The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 7

by Phillip Jones

  “You also, Master,” Lasidious responded, disguised as the murdered mage. The Mischievous One was dressed in a black robe, and his hair was long and gray, just as Amar’s had been.

  “Master, I sent Payne to find George. The fairy-demon will make a fine goswig. I know this is abnormal, and it wasn’t my place to do so, but I think they’d be perfect for each other.”

  Brayson scowled. “Why would you do such a thing? I planned on giving George a goswig this morning. This crosses the boundaries of our friendship, Amar. I won’t have it.”

  Lasidious quickly bowed. “Please ... forgive me, Master. I’ve traveled with this human. He’s one of the few beings who can handle such a powerful goswig. He’s the only one who can tolerate Payne’s immaturity. This is the perfect opportunity for Payne to get out of his cave and become something more than an outcast.”

  Brayson walked around his office for a long series of moments before he waved his hand across one of the windows. It did not take long for the portal to zoom in on George’s position. As he watched the mage’s family walk toward the school, Brayson continued to berate his old Mystic Learner. “Amar, you’re going out of your way to help this human. I want to know why, and I want to know now.”

  Lasidious moved toward the window and looked out. “I see much of myself in him. He’s going to be strong ... much stronger than me. George doesn’t understand how he can evoke his power, yet he does it anyway. He does it naturally, without words or a staff. I find this fascinating. With your guidance, he could stand before the Source and become one of the most powerful forces the worlds have ever seen.”

  “You speak about him as if he could become a Titan. What else do you know about him?” Brayson demanded.

  “George is loyal to those he chooses as friends. He could prove helpful when Marcus becomes more of an annoyance than he already is.”

  The Head Master turned to look into Amar’s eyes. “How do you know of my struggle with Marcus?”

  “Because I pay attention. You’re not just my teacher. You’re my friend, and I would do anything to help you. It’s clear that your brother is becoming more agitated as his Peaks pass. He carries a tremendous anger in his heart, though I don’t understand why.”

  “I didn’t know you still cared or paid attention to the happenings on Luvelles. I assumed you were content to live with your brother on Grayham. How is your brother anyway?”

  “He’s well, Master.” Lasidious looked back out the window and pushed his hair behind his ears as Amar would have done. “It looks as if Payne has already found George. Perhaps you should trust me on this and allow them to stay together.”

  Brayson turned and walked away from the window. “Damn you, Amar!”

  Lasidious quickly held up his hands in submission. “I know I should’ve come to you first, Master, but I didn’t have the moments at my disposal. If I had waited, you would’ve assigned him a different goswig. I will mind my place in the future. But tell me, Master, can you think of a better pairing?”

  Brayson sat in his chair. A long series of moments passed before he responded. “I don’t know if I like this idea, but perhaps you’re right. You do know George better than I. I have already seen him command his magic without words or a staff, so he just may be able to handle the demands of the fairy-demon.”

  The Head Master crossed his arms. “Amar, you will do nothing further without my knowledge. Your decision better be the right one. I’ll allow Payne to stay with George ... for now. This could be a dangerous pairing, to say the least.”

  The imposter was quick to nod. “I know I’m right, but if by chance I’m proven wrong, it will serve to remind me why you’re the Head Master and not me.”

  Brayson stood from his chair, pulled Amar close and then put his right arm across his old Mystic Learner’s shoulders. “Flattery will get you everywhere. Now get going before George arrives. The things I let my favorite student get away with ... it’s criminal. Keep in touch, and I’ll keep you informed.”

  “Until then, Master.” With that said, the Mischievous One vanished.

  Brayson watched as the family arrived at the base of his invisible school. With a wave of his hand, one of the windows of his office adjusted as the magic produced the vision. The faces of the group appeared and with another quick motion, the portal zoomed in on Mary’s face, leaving a soft glow about her head as if she was an angel.

