Section 8

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Section 8 Page 28

by K'wan

  When Tionna rounded the corner to her block she saw police cars near her building. At first she feared that something had happened to her kids, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them on the stoop with Gucci, watching the spectacle. Two female officers emerged from the building next to hers with a young girl between them, who was visibly shaken up. As Tionna got closer she realized that it was the girl from the other night who had been looking for Rock Head. She wasn’t sure what the girl had done, but from the sad faces everyone wore, it must’ve been something serious. Before she could investigate, a silver Honda pulled up next to her and beeped the horn. The girl behind the wheel looked familiar, but Tionna couldn’t place her right off. When the driver got out, Tionna realized that it was Tracy.

  Tracy was dressed from head to toe in designer tags and her hair was done in an expensive-looking weave, but something was off about her. You probably wouldn’t have noticed it unless you knew Tracy, but she looked thinner and tired. Her face was flawlessly made up, but you could see the dark circles under her eyes.

  “And where the hell have you been for the last week and some change?” Tionna gave Tracy a hug, running her hand affectionately up and down her back. She was startled because she could feel the girl’s entire rib cage through her clothes, but she acted normal.

  “Girl, wait until I tell you! I’ve just spent the best week of my life with my new boo, Remo,” Tracy said excitedly.

  “Don B.’s bodyguard?” Tionna asked, surprised. It seemed like everyone was reaping the benefits of Big Dawg Entertainment.

  “Yeah, child. I went to see him that day after Mochas and it was on like popcorn. Girl, when I say that nigga put it on me . . .” Tracy fanned herself. “I ain’t even gonna go into details, but the nigga takes care of business and me.”

  “So I see.” Tionna looked over at the Honda proudly. “So what’s the word? I see the block is buzzing.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out. Let’s go ask big mouth.” She nodded toward Gucci, whose eyes were still fixed on the little girl in the back of the police car.

  “What’s going on?” Tionna asked Gucci, who was standing next to the Senate and their card table.

  “The chickens have finally come home to roost,” Cords said with a laugh, slapping a card on the table.

  “Man, ain’t you got no couth? I don’t see shit funny about what that bastard did to them little girls,” Harley snapped. He had a niece about that girl’s age who lived in the area.

  “I’m sad for the girl, but I don’t feel no shame over what’s gonna happen to that damn Rock Head. I always knew something wasn’t right with that boy,” Sonny said, laying his card.

  “He better be glad that girl’s daddy is in jail or else he would’ve sure killed him out here,” Rayfield added.

  “They finally caught up with Rock Head for fucking them little girls, huh?” Tionna asked. She wasn’t at all surprised, because he was laying his dirty dick into quite a few young girls in the neighborhood. It was only a matter of time before one of the parents caught wind of it and did something about it.

  “It goes way deeper than that. I heard Rock Head is in jail for rape and attempted murder,” Gucci informed her.

  “Murder? That pussy ain’t got the heart to try and kill anybody. What he do, scare them to death with that ugly-ass face?” Tionna laughed.

  “Nah, T. Rock Head was HIV-positive and he was purposely giving it to those little girls he was sleeping with.” This bit of news wiped the grin right off Tionna’s face. It was common knowledge that Rock Head was a general piece of shit, but Tionna had never thought that even he could sink that low.

  “How could he do that to all those babies?” Tracy’s eyes began to tear.

  “Because he’s a greasy-ass nigga. Them little bitches is stupid for letting a nigga like Rock Head raw-dick them,” Tionna said scornfully.

  Gucci didn’t like the statement. “It ain’t all their faults, Tionna. When we were coming up, how many niggaz did you let talk you into having unprotected sex and you did it because you liked them?”

  “Yeah, I slipped up a time or two, but never with no dirty-ass hood niggaz. All the dudes I let run up in me raw were too caked up to be sick.”

  “You think AIDS discriminates?” Gucci looked at her seriously. “Tionna, the most dangerous thing about AIDS is the fact that it has no symptoms. You could be living with that shit for years and not know it unless you get tested.”

  “Well, I’m clean. The only nigga I fucked raw over the last year or two was Duhan, so I ain’t gotta get tested again.”

