The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 58

by Phillip Jones

  Sam turned to find George’s eyes. “What army could he build on Grayham that would fight for him? First off, there are no elves on Grayham who practice dark magic ... period! And no matter what he says, the barbarians won’t lift a finger to help him after the way I took control of the northern territories. Tell me ... who else could he possibly command?”

  George took a seat on the grass. “Marcus isn’t your normal wizard, Sam. Trust me when I say, you’re being too cocky. The Dark Chancellor has the ability to control the minds of those he comes in contact with. He could walk into your city all alone, and the people will turn on one another with just a thought. Your own army would come for you. Shalee needs to look into the Eye so she can help you protect your kingdom. Even if you find Marcus before he enters Brandor, he would kick the garesh out of you both and your army. You don’t have many moments to make a decision, Sam, so you better start acting. Let Shalee go back to Luvelles to look into the Eye.”

  The warlock looked up at the sky. The sun was approaching Late Bailem. “It’s getting late, and I’ve got a date with my wife. But I’ll come back as soon as I can.”

  Sam crossed his arms. “You’re leaving? What do you expect me to do while you’re gone?”

  George moved to take a seat next to Sam. “You two need to talk. You also need to speak with the Senate to decide whether or not you’re going to allow them to use Lasidious’ Promise. Senator Kolton can explain how the orb works.” With that, George teleported out of the garden without waiting for a response.

  Shalee lowered to her knees in front of Sam. “Perhaps we should talk about this over supper. I’m sure your head hurts as much as mine.”

  Sam shook his head. “I need about a thousand ales. Is there anything on this world that is as it seems? I don’t know what the truth is anymore.”

  Southern Grayham

  Gessler Village

  It had been 5 Peaks since Marcus set foot on the Merchant Island of Grayham. Since that moment, he had been unable to teleport because he had no knowledge of Grayham’s topography. He was forced to travel by boat, then hippogriff, and if that was not bad enough, he also had to travel by horseback.

  Marcus looked forward to a solid night’s sleep as the hippogriff made its descent to the landing platform in Gessler Village. Without saying a word, he dismounted and walked down the steps.

  After questioning a few shady characters who then tried to rob him, Marcus used his magic to throw the thieves high onto a steep hillside and watched as they tumbled. One of the thieves struck his head on a rock and perished while the others were not so fortunate. Marcus used his magic to slowly peel the skin off their bodies and then hung them upside down in a nearby tree. The rest of his trip was uneventful as he made his way to the Bloody Trough.

  While standing in the street, he looked the inn over and noticed a stone statue that had been placed to the right of the entrance. The man depicted was large and had his fur covered arms extended in front of his face as if he was trying to protect himself.

  As Marcus walked inside, he could see the patrons were different than the others he had met in three other cities. This crowd exuded darkness, and for a moment—though only a brief moment—he felt as if he belonged.

  Many of the men were sitting at larger than normal tables. They were dressed the same as the statue outside. They were nearly a pace taller and much bigger than he was.

  Marcus felt their eyes watching him as he headed for the bar to take a seat. He tried to order a drink, but the man behind the counter did not seem to be in a hurry to stop his conversation with the other patrons.

  The chancellor chose not to wait. With a wave of his hand, a mug lifted off the counter, floated to the tap and remained suspended beneath its spout. The handle toggled. Once full, the mug floated toward Marcus and lowered onto the bar in front of him. Meanwhile, the tap remained open as the ale continued to pour onto the floor.

  The barkeep stopped his conversation and rushed over to the tap to turn it off. He stared at the handle for a long series of moments before he turned around to face Marcus. He had seen magic like this before, and he knew what power of this nature was capable of doing. He had been working the night when George turned the barbarian on the front porch to stone.

  The barkeep approached Marcus with caution. “Will there be anything else tonight, friend? I see you found the ale without any trouble.”

