The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 32

by Phillip Jones

One by one, the werebear’s bones broke and doubled over. Payne’s magic remained strong until the creature’s form was sucked through the narrow gap. Once the creature was in his claws, the fairy-demon tore into the werebear and ate what was left of its flesh before the heat could burn the flavor out of it.

  George rolled back against the wall and whispered. “Holy garesh. Payne’s a freak of nature. I think the fire is feeding his power. How cool is that?”

  Kepler thought a moment. “At least we know why he’s happy. His belly is full. I think his hunger allowed him to use power he didn’t even know he had. Perhaps his power is instinctive. Think about it. When he saved you inside the Book of Bonding, you said he let his body burn. He did it without thinking. All he knew was that he wanted to save you. He knew you needed light to teleport. Who knows how powerful Payne is, or how powerful you are since you’re bonded to him.”

  “If that’s true, then the sky’s the limit on what we might be able to accomplish.”

  “I agree. I can see that your power is growing. This must be the benefit of having a goswig.”

  “I think you’re right, but I bet that was hard for you to admit. Payne is growing on you, isn’t he?”

  “Bah!” Kepler snarled. “He’s still a freak.”

  George smiled, and then he looked around the corner. “If we wait long enough, Payne will eat them all. Problem solved.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” the jaguar responded. “But I’m also hungry, and we’re out of food. I wouldn’t mind eating a few myself.”

  George looked up and winked. “Just stay behind me when we go out there.”


  “Just trust me. Stay behind me. I want to try something.” George took a deep breath and then stood to walk out into the clearing. Kepler stayed on his heels, and as they passed the end of the exit to the dungeon, they could see the dark clouds that were lining the sky.

  With the sun getting ready to set, George’s steps were filled with purpose. He focused on Payne as he approached the hundreds of werebears that were surrounding the fire. He stopped when he felt Payne’s magic surround him and shouted, “Hey you little pieces of garesh ... come and get me! Daddy brought dinner!”

  Kepler lowered to the ground, prepared to pounce, and jeered, “How clever you have become, George. You sound like a moron. Which reminds me ... do you want me to tell them something once they get here? Should I tell them you don’t know what you’re doing? I could tell them you’re crazy.”

  “Shut up! I’m concentrating!” George barked.

  Seeing George, Payne became excited and shouted from his cage. “Master came for Payne!”

  The sound the werebears’ claws made as they pounded against the earth was intimidating, but George held fast. He closed his eyes and focused on Payne to channel the fairy-demon’s power. George raised his hands. Thousands upon thousands of needles shot from his fingertips. He moved his arms back and forth like a turret to ensure he covered the spread of bodies as they began to tumble to the ground in front of him.

  When the last werebear fell lifeless, George opened his eyes. They were filled with blood.

  Kepler moved beside the mage. “George, are you okay? Your eyes.”

  George’s body began to sway. He fell forward.

  Kepler reached out and used the backside of his right paw to soften the mage’s fall. The demon-cat watched as his friend’s eyes shut, and his body began to convulse. When the seizure stopped, the mage was left unconscious.

  Kepler knew he did not have any moments to waste. The power George had used was way too much for his body to handle, and he was bleeding from his eyes and nose. The demon tried to retrieve the vial from the mage’s robe, but his paws were too bulky for the task. I have to get Payne out of that cage, he thought.

  The demon-jaguar darted toward Payne’s prison. He launched into the air. “Hold on!” he shouted.

  Payne grabbed the bars just as the demon-cat smashed into the cage.

  Kepler’s body consumed the structure as his momentum carried them beyond the flames. The chain holding the cage snapped as they crashed onto the ground.

  Kepler rolled off the bars and roared. The heat of the metal had burnt through the fur that covered his belly and seared his skin. As he settled down, he noticed the bars of the cage had collapsed, leaving Payne pinned inside. “Are you hurt?” he demanded.

  “No, not hurt, Kitty.”

  “Can you teleport out of there?”

  “No ... um ... can’t.”

