Christmas In Virginia

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Christmas In Virginia Page 8

by Mlyn Hurn

  Laena's pale face concerned him. He saw his mother had covered Laena's hand, which rested on the white tablecloth. Leaning forward, he heard her speaking.

  "Do you want to leave?" Ruth asked, keeping her voice low-pitched.

  He watched as Laena turned slowly. He stared intently, until her gaze met his. Their eyes held for a moment.

  Then she moved on to Ruth. "No, I'm fine," she whispered, shaking her head. "I was bound to see them sooner or later if I stayed around. We both knew that."

  Jack looked at the other table, glaring. Unfortunately, that was precisely when Michael decided to look around the restaurant.

  His brother's raised eyebrows, followed by his smile, revealed his surprise at seeing Jack seated a few tables away. Michael waved his hand, motioning for Jack to come over.

  Jack realized that from Michael's viewpoint, Laena was blocked from his field of vision, and probably Michael only saw their mother and himself.

  He groaned out loud, not wanting to deal with this confrontation. All he wanted was to savor the warm and wonderful feelings still lingering from earlier in the day. And he had had every intention of continuing their reunion tonight in her bed. Before he could respond, Michael apparently said something to the others because he stood and began walking over.

  Jack whispered Laena's name a second before Michael reached their table.

  The look on Michael's face changed from joy to dismay as he saw Laena. If there had been any doubt, his muttered "damn it" would have proclaimed it.

  Ruth admonished her youngest son. "That's no way to greet your family, Michael."

  Michael flushed, and hurriedly looked at his brother for help.

  Jack guessed Michael had told the others he would ask his mother and brother to join them, and now he was stuck on what to do.

  Michael pulled out the extra chair and sat heavily, propping his chin on his fist. And being Michael, he just blurted it all out. He had not told Jeff that Laena lived with his mother, either, which he knew would not go over very well.

  "Damn, I've really screwed things up now! I just told them I would ask you to come over." He paused and looked at Laena. He liked her, in spite of his sisters. He saw the improvement in their mother since Laena moved in. "I'm sorry, Laena, but I didn't see you were here as well."

  Laena smiled at Michael. "It's all right, Michael. This was bound to happen, after all, this is a pretty small town."

  Michael nodded and turned to Jack. "Well, have any brilliant ideas, my diplomatic brother, to get me out of this mess?"

  Jack shook his head, turning to look at Laena. "What do you want to do? We can leave, if you want."

  "I could take just Mother back and say you had a business call, or something."

  Ruth shook her head, patting her youngest son's hand. "Thank you, dear."

  Michael grimaced, but shrugged. "I'm sorry, but I never told Jeff Laena had moved in with you."

  Ruth chuckled softly. "Oh, really. So, he doesn't know?"

  Michael shook his head, reaching out to sip from Ruth's glass of water. "No!"

  "Don't fret, dear. It isn't entirely your fault. Jeff's father has known all along as well. Quite obviously, he has kept quiet. You know, I'm not surprised about Frank, though. He never has liked confrontation."

  "And Arlene knows how to give good confrontation," Michael murmured. Immediately he realized what he said and looked at Laena. "Damn! I'm sorry, Laena. I shouldn't have said that."

  Laena was still dealing with the warmth that rushed through her at Jack's consideration of her feelings. He would do what she needed. She blinked quickly to clear the unexpected moisture from her eyes. She shook her head. "It's all right, Michael. I thought it was rather funny, actually."

  She shifted her hand and squeezed Ruth's. "We can join them, if you two would like? I am okay with this, really. And I would kind of like to see the shock on Jeff's face."

  Aware that Jack stared at her for a long moment before turning to his mother, she smiled.

  Ruth shrugged, indicating it was up to Laena.

  "All right, let's go slay a few dragons, shall we?" Jack said decisively as he signaled the waiter, telling him they would be joining the other table. Standing, he indicated for Ruth to follow Michael, and he and Laena would be right behind them. He held her hand for a moment, letting his mother and Michael arrive first. When he saw the questioning look in her face, he grinned. "I have learned that timing can be everything, my sweet. I'm right behind you."

