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Troublemaker Page 8

by Bladon, Deborah

  "You know that super-hot friend you have? Black hair, green eyes and a fuck-me smile?"

  "Crew?" I answer because seriously who else do I know who fits that description.

  She nods. "He just dropped off a bouquet of insanely beautiful white lilies. He told me to put the vase by your bed because you love waking up to the smell of fresh flowers."

  My bottom lip trembles. He knows that because the morning of the snowstorm I woke up in his guest room and noticed a vase of white lilies on the bedside table. When I asked him why they were there said he has his housekeeper bring in fresh flowers for both bedrooms twice a month.

  I wouldn't shut up about how beautiful they were so he wrapped them up in an old roll of holiday paper and gave them to me to take home.

  I kept them next to my bed until they all died a very slow and messy death.

  "I wish I had a friend like him," she notes with a small smile. "You're so lucky, Adley."

  I am. I just hope that what Crew and I had isn't lost forever.

  Chapter 18


  If I were the type of man who expected anything from a woman I would have been sorely disappointed this afternoon when Adley didn't call or text me to thank me for the flowers. I didn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen. It wasn't because I had three meetings and a photo shoot for our new lipstick line to manage.

  It's because Adley York is old-school when it comes to thanking anyone for a gift. If she doesn't write out a thank-you note by hand, she delivers the words in person in the form of an enthusiastic hug.

  As I watch her exit the elevator to the VIP level of the club, dressed in a sleek red strapless dress and matching heels, I already know what the first three words that pass over her pink-stained lips will be.

  Thank you, Crew.

  "Fuck you, Crew," she says as she approaches.

  Why do I like those words so much more?

  "It's good to see you too, Ad. You look like a dream."

  "You're a nightmare."

  She has no idea how badly I want her. Visions of me pushing her onto her back on one of the low tables and tasting her cunt get crossed with images of her bent over the metal railing that overlooks the crowded club while I inch up that dress and fuck her from behind.

  "Did you skip the nap?"

  That draws the corner of her mouth up in an almost smile. "I had a nap."

  I wish I would have been invited along for that ride. If that were the case, she'd look a lot less rested, but much more satisfied than she does right now.

  "Something's changed about you since this afternoon." I tap my index finger on my bottom lip. "Did you pick up a new attitude on your way over?"

  I'm gifted with a full smile, perfect white teeth and all. This woman is beyond beautiful.

  "You went to see Dr. Hunt today."

  The man didn't waste any time. When I stopped by the clinic after seeing her, I asked him to keep our discussion private until I had a chance to tell Adley my plan, but so be it. There's always a workaround in my world.

  "I did."

  Her eyes rake over me stopping on my jaw. I shaved since I saw her this afternoon. Everything else is exactly as it was. Gray suit, black shirt, killer smile. I flash her one for good measure.

  She scowls. "Why would you go behind my back like that? I need that job, Crew."

  I lean my hip on the metal railing, briefly glancing over at the club below. We're as busy tonight as we are every other night. "You have that job, Ad. You're not going to lose it because you take some time off."

  "I don't want to take time off." Her shoulders go back. "The clinic is short-staffed. I can't just skip out without a good reason."

  My hand itches with the need for a glass of something. I bypassed the bar on my way up here and sent the VIP staff down to the first floor so I could spend time alone with Adley. I'm regretting that now. "You have a good reason for taking a long weekend. Besides, you weren't booked to work next Saturday or Sunday. Monday is technically the only day you have officially off."

  My words do little to placate her. She's vibrating from anger or frustration, maybe a little of both. "Explain to me why you did it because from where I'm standing it feels like you're trying to fuck my life around."

  I am. I'm trying to take her out of her comfort zone so she can see the world, and us, through fresh eyes. I look into her stormy blues.

  "When's the last time you took a vacation?"

  Her chin drops. I know the answer to that because I've been a constant in her life since shortly after we met.

  Reaching out, I rest my index finger on her chin and draw it up, so she's looking directly at me. "I'll answer for you. It was when you went to Vegas to visit Ellie. That was two years ago, Ad."

  She can't afford to travel. I've never offered to send her on the trip of her dreams because she'd push back with so much resistance that it would damage what we have. This time is different. We're hanging by a thread of something that neither of us can define.

  "That was the last time," she agrees softly.

  "My family owns a home in the Hamptons." I doubt like hell I've ever mentioned it to her before because I haven't been there myself in years. "Take the weekend to go there and relax."

  "The Hamptons?" Her face brightens. "Is it close to the ocean?"

  "It's oceanfront. You can hear the waves as you fall asleep."

  She shoots me a look. "Part of the deal is you going with me, isn't it? You want me to spend three days in a house all alone with you."

  That's the plan although it's not quite as cut and dry as she thinks. "You'll be in the master suite. I'll take up residence in one of the other bedrooms. I'm going to head up there on Friday morning to get the place ready for you. I'll be there for the weekend too, but I'll need to work. That will give you plenty of time on your own. "

  "You're working this weekend, but I'm not?" Her brows lift. "This is the problem, Crew. You think it's easy for me to tap out of work but you can't pull yourself away from your own."