  “We have to get you out. George needs a drop of the potion Brayson gave him.”

  “Payne can’t get out. Bite hand off.”


  “Bite hand off. Payne help Master.”

  “How will biting your—”

  “Bite!” Payne shouted.

  Kepler lowered his mouth toward the fairy-demon’s hand. “Uggh, you stink.”

  “Bite, Kitty, bite!”

  “Oh, how I’ve longed to hear those words. Consider it my pleasure.” Kepler chomped and severed the hand with ease.

  Payne screamed in agony as the jaguar spit the hand to the ground and questioned. “Now what, Freak?”

  With tears in his eyes, the fairy demon responded. “Payne help Master.”

  The hand began to morph. It was not long before the tiny likeness of the fairy-demon began to fly toward George. Kepler followed and stood over the mage’s figure as the morphed Payne retrieved the vial and set it on the ground with the lid up.

  Morphed Payne looked up at the jaguar and shouted in a high-pitched voice, “Kepler, I need your help! Use your teeth to open the vial! I’m not strong enough!”

  Kepler shook his head. “You’re a lot smarter than he is.” He looked across the field. Payne was still stuck between the bars, and he was crying. “Why do you speak differently than the freak?”

  Morphed Payne bore his teeth. “As puzzling as my existence may be, we don’t have the moments to discuss this. Now remove the cork.”

  Kepler growled, covered the cork with the tips of his teeth and then twisted. The stopper slid out.

  The tiny fairy-demon tilted the bottle and stuck his head into the opening. After taking in a mouthful, the demon propped the vial between Kepler’s toes and then flew above George’s mouth. He dropped inside, slid under the mage’s tongue and then spit the liquid out. He repeated the process twice more to ensure that enough of the elixir had been administered.

  After the morphed Payne was finished with George, he took in two more mouthfuls and spit them beneath Kepler’s tongue. The giant jaguar cringed as he kept his mouth agape.

  South of Grogger’s Swamp

  1 Peak of Bailem Later

  Kiayasis finished setting up camp. They had followed the shoreline of the Volton Ocean as they headed north. After eating, he gathered enough wood to ensure the fire would continue to burn through the night, and then he sat next to Shalee and pulled her close. This would be their final night together before Shalee entered the swamp. The weather was peaceful as the sun and opposing worlds approached their horizons.

  “This is hard.”

  “What’s hard?” Shalee asked with a soft voice.

  “I’ve been with you for the last 31 Peaks. We’ve spent so many moments together. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “Is my company so bad? Are you tired of me?”

  “That’s not what I mean. I’m saying it’s hard because when this is over, you’ll return to your king and your duties as Brandor’s queen. I don’t think I can bear the thought of being apart from you. You’ve captured my heart, and I want to be with you.”

  Shalee grinned. “Well aren’t you sexier than a lightning bug’s butt.” She stroked his face. “I don’t know that want to go back to Grayham. I’m happy where I’m at. I’m enjoying your company, Mr. Methelborn.”

  Kiayasis wrapped his arms around Shalee and watched as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. The waves of the ocean crashed against the
shoreline, amplifying the mood. “I hope you stay. I would cherish you. Mankay elle meerna aman meerna quene mella ena’ coiaman.”

  “Goodness-gracious, what did you say?”

  “I said, I would make you the love of my life, if you wished it.”

  Shalee couldn’t believe her ears. “You think you could care for me that much?”

  “I don’t think. I know. I’d love you. I do love you.”

  Fear rushed through Shalee’s mind as it went wild with thought. What will Sam think? How will he feel when I tell him I’m not coming home? How will I tell him? Will he use his authority to force me to return to Grayham?

  A moment later, a whole new, fresh set of thoughts ran through her brain. What’s Sam going to do about it? He can’t do anything. My power is strong enough to fight against any demand he’d make. I’ll use my magic to stay here where I’m loved and not looked at like a failure. He doesn’t want me anyway.

  “Shalee. Shalee. Hey! Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a spirit.”

