The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe

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The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe Page 161

by Chris Fowler

  Egolzwil 3 292

  Ehrenstein 301

  Eilean Domhnuill 334

  Eilsleben 435

  einkorn (triticum monococcum) 122, 126, 294, 391, 395

  El Mirón 387

  El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 28

  elk see deer, elk

  elm decline event 35

  Elsloo, Limburg 312

  Emmeln 713

  Emmeln-2 714

  Emmeloord 612

  emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum dicoccum) 122, 126, 199, 204, 294, 391, 396, 414, 420

  deposition in ditches 807

  in Ireland 128

  movement to Britain 127

  Emmersdorf 640

  enclosures 766, 1085–7

  burial practices 1015–16, 1034–5

  causewayed enclosures 467, 795–808

  Central Europe 763–77

  central Italy 787–8

  ditches 781–91

  entrances 770

  functions 775–7

  henge enclosures see henges

  human remains in 804–6

  Kreisgrabenanlagen circular enclosures see enclosures, roundels

  pottery deposition 584

  rondels see enclosures, roundels

  roundels 104–6, 201, 764–77

  entrances aligned on astronomical events 776–7

  southern Italy 784–7

  Tavoliere enclosures 781–4

  see also settlements

  Enderupskov 352

  Endrőd-Öregszőlők 929, 930

  Eneolithic see Copper Age/Chalcolithic

  energy requirements 430

  Enkingen 281

  Ensisheim 373

  entrances 336


  cause of mobility 85

  central and eastern Europe 196–7

  environmental change 45–6

  environmental modelling 44–5

  Epicardial 94, 101, 183

  Epilengyel 107

  Epipalaeolithic stage 81, 82, 260

  Er Grah tumulus 126, 222

  Ercsi hoard 681

  Erdwerk (earthwork) see enclosures

  Ereta del Pedregal 387, 398

  Erglodd 716

  Erkelenz-Kückhoven 282, 283, 765–6

  Ertebølle/Ertebölle culture (c. 5400–4000 BC) 216, 217, 219, 345–6

  Ertebølle pottery 573–4

  Escoural 814

  Essenbach 563

  Estonia 420

  Esztergályhorváti 929, 937

  ethnicity 11

  Eton Rowing Course 335

  Etton 432, 436, 797, 799, 803, 807

  Eurasian societies 1100–2

  western 206–7

  Evenhus 878, 885

  Eweford 1083

  exchange networks

  Bronze Age 1096, 1099, 1103–4, 1106

  flint 502

  metal 75–6, 107

  pottery 220, 538, 651, 697

  shells 639–42, 645–52

  exogamy 70

  extramural cemeteries 934

  Fågelbacken 1015

  Fakkemose 1013

  Familiar, Foreign and Other 157

  family barrows 1101


  adaptation to new environments 129

  animals 64, 82, 122, 127, 181, 745–7, 749–55, 1082

  caprines (sheep and goats) 434, 546

  cattle 103, 122–3, 125–6, 435, 441, 546, 746 see also cattle

  pigs 68, 123–4, 316, 434, 1076

  sheep 413

  climatic effect on 44, 207

  coastal regions, alternative resources 41, 217–18


  Funnel Beaker culture (TRB) 366–7, 414, 660, 1006

  Khirokitia culture 84

  Körös-Criş culture 416

  Linearbandkeramik (LBK) 101, 199, 219, 413, 429, 434–7

  Pitted Ware culture (PWC) 366, 582

  Tripolye/Trypillia culture 418

  deforestation 35, 38, 827

  development 163, 421

  early 101–3, 121–9, 139, 157–8, 160, 162, 197, 1054–9

  emergence, debate over 139–47, 385, 1073, 1080

  environmental effect 35, 46, 130

  evidence of early Neolithization 64, 67, 177, 195, 206, 746, 1073, 1080

  exchange networks 650

  farmsteads 91, 93, 388, 561–2, 567–8

  and foraging 69, 143, 146, 150, 178, 204, 349, 413, 419, 574–5, 1074–5, 1078–9

  garden agriculture 14, 107, 185, 396, 437, 450–7, 1055, 1058, 1063, 1075

  herding 14, 66, 71, 76, 88, 92, 178, 197, 279, 389, 391, 394, 396, 401, 752, 1055 see also farming, pastoralism