  Marcus was not in the mood for idle chatter, but he needed information. “I could use a meal and some answers. Perhaps you could tell me when the next hippogriff leaves for Latasef. That’s my next stop if I’ve read my map correctly.”

  While using a rag to clean off the counter, the barkeep responded, “Food I can help you with, but the hippogriffs cannot take you to Latasef. If that’s where you’re going, you’ll need to travel by foot, or perhaps horseback, from here on out if you intend to go further.”

  Marcus shook his head in disgust and whispered beneath his breath, “I hate you, George. The rat better be worth it.”

  The barkeep cupped his hand around his ear. “What’s that, friend? I didn’t hear you.”

  Marcus clenched his mug. “Nothing. I need a room. Do you know of anyone who could guide me to my destination? I pay well.”

  After pondering the question, the barkeep threw Marcus a key, “Your room is up the stairs and down the hall to the right. I’ll have a guide waiting for you in the morning to take you anywhere you want to go.”

  Marcus flipped the barbarian a Jervaise. “Good. I’ll see your guide in the morning then.”

  The Next Peak, Early Bailem

  George had just finished eating his breakfast when Athena’s water broke. He had planned to go to Harvestom, but the baby had other ideas.

  The family is beginning to gather for the event. Mary and Brayson have the situation under control.

  Because of the birth, Gregory will become an essential part of spreading the word of Lasidious much sooner than George had anticipated. The proud papa is glad his attempt to end Gregory failed.

  Hosseff and Mieonus are inside the goddess’ home watching her waterfall. The images being portrayed are of George and his family as they rush to do whatever they can to help with the baby’s birth. In the midst of the confusion, the gods will learn a secret.

  Alistar has arrived on Harvestom. He is watching as the centaur armies close in on one another. The God of the Harvest intends to watch Gregory as the chancellor makes his appearance to the browncoated King of Kless.

  Boyafed plans to go to the Petrified Forest to call in a debt. But something unexpected is about to happen to the Order leader—something heinous.

  Lord Dowd has ordered the white army to march after the ghostly hounds of Wraithwood Hollow appear. With the Scroll of Canair in hand, Dowd will initiate the Call of Canair when the battle commences.

  The goswigs have fallen into formation with the white army. The command will be given to meet up with the King of Lavan’s army and the giants of the Foot just north of Lake Tepp before they continue west to the Battlegrounds of Olis.

  After the wraith hounds arrive, Strongbear plans to start a conversation with Wisslewine, the Wraith Hound Prince. He was dying to know if the hound will choose to be with him ... or against him.

  Marcus arrived at the home of Maldwin. He killed his guide after he searched the barbarian’s mind to acquire his memories of Grayham’s topography. Now he can teleport to a number of locations on Southern Grayham and will no longer need to travel on beasts he considers beneath him.

  The Dark Chancellor plans to read from the scroll George gave him in a few short moments, and then he will begin to call out the rat’s name.

  Lasidious and Celestria are inside their home beneath the Peaks of Angels. Lasidious has visited with Brayson once again in the middle of the night. During this visit, Lasidious asked Brayson to deliver a message to George. The message will reveal the location of an item that had been hidden on Grayham since its creation.

  Keylom i
s about to take Mosley to Siren’s Song. The wolf will begin his search for the wisp that remains hidden in the mist.

  Gabriel has decided whom he will approach to replace Yaloom. This creature will become the new God of Greed, providing he accepts Gabriel’s offer. The Book anticipates his selection will cause tension on Ancients Sovereign.

  Thank you for reading the Luvelles Gazette


  Dragon World

  Western Luvelles

  George and Athena’s Home

  “HOLY COW, THIS IS STRESSFUL,” George said as he pushed his hands through his hair while facing Brayson. “I’ve never heard a woman scream that loud. Are you sure Mary knows what she’s doing?”

  Brayson laughed as he opened the door to allow the healers he had sent for to come in. He pointed to the teleportation platform that would take them to Athena’s room. Once the last healer vanished, Brayson turned to George. “Like I’ve already said on three occasions, everything is under control.”