  “Your beauty is beyond compare,” Brayson whispered as he gazed at her eyes. “I have looked forward to this Peak.” He chuckled. “I find myself suddenly nervous. You must have been molded by Mieonus herself to possess such grace.”

  “Finally! We’re here,” George said as he stopped the family at the base of the invisible tower.

  Mary gave a quizzical look. “What do you mean? There’s nothing here.”

  “I know. That’s what’s so great about this joint. This is cool, so watch closely. Man, I love this world.” The mage spoke the words that would have revealed the front door, but before he could finish speaking them, Brayson appeared next to him.

  Astonished, Mary was the first to react. “You startled me, sir. The use of magic on this world is overwhelming.”

  “I wouldn’t worry yourself with such concerns, Mary,” Brayson responded. “I welcome you to my school of magic. You’ll become comfortable with the uses of the arts soon enough. This is the world where the Source resides. Where I’m about to take your family, you’ll experience many different creatures magic. Many creatures that will be living near you use different forms of the arts on a Peakly basis.”

  Mary replied, “I see no school. All I see is a field. Who are you, and how do you know my name?”

  “I know many things, Mary. You shall see my school in a moment. But first, my name is Brayson Id. I am the Head Master of Luvelles. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I have looked forward to this Peak for quite a while.” The Head Master scanned Mary’s person. “I see you’re wearing one of the dresses I sent you. Thank you.”

  Mary gasped, “So you’re the one?” It was hard for her to fight back her smile. “Do you always keep women waiting? I’ve wondered on many occasions about who was sending me gifts. You should be trobleted for making me wait so.”

  Brayson reached out and lifted Mary’s hand to kiss the top of it. He enjoyed the excitement on Mary’s face as his lips pressed against her skin. His goatee tickled, and his blue eyes delivered a message of infatuation. “You look stunning. And you’re right. I should be beaten for my abuse.”

  “Yes, yes, you should, sir,” Mary chuckled.

  This was the first moment Mary had flirted with anyone in many seasons. It was hard for her to hold back her excitement.

  Brayson’s smile was full of charm as he spoke in the language of the Elves. “Khala ameen, varonwor!”

  “Oh my, I don’t know what you said, but it sounded charming.”

  “I said, follow me, lovely one.”

  The remark was a welcomed advance. “It appears you know all the right things to say to make a lady smile, Mr. Id. Lead the way.”

  The family stood in silence. Only glances were exchanged between them as Brayson and Mary continued to converse. “It will be wonderful to have such beauty on my island. I’ve been watching you and have done so since your arrival on Merchant Island. I can’t recall seeing such grace in any other woman.”

  With a large smile spreading across Mary’s face, Brayson changed the subject. “I have prepared a number of homes for your family. I hope you like them.”

  Mary put her arm through Brayson’s. “I shall be sure to let you know if I approve.”

  Grinning, the Head Master moved his hand through the air in a large circle. The door to the school appeared. After he enjoyed the surprise on Mary’s face, he guided the speechless woman up the steps with the rest of the family in tow.

  As they entered the building, a big smile replaced Mary’s surprise as she looked over her shoulder at Athena and Susanne. The girls giggled as they watched their
mother wink.

  George and Kepler remained outside while Payne stayed close to Athena and entered with the others.

  “Well that’s just great!” George grumbled. “He just put the moves on her. Damn, Kep, this guy is smooth. You know she’s going to fall for him. He looks like Tom Selleck, for hell’s sake. You’ve got to be kidding me. This clown and his red, power robe are oozing with charm. I think I’m going to blow chunks. If this isn’t a conflict of interest, I don’t know what is.”

  Kepler looked down at George. “What do you mean? Why is this so bad? And who is this Tom?”

  George rolled his eyes. “Just forget about it. If Brayson butters Mary up, how can I take...” The mage thought twice before he finished his sentence. He rose up onto his toes to whisper into Kepler’s ear.

  The demon cat’s burgundy eyes lit up. “Aahhhh, I see your point. We’ll have to cross that river when we arrive at its shore. Oh, and by the way, you called him Brayson. It’s Master Id to you, Mr. lowly Mystic Learner.”

