Grizzly Mountain (Arcadian Bears Book 1)

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Grizzly Mountain (Arcadian Bears Book 1) Page 3

by Becca Jameson

  Rosanne rushed back into the kitchen and handed Isaiah a tube of ointment.

  Wyatt gasped. “What the fuck good is that going to do?”

  Rosanne shot him a glare. “Prevent infection. Let Isaiah handle this.”

  Wyatt’s face changed. His brows shot up. He glanced at Heather and then at his brother. And then he smirked.

  What the holy living hell?

  Her attention was once again diverted by Isaiah’s fingers carefully applying the antibiotic cream to the wound on her arm. As she watched, she had a horrific thought. “Am I in some sort of danger from infection or rabies or something?” She knew a person couldn’t get rabies from a claw mark. But something had every member of this family on edge, and she knew it wasn’t simply from the two scratches. They hardly warranted this level of attention.

  Three people cleared their throats, making her sit up straighter. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Isaiah addressed her, but he didn’t lift his gaze. “Nothing. You’re fine.” He lowered her arm once again, setting her hand on her thigh but not releasing her. In fact, he rubbed the back of her hand with his fingers. He didn’t turn toward his mother when he spoke again, but his words were directed at her. “Mom, can you see if Joselyn has anything Heather can wear until we can get her some clothes that fit later?”

  “Of course.” Rosanne fled the room again, almost as though she were glad to be sent on another errand.

  Isaiah’s gaze remained lowered to her lap. He seemed to be watching as he rubbed small circles on her hand. “My sister’s taller than you, but surely she has something you can wear for now. You must be dying to get out of those clothes.”

  Heather giggled. She couldn’t stop herself. “Unless your sister is adopted, I have to assume she’s considerably taller than me.”

  Isaiah’s face rose, one side of his mouth lifting in a half smile that sent a chill down her spine and made her clench her thighs together. How the hell could she possibly be reacting sexually to this burly man taking care of her while her ankle throbbed and her arm burned?

  But damn. That smile melted her panties.

  “Jos isn’t adopted. And yes, she is six feet.” He continued to smile, his deep brown eyes twinkling.

  He’s still holding my hand.

  It was difficult to concentrate on anything else in the room with him touching her. She was only marginally aware that although Bernard and Wyatt had taken about half a step back to give her space, they were both watching, silently and intently.

  Heather cleared her throat and tugged her fingers out of Isaiah’s grasp, pretending she needed to scratch an itch on her other arm. “Uh, you don’t need to go to the trouble of finding anything for me to wear. Can you just take me down the mountain to my car? I’m going to need to find an urgent care to have someone look at my ankle.” She lifted her foot a few inches to find it significantly swollen. She needed to get her shoe off. “At least it’s my left ankle. I’ll be able to drive.”

  Bernard spoke. “It’s pretty swollen.”

  “Yeah. I was about to get ice.” Isaiah grabbed the towel off the island, spun around, and took a few long strides to the freezer. He reached inside and put a handful of ice on the towel, wrapping it up. Seconds later, he returned, set the ice bundle on the island, and lifted Heather back into his arms, shocking her.

  She grabbed his shoulder to keep her balance as he reached for the ice once again and then rushed through the kitchen and back into the living room. A moment later, he further shocked her by turning around to sit on the couch with her in his lap.

  At least he let her ease her butt onto the cushion next to him, but he held her legs in his lap. While he went to work carefully removing her shoe, she held her breath against the pain and leaned back against the arm of the couch.

  The ice was cold, even through the towel, as he placed it gently on her ankle.

  Wyatt and Bernard had followed, and they now stood several feet away, shoulder to shoulder, both sporting the same strange expression—a mixture of concern and bewilderment. Neither spoke.

  Rosanne rushed back into the room again, but she flew right on through to the kitchen, returning a few seconds later with a bottle of water. She held it out. “You must be so thirsty. I wasn’t thinking. Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat.”

