The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 44

by Phillip Jones

  There was fear in the God of the Harvest’s voice. “Did you hear what Mosley said? I’ve got to get to the hall, but what plan could the wolf be referring to?”

  Lasidious smiled. “Go to the meeting, brother. There’s nothing to worry about. We’ll talk about it later.” The Mischievous One watched Alistar vanish.

  Lasidious chuckled. “If it wasn’t for Mosley, the Collective would’ve taken the bait. They would’ve surrendered the Book to me without opposition. It was worth the effort. You’ve got to admire that wolf. Mosley is a worthy opponent. I’m enjoying our little game.”

  Agitated, Celestria stood and began to adjust the vases throughout the room. “What about Bassorine’s plan? Does this not bother you? It bothers me. Even you didn’t see this coming, my pet. How are we going to deal with something we can’t control? If it isn’t a being, then what could it be? What could grow to have the power to take back your dominance over Gabriel once you acquire it? You need to find out what the wolf is talking about.”

  Lasidious chuckled again.

  “What’s so funny? I fail to see the humor.”

  “Don’t you see? There’s no one else it could be. ‘It’ is a being. It’s Shalee.”

  Celestria stood from the Mischievous One’s lap. “You’re being awfully presumptuous. How do you know it’s Shalee? You seem sure of it.”

  “If I’m being presumptuous, then answer me this. How else would you explain the growth of her power?” Lasidious argued. “She’s grown faster than any sorceress before her. She possesses the power of a woman who has commanded magic for over 200 seasons. And supposedly she’s done it without the help of the gods. I think Mosley believes that he truly has a secret, but I have everything under control.”

  “I’d love to know how you have it under control. You can’t touch Shalee. She is protected by the Book, and we don’t have power over Gabriel to stop her. How are you going to get rid of her?”

  Lasidious stood and enveloped Celestria within his arms. He kissed her forehead. “Who said anything about getting rid of her? That’s what George is for.” The Mischievous One paused. “Now that George has looked into the Eye, he’s powerful enough to teleport between the lower three worlds. We can use this to our advantage. If Shalee gets in our way, George won’t be far behind.”

  Celestria smiled and positioned her mouth near Lasidious’ ear. She whispered in her most seductive voice, “I suggest we celebrate the development of your pet, my sweet. George is becoming everything you wanted him to be. Your cunning makes me hot.”

  Just Outside the Source’s Cave

  The Peak of Bailem

  Brayson was standing next to Fisgig’s perch waiting for the warlock to make his exit. When George strolled out of the cave, he stopped and looked across the pool.

  After seeing George’s past with Mogg, the Head Master had decided that a softer approach was in order. He called out in a diplomatic manner. “Congratulations! I see the Eye has spared your soul!”

  George did not respond, but he thought, Holy garesh! He’s waiting to confront me. He’s got to be pissed about Amar. The warlock backed up into the shadows cast by the mouth of the cave. Recalling a discussion he had in one of his dreams with Lasidious, he reached under his tunic and removed the feather he plucked from the phoenix prior to entering. He lifted it to his mouth, cupped it in the palms of his hands and then began to whisper a chant in the Elven language—a language gifted by the Eye.

  “What are you doing?” Brayson questioned, trying to sound positive and upbeat. He knew what he had to say would cause tension, yet he still cared for George, despite what he had learned about his friend’s passing. He wanted to help his Mystic Learner find peace and move beyond the horror of his past. “Come to me, George! Let’s converse!”

  George lowered his hands from his mouth and then opened them. A single arrow, made of water and cursed with the essence of the phoenix’s feather, shot from his hands across the pool and skewered Fisgig’s crimson body.

  Brayson gasped as his goswig fell to the ground and landed with a shallow thud at the base of his perch. The Head Master reacted by waving his hand to slow George’s moments, but the power to do so had ended with Fisgig.

  George did not hesitate. He sent a wave of force that crashed into Brayson. The magic knocked the Head Master across the far side of the pool and into the opposite wall of the cliff. For good measure, George sent two other waves of force in his direction to ensure that Brayson would be knocked unconscious.