  “Shut up before I make a statue out of you!” George snapped.

  Kepler growled. “That’s not funny, George.”

  The mage grinned, and then he reached up to give his large, feline friend a hug around the neck.

  “George, you can stop now. I hate it when you act so disgustingly nice. It’s not natural for a beast with my prowess to be seen this way.”

  After a short pause to enjoy the demon’s discomfort, George continued. “I don’t like how this looks. Let’s keep our eyes open for a way to stop this. We can’t have Brayson getting too close to Mary. If he does, he’s too close to us.” They entered the school and shut the door. It vanished from the rest of the world.

  As Mary walked around the room, the details of the school’s design captured her fancy, especially the spiraling staircase. The destruction created by George’s fight with the sphere was gone—as if it had never happened.

  “My, my, Mr. Id, I’ve never seen such a place.”

  “Mary, please call me Brayson.”

  George rolled his eyes. “Great ... everyone gets to call you Brayson, but me.”

  “Oh, honey,” Athena consoled as she took his arms and pulled them about her waist. She kissed the end of his nose. “You’re forgetting ... you’re here to learn. He must have a reason for you to call him Master.”

  “Yeah! It’s to piss me off.”

  “There are other reasons, George,” Brayson quipped.

  “Then I’d love to hear them,” George replied without delay.

  Athena slapped George on the arm. “Stop that,” she said with a touch of harshness. “You might want to change your attitude. Make me proud, honey.”

  George had to smile. He looked at Brayson. “See what you’ve done?”

  The Head Master just shrugged. After some moments passed, Brayson gathered everyone into a tight group and teleported them to the northern shore of his island. “This is where you’ll be living until the completion of George’s training.”

  The family’s faces expressed their delight. Eleven structures had been created and formed a perfect circle. To the north of the homes was the beach of the island. In all other directions, a dense forest surrounded them. The children who were old enough to play, ran toward a large mound of boulders that sat at the center of the community and began a game of capture the tyrant, jumping from one stone to the next.

  Brayson spoke. “It appears the children like it. I trust that you’ll enjoy your stay here.” The Head Master found the mage’s eyes. “George, Amar explained your tastes when I met with him. I have to admit, it took many, many moments to understand how the details should look. He said it would remind you of Earth. I quizzed him on how he knew such things, but all he said was that I should speak with you. I would very much like to know about your Earth. I hope you find the structures to your liking.”

  George scanned the area. It looked like a nice, family-friendly cul de sac. It did feel like Earth. Granted, there was not a road, nor were there sidewalks or fancy landscapes, but the homes did have style. There were areas of the exterior walls that had been covered with ledge stone, and the remainder looked like stucco. Each structure had clean lines and solid wooden doors. As he looked up, he shook his head. “Damn, you even got the shingles right. Nice work.”

  As George rubbed the scruff on his chin, the Head Master smiled.

  “So ... you were told that I’d like this?”

  “I was,” Brayson confirmed. “Adjustments can be made if I need to.”

  “I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” George declined. “You’ve outdone yourself, Master Id. You have given me a taste of my old home. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Brayson cleared his throat. “We shall begin your training this evening. Meet me in my office by Late Bailem. You may bring Kepler and Payne.”

  George reached down and patted the fairy-demon on the head. “Perhaps I should leave this little guy behind?”

  The Head Master shook his head. “No. It’s necessary that you bring him. I do hope you can handle the fairy-demon once you’ve finished the bonding ritual.”

  Payne tugged on Brayson’s robe. Once he had everyone’s attention, the fairy-demon queried, “Payne goswig?”

  Brayson laughed as he reached down to pick Payne up. “Not yet, Payne, but you will be soon. You’ll need to listen to your master.”

  “Um ... master? George, Payne master?”

  “Yes, Payne, he is.”