  “Mom.” Isaiah tossed out that one sharp word again.

  “It’s probably best if she doesn’t eat,” Bernard stated.

  Why? Holy fuck, why?

  “What aren’t you people telling me? I’m getting nervous. Is there some serious horrifying thing that can happen from a bear scratch?”

  No one spoke, but there was a collective gasp.

  Instead of answering her question, Bernard turned to his wife. “Grab the cordless, hon. She should check in with her family.”

  I’m going to die. Obviously I’m going to die, and no one wants to be the one to share that detail. It was the only explanation for their collective weirdness. It explained why no one thought it was necessary to clean the wound or put ointment on it or ice her ankle. Because nothing mattered. She would die anyway.

  Tears escaped her eyes to run down her face.

  Isaiah jerked his head up to meet her gaze. “Does the ice hurt?” He lifted the towel off her ankle.

  She shook her head. “No.” Her voice was scratchy.

  He slowly lowered it back into place but reached to cup her face. “What is it? Why are you crying?”

  She stared at him. “I’m going to die, aren’t I?” she choked out.

  He startled and then his eyes went wide. “No. Of course not. Why would you say that? No one dies from a scratch and a sprain.”

  Rosanne interrupted by handing Heather a cordless home phone. “Sorry. We don’t get good cell service out here.”

  Wyatt interrupted with a snap of his fingers. “I nearly forgot. I brought your backpack.” He hurried across the room toward the front door and returned with the pack to set it on the floor next to her.

  “How did you find it?” She glanced at the bag and then back at Wyatt.

  His face turned slightly pink as he backed up. “I…uh…got to the scene just as you and Isaiah ran off. I grabbed your pack.”

  She inhaled slowly. He was lying. And she couldn’t for the life of her figure out why or how.

  “Call your mom, Heather,” Isaiah stated softly, setting his distracting hand on her thigh and rubbing far too close to her sex. The material of her hiking pants was smooth and thin. The heat of his palm penetrated to draw all of her attention to his hand. “Your parents must be waiting to hear from you,” he continued, squeezing her thigh for emphasis.

  She nearly dropped the phone from the distraction, fumbling it until it did finally fall into her lap. Her hands were shaking as she picked it up and tried to find enough functioning brain cells to come up with her parents’ phone number. It had been years since she had dialed them directly. It was an easy speed dial on her cell phone.

  She didn’t want to draw attention to the fact that Isaiah was subconsciously rubbing her leg, but if he didn’t stop, she wouldn’t be able to make complete sentences. And she was beyond aware that everyone in the room was watching.

  As if they all sensed her need for privacy at the same moment, they turned around and scurried toward the kitchen simultaneously. It was like they were robots instead of humans, and they had some ability to communicate with each other telepathically or something.

  Heather couldn’t decide if she wanted to shove Isaiah’s hand off her thigh or beg him to stroke closer to her pussy. She was practically panting with the need to come all of the sudden. Insanity.

  Did he know what he was doing? Did he somehow sense her need, her dilemma? It sure seemed that way when his fingers stilled, gripped her leg, and then released her to ease around to her waist. “Call them, baby.” His voice was low. Deep. Sexy as hell. And he called her baby. His face was a serious expression of concern, and he leaned closer to her as he sp

  With one hand still holding the ice on her ankle and the other hand firmly on her waist, he spoke again. “Tell them you’re okay so they won’t worry any longer. But let me suggest you warn them you don’t have cell service where you are and you’re going to stay here a few days until you can walk on your ankle. Can you do that?”

  She couldn’t move. He held her gaze firmly. She couldn’t even blink. “Why can’t you take me back to my car?” Her bottom lip trembled. She couldn’t stop it. She was totally freaked out and scared. At the same time, she was irrationally aroused.

  He shrugged. “Let your foot heal for a few days before you go down the mountain. The warden I met with this morning said you were traveling alone. He said you just arrived in town the day before yesterday to start a new job. I assume you don’t know anyone? I feel bad about what happened to you. Let me take care of you until you’re stronger.”

