him—it scared him more than climbing up a mountain. His teeth were chattering, and he wasn’t sure if it was a reaction to the cold or to terror.

  Thump! Brett landed on a grassy patch. He stood up. He wasn’t in the cold biome, but was standing next to a lush oak tree.

  “Brett!” He heard Nancy call out his name.

  “Nancy,” Brett said as he rushed over to her. “I thought you were on a treasure hunt. Is it over?”

  “Treasure hunt? I haven’t hunted for treasure in ages, you know that?” She looked at Brett. “It’s weird, but I saw you two minutes ago, and you weren’t wearing a coat. Are you okay? You don’t look well. It looks like you’ve been sweating.”

  Brett looked around, and everything looked familiar. He saw the farm in the distance. He was in Meadow Mews, but he wasn’t certain what time period he had landed in. “I’m okay,” said Brett. “I just want to go home and lie down.”

  Brett walked toward his home, and Nancy called out, “Why are you walking that way? You haven’t lived in that direction in years. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m in the future.” These words fell from Brett’s mouth, and he regretted saying them because he wasn’t sure how to explain the situation to Nancy. She had no idea that he had traveled to the past with Joe.

  “I think you’re sick,” said Nancy. “There is a flu going around. It actually affected some of the animals too. I bet you have it,” Nancy suggested. “Let me walk you home. I’m worried about you.”

  Brett followed Nancy to his new ho
me. She led him down a tree-lined path, but Brett didn’t see any house. “Where are we?”

  “We’re home.” She stopped in front of a large oak tree.

  “Where?” asked Brett. “I don’t see a house.”

  Nancy pulled a potion from her inventory. “Here, take this potion of healing. I think it will help you.”

  Brett sipped the potion, which gave him an energy boost, but it didn’t help him. He was still so confused, and even though he despised every day he had worked with Harold, he wished he could get back to Hillsdale and finish the farm. He actually considered asking Nancy if she recalled that period in time and if she remembered how it turned out, but instead he asked again, “Where is the house?”

  “Oh, Brett.” She pointed to stairs against the tree. “Look up.”

  Brett stared at a large tree house. “Wow, that’s very nice.”

  “It is.” Her blue eyes filled with tears when she said, “Poppy built it for you before she—” but she choked up and couldn’t continue.

  “Before she what?”

  “You know what I mean, but this isn’t the time to talk about the past. It’s time for us to get you to bed,” she said as she climbed up the stairs and led Brett to the tree house. But when they reached the top of the stairs, Nancy let out a gasp and screamed, “Who are you? And how did you replicate my friend’s skin?”



  Brett had known this moment was going to happen, but he still wasn’t prepared for it. He had imagined what it would be like for his old self to walk up the stairs to the tree house dressed in a black coat. He wanted to greet him and tell him what had happened in the decades since he had fallen down the hole in Hillsdale, but he also knew this was a sign. They had no time to talk about the past, because the minute Brett arrived in his house, confusing Nancy, the town of Meadow Mews would be filled with creepers. He also knew that he would disappear, and the old Brett would never know where he wound up. He wanted to tell his old self everything, but there was no time.


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