  As the Head Master’s head sunk beneath the surface of the pool, George trudged through the water and pulled Brayson clear to keep him from drowning. He lowered Brayson to the ground and then grabbed him by his feet. The warlock dragged the Head Master into the alcove where he had first appeared prior to entering the cave. He bound Brayson with a rope from his pack and then leaned down next to the heavy weave it was made of and whispered another chant, but during this series of moments, the new warlock did not speak in the language of the elves—he spoke in the language of the Ancient Mystics. “Tolamea susayan, cun noble spolasemos papaya ress.”

  The rope tightened. The restraints woke Brayson, and he cried out in pain.

  George casually took a step away, and with a wave of his hand, commanded the water in the pool to create a shimmering throne.

  Brayson’s eyes widened as the young warlock took a seat. The two stared at one another for a long series of moments before a word was uttered.

  “I know that you know about Amar’s passing, Brayson,” George divulged.

  Brayson nodded. “I witnessed the murder with my own eyes.”

  George sighed. “Then we have a problem, don’t you agree?”

  Again, Brayson nodded, but said nothing.

  “What should I do with you? Mary knows Amar has passed. Have you told her that I was the one who ended him?”

  Brayson shook his head. “I’ve said nothing. I wanted to speak with you to understand your mind first.”

  George tilted his head. “Isn’t it obvious? I ate his heart to steal his power. But you know that.”

  “Do you intend to eat my heart as well?” Brayson queried.

  George had to laugh. “Why would I want to eat a heart that has less power than my own? Eating your heart would only screw things up. It would cause me to lose the advantage I have over you. Now that your goswig has passed, you can’t touch me.”

  Brayson was not sure how to respond. He fumbled through his next statement. “Wh ... why are you doing this? What do you want?”

  George stood and trudged through what was left of the water. He lifted the phoenix’s body by its talons. Once standing back in front of Brayson, he threw Fisgig’s corpse at Brayson’s feet. “You can’t give me anything that I don’t have the power to take, so your heart’s safe.”

  Brayson knew his situation was grim. “Then do you intend to end me?”

  George reclaimed his seat on his watery throne. “You know what? That’s a good question. You see … I’ve been asking myself that same thing ever since I met you at your school. I have to admit, I intended to end you as soon as I could, but then you became an important part of Mary’s life. Now the question I have to ask myself is this ... do I love my wife? And the answer is ... I do ... very much. My next question is ... do I love her family? And my answer is ... I do ... very much. So if that’s the case, I have no choice but to find a way to spare your existence and treat you as the father-in-law you’re bound to become. I should give you the love I’ve given them. And though it really pisses me off, I’m going to find a way to accomplish my goals and work around you.”

  George’s countenance became more serious. “Brayson, do you love my mother-in-law ... or better yet, does she love you enough to miss you?”

  Brayson cleared his throat and tried to find a more comfortable position within his bonds. “I love Mary with everything in me.”

  George’s stare was cold as he leaned forward to look Brayson dead in the eyes. “I shall spar
e you. I believe you love her. I also believe she loves you, and I don’t wish to hurt her. I hate to say it, but your old ass has grown on me, too.”

  George leaned back in his throne and looked to the sky. “There are a few things that need to be changed.”

  Brayson’ head dropped, defeated. “It appears I have no choice. What changes must I make?”

  “First, I’ll take over your position as Head Master. You’ll retire. I’ll do everything you would’ve done. I’ll figure out a way to stop the war that’s coming. I’m tired of killing. I’m equally as tired of hurting others.”

  The young warlock pushed his hands through his hair. “The dragon told me many things. One of them was he saw good in me. I don’t want to let him down, so sparing you will be a step in the right direction ... wouldn’t you agree?”

  Brayson’s nod was half-hearted. “I suppose, but you ended Fisgig.”

  George looked at the phoenix. “I’m sorry for that. I’m also sorry I killed Amar.”

  Brayson also looked at Fisgig’s corpse. “How am I to respond? You act as if an apology should fix my loss.”