  Laena nodded and stiffened her spine.

  They had nearly reached the other table when Jack whispered, "Don't get too far ahead, honey. Watching the swaying back and forth of your pretty little ass is making me hard and horny."

  Laena couldn't stop the gasp at his words. She stumbled slightly and immediately felt his hands at her waist, catching her.

  A moment later, he pressed close. His arm wrapped around her waist. They were a foot from the table, and everyone talked between one another, welcoming Ruth. Jack cleared his throat.

  Laena waited tensely for the others to notice them.

  Frank Hunt stood as soon as he saw Ruth walking over with Michael. He'd always had warmth in his heart for Ruth and all she had overcome, since she'd lost her husband, raising all those kids. Lately, he had even begun to notice how damned attractive Ruth was. Since he'd lost his own wife a few years earlier, many women had considered him fair game but he'd not had any interest in anything beyond his practice.

  Several times he had tried asking Arlene about whether she thought he should start dating once again. Times like that made him realize how much he missed Laena as his daughter-in-law. He'd always been able to stop over for coffee and talk.

  Arlene was too snooty for his likes. She hadn't been that way in the office. But after she'd married Jeff, Arlene made it well known that she was now a member of the "country club set". Jeff cared about image and money, but he couldn't care less.

  Now, looking at Ruth Spencer, he found a new interest in dating, and women. No, not women in general, he realized with some surprise, just Ruth.

  He kissed Ruth as he hugged her close. "You look lovely, Ruth."

  Ruth flushed. "Why, thank you, Frank. You're looking pretty nifty yourself."

  Frank started to reply when he noticed another woman had joined them, and she stood in front of Jack. It only took him a moment to take in the arm around her waist before he glanced upwards and realized the woman was his former daughter-in-law! Quickly he glanced over and saw that his son was equally surprised, which was to say nothing about the look on his new daughter-in-law's face. Hiding his chuckle, he came forward. He'd never been a man to waste time on what other people thought so he reached out and pulled Laena into his embrace. "Why, Laena, my dear, what a delightful surprise!" But he did decide to maintain his air of ignorance. "When did you get back into town?"

  He had quickly decided to pretend he had not been the one to suggest Laena as a companion to Ruth. No good would come from that knowledge, or at least not right now.

  Before Laena could answer, Ruth spoke as she held his gaze. "You told me I needed a companion in the house, Frank, remember? And Laena needed somewhere to live, so we made a bargain."

  He recognized Ruth's reminder of a conversation they'd had some while back. Hopefully the subject would drop here, and later he could explain to Ruth his thoughts on the bending of the truth. Frank nodded, and held out the chair for Laena. Reluctantly, he went back around the table to resume his seat next to his new daughter-in-law. In his unvoiced opinion, Arlene's only redeeming point so far was that she had given him a grandson.

  Frank looked at Jack, who had taken the seat next to Laena. It appeared Jack had been staring at Jeff. Remembering the arm around Laena's waist, Frank imagined Jack must have been gauging the ex-husband's thoughts and emotions. That's what he would be doing.

  Clearly, Jeff's new wife was angry, considering the glare towards Jeff at seeing her husband's ex-wife appearing here instead of being
a thousand or so miles away. But Frank guessed the only thing Jack cared about was whether Laena still had any feelings for the ex-husband across the table.

  With Michael and Frank seated on the ends of the table, that left Sally, Laena and Jack now seated opposite Ruth, Jeff, and Arlene. Needless to say, tension was thick at different parts of the table.

  Jack shook Frank's hand. "It's nice to see you, too, Frank."

  Sally looked at her brother-in-law. "What are your plans now, Jack?"

  Jack shrugged. "Nothing, to be honest. I've thought it over and decided to take some time off. If the money runs out, I've got a couple hundred offers for speaking engagements already."

  Michael laughed. "You! Run out of money? Not bloody likely, bro!"

