The Eye of Luvelles

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The Eye of Luvelles Page 71

by Phillip Jones

  “DOOMED! This union is doomed!” The woman commanding the voice emerged from the crowd and began to float up the stairs as she continued to shout, “Doomed! Doomed! This union is doomed!”

  It was Bryanna, the visionary seer who scared Mary and the girls during their first visit to the city. She was dressed in black, ash covering her body. “The head of this family is surrounded by evil! He is cursed! This union shall perish because of it! I have foreseen it! Destruction will come to those who follow Lasidious’ Prophet!”

  George quickly handed Joshua to Athena, commanded Payne to go to Susanne and then the warlock vanished. He reappeared next to Bryanna and took control. With a wave of his hand, he silenced her outburst and then used his magic to lift the seer and suspend her above the crowd.

  With the visionary on display for all to see, George addressed the gathering, using his magic to amplify his voice. “There are those who would have this world live in fear! Luvelles deserves better! There are also those who would seek to destroy a union as blessed as the one we see before us. I ask you now, why can’t the Head Master seek his own happiness? I see no evil in this man. Since my arrival on Luvelles, I’ve witnessed his honor, his integrity, and his loyalty to every being he serves. If you wish to witness this union, shout your approval!”

  The masses lifted their voices to the sky as if it had been rehearsed. George lowered Bryanna to the ground and then released his power over her. He commanded four guards to carry her away, and throw her in the dungeon.

  As they dragged the visionary through the streets, Bryanna continued to screamed, “Doomed! Doomed! This union is doomed!”

  George shook his head and gave everyone around him a big, bright smile. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that she isn’t my mother-in-law!” He listened to the crowd laugh before he teleported back to his place. After taking Joshua back into his arm and reclaiming Payne’s hand, he looked over at Athena. “Wow. What a nut job that lady was.”

  Kepler smirked. “Other than the crazed lady, is there anyone else who wishes to object?”

  Once the laughter subsided, the streets quieted. It felt as if everyone was waiting for a voice to cry out, but when one never came, Kepler moved forward with the ceremony.

  He concluded by saying, “...By the authority given to me by Lasidious, I pronounce this couple united. Brayson, you may lick your bride.”

  Brayson and Mary shook their heads and stared at the jaguar.

  Susanne leaned forward and spoke in a whisper. “Kepler, he needs to kiss her. We don’t lick one another.”

  “Oohhh. My apologies. Brayson, you may kiss your bride’s face.”

  Again, Susanne spoke in a whisper. “No, Kepler. We kiss on the lips.”

  Kepler growled his frustration. “Just kiss whatever it is you feel like kissing. I hear the lips work well for this.”

  Lord Dowd and Lord Methelborn led the laughter as the crowd enjoyed the moment.

  Later that night, Sam caught up with George inside Gregory’s ballroom. “George, you handled the seer rather well. I have to admit, she freaked me out a bit. It wasn’t that long ago I would’ve believed her, but after watching the way you’ve handled yourself, I believe you.”

  George put his hands on Sam’s shoulders. “Thanks, man. You know, since you and Shalee are on Luvelles, why don’t you let Shalee take a gander into the Eye of Magic so the two of you can teleport between worlds? She has already passed the trials, so it won’t take long. There are so many amazing places we could go if Shalee had this power. We could visit anywhere we wanted on Harvestom, Luvelles and Grayham. It’d be a ton of fun. We could call it our moments to bond.”

  “I don’t know, George. The baby needs—”

  “I think that’s a swell idea,” Shalee blurted, entering the room. “Goodness-gracious, Sam, you know how to handle the baby now. You’ll be alright until I get back. I could go tomorrow night.”

  Sam took the baby from the queen’s arms. “What about the soul swallowing? I’d rather have my son’s mother around. I don’t want to lose you.”

  George looked at Shalee. “He does have a point. It’s possible. The Eye could swallow your soul.”

