The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe

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The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe Page 157

by Chris Fowler

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  Garcia, S.L. and Murillo-Barosso, M. 2013. Social complexity in Copper Age Southern Iberia (ca. 3200–2200 cal. BC). Reviewing the ‘State’ Hypothesis at Valencina de la Conception (Seville, Spain), 119–140. In M. Cruz, L. Gaqcia and A. Gilman (eds), The prehistory of Iberia. Debating early social stratification and the state. London: Routledge.

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  Kristiansen, K. 2002. The tale of the sword. Swords and swordfighters in Bronze Age Europe. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 21, 319–332.

  Kristiansen, K. 2004. Sea faring voyages and rock art ships. In P. Clark (ed.), The Dover Bronze Age Boat in context: society and water transport in prehistoric Europe, 111–122. Oxford: Oxbow.

  Kristiansen, K. 2007. Eurasian transformations: Mobility, ecological change and the transmission of social institutions in the third millennium and early second millennium BCE. In A. Hornborg and C.E. Crumley (eds), The World System and the Earth System. Global socienvironmental change and sustainability since the Neolithic, 149–162. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.

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  Lechterbeck, J., Kerig, T., Kleinmann, A., Sillmann, M., Wick, L., and Rösch, M. 2014. How was Bell Beaker economy related to the Corded Ware and Bronze Age lifestyles? Archaeological, botanical and palynological evidence from the Hegau, Western Lake Constance region. Journal of Environmental Archaeology 19, 95–113.

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  Meyer, C., Brandt, G., Haak, W., Ganslmeier, R., Meller, H., and Alt, K.W. 2009. The Eulau eulogy: bio-archaeological interpretation of lethal violence in Corded Ware multiple burials from Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 28, 412–423.

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