  The sorceress refocused. “I’m sorry. I was just thinking about how I’m going to tell Sam that I’m not coming home. I’m going to stay here with you.”

  “Are you being genuine?” Kiayasis queried.

  “I’m as serious as a heart attack,” Shalee professed. “I can’t believe this is going to happen.”

  Kiayasis grinned. “I must work harder to understand the meaning of your words. Does the seriousness of this heart attack mean you have no doubt?”

  Shalee giggled. “It means, I want to stay. But only if you’ll love me.”

  “I already do ... and I always will.”

  Shalee pressed into the dark warrior. “Then show me how much.”

  Kiayasis stood, lifted her in his arms and then walked across the beach to a small pile of furs that he had laid out earlier in the Peak. He kissed Shalee while he respected the boundaries she had set for their relationship. He rubbed his strong hands across her shoulders and down to the small of her back until she was sound asleep.

  Kiayasis gently pulled away, put on his shirt, and then he began walking along the beach. When enough moments had passed to put a considerable distance between himself and the camp, he removed a small mirror about the size of his palm from his pocket. He spoke to the glass as if it was alive. “Seek my father.”

  It was not long before the mirror lit up, and the image of Boyafed appeared. “Kiayasis, my son, how’s your journey?”

  “I fair well, Father, but Joss was injured.”

  Boyafed nodded. “Yes, I know. I received word just last night. The krape lord will heal. I wouldn’t be concerned about that. He’s one of the finest krape lords in my army.”

  Boyafed could see a distant look on Kiayasis’ face. “What bothers you, my son?”

  “Father ... the woman I travel with is a good woman. She’s done nothing to deserve the end you’ve ordered. She’s kind, and this isn’t an order that I want to execute.”

  Boyafed frowned. “If you were any other elf... This wasn’t a casual order, Kiayasis. This was the desire of Hosseff. Who are we to question our lord’s wishes?”

  “But I love her,” Kiayasis rebutted.

  Boyafed took a step back from his mirror. “How could you fall in love with a woman whom you were commanded to end? How could you allow yourself to become so close to her ... so gullible? What’s wrong with you, boy?”

  “Father, I know you’re angry, but—”

  “But nothing! She’s a queen! Her king would not allow her to stay with you even if it was possible for you to be with her. She’s not even of elven blood, and the Head Master would never approve of her continued residency on Luvelles. You must honor Hosseff, and fulfill your order.” A long period of silence passed before Boyafed took a deep breath and sighed over an expansive series of moments. “My son, our lord specifically requested that you be chosen for this mission. You should feel honored. You cannot falter on your first assignment. Your career in my army will be over before it even began. I love you too much to allow this to happen.”

  “I know, Father. I hate the idea of letting you down. But couldn’t you please speak with Hosseff. Perhaps he would—”

  Boyafed shouted over the top of Kiayasis. “STOP!” The anger in Boyafed’s eyes sent chills down the young elf’s spine. “You have a task to complete, Kiayasis! I won’t bother the mightiest of all the gods with my son’s foolish whims!”

  Kiayasis lowered his head. “I don’t wish to shame you, Father. I will carry out my assignment and my actions will glorify Hosseff.”

  “That’s better,” Boyafed said as he slapped the back of his hand into his opposing palm. “I knew you would come to your senses. I’m proud of you, Kiayasis. I shall reward you once you’ve completed the task. Did you retrieve the Knife of Spirits?”

  “I did, Father.”

  “Then Gorne had the knife as I said he would?”

  “He did.”

  “Did you end him?”

  “No. I felt his pathetic existence was punishment enough.”

  “Then you’re more compassionate than I ... a quality you received from your mother, I think. But you must remember that compassion stops when our lord commands it.” The Order leader paused. “When the queen exits the swamp, get rid of her as we discussed. You know what to do with her remains.”

  “I won’t fail you, Father.”

  “I know. You’re a Methelborn.”

  “Thank you.”

  “We’ll speak again soon. I’m going to grab an ale with Dayden. Goodbye, son.”