  Shalee stroked Sam Junior’s forehead. “If I had any doubts, I wouldn’t go. My power is progressing at a rapid pace. I’m not worried about my soul. I’m a hundred and ten percent sure that I won’t leave Sam without a wife. Besides ... traveling wherever we want to go would be fun.”

  “Then I’ll take you tomorrow ... that is ... if you’re alright with it, Sam.”

  The King of Brandor shrugged. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned while being married to this woman, she’s stubborn. If I don’t agree, she’ll torture me until I do. Perhaps you can take the baby and me to Brandor so I can get some work done until she returns.”

  George clapped his hands. “Then tomorrow night it is. We should celebrate.”

  Ancients Sovereign

  Lasidious and Celestria’s Home

  Lasidious scratched Celestria’s back as they watched the vision of Sam, George and Shalee fade from the flames inside their fireplace. The Mischievous One then returned to the head of the table, put his feet up and addressed Alistar who was sitting on the opposite end. “This is what we’ve been waiting for, brother. Tomorrow night, the Collective will meet with the dragons to discuss further shaping of their new world, and a better opportunity could not be found.”

  Alistar nodded. “This is a moment we should definitely seize. The Source’s expectations will provide the perfect distraction.” Alistar stood from his chair. “Things are once again going our way.”

  “You both talk too much,” Celestria chastised. She redirected her gaze toward Lasidious. “We should celebrate.” The goddess reached across the table and pushed Lasidious’ feet off. With a flip of her wrist, she used her power to turn Lasidious’ chair into a more playful position. She stood, walked around the table and then straddled the Mischievous One’s legs.

  Seeing that their moments were about to become too personal, Alistar excused himself and vanished.

  Celestria purred, “You see, my love, my pet ... we shall control the Book soon enough.” She leaned into Lasidious and kissed the top of his ear.

  The Mischievous One placed his hands on Celestria’s hips and listened while she continued to whisper. “Soon, our son will be old enough. We’ll be able to draw from his power, and you, my pet, will be a king amongst gods. Perhaps you should show your future queen the passion her king would have for her.” She leaned in and playfully nibbled on Lasidious’ lips.

  Fellow soul ... the rest of what happened I shall leave to your imagination. For those of you who would take the moments to ponder what may have transpired … STOP … BE GOOD … and keep reading.

  Western Luvelles

  Gage and Gallrum stood on the shoreline of Crystal Lake. The goswigs watched Luvelles’ new moon set as if it was something they had seen all their lives while the sun’s rays were beginning to peek over the mountains and glimmer off the water of the lake. Neither goswig could have asked for a more perfect spring morning in which to begin their adventures.

  “I’m nervous,” Gage said as he looked down to count the coins resting inside a bag that was clenched in his paw.

  Gallrum looked over the badger’s shoulder. “How much do we have?”

  Gage used a claw to flip through the coins after he poured them out onto the ground. “We have three Lasidious, five Jervaise, eighteen Owain and thirty-six Helmep.”

  The serwin reached up and scratched his head. “That should be plenty, don’t you think?”

  Using his cane to carve his name in the pebbles covering the shoreline, the badger responded. “I’ve never left Luvelles before, so I don’t know what to expect. I can only hope it’s enough.” The badger retrieved the coins and then looked toward the horizon. “At least we’re free to do whatever we wish now that our masters have passed. Where should we go?”

  “I can’t say that I know. It f
eels strange to know that I no longer need to stay hidden.”

  Gage pondered a bit before he responded. “We can go to any world we choose since there are no restrictions on our races. I say we expand our knowledge of the other worlds.”

  “Okay. Where do you suggest we start?”

  The badger scratched the underside of his jaw. “I had a dream last night about the ice of Northern Grayham. I have to admit, I felt like I was being called to it. My vision led me to believe that someone needs our help. Perhaps we should head to Merchant Island. Let’s find some warmer attire and go find what beckons me.”

  Gallrum smiled. “What could it hurt? Let’s see where your dream leads us.”

  Without further conversation, Gage took Gallrum’s talon. Both goswigs vanished.