  George leaned back. “I know ... I’m asking you to deal with some heavy garesh. But somehow, we need to move past this. If you’re willing to work with me, we can fix the problems on Luvelles. We can even live peaceful lives with the ones we love.”

  Brayson sat in silence for a long series of moments. As he watched the crimson color of Fisgig’s feathers fade to a pale white, he exhaled. “Do you truly intend to stop the war?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you truly intend to make Luvelles a peaceful planet?”

  “I do.”

  Brayson fought back the tears as he continued to stare at Fisgig’s body. “Without my goswig, I’ll be unable to perform my duties as Head Master. I cannot retire until after I help you move into this position. Once the people understand that you command the power required to govern the whole of Luvelles, they won’t object. Elf or not, you’ll be accepted. They respect power, not the being. However, you may run into a problem with the gods. Humans are not allowed to live on this world unless permission is granted. They may not allow you to assume my position.”

  George smiled. “If you knew what I know about the gods, you wouldn’t worry about them. They’re useless. They won’t do anything to stop me.”

  Brayson shook his head. “Your words are blasphemous. How could you speak about the gods that way?”

  The warlock smirked. “Trust me. I know what I’m talking about. The gods are not what they appear to be.”

  A long series of moments passed before the Head Master responded. “If what you’re saying is the truth, then I only have one other concern. It’s for my safety and the safety of Mary and the family.”

  “Go ahead. I’m listening.”

  “My brother, Marcus, will end us all once he realizes I don’t have the power to stop him anymore. It would be best to end me now. Once the people know you’re their Head Master, word will spread. Once it reaches Marcus’ ears, he’ll come for me.”

  George stood from his shimmering throne. With a wave of his hand, he removed Brayson’s bonds. He stepped forward, extended his arm and then pulled Brayson to his feet. The water from the throne crashed back into the pool as George put his arm around Brayson. “What if I told you that I had a plan to deal with Marcus? Would you allow me to call you Dad after you take Mary as your wife?”

  Brayson scowled. “Get your arm off of me! Your nerve is appalling!”

  George did as instructed. “You’re right, that was a bit bold. But you’ve got to admit, there won’t ever be a perfect moment to ask that question, so I guess it boils down to this. Are you going to be able to move past this, or not?”

  Brayson’s scowl did not soften. “You ended my friends. I don’t know.”

  “And I’m sorry about that.” George extended his arms horizontal to the ground, exposing his chest. “Look ... if you want vengeance, take it. I won’t stop you. I’ll allow you to strike me down. I’d love to take back the things I’ve done, but I can’t. I can only do better from here on out.”

  Brayson stood in silence for a long series of moments. “I desperately want to destroy you, but how would I explain these circumstances to Mary and Athena? They’ve seen nothing but good from you. Mary would shun me to stand by her daughter’s side.”

  The Head Master turned his back to George. “So ... since I can’t rid myself of you, and since you have spared me, I shall strive to adjust my mind. But you must do everything you’ve promised.” Brayson paused. His eyes narrowed. “Remember this, George ... if you fail to stop this war, I shall sacrifice my relationship with Mary and find a way to destroy you.”

  George chuckled to lighten the mood. “Man ... you’ve got balls the size of Kansas. You’re either a stud, or you’re insane.”

  Brayson reached out and snatched the front of George’s tunic. “I’m not finished! You will allow Fisgig to live. He won’t be able to use his power any longer, but I wish to enjoy his company. He was more than my goswig. He was my friend ... my companion, and I loved him. As Head Master, you’ll be able to restore his life’s source once you have received the secrets of the position. Fisgig will live a long life, and I’ll be able to enjoy his friendship.”

  George gently pried Brayson’s hands off his tunic and took a step back. “What do you mean? How can I restore Fisgig’s life’s source?”

  The Head Master carefully brushed off the lapel of George’s tunic. As he did, a restored confidence appeared in his eyes. “Throughout history, the gods have given the Head Masters of old this power. The source of this power resides within the Stone of Rebirth. All Head Masters are allowed to use the stone twice per solstice season.”