  herding camps 68, 901

  transhumance 63, 67–9, 176, 279, 389, 395, 399, 467, 1078

  intensive vs. extensive 389

  lakeside settlements, Circum Alpine region 294

  land suitability 68, 107, 175–6, 697, 764, 1103

  land-use, changes 35, 37

  manuring 364

  mature 158–9, 160–2

  mixed 185, 368, 394, 399–400, 414, 732, 901, 1075, 1081

  mobile 64–7, 72, 130, 177–8

  origins 178, 184–5

  pastoralism 185, 186, 197, 394, 467, 677, 849, 959, 960, 1081, 1097, 1100–1 see also farming, herding

  personhood 159–60

  plants 101, 103, 401, 421, 737–8, 1075

  population, effect on 150, 317, 430

  pottery, links with 203, 536–7, 543


  Baltic region 420

  Britain and Ireland 127–9, 222–4, 440–1

  central Europe 197–201, 412–16

  Crete 88

  Cyprus 82–4

  Mediterranean 177–8

  Scandinavia 218, 437–9, 878

  south eastern Europe 65–6, 390–4

  southern Europe 401

  south western Europe 394–400

  seasonal 105, 368, 402, 430, 913

  sedentary 327, 430

  in settlements 278, 355, 452

  skills 159–62

  small scale 389, 392–3, 1055

  spread 86, 139–43, 179, 186–7, 542, 1078

  storage of produce 402, 430

  Fatjanovo culture see Corded Ware culture

  faunal assemblages 431–4, 747–8

  feasting 167, 186, 188, 220, 222, 402, 440, 441, 456, 457, 466, 469, 472, 566, 644, 754–5, 831, 906, 1058, 1076

  funerary feasts 754, 995

  Federsee 297, 298

  Federsee bog 109


  in burials 115, 221, 455, 491, 510, 610–1, 658, 701, 784, 831, 841, 858, 867, 902, 935–44, 946, 962, 990–1, 1031, 1101

  diet 373

  exclusion of 841, 905

  grave goods 611, 648, 936, 942, 943, 945, 946, 990

  as potters 562

  marrying in (virilocality) 279, 562, 567, 568

  mobility 539

  quarrying 510

  representations of 160, 539, 701, 841, 858, 860, 866, 867, 905, 964, 966, 971, 972, 976, 980, 1037 see also anthropomorphic art, breasts,