  “And how many bitches do you think he’s fucked raw on your watch?” Tracy asked. “Every time you let a nigga in you raw, you’ve slept with everybody else they’ve had unprotected sex with.”

  “I know I’m good,” Tionna said firmly, but in the back of her mind she was nervous. Both she and Duhan gambled with each other’s lives when they stepped outside their relationship, and although she made sure she was protected, she couldn’t be a hundred percent sure about him. She cursed herself for putting all her trust in Duhan and made a note to herself to get tested Monday morning at the free clinic.

  “And where is this little tramp coming from?” Gucci scowled at Sharon, who was coming up the block. She was dressed in a short leather miniskirt and a shirt that was so tight that it was a wonder she could breathe. She, too, had been watching the police activity, but when she saw Tionna on the stoop, she found somewhere else to focus her eyes.

  “And where are you coming from looking all sassy?” Cords asked, sizing Sharon up.

  “I had to go visit my man in jail. You know I had to make sure I looked good for him since he has to look at broke-up bitches for most of the week,” she said loud enough for Tionna to hear her.

  Tionna took a step off the stoop, but Gucci held her arm. “Be easy, T, your kids are out here,” Gucci whispered to her.

  “Ima chill, but let her keep that slick shit up,” Tionna fumed. She was losing her patience with Sharon and Duhan.

  “Lord, I don’t know what it is about y’all young girls who get caught up with these niggaz in jail. Sharon, your ass is too young to put your life on hold like that,” Rayfield told her.

  “Well, I won’t have to wait too long for him to come home. His trial will be over soon, and when my baby gets out we can finally start our new life, me him and our stepkids.” Sharon smiled down at Little Duhan and Duran. The whole block got quiet. This time when Tionna stepped off the stoop, Gucci didn’t stop her.

  Sharon didn’t even budge when Tionna came to stand in front of her. “What, am I supposed to be scared or something?” Sharon placed her hands on her hips. Tionna slapped Sharon so hard that she flew in the air and crashed through the Senate’s card table. Before Sharon could even gather her wits, Tionna was on top of her.

  “I done told you little bitches about playing with me, right?” Tionna asked before punching her in the face. “Y’all . . .” she punched her again, “hos . . .” another punch, “are gonna learn to respect me.” Tionna pulled Sharon to her feet by her hair and threw her into a pile of trash bags. Sharon tried to charge Tionna with a bottle, but Gucci tripped her, sending her sliding across the concrete and landing at Tionna’s feet. Tionna went to work stomping Sharon in her face, chest, stomach, and any other part of her body that was exposed. Had it not been for the two female officers grabbing her, she would’ve surely killed Sharon on that stoop.

  “Let me go so I can finish this bitch off,” Tionna said, struggling against the officers.

  “Ma’am, if you keep resisting, I’m gonna have to pepper spray you,” the larger of the two officers threatened.

  “Tionna, chill the fuck out!” Gucci screamed. The kids were becoming hysterical watching the police manhandle their mother.

  “You’d better listen to your friend,” the smaller officer said, holding a can of pepper spray at eye level with Tionna.

  “A’ight, I’m cool.” Tionna stopped str
uggling. She was mad, but not stupid.

  Two more officers who had arrived on the scene were helping Sharon to her feet. She was bloody and could barely stand on her own, but it didn’t stop her from struggling against the officers to try to get at Tionna. “You snuck me, you bum bitch!” Sharon spit.

  “Miss, try and calm down; you need medical attention,” the male officer tried to tell Sharon, but she didn’t even hear him.

  “You always screaming about how grown you are, but you’re out here fighting with a teenager. Duhan doesn’t want you, so why don’t you step the fuck off already. Get a life, you old bitch!” Sharon yelled.

  Tionna just smiled. “Fuck you, little whore. Instead of worrying about me and Duhan, you need to be worrying about how long you’ve got to live. Or didn’t you know Rock Head had the monster.” It was such a low blow that everyone paused. Even the officers who had been trying to help Sharon took cautionary steps back.