  I stare at her for a beat before I say anything. "I can work remotely. I have endless resources but bringing the clinic and all its patients to Westhampton Beach isn't one of them."

  She rubs her hand over her mouth trying to hide a smile. "So you'll work and I'll sunbathe?"

  A jolt of desires races through me at the thought of her in a bikini. That's a bonus I didn't consider when I hastily planned out this trip.

  I saw how ragged she looked earlier. She's driving herself to the edge without a safety belt. This is a break that she needs. "You'll sunbathe, read, swim in the pool, sleep, or whatever the fuck you want to do."

  "Why are you doing this?" she asks with nothing but honesty in her expression.

  "I don't think we can solve everything in this club tonight." I gesture to the dance floor with my chin. "This getaway will give us a chance to figure out where we stand. You'll have time to do your own thing. I'll cook for you and we'll come back here in a better place than we are now."

  Her eyes meet mine. "I don't want to play Truth or Dare again."

  I translate that to mean she doesn't want to kiss me again or do anything beyond that. I get it. If she felt the same insane hunger that I felt when our lips met, she's running scared. I'm not about to. I've never experienced anything close to that with a woman before. I want more. I know she does too. She can't mask her feelings as well as she thinks she can.

  "You set the rules. I'm there to cook for you and hang out with if the mood strikes you."

  Her lips purse. "I'll go, but I can do half the cooking."

  I shake my head. "I need to come back to New York in one piece, Ad. Your talents are not in the kitchen."

  She smiles that smile that tells me that I've got a chance. I'm taking it because if I don't, I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

  Chapter 19


  The other night after Crew invited me to a weekend away at his family's house in the Hamptons, I left Veil East. H
e didn't press to talk about things between us and I didn't either. The idea of spending time on a beach away from the city sounded like heaven.

  The only communication we've had the past few days have been short text messages related to the trip.

  He arranged to have a driver take me to the Hamptons. I'm in the car now and although I've spent most of the drive trying to focus on a novel my mom loaned me, I can't remember one word I read.

  "Bill?" I call to the driver in the front seat. "Have you ever been to the Hamptons?"

  He doesn't take his eyes off the road. "I've never been."

  I scrunch my nose as I look at him in the rear view mirror. "I don't know what to expect."

  "From what I've heard I think you should expect the opposite of Manhattan."

  "So paradise, then?"

  "Exactly." He nods briskly. "Use the time wisely. That's what I do every chance I get a break from the day-to-day."

  I take a breath before I ask the same question I've already asked three times. "Are we getting close?"

  "Closer than the last time you asked." He laughs. "Close your eyes, Adley. Dream a little dream and before you know it, you'll be standing in the doorway of Mr. Benton's home."


  Holy shit.

  I thought Crew's apartment was gorgeous. This place looks like it came out of a catalog for furniture that regular people can never afford.

  I'm standing in the entry way with Bill by my side. He called Crew as we approached the winding driveway. I heard him agree to something and when he stopped the car and held open the door for me, I almost lost my breath.

  The exterior of the house is breathtaking with shuttered windows and a wraparound deck. The inside surpassed that in spades when Bill opened the unlocked door and stepped aside so I could walk in.

  The space is grand with vaulted white ceilings and dark wood beams.

  Against the wall opposite the door is a fireplace framed with two large windows that overlook a sandy beach and the Atlantic.

  A sitting area is to the right. There's a sofa and wingback chairs that are all light gray, with accessories in tans and navy blues that brings softness to the space.

  Beyond that to the left is an open kitchen with a huge island and polished countertops that complement the white cabinetry.

  I look around, taking in every perfect detail.

  "Do you like what you see?" Crew's deep voice hits me from behind.

  I turn to look at him.

  My heart stutters for a beat.

  He's wearing a thin white T-shirt and black shorts. His hair is wind-blown. He looks different out here away from the stress that sits on his shoulders in New York.

  "It's a beautiful house," I say quickly to stop myself from commenting on how insanely hot he looks right now.

  "I was out for a walk." He pats Bill on the shoulder. "You made good time. I wasn't expecting you for another thirty minutes."

  Bill picks up my bags and brings them into the foyer. "It's early enough that the traffic was light."

  It is early. Once I accepted the fact that I was taking the weekend off, I told Tilly. Between her coughing spurts, she offered to cover my shift from noon on if I agreed to do the same for her next Friday. Dr. Hunt signed off on it without question so I was ready to hit the road by one-thirty.

  "Do you need me to come back to pick Adley up on Sunday, sir?"

  I fidget on my sandal covered feet, the skirt of my white sundress dancing with the movement. I want to pipe up and say something, but the man works for Crew, not me.

  "Crew," he corrects Bill with a smile. "We're heading back Monday and I drove up so you're off the hook."

  Bill tosses him a wink. "Right, Crew, it is. If that's all, I'll head back."

  "Drive safe." Crew dips his hands in the pocket of his shorts. "I don't have a dollar on me now, Bill, but I'll add it your tip when you take me to the airport on Tuesday."