  abstract signs for 829, 866

  tasks 280, 510, 562, 568–9, 642

  see also sexual differentiation

  fences see palisades

  Ferriter’s Cove 125, 223, 440

  Fertile Crescent 674

  fields 430, 451, 612, 863

  figurines 647–8, 776, 980–1

  anthropomorphic 993

  body parts 1039

  deposition 627

  detail on 629–30

  in enclosure ditches 776

  female 543,964, 972–3, 976

  around graves 1036–8

  human 622–5, 627–30, 962–4

  idols 977–8

  materials 630

  pottery 536–7

  Sardinia 972–3

  varieties 622–30

  Fikirtepe culture 261, 1053

  Filitosa 972

  Fiorano Culture 788, 790
  fire-pits 337

  firesetting 703

  first Neolithic (FN), pottery, Britain and Ireland 588, 594–5

  fish 40, 178, 204, 413, 419, 439, 452, 746, 753, 787, 1074

  freshwater 8, 204, 364, 368, 371, 417–9,

  in Scandinavian rock art 871, 877, 879

  scales as temper in pottery 536

  shift away from in diet 365–6

  symbolic significance 752

  weirs 41, 612

  fish-hooks 162, 674

  fishing 40, 186, 197, 386, 413, 416, 419, 420, 644

  camps 68, 84

  freshwater 294, 302

  lake settlements 294

  persistence during Cardial period 185

  Flagstones 595, 1035

  flaking 521

  pressure 485–7

  flanking pits (LBK) see loam pits

  flat axes 699

  flat graves (TRB) 1013–15


  deposition in ditches 806–7

  functions 501

  flint axes 515–27, 721

  flint daggers 493, 610

  flint knapping 483–8, 489, 720

  flint mines 184, 202, 222–3, 499–503, 521, 1083

  chronology 508–9

  scale 510

  social structures 510–11

  techniques 503–8

  flint working 721

  Flomborn phase (early LBK) 275, 283

  Flomborn pottery 559

  flooding 42

  floodplains 38–40

  fluvial activity 35–40

  Foggia Plain/Tavoliere 779

  folk taxonomies of animals 748–9

  Folkton drums 470, 881, 1039

  Fonelas 695

  Font Juvénal 387

  Fontanarosa Uliveto 784

  Fontbrégoua 387

  Fontvielle 921–2

  food 13, 178

  animals 435

  bread 159

  consumption in caves 902

  cooking 337, 431, 564

  flour 159

  management, Mediterranean region 177, 178, 180

  marine 40–1, 218, 365, 369, 439

  meat 204

  offerings 831, 995

  as prestigious 180, 188,

  processing 259, 262, 389, 401, 431

  production see farming

  refuse/remains 164, 302, 314, 386, 415, 431, 735, 738

  residues in pottery 16, 390, 545–6, 593–4, 597, 599

  sharing 991, 1058

  Spondylus 644

  special deposits 895, 898

  storage 44, 130, 164, 177, 180, 262, 430, 564

  charring of stored plant foods 389

  taboos 752

  see also animals; beer; dairying; diet; farming; feasting; fish; hunting; milk; plants; wine; animals by species

  foodways 376 see also animals; diet; farming; feasting; fish; hunting; plants

  foragers see hunter-gatherers

  Fore group 748–9

  forest-steppes 196

  Fornacce Cappuccini 788

  Fort Harrouard 1036

  Fosie IV 354

  Fourknocks 1029

  fowling 413

  Fräkenrönningen 350–1

  Frälsegården 1009–11


  anthropomorphic art 1036–8, 1039

  Atlantic 220–2

  Bell Beaker phenomenon 608, 611, 613, 1032, 1098

  burial practices 1024–7, 1030

  causewayed enclosures 797, 799, 1035

  chambered tombs 813, 814–6, 1084

  condemnation 1034

  domesticated plants and animals 126–7, 395, 1076

  fluvial activity 38

  menhirs 829, 1036, 1084

  metals 703–4, 713, 716

  mortuary practices 611, 799, 1084–5

  Neolithization 93, 94, 126, 185, 197, 395, 396, 397 see also Cardial; LBK

  submerged coastal sites 42

  tin ore 712

  western 126–7

  Franchthi 88, 178, 370, 386, 392, 536, 648, 929, 931

  freshwater resources 370–1, 417

  Freston 799

  Friebritz 769

  frontier model 542

  Fuchsberg 577–8

  Fucino lake basin 898–900

  Fundeni 683

  Fundeni-Lungoci 681

  funerary rites 19–20 see also mortuary practices

  Funnel Beaker culture see TRB

  furniture 337, 470

  furniture models 629, 630

  Füzesabony-Gubakút 929, 935

  FYROM (Macedonia) 140, 390, 538, 930

  figurines 622, 624, 626–8

  hunting 392

  Spondylus 645–6

  Gachnang-Niederwil 298

  Gádor, Loma de Huéchar 695

  Galabnik 649

  Galatin 246

  Galician-Atlantic rock art 848–9

  galleries (mining) 504, 506

  gallery graves (southern Scandinavia) 1007

  Gammellung 1017

  Garboldisham 881

  gardens 450–4, 456–7 see also farming, garden agriculture

  Gârleşti 929, 941

  Gaudo culture 699, 702, 962

  Gavrinis 221

  Geleen-Janskamperveld 282

  gender differentiation see sexual differentiation

  genetics see ancient DNA (aDNA); mtDNA; DNA studies (modern DNA)