  George led Brayson onto the front porch. “Look ... I know you’re busy tonight, but I need you to do me a favor.”

  “And this favor would be?”

  “I need you to take Gregory to the Kingdom of Kless on Harvestom ... more specifically, the throne room, or I guess the king’s barn would be more accurate if I wanted to label it. You know ... I bet he has a really cool stall, and it’s probably full of the freshest hay since he’s the king and all. Or do centaurs even eat hay? Do you know what they eat?”

  Brayson had to reel the warlock in. “George, you’re letting your mind wander. But yes, Lasolias does have a unique throne. I have spoken with the centaur on a few occasions over the seasons through my mirror. Now, finish what you were going to say, so I can get going.”

  George focused. “Gregory will need to tell Lasolias that his bag holding his kingdom’s Seeds of Plenty hasn’t been stolen by Boseth. Lasidious told me that the Titans intend to start a war on Harvestom. They’ve lied to both kings. There’s no valid reason for this war. Lasolias’ bag has been hidden, not stolen. It’s right under his nose.”

  Meanwhile, on Ancients Sovereign, Hosseff and Mieonus could not believe their good fortune as they listened in on George and Brayson’s conversation.

  Mieonus smiled as her eyes studied George’s image. “Finally, Lasidious’ pet has made a mistake.”

  Hosseff’s wispy voice added, “With this knowledge, we can defeat Lasidious at his own game.”

  “I think you’re right, shade.”

  Both deities turned their attention back to the waterfall.

  “...Then you understand everything we’ve talked about,” George confirmed.

  “I do,” Brayson replied.

  “Good.” George reached out and put his hand on Brayson’s shoulder. “Hurry back. I need you. This whole baby business is intense.” George telepathically communicated the rest of what he had to say. I will go to Harvestom and get your brother tonight while you handle the business our lord has asked you to accomplish.

  Brayson nodded and then spoke aloud. “I’ll hurry. Once I explain everything to Gregory, he’ll stop the war on Harvestom. Lasidious’ words of peace, love and unity shall be shared on this Peak.”

  “This is the break we’ve been waiting for,” Hosseff said as the image within the waterfall faded. “We need to find Keylom. He’s the best choice to appear to Lasolias.”

  Mieonus frowned. “I hate the idea of giving that centaur anything … especially when it involves handing him followers. But you’re right … he is our best chance to use this information to our advantage. We better hurry. Keylom needs to arrive before Gregory does.”

  The gods vanished.

  Once Brayson left, George rushed up the stairs to check on Athena. He was surprised by the greeting he received. Athena screamed from the bed. “Oohhh! So you’ve decided to be a part of this after all! How nice of you to take a moment to stop by, Mr. Nailer!”

  With a smile hidden inside, George moved to take Athena’s hand. “I’m sorry, babe. I thought you were in good hands up here.”

  “You’re not allowed to think while I’m in this much pain! Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, dear. You better pay attention to what the healers are telling you.”

  Again, Athena snapped. “Don’t you tell me what to do! Listening to you is what got me in this situation in the first place! Just shut up, and hold my hand! I don’t want to hear any of your garesh!”

  George looked across the bed at Mary. “Did she just swear? I can’t believe it.” He looked down at Athena. “I think I’m rubbing off on you, too.”

  Fire appeared in Athena’s eyes. “Didn’t I tell you to be quiet? Don’t make me say it again.”

  Mary gave George a quick grin to let him know that everything would be alright. “Just give her something to squeeze.”

  As Athena pulverized George’s fingers, Payne was hanging outside the window with his claws grasping the sill. His eyes were peeking over the edge just enough to satisfy his curiosity. He had never seen a birth. With each pain-filled holler, the fairy-demon cringed.

  Kepler looked up at Payne and shouted while he was lying atop the pile of boulders above his lair, “Get down here, Freak. Leave the humans alone!”