  She licked her lips. Why was he making sense?

  “It would be dangerous for you to drive with your ankle like that. And even if you did, how are you going to get around and take care of yourself while it’s swollen and painful? The warden said he thought you had a motel room at Bear Lodge in Silvertip. Right?”

  “Yes.” At least on that issue, he wasn’t psychic. Bear Lodge was the only local motel.

  “I’ll call them and let them know you’re not going to return to your room for a few days.” He paused. His voice dipped lower again. “Please. It’s the least I can do after not protecting you as well as I should have from that rogue bear.”

  “Rogue bear? What does that mean?” She let herself grin slightly. “Did you sense he had strayed from his pack or something?” she joked as she lifted the phone and shook her head. This hot dude said some seriously strange things.

  It might be worth it, however, if he kept touching her the way he was.

  Chapter Three

  Isaiah watched every move she made closely. He had no idea in the world what to expect. Silent communication with his father had proved no one really knew.

  His father was the leader of the Arthur pack. He had been since his own father died unexpectedly five years ago, way too young. To the best of his knowledge, it had been decades since the last time a human was clawed by a bear, forcing the change.

  Isaiah gritted his teeth as he pondered the implications again. Yesterday morning, this unsuspecting woman halfway on his lap still led an innocent life that included no knowledge of bear shifters, or any other shifter, for that matter. And now, one day later, she was about to learn everything there was to know about the existence of the Ursidae shifters.

  And soon after she learned things she should have spent her entire life oblivious to, she would become a member of the pack herself.

  Isaiah wanted to punch a hole in the wall for what that fucker did to her. He knew his dad already had dozens of people out searching for Jack Tarben. He also knew from spotty communication with his father while dealing with Heather that Jack had gone rogue from his pack the day before after a disagreement. The Tarbens were equally stressed about Jack’s actions, and they too had dozens of men out searching for him.

  None of that information would change anything, however. The scratch was undeniable. Blood was drawn. Heather would not be able to prevent the inevitable shift.

  With shaky hands, he watched as she pushed the ten digits for her parents’ home and then held the receiver to her ear.

  He took short, shallow breaths as her chest rose and fell. Her pheromones filled the entire house. She was also aroused, which did nothing to dampen his need for her.

  Guilt ate at the corners of his mind. He shouldn’t be lusting after this injured woman who was about to go through something he couldn’t even describe. He shouldn’t be touching her. He should let his mother handle things. He should leave his parents’ home immediately and have his aunt and sister come help her through the transition.

  But he would do none of those things. Because he knew in his heart she was his. And there was no way he would leave her side. Not now. Not ever. Especially not to let her shift for the first time in someone else’s presence.

  No. Not a chance in hell.

  His parents and brother could glare at him all they wanted. They could shout into his head the entire day and night, too. He wouldn’t leave her. In fact, he fully intended to take her from this house to his own as soon as she finished her call.

  “Isaiah… What the hell are you plotting, son?”

  It wasn’t surprising his father could sense Isaiah’s rambling thoughts. Heather was sucking the life out of him in a way that was keeping him from properly blocking his family members from hearing his thoughts.

  “Back off. All of you. It’s too late. If I thought there was another way, don’t you think I would choose door number two?”

  His mother poked her nose in from somewhere deeper in the house. “We’re just trying to help, Isaiah. You should let me help her. She’s going to be so confused.”

  “She’s mine, mom. She’s my mate. I can already feel the binding drawing me to claim her. I won’t leave her. I can’t. You have to understand.”

  Rosanne sighed into his head. “I do. God help me, I do.”

  “I think you should consider taking her to your place,” his father added.

  “Already planning on it. As soon as she gets off the phone.” He watched her staring at him while she waited for her parents to pick up the phone.