  Bill laughs like it's an inside joke. "Not a problem. You two enjoy the weekend. Remember what I said, Adley."

  I nod. I remember exactly what he said. I'll use the time wisely. For the next three days it's me and casual Crew. I have a feeling I'm going to walk out of here a much different person than I am now.

  Chapter 20


  Being back in this house is a mind fuck. Seeing Adley in the foyer brought up a clusterfuck of emotions. My memories of this place aren't bad. They're not especially good either. Neutral is how I'd call it.

  I splashed in the ocean with my siblings when I was a kid. My mom taught me how to drive a boat when I was fourteen. I hosted a party or two out here when I was in college but none of that has ever stay seared into my memory like the vision of Ad in her pure white dress with the ocean as a backdrop will.

  If I could have stopped time for a beat, I would have just to take that in.

  "What did Bill say that you're supposed to remember?" I ask as I pick up her bags.

  She shoulders her large white purse. "He said to use my time here wisely."

  She will. I'll make certain of that. "Time stands still out here. Before you know it, we'll be back on the road on Monday."

  "You're going somewhere on Tuesday?" She looks down at the dark hardwood floor. "Is it back to Vegas?"

  If Lucia had her way it would be. She wants an in person meeting now that she's pushing for full control of Veil West after my rebuff. I didn't peg her for a woman who would want to avenge a missed fuck, but her actions say otherwise. If the price is right, I'll take her offer, but until now, she's tossing crumbs my way and I'm not biting.

  "Boston," I respond quickly to ease her mind. "We've been scouting for a new Matiz location there. I have a tip on what might be a suitable space, so I'm heading there for a few hours to check it out."

  For someone who regrets kissing me the other night, she's visibly relieved by my answer.

  "Come with me." I inch a shoulder forward. "I'll show you to your sleeping quarters."

  A laugh bubbles out of her at my lame attempt to do an English accent. "It's just a bedroom, right?"

  She has no idea. "This way, Ad. Come see for yourself."


  I left Adley in the master suite alone after I gave her the grand tour. The space is larger than her entire apartment. That was my mom's doing. She decided to have the house transformed from a six bedroom to a five to afford her more closet space and a bathroom that is ten times as big as it needs to be.

  The only reason I readied that room for Adley is because it offers the best views of the ocean. I know she's never seen it in person. Ellie told me when I stopped by her place to drop off the bag of pretzels for Jonas.

  I could see all the questions dancing in Ellie's eyes, but she didn't ask any. Instead, she said she was glad I was taking Adley out of the city for a few days. She sees the same cloud hanging over Ad that I have. Something has been brewing inside of her. Part of that may be attributed to what happened between us at my apartment, but she's been carrying a burden for a long time. I'm hopeful that this weekend, she'll open up and share.

  "Are there any other people here?" Adley's voice catches me by surprise. I've been standing in the main room looking out the window as day's light gives way to darkness.

  I turn to look at her. She's showered and changed her clothes. The long black halter dress she has on suits her as does the style of her hair. Loose waves surround her face. "The caretaker was here when you arrived. I called him earlier this week to open the house back up."

  Everything had been covered with heavy drop cloths until two days ago. When I got here this morning, there was still a lot to be done. Duncan, the caretaker, did his fair share but I took on the tasks of going to the market to get food, flowers and several bottles of red wine.

  "The door was unlocked when we got here, so I was wondering if you were here alone." She looks me over. "I don't have to tell you how beautiful this house is."

  It's a house. Beauty is subjective when your family has enough money
to buy anything. I've never been impressed with my parents' wealth. I didn’t understand when I was a kid that summers in a place like this weren't commonplace. I began to see the difference when I finally left private school when I was fifteen-years-old to go to public school.

  That was a hard fought battle with my folks but I came out the victor. I'm glad. If not for that, I never would have met Nolan or Adley, for that matter.

  "I'm glad you agreed to come, Ad." I rake a hand through my hair. "I want you to make yourself at home. In the morning I'll show you the private boardwalk to the beach."

  Her gaze darts to the descending darkness outside. "I'm looking forward to putting my feet in the ocean."

  I want to push her to talk about what's going on between us, but I won't. I know she'll pitch the idea that we stay just friends but that's a road I can't go back down after tasting her lips and touching her skin. I'm fucking starving for more. She has to know that, even if she won't acknowledge it.

  "Are you hungry?" I ask as I stare at her profile. "I can make us something to eat."

  She smiles wryly when she turns back to me. "I'm famished. What's for dinner?"

  Chapter 21


  He cooked the most delicious steak I've ever had. I didn't tell him that because it would go straight to his head. The wine was exquisite too as were the baby potatoes and salad. The man has serious culinary talent. I already knew this from watching him in the kitchen at Ellie's. He's not against putting on an apron, rolling up his sleeves and getting dirty.


  My mind flits back to a time when Ellie and I ran into a woman in a deli. Ellie was talking to her about Nolan while I was eavesdropping and I heard her mention how she'd fucked Crew in a photo booth in Times Square. She said it was the dirtiest sex she's ever had.


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