  Southern Grayham

  Maldwin’s Home Above the Cliffs of Latasef

  Marcus read from the scroll George gave him. With his mind shielded, the Dark Chancellor was sitting outside the hole that led into Maldwin’s cave, and he was shouting the rat’s name. Every now and then, he would emphasize the phrase, “Everything is A-okay, man!”

  Not far from the exit, Maldwin was sitting hidden in the shadows. For many moments, the rat just listened. He was trying to decide what to do. On one claw, he wanted to use his ability to project a vision and send his unexpected visitor walking off the edge of the cliffs. On the other claw, he heard the man shouting the phrase George had used while they traveled together. Eventually, he decided to scurry out of the cave.

  Once in the open, Maldwin spoke. “All quay alla foot uswayya doy.”

  Not understanding, Marcus lifted his thumb into the air. “Everything is A-okay, man.” The Dark Chancellor reached into his robe and removed the letter the warlock had given him.

  Maldwin took a step back and readied a vision. His nose twitched wildly as Marcus set the paper on the ground and slid it toward him.

  Once the rat felt the parchment was close enough, he looked up and shouted, “Yaway astoot!” which meant, “That’s far enough.”

  Marcus could only smile. He held up his hands. “It’s okay. I’m not here to harm you. I’ll back up to give you some room.”

  Maldwin did his best to appear threatening as Marcus moved away. Many more moments went by before the rat felt comfortable enough to drop his guard and step forward to take a look at the parchment. He poked the paper with his claw, and the result was instantaneous. The note began to speak in his native tongue.

  The message, when translated, said, “Hey, Maldwin, it’s me, George. I hope this has found you and your family safe and in good health. I’ve got to admit, I miss traveling with you, buddy.

  “Anyway, I’m living on a new world called Luvelles, and Kepler is with me. I’d like you to come and visit me, if you wouldn’t mind, of course. I’ve made special arrangements for you to find your way to my home, and oh, by the way ... I’ve got a huge block of cheese waiting for you.”

  The parchment unfolded a bit more to reveal the next part of the message and continued to talk. “You’ll need to catch a ride with the Merchant Angels. Use your visions on the man who delivered this message to make him take you to them. Once you arrive on the island, you’ll need to find a man named Hesston Bangs. Allow Hesston to see a vision of my face. He’ll know what to do from there.

  “Now ... there’s something else I’d like you to do for me. The guy who delivered this message is an asshole ... a really bad guy. He’s ended a lot of your kind, and that’s unforgivable if you
ask me. As I’m speaking to you, this note is casting a spell on his mind to make him vulnerable to your visions. I’ve sent this man to you so that you can use your abilities to make him stay on Grayham. I don’t want him coming back here. Together, we’re going to end him for hurting your kind.”

  The parchment unfolded a bit more and then George’s voice continued. “But before we end him, I want you to give him another vision that compels him to do a few things for me. His punishment will be delivered after that.”

  The parchment went on to explain other details about what Marcus needed to do on Grayham. After listening to the paper list the details more than once, Maldwin went back into his cave to process everything George had said.

  It was not long before the rat heard Marcus shout out the words, “Is everything A-okay, man?”

  Maldwin moved back into the open. He lifted his head, twitched his nose and then determined that all the rats the Dark Chancellor had supposedly ended deserved justice. He projected a vision into Marcus’ mind to accomplish everything George had requested.

  Southern Grayham

  The Siren’s Song

  Keylom and Mosley appeared in the mist of Siren’s Song. With the change of season caused by the third piece of the Crystal Moon, the moisture in the air carried a chill with it, but this did not bother Mosley. With the thickness of the wolf’s coat, the moisture was only a minor inconvenience.

  “Mosley,” Keylom said, “I shall miss you on Ancients Sovereign. I truly hope you succeed on your journey. I further hope you find a way to rejoin the Collective some Peak.”


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