  The warlock cut in. “Is this similar to the power the Order calls their Touch of Death?”

  “Yes, but they are limited to using their touch only once per full season.”

  George’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean by full season?”

  “I mean, a full season of a man’s life!” Brayson snapped.

  George held up his hands. “Whoa, pit bull. I got it.” The warlock paused in thought. “You said that Fisgig will lose his power when his life’s source is returned. Are you saying when the Stone of Rebirth is used, the person or beast that it’s used on loses their ability to command the arts? Is that also the way the Touch of Death works?”

  Brayson grumbled. “It’s exactly the same as the Touch of Death, only the stone can be used more frequently.”

  “Does it strip the person or beast of their natural abilities as well?”

  “Fortunately, no. It doesn’t strip anything natural from them at all.”

  George touched Brayson’s shoulder and then teleported them onto the steps of Mary’s home. “I need to think about your request. I don’t understand everything, but I think you’ve given me enough to ponder. As of this moment, I don’t see a problem with letting the phoenix live. But like I said ... I want to think about it.”

  The intensity of Brayson’s glare hardened. “I’m not asking. I’m telling.”

  George leaned in. “I get it. I still need to think. As far as your brother is concerned ... I wouldn’t worry about Marcus. I’ve got plans for him. Perhaps you should go inside and work on creating a happy family. Okay, Dad?”

  Brayson moved to the bottom of the steps. “Don’t utter that word again until I extend my blessing. Fisgig must live, and you must ensure your promises are fulfilled.”

  The warlock grinned. “Lighten up, Pops, I’ve got it handled.”

  The Head Master ignored George’s attempt to smooth things over. “Just say good night. My trust in you better not be misplaced.”

  “Okay, relax.” George jumped down the steps. “Oh! Perhaps we should avoid discussing this with the girls. I want to do what’s right from here on out ... not only for Luvelles ... but for our family as well. They don’t need to know about the garesh we just went through.”

; Brayson nodded. “I hope the Ancient One was right, and there is good in you. I’ve been told and witnessed many terrible things about you since last we spoke, but I trust the dragon’s judgment. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  As soon as Brayson closed the door to Mary’s home, George teleported inside Kepler’s lair beneath the stones and waved his hand to clear away the darkness. Kepler and Payne had to cover their eyes to keep the brightness from hurting them.

  “What do you want?” Kepler growled. “I was sleeping.”

  “Master, get out of here, and let us sleep!” Payne shouted.

  George looked at Payne. The fairy-demon had grown more than a hand since the last moment he saw him. He had also used a complete sentence.

  “Did I just hear him right, Kep? Did he actually make sense?”

  “Yes. I’ve been working with the freak.”

  “Stop calling me Freak. I’ve stopped calling you Kitty, haven’t I?”

  George took a seat. “Wow! I leave you guys for a few Peaks, and when I return, I run into Captain Sentence over here. What’s gotten into you, Payne?”

  Kepler interrupted. “Don’t get him started. He’ll go all night and won’t shut up. He’s on this whole, ‘I can talk better than you’ kick. Though irritating, at least I can understand him now. He’s also been eating everything he can get his puny claws on. I’ve never seen anything grow the way he has.”

  George shook off his surprise. “Payne, we’ll get back to you in a moment. Kep, I need to know if you have any abilities that would be considered a power and not a natural ability.”


  “I’ll explain. Just be honest. This is crucial.”

  “I have one power. Everything else I do is natural. I can hide within the shadows naturally. I can see in the dark naturally, but the ability to control my skeleton army is a power given to me by Celestria.”

  George sighed. “I don’t think you can control skeletons any longer.”

  “Ha! Why would you think such nonsense?”

  “When Marcus restored your life’s source, you may have lost this power. I want you to go out tonight and test it. Payne will go with you. I need you to end someone. If you can’t control the corpse, then I’ll know that Brayson told me the truth. This will tell me how I should proceed with my relationship with him.”


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