  Jack shrugged and looked at Laena. "One never knows what you can find to spend your money on these days. Some things are more expensive than others." Very purposefully he looked at Jeff, slid his gaze to Arlene, and finally again at Laena. With intent, he laid his arm along the back of Laena's chair, curling his hand around her far shoulder.

  He ignored the glare from Laena as he glanced around the table. His mother barely concealed a grin behind her glass of water. He had half-expected a dirty look from his mother, but was coming to realize his mother might have her own plans in mind when she had Laena come live with her.

  Frank coughed and choked. As everyone turned in his direction, he cleared his throat. "I'll call over the waiter and let's order, all right?"

  Laena thought she'd be nervous, sitting across from her ex-husband and the woman he had divorced her for. But Jack kept her mind, and her responsive body, too occupied to have the energy to notice much else. His fingers kept moving to caress the naked skin of her back, and every so often, moving up to the nape of her neck.

  She'd worn her hair up, into a soft, sophisticated chignon. Several shorter hairs had fallen down. Jack let his index finger catch one of the trailing strands, and idly curled it around his finger, before finally releasing it slowly. The very intimate gesture sent shivers up and down her spine. She turned her head the first time he did it, to admonish him. But instead, she found herself meeting his intent gaze, and the words died on her lips. It required Frank's insistent voice to draw her attention back to the general conversation at the table.

  She saw the looks that Arlene kept shooting at her husband. She couldn't help but guess that the other woman assumed Jeff had known his ex-wife was still in town. If it had been her, she'd be ticked Jeff had not objected to eating dinner with his ex-wife. She had wondered why, out of the blue, he had notified her months after the birth. Many things hadn't made a lot of sense.

  Arlene spoke loudly. "Sally? I know you can appreciate this with three children of your own. Little Franklin is walking already. We are-" she paused and covered Jeff's hand where it rested on the table, "-so proud of him. Jeff pointed out that he did this nearly two months earlier than normal."

  "Oh. Congratulations, you two!" Sally complimented Jeff and Arlene. "Uh, do you have a picture?"

  When Jeff didn't immediately reach for his wallet, Arlene elbowed him hard in his side. Jeff pulled a picture from his wallet and passed it across the table to Sally.

  Since Laena was seated next to Sally, it was impossible not to see the baby's picture. She smiled at the giggling baby's picture. Above the roaring in her ears, she heard Frank saying something about the baby, and turned to compliment him on his attractive grandson. The words died on her lips as her gaze collided with Jack's. She saw the concern on his face. She smiled at him instead. Moving her hand to his thigh, she pressed it lightly, to reassure him. Keeping her hand there, she looked across the table at Arlene. "He is a lovely baby. Congratulations to you both!"

  When Arlene had brought up the subject of the baby, Laena guessed she struck out in the only way possible in this public venue. She wouldn't blame her if she were pissed at not knowing the ex-wife was still around. Possibly, it was her way to point out her claim on Jeff. Then again, she thought with a smile, maybe she was just a proud mother.

  Jeff and Arlene both looked at her in surprise. That was something neither had probably expected. Laena turned back to look at Jack, and impishly gave into the need to squeeze his firm, muscular thigh. She felt the jerk of his muscles in surprised response, and the look he gave her promised reprisal.

  Jack finished eating first, probably from too many years of rushing through state dinners and dinners on the road, never knowing when he might be interrupted again. He noticed the small live band starting a short time earlier, remembering the dance floor in the lounge section. He pushed out his chair, drawing everyone's attention. He clasped Laena's hand as he excused them to the table. "Laena promised me the first dance." He ignored the surprised look on her face and pulled her to her feet. He led the way to the floor, letting the full effect of her dress be absorbed by the people left behind at the table.

  On the floor, he pulled her close and slid an arm around her, while the other held her hand. He easily matched his steps to hers. His hand began sliding down her naked skin until it rested in the very small of her back, at the curve of her buttocks. He pressed her intimately against himself, letting her feel his hard cock, which had been present for a good portion of the evening. "How are you doing?" he asked, whispering into her ear.

  Laena pulled her head back, surprise evident by the look on her face. "I'm fine, actually, much better than I thought I might be. I'm glad it's over, the first meeting, that is."