  Meanwhile, the Hidden God World

  Ancients Sovereign

  The Book of Immortality sighed when the image of Gage and Gallrum changed. A moment later, the goswigs reappeared on the Merchant Island of Luvelles to approach the dock foreman.

  The mirror Gabriel had been using to observe the beginning of the goswigs’ journey was hanging inside a room that existed deep beneath his Hall of Judgment. This room was a secret sanctuary. It had been hidden from the others of the Collective and was a place that only Gabriel and two others were capable of entering.

  The Book reached up and scratched at his chin that protruded from the spine of his binding. “Help is coming, Mosley. I should never have allowed you to abandon Ancients Sovereign. I’m the one responsible for your capture. Hold steadfast, my friend. I have sent goswigs to assist in your escape and help with the location of Swayne Enserad’s secrets. It’s too soon for your name to appear on my pages. I won’t allow it.”

  Western Luvelles

  The Next Peak

  Late Bailem

  George and Shalee appeared inside the Source’s old cave. George knew the Ancient One had been traveling back and forth between Luvelles and the new dragon world to discuss the changes that needed to be made to the dragons’ new world.

  The prophet escorted Shalee past the rivers of lava to the heavy, iron door that guarded the Eye’s chamber. George reached out and took Precious from Shalee. “Let me hang onto this until you get back.” The warlock leaned the staff against the wall and then slapped his hand against the door. “The Eye is just on the other side. Are you ready for this?”

  Shalee embraced herself. “Tarnation! A chill just ran through my body. I’m as scared as a fly staring down a swatter. Did you feel the same way, George?”

  “Of course, I did. Don’t be silly. This is some serious garesh.” George’s face turned serious. “Let me give you some advice that Brayson and Lasidious gave me before I entered. The key to looking into the Eye is your belief in yourself. You must have no doubt that you deserve its power, or it’ll swallow you. Go in there, and show the Eye who’s boss.”

  The queen’s grin was shallow at first, but then it broadened. “You’re right. That Eye has never ever met a girl like me. I can do this. I know it.” She leaned in and gave George a lengthy hug. “You didn’t turn out so bad after all. Thank you for everything ... and I mean that.”

  The prophet smiled and put Shalee’s hands inside his own. “You can thank me once you get back. Now get in there, and remember, you deserve everything that’s coming to you.”

  Shalee opened the door and then walked inside. The queen walked only a few paces before the door slammed behind her. The deafening sound sent another chill down her spine as she stared at the gem that was sitting atop a wooden staff at the center of the cubed-shaped room. The gem was beautiful, and its color called to her. Nothing else occupied the room.

  Suddenly, a blinding light emerged from the center of the gem, and before the queen knew it, Shalee was standing in front of an angelic being. The light softened and was replaced with a glow that surrounded an odd-shaped head that could only be seen as a silhouette. A ghostly body hung suspended beneath it while feathered wings extended to either side. Shalee felt as if she was in the presence of a god as the large eye sitting on the being’s shoulders came into focus.

  Outside the Eye’s chamber, George waited until the bright light that was caused by the Eye’s presence faded from the crack beneath the door. This was his moment to act.

  The warlock used his magic to warp and pry the door open. Eventually, the hinges gave way and the door fell to the floor of the cave with a thunderous bang. George darted inside and looked around the room to ensure the queen had been pulled into the gem for questioning. The stone was still aglow, but now the light was much softer while the gem slowly spun atop the staff.

  The warlock lifted his hands. A bolt of his most powerful lightning erupted from his right index finger and struck the gem’s polished surface. The stone cracked, trapping the Queen of Brandor inside.

  George grinned from ear to ear as he spoke in a soft voice that was filled with wickedness. “You’ll never get the chance to thank me, Shalee. Sam will need to learn to live without you ... that is, if I don’t kill him first. But that can’t happen now. I’ve got business I need to attend to on Eastern Luvelles. I’ve got another heart to eat.”

  The warlock retrieved Shalee’s staff. He walked into the Source’s cavern and tossed Precious into the lava before he teleported home.