  The statement seemed only to enrage Sharon further. “You’re a fucking liar, Tionna!”

  Tionna raised her eyebrow. “Am I? I guess we’ll know if it’s true or not when your ass is sitting in the clinic waiting for those results to come back.”

  “You are fucking history, Tionna, do you hear me?” Sharon tried to charge her again, but the officers held her back.

  “Ma’am, you’re hurt and we have to get you some medical attention. Would you like to press charges against this woman?” the officer asked.

  “You’re muthafucking right,” Sharon said proudly.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Tionna asked when they were putting the cuffs on her.

  “You’re under arrest for assaulting a minor,” the female officer informed her.

  “But she started it!” Tionna tried to explain.

  “It doesn’t matter, she’s still a little girl,” the officer said, as she helped Tionna into the police car.

  “This is some bullshit!” Tracy shouted at the officer.

  “She didn’t even start the fight and you’re locking her up; where’s the justice in that!” Gucci jumped up and down.

  “If you guys don’t calm down, I’m sure we could find enough room to fit you in, too” the male officer informed them, which took some of the fight out of the crowd.

  “It’s all good, Gucci. I’m gonna be alright,” Tionna assurred her.

  “I’m going to get Mommy and we’re coming to get you,” Gucci promised.

  “No, don’t tell Ms. Ronnie. Get in touch with Don B. and tell him what happened.”


  A full forty-eight hours had passed before the correction officer informed Tionna that her bail had been posted. For her little scrap with Sharon they were charging her with assault and resisting arrest. They had set her bail at ten thousand dollars, which she knew neither she nor her friends had, so she figured it had to have been Don B. who had bailed her out; she was expecting a queen’s welcome. But when she stepped out of 100 Centre Street, there was only Gucci and Animal there to greet her.

  “It feels so good to be free.” Tionna stretched.

  “T, it’s only been two days,” Gucci reminded her.

  “Shit, in that place two days can feel like two years. Let me see your phone so I can call and thank Don B. for getting a bitch outta jail. I got something special planned to show my appreciation.”

  “Don B. didn’t bail you out, Animal did,” Gucci informed her.

  “What?” Tionna looked from Gucci to Animal. “Well, he sent you, right?”

  Animal glanced at Gucci before answering. “Nah; Gucci told me that you were in a pinch, so I wanted to help out.”

  “Thanks.” Tionna hugged him. “I’m grateful for you getting me out, but why didn’t Don B. post my bail?”

  Animal didn’t have the heart to piss on her parade. “Ima go get the car and let y’all talk.” He walked away.

  “Gucci, what’s going on?” Tionna wanted to know.

  Gucci hesitated, trying to think of a way to break the news to her best friend. “T, I don’t know how to tell you this, but Don B. is a fucking snake.”

  “Gucci, what kinda man-hating shit are you talking about now?”

  “It ain’t about hating, T, it’s about keeping it real,” Gucci began. “I got hold of the nigga and told him what happened between you and Sharon and told him you needed some help and he just laughed. The nigga had the nerve to tell me that you ain’t his property so therefore not his problem and that you should ask Duhan or Happy to see about springing you. I’m sorry, T.”

  To say that Tionna was mad wouldn’t even have scratched the surface of what she was feeling. She’d been so sure that she had Don B. wrapped up that she hadn’t even thought twice about putting herself at his mercy to get out of jail. He might’ve had jokes, but she would have the last laugh.

  “Let me see your phone,” Tionna demanded.

  “T, what are you gonna do?” Gucci was hesitant.

  “I’m gonna let that nigga know just what kinda bitch he’s dealing with.” Tionna was so angry that her eyes were watering, but she wouldn’t give Don B. the satisfaction of crying over him.

  “Tionna, leave that shit alone and let’s go home,” Gucci said, trying to reason with her. Seeing that her friend wouldn’t be deterred, she handed her the phone and stepped back so she wouldn’t get caught in the fallout.

  Don B. barely heard the phone over the roar of laughter coming from his living room. Fully and Tone were watching one of his notorious home movies while he narrated the scenes. “Who this?” Don B. barked into the receiver.