  geochemical analyses 516–17

  geographical boundaries 6–7, 104


  amphibolite axeheads 517

  Bell Beaker presence 606–7

  chambered tombs (northern Germany) 816–22, 883

  Corded Ware culture 114

  copper tools 698

  domestication of cattle 122–3

  enclosure ditch shape 799

  foraging to farming 150

  long barrows 833

  mortuary practices 989–99

  Neolithization 102

  pottery (northern Germany) 575–82

  pig husbandry 124

  population fluctuations 150, 1079

  roundels 766 see also Kreisgrabenanlagen

  wild resources 439

  Għar Dalam cave 906–7, 970

  Giant’s Hills 1031

  Giurgiulesti 683

  Gläntan 352

  Glăvanesti Vechi 929, 931

  Global Lake Level Database 29

  Globular Amphora culture 677, 680

  Glycymeris glycymeris Linne (dog-cockle) 539, 642–5, 652

  goat 122, 124, 397–8, 751

  domestication 746

  for meat 394

  movement to Britain 127

  see also caprines

  Göbekli Tepe 180

  Göhlitzch grave 883

  gold 678, 696, 720

  artefacts 715

  in grave goods 681

  jewellery 682

  value 1062

  goldworking 162

  Goljamo Delčevo 158, 929, 941

  Golokut 929, 931, 933

  Gomolava 929, 937–8, 946

  Goodland 597

  Gorzsa 158

  Goseck 105

  Gotland Island 439

  Gozo 970–1

  Gradešnica 929, 931

  Graiglwyd 517

  grain storage 315, 732

  Grapčeva 387, 400

  grave goods 563, 699, 702, 927, 1026

  amber 658–9, 661–2, 665, 666

  Bell Beaker burials 609, 611–12, 614

  Carpathian Basin 942–3

  with children 611, 612, 941, 1014, 1060

  copper beads 941

  copper daggers and axe 702

  in caves 902, 906

  at Durankulak 246, 934, 935

  in dolmens (southern Scandinavia) 822, 830

  early to middle Neolithic 931

  Eastern Balkans, Copper Age 939–41

  with female adults (predominantly) 942

  flint arrowheads 702

  figurines 971
, 976, 980

  Gaudo culture 702

  gender differences 610–11, 946, 962, 989, 1014

  gold 75, 681

  hunting trophies 753–4

  identity 612, 932, 990, 991, 1024, 1026

  idols 977–8

  inherited social status 1060

  in Italy 961

  kurgan burials 1100

  Late Neolithic 934–5, 936–7

  long dolmen at Bogø 819

  with male adults (predominantly) 702, 936, 941, 942, 946, 1014

  Maltese rock-cut tombs 970

  metal 681–5

  in the Mediterranean 182

  personhood and identity 990–1

  ‘pit grave’ culture 976

  placement around body 937

  pottery 563, 936, 942, 977, 1024

  religious significance 464–5, 468

  Remedello 962

  Rinaldone 702

  at Salzmünde 998

  shells 75, 641, 652, 1024

  single grave burials (Britain) 1085

  in southern Scandinavia 217, 658,

  stone plaques 939

  specialist 1100

  Swifterbant 220

  tholos tombs 977

  tombe a grotticelle 962, 971

  waisted axes 468

  weapons 977

  graves 731 see also burials

  Gravon 799

  Great Hungarian Plain 245

  Great Langdale 517, 521, 522

  Great Men societies 323

  Greece 392

  axeheads 517, 523

  caves and rock sheters 85, 178

  colonization 85, 1052–3

  Copper Age 675

  crops 390

  diet 269, 388, 394

  domestic space 257–259, 1055

  emergence of Neolithic 87–9, 539

  environments 177

  feasting 456

  figurines 622, 624, 627, 629–30

  gardens and houses 456

  grazing livestock 393

  hunting 392, 746

  ‘meat’ culling of sheep 393

  metals 677, 680

  mortuary practices 930–1, 934, 938–9

  obsidian 488, 651

  ploughing 393

  pressure flaking 485

  routines 449–50, 455

  settlements 240, 256, 258, 388, 394, 449, 450, 455, 781, 786

  shell exchange networks 651

  shell ornament production 642, 648

  Greifensee-Böschen 299

  Grimes Graves 433–4, 441, 500, 504, 506, 507, 508–9, 521, 713, 1036

  Grisy 804

  Grivac 158

  Grödbygård 349

  grog 560, 598

  Grønjægers Høj 827, 828

  Grooved Ware pottery 589–90, 598–9, 731, 734

  cosmology associated with 472, 473

  houses associated with 331–2

  ‘package’ 472

  in henge ditches 1035

  at palisaded enclosures 1086

  in pits 731, 734, 880

  origins in Orkney 470, 589

  associated with rock art panels 880

  motifs found in late Neolithic art art 470, 881

  Großgartach culture 201, 994

  Grotta Continenza 900–1, 961

  Grotta dei Piccioni 897–8, 899–900

  Grotta del Genovese 387, 398

  Grotta dell’Uzzo 387

  Grotta della Madonna 387


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