  His father spoke again. “I’ve communicated with the Arcadian Council. There have been a few accidental conversions in our lifetime. None with malicious intent like this, but the results should be the same.”


  Bernard, as the pack leader, had the ability to communicate telepathically with far more shifters than his own family members. He could reach out to the leader of the Tarben pack and also the Arcadian Council. Isaiah didn’t envy him the ability. It was both a blessing and a curse. His head would be constantly filled with rambling politics. “The shift from a scratch would leave her without a pack technically. The scratch itself won’t bind her to the Tarbens. It will force her to shift, but there was no transfer of Jack’s fluids to her, so she won’t automatically become a member of their pack.”

  “That’s a small relief. Not that it would matter since I intend to bind her to me at the first opportunity.”

  His father sighed. “Please don’t be hasty, Isaiah. Make sure you allow her free will.”

  “Trust me. It won’t be an issue. I can see her fighting the draw as strongly as I am even in her human form.”

  His mother spoke again. “That’s irrational, Isaiah. Humans aren’t capable of experiencing the need to bind with a bear shifter.”

  “You don’t know that. Just because it hasn’t happened to your knowledge, doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. Besides, maybe she’s already succumbing to some parts of the change. That would explain her reaction to me.”

  What he knew was how strongly he affected her. Her pheromones filled his nose. As did her arousal. Her body came alive when he touched her. If he had let his fingers stray another inch closer to her pussy, he had no doubt she would have come.

  His cock was so stiff, it threatened a revolt.

  Finally, Heather spoke. “Mom… Yeah, I’m fine. Just a sprained ankle.” She held Isaiah’s gaze. “I know, Mom. It was a dumb move… You’re right. I shouldn’t hike alone.”

  Isaiah couldn’t keep himself from smiling slightly. He had to agree with her mom on that point.

  “I’m at a cabin in the mountains. Well, it’s not really a cabin.” She glanced around, smirking. “More like a rural mansion.”

  Isaiah chuckled as she made her observation.

  Heather’s eyes went wide.

  What? Does she think I have no sense of humor?

  “Anyway, I don’t have cell service here, so you won’t be able to reach me. It’s pretty spotty even in town until I switch to a local carrier… I will, Mom… Yeah… In a few days…” She
rolled her eyes. “Okay, what did you need to tell me about Clara?”

  Isaiah smiled at her and then tuned her out while she listened to her mom. His brain was running full speed. One thought hovering in the back of his mind made him nervous. Why on earth had he reacted so strongly to her scent from the moment the park warden popped the lock on her car door and opened it? If he was honest, he had known even then she was his.

  But that made no sense. What did it mean? Did it mean Fate was ahead of herself and had already plotted Heather would be scratched and forced into the change?

  That was the most asinine idea he’d ever had. Fate didn’t operate that way. She didn’t interfere in bear lives to such a great extent. Did She?

  His people knew about other shifters. They had dealings over the years, especially with wolves. The wolves’ lives were, without a doubt, controlled by a power greater than themselves. They occasionally selected a mate of their own free will, but often Fate arranged the meeting for them.

  Bears didn’t function under the same rigidity. They met someone, fell in love, and then bound themselves to their mate. The process was simple. It had nothing specifically to do with sex or penetration. It was all in the bite and the secretions that transferred from one bear to the other in his or her saliva.

  Either partner could bind the other in such a way. The result was the same. Often both partners liked to sink their teeth into the other as a show of their mutual commitment to the binding, but it wasn’t necessary. It didn’t even have to be consensual, unfortunately.

  Was there a power controlling these actions? Isaiah never would have believed it…until today.

  Heather Simmons was his. He’d known it since that morning. He’d run like he was on fire to find her as quickly as possible. When he first saw her, she took his breath away. He’d known definitively at that moment. Even before she lifted her gaze to meet his.

  Her small frame made him ache to reach for her, grab her off the ground, and haul her into his embrace. But Jack had been stalking her, and Isaiah had no choice but to deal with the threat first.


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