  Jack nodded, but lowered his head to kiss the side of her neck. He sucked the tender skin and quite deliberately marked her flesh lightly. He licked the abused skin afterwards, and met her gaze as he looked up. As if reading the question she didn't speak, he told her, "I'm marking you as mine."

  He grinned when Laena gasped. He knew he pushed the envelope for sheer macho chauvinism in his statement. But for some reason, he didn't care. It felt good to claim Laena as "his woman". When she didn't say anything, he pulled her back into his tight embrace, matching his steps to hers.

  Back at the table, they found Ruth had ordered a small cake to welcome Jack home. He smiled tightly, wanting to excuse himself and take Laena home. Instead, they all had to have a piece of the cake. Jack cut off a small piece of his and picked it up in his fingers. Calling her name softly, he watched until Laena turned. He barely allowed her the time to open her mouth to prevent having cake all over her mouth. Jack smiled, liking the intimacy of the act.

  Even more, he enjoyed the astonished look on Jeff's face before he could hurriedly look away. He smiled the whole time as Laena returned the favor. Only he caught her hand and held it while he licked off the clinging bit of icing. He felt the frisson of desire that chased along her nerves as his tongue stroked her skin. Fully aware of the sexuality of their little food play, he did wonder if Laena was equally tuned in to vibrations generated around the table.

  Jack wiped his mouth with his napkin and announced that he was dead-tired following the long drive, so he thought they would call it a night. He glanced over at his mother expecting her to stand also as he pulled Laena to her feet beside him.

  But Ruth just smiled at her oldest son and spoke gently, "John, dear, you two go on home. I'm going to stay a bit longer. Michael has offered to give me a ride home." She smiled complacently.

  Michael found himself nodding and ignoring his wife's surprised look.

  Frank looked at Jack. "You run on home, Jack. I'll be more than happy to see your mother home."

  Ruth flushed as Frank turned back and smiled at her. My goodness, she thought to herself, I'd forgotten how good-looking Frank Hunt really was! She nodded her head and slowly released the punished hand of her son.

  Jack didn't need any more encouragement. He excused them, and without allowing Laena any time to say anything other than goodnight, they headed out of the crowded dining room. He quickly retrieved her coat, and they drove back to the house.

  Chapter 10

  Laena looked at the speedometer on th
e car and was surprised they didn't run into the sheriff again.

  Jack literally sped all the way back home. He didn't bother parking the car in the garage. Once inside the house, he pulled her close and covered her surprised mouth with his. He finally pushed her away, but only for a second. Grabbing her hand, he started up the stairs at a near run. Inside her bedroom, he locked the door. Then he grinned. "If it weren't so chilly tonight, I might have risked pulling off the side of the road again."

  Laena smiled back, glad to see his thoughts had been the same as hers.

  Jack was already tossing his jacket, tie and shirt to the side, even as he kicked off his shoes. As he got a few steps closer, his hands were undoing the belt and his trousers soon followed in the same direction, narrowly chased a second later by his brief jockey shorts. He jerked off his socks, balancing on one foot at a time.

  Laena watched as he kept getting closer and more naked each passing second. And then, he was right in front of her.

  He turned her and gently unfastened the clasp on her dress at her neck and waist. As she turned back to face him, his hands dragged the dress down the front of her. He growled low in his throat as he looked at her naked breasts. "I've been going crazy since I realized you didn't have any kind of bra on under that damned dress tonight!"

  Laena gave him a fake smile. "So that means you don't like my dress after all, then?"

  Jack shook his head. "It isn't good for my blood pressure." His hands were already pushing her dress past her hips.

  It fell into a pool of black at her feet. By the harsh breath Jack took, she guessed that he wasn't prepared for the fact she had on no panties and was left wearing a black garter belt, decorated on the lace with red roses, black stockings and her black heels.

  "Damn it!"

  Laena looked up into his face. "What's wrong?"

  Jack threaded his fingers into her hair and pulled the pins from it. He pulled it forward to drape over her breasts. "If I live through the night, you just may be the death of me."


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