  “What up, B.?” Tionna said on the other end.

  “Who the fuck is this?” Don B. fronted like he hadn’t caught her voice.

  “You know who it is, so don’t play with me, Don B.”

  “Tionna? What up, ma, long time no hear from.” He snickered. He placed his hand over the phone and motioned for his boys to be quiet. “Where you been?” he asked sarcastically.

  “Don, you know exactly where I’ve been because Gucci told you, so I don’t know why you’re trying to front. On the real, that was some foul shit that you did by leaving me sitting up like it was a joke or something.”

  Don B. looked at the phone. “Yo, who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, shorty?”

  “I’m talking to a punk-ass nigga who thinks it’s okay to fuck me and then toss me to the side,” she shot back.

  “Ma, I fuck a lot of bitches and toss them to the side. What makes you so different?” he asked. “No, let me guess: you think because you give some of the meanest head I’ve ever had, that should make you different? Yo, that’s a good one. I’ll tell you what, why don’t you come by the crib and suck the whole team off? If you can make everybody cum in under an hour, I’ll give you the ten thousand.” Don B. doubled over laughing, which poured salt on the wound.

  “So, you think I’m some chicken-head bitch that’s just gonna go for anything?” Her face was slick with tears, but her expression was hard.

  “It ain’t like that, ma. You good peoples, but hardly wifey material. You got a man that loves you who’s waiting on a date, but you’re in here making movies with me; I can’t accept that kinda bitch as mine, even if she is pretty as hell.”

  “What did you say?” She had heard him but couldn’t believe it.

  “You don’t believe me? Yo, turn that up,” he told Tone while he put Tionna on speakerphone. Tone turned up the volume on the television and Tionna heard a voice that was unmistakably hers coming through the surround sound. She was so embarrassed by some of the things she heard that she couldn’t even speak.

  “Shorty, I got an album coming out, too!” Fully shouted in the background

  “You’re a foul nigga, Don B., straight foul. We’ll see how funny this is when I go to the press and tell them how you got me drunk and took advantage of me,” she warned.

  “Bitch, is that a threat?” Don B. was serious now.

  “That ain’t no threat, bitch nigga, that�
�s a promise,” she assured him.

  Don B. wanted to wild out, but he had to keep his cool in front of his crew. “Oh, I get it. You see the cars and the videos and you think I’m just some nigga popping bottles for the camera? Bitch, you play with fire and you’re gonna get burnt.”

  “I hear that hot shit. I guess I’ll see you on the news,” Tionna told him and hung up the phone.

  Sharon was a nervous wreck, sitting in the little plastic chair in the free clinic. All around her were boys and girls who were all about her age, and they all wore the same worried expression on their faces. Her stomach was turning so badly that she almost didn’t make it to the bathroom to relieve herself. Sharon blamed Tionna, Duhan, Rock Head, and everybody else for her situation, but she knew that if she wanted to point fingers, she’d have to start with herself.

  She had replayed the scene over and over in her head and still couldn’t come up with a good reason to have let Rock Head sleep with her, let alone without a condom. She had always thought the threat of AIDS was restricted to homosexuals and drug addicts, but she was neither, and still found herself at the clinic waiting for the nurse to come back with the results from her rapid-response HIV test. Had it not been for her family being there with her, she would’ve surely fled and never bothered to find out if she was positive or not.

  “Sharon, would you please stop fidgeting.” Reese placed her hand on Sharon’s knees to stop them from knocking.

  “I can’t. I’m nervous,” she said.

  “And you should be,” Yoshi told her. “Sharon, me, Reese, and Billy always make sure you have condoms, so I can’t think for the life of me why you’re not using them. Sexually transmitted diseases aren’t a game, little girl.”

  “I know, Yoshi; I was slipping,” Sharon said.

  “Slipping ain’t the word, ma. You young girls are too fucking reckless with your bodies for your own damn good,” Billy said. She hadn’t meant to be so short with Sharon, but she was afraid for her. She was a young girl who hadn’t even made it out of her teens and had to wait for a doctor to tell her whether she was going to live or die, all over something that could have been avoided if she’d used protection.


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