  The mirror went dark, and then Kiayasis fell to his knees. The dark paladin wept.

  The Next Peak, Just Before Late Bailem

  Shalee and Kiayasis have arrived at the entrance to Grogger’s Swamp. The sorceress plans to make her entrance in the morning. Kiayasis has set up camp, and he will wait for her to return. As they sit beside the fire, Shalee calls Kiayasis, baby.

  Kepler and Payne are still waiting for George to come out of his unconscious state. Payne has used his magic to lie George against Kepler’s stomach. The cat has been acting as a cushion, and he has allowed his friend to rest against him without complaint. A few wandering werebears have emerged from inside the maze and attacked, but Payne slew them with little trouble.

  Athena, Mary, and Susanne are once again at home, but they plan to use the Scroll of Teleportation to visit the city of Nept in the morning.

  Boyafed is inside the temple of the Order. He plans to meet with Marcus. The Dark Chancellor has requested his presence.

  Gregory Id has returned home from the King of Lavan’s Passing Ceremony. He plans to attend the meeting Lord Dowd has called with his military leaders and the White Council. It will be held at Late Bailem tomorrow. With the slaying of the king, Gregory feels Lord Dowd will have no choice but to call for war.

  Mosley plans to secretly attend Lord Dowd’s meeting. The wolf has convinced the rest of his team to attend as well.

  Mieonus is inside her home on Ancients Sovereign. She has been watching Shalee and Kiayasis’ relationship develop. The goddess also enjoyed watching Boyafed and Kiayasis talk through their mirrors. When the Goddess of Hate learned about Hosseff’s request to have Shalee ended, Mieonus danced throughout her home. She is looking forward to the sorceress’ demise, but something unexpected has just happened, and now the goddess is anticipating an even larger confrontation.

  A new player has joined the game, and he has been stalking Shalee and Kiayasis. This bold figure has tracked them down, and he is secretly watching from a distance, yet he remains close enough to hear Shalee and Kiayasis’ conversations. Mieonus smiled at the stalker’s pained reaction when he heard Shalee call Kiayasis “baby.”

  Brayson plans to travel to Mogg’s Village that is located on the Sprite Queen’s island. The Head Master needs to speak with the visionary about the events that have transpired. He is anxious about approaching Mogg, because he knows that dealing with the sprite will be no easy task.
  Gage and the other goswigs within the underground village of Gogswayne are hard at work. Strongbear has been relentless with his order to expand their new lake. Everyone is with the brown bear and not against him—or are they?

  Marcus is standing over another body. He feels this is the last elf that he will need to end. He believes war will be inevitable once Boyafed hears the name of the victim.

  Lasidious and Celestria are inside their home beneath the Peaks of Angels. Celestria is nervous about Mosley and Alistar’s investigation to discover evidence that they are up to something larger than running a game to collect the pieces of the Crystal Moon.

  Thank you for reading the Luvelles Gazette


  A Secret Revealed

  Lasidious and Celestria’s Home

  Beneath the Peaks of Angels

  CELESTRIA TURNED AWAY from the green flames of their fireplace. “They are going to figure it out. Alistar has been snooping around, and Mosley is too smart. It’s just a matter of moments before they find out about the baby.”

  Lasidious stood from his chair next to the table and then moved behind his lover. With a hand on each shoulder, he turned her to face him and then looked into her eyes as he spoke with a soft, relaxed voice. “Take a deep breath.”

  “How can I?” the goddess snapped. “We’re going to be made mortal. Once they discover Garrin’s existence, they’ll end us ... and him. Our demise will be no less dreadful than Yaloom’s.”

  Lasidious pulled her close. “I have things under control. You worry too much. There’s nothing for them to find. And there’s no reason for them to look for Garrin. Mosley doesn’t believe we’re willing to go against the Book’s laws, much less have a child.”

  “How can you be so sure? The wolf is clever, and Alistar is just as smart. If Mosley does not figure it out, Alistar will.”


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