  George appreciated that fact that Lasidious had kept his promise. He was going to like living on Luvelles, and he really liked the family’s new homes. He wondered when he would be able to speak with Lasidious. One hundred sixteen Peaks was too long, and he was dying to know if the Mischievous One was, indeed, the one who sent Payne.

  George interrupted the moment that Payne and the Head Master were sharing. “I’m sure we’ll see soon enough if I can handle Payne, but what type of goswig do you have, Master Id ... and where is it?”

  Brayson’s voice was filled with pride. “My goswig is a phoenix. For the moment, he’s the most powerful goswig on Luvelles. The power of a phoenix lies within its feathers. His crimson plumage is coveted by kings. He’s a marvelous creature. I keep him someplace safe. You’ll meet him one of these Peaks ... if you manage to survive the trials, that is.”

  “What trials are you talking about, and what is this bonding ritual you referred to?”

  “We can discuss this later.” Without saying another word, Brayson took Mary by her arm. “Allow me to guide you to your new home. I’ve added something special just for you ... something I hope you’ll use often. With it, you may contact me whenever you want. I do hope we become well-acquainted.”

  Mary’s hazel eyes accented her blushing cheeks. She moved her light-brown hair clear of her face. “I hope for this as well. You know how to treat a woman.”

  Brayson smiled and guided Mary through the front door. He took her into the living room and stopped in front of a full-length mirror. After showing her how to summon him, the Head Master kissed the top of her hand. “Tinna’ enta ley omonta.” Brayson vanished.

  Mary turned to the rest of the family who had followed out of curiosity. “This magic thing is becoming kind of sexy. I don’t know what he said, but I’m sure it was beautiful.”

  George whispered into Kepler’s ear as the commotion of the family grew. “This isn’t looking good. I have a gut feeling that this is going to become a huge problem.”

  Payne appeared on Kepler’s back. “Payne want to eat!”

  Kepler growled. “Get off me, Freak!”

  The Head Master’s Island

  Brayson’s Home

  The Peak of Bailem was approaching, and Brayson was waiting for his brothers to arrive. His home was hidden within a wooded area near the center of his island. From the outside, the home appeared to be a massive mound of boulders with plants that grew between the cracks, and just like his school, the door remained invisible to the outside

  Once inside, Brayson’s dwelling appeared to have no walls, but they were there. A powerful illusion provided the perfect atmosphere. His mound of boulders has been hollowed at its center, but Brayson’s furniture looked as if it sat in the open, amidst the forest. The trees cast shadows across the floor of the home which, in reality, was a smoothed surface of an enormous, flat rock. Subtle key points defined the boundaries of the illusion that hid the walls. Only Brayson, those he loved, and a race of beings called kedgles, knew where to look to avoid running into them.

  The kedgles were fascinating creatures—only two hands tall. They had a human head with human eyes, a mouse-like nose with whiskers, a tiny, human torso, elf ears, and a full head of hair. The rest of their body from the waist down resembled a large tarantula, and wings were attached to the top of their spidery back. They were a magical race, proficient in creating illusions.

  Brayson was waiting at his table when his invisible door opened. “Hello, brother,” Marcus said as he moved across the room, the smoke from his pipe trailing behind him. “I see you’re still living inside this miserable mound of rocks. I’ll never understand why you insist on such a simple existence.”

  The Head Master smirked. “There are many things that you’ll never understand, Marcus. You spend too many of your moments focused on trivial matters. I much prefer my ‘simple existence’ over the misery that looms above your city.”

  Marcus leaned over the table and lowered his pipe as his long hair fell forward. His brown eyes were filled with disgust. “How typical! You’ll never change. You think you’re better than me.”

  “No ... not better ... just more pleasant.” Brayson’s smirk transformed into a smile.

  Before anything else could be said, Gregory entered. “Gentlemen, how are we today?” He vanished, only to reappear in the seat next to Brayson.

  Marcus grunted and then took the seat across from them.

  Brayson leaned back in his chair. “I’m well, Gregory, and yourself?”


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