  The next Peak, the Source returned to the Mountains of Oraness. As he lowered his massive form across the rivers of lava, the dragon could smell the scorch mark that had been left behind on the gem’s surface. The Ancient One closed his eyes and used his power to look into the Eye’s chamber. Seeing the crack, the dragon rose up. He roared and allowed his anger to manifest by filling the cavern with fire.

  Outside the cave, Alistar leaned against Fisgig’s perch. He watched the cliffs surrounding the pool begin to crumble as the sound of the Ancient One’s tirade consumed the mountains.

  A few moments later, the ancient dragon burst through the top of the highest peak. Before the Source vanished, every being within a 2 Peak ride on a krape lord could hear his roars.

  Two Peaks Later

  A Place Unknown

  Inside the Cracked Gem

  Shalee continued to wander through the haze. The angelic form of the Eye had abandoned her, and it was nowhere to be found. Since then, her heart had not stopped racing while she frantically searched in every direction.

  Has something gone wrong? she thought. Am I supposed to wait? Is this the same experience George had, or have I been swallowed?

  Shalee continued to wander for many, many long moments before three blinding lights finally appeared. She tried to look through her fingers, but the sorceress was forced to keep her eyes covered since the lights were so bright.

  Eventually, the illuminations faded. Shalee’s eyes fought to adjust as the beings came into focus. “Oh my heavens!” she gasped.

  The queen peeled her hands away from her mouth and then stepped forward. She reached out to touch one of the beings. Sure enough, her old friend was standing in front of her.

  Shalee squeezed the woman’s arms to ensure what she was seeing was real. A moment later, the queen fell to her knees in amazement and embraced the woman’s waist with her head pressed against the figure’s abdomen. “Helga! Is it really you?”

  The being’s smile widened, “Hello, Child. Did you miss me?”

  A grumpy voice added, “What about me? I’m also standing here.”

  Shalee removed her head from Helga’s stomach. She stood, faced BJ and then rushed into his arms. “Of course, I missed you. Don’t be silly, Grumpy Guss. Sam is going to have a corgan when he hears that you’re alive. He hasn’t been the same without you.”

  The third figure stepped forward and placed his hands on Shalee’s shoulders. Once the sorceress was facing him, the being spoke. “The moments have come for you to create a Heaven for this plane of existence, Shalee. Only then can you return to the worlds.”

  To Be Continued

  Keep reading for a


  inside the pages of

  Book 3

  Crystal Moon

  The Tear of Gramal


  Book 3

  The Tear

  of Gramal

  “RUN, MOSLEY! YOU MUST RUN!” Luvera shouted as she looked up the icy face of the cliff.

  Though injured, Luvera fought through the pain to stand. Her haunches trembled beneath her dark fur as she limped across the snow toward the daunting pass that ascended toward the peak of the most treacherous mountain on Northern Grayham. “I’m coming, my love!”

  From high above, Mosley kept his gaze fixed on his wife as she hobbled. He shouted a response, knowing that it would fall to Luvera’s ears. “Stay where you are! You’re in no condition to defend yourself! I won’t lose you again!”

  Mosley’s green eyes narrowed as he redirected his gaze toward his attackers that were quickly approaching. He had lured them away from Luvera, and now, he watched the placement of each paw as the weight of the snowhounds broke through the crusty layer of snow covering the path—their eyes gleaming with anticipation as they closed in on their next meal.

  Mosley backed up while he searched for the best moment to attack. The chunks of packed snow that were being dislodged by his paws were rolling off the ledge and plummeting down the cliff to a hazardous end. It was now or never. There was nowhere else to go.

  Crouching, the fallen God of War sized up his foes for one final moment as he watched the drool that dangled from the pack leader’s lips drip to the snow.

  These beasts were nearly twice Mosley’s size. The white fur covering their rippling muscles had been stained with Luvera’s blood, and the steam from their breath rose past their eyes like a fog.

  Mosley growled as he launched himself into the first of five attackers.

  Fellow soul ... if you want to know more, read Book 3.

  I just stuck my soulful tongue out at you.


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