Inventing Love

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Inventing Love Page 5

by Killarney Sheffield

  “Oh, yes,” she said, her voice a trifle breathless.

  Her obvious delight made him smile. The cool, collected Alex had turned into a shy, excited debutante simply by shedding her breeches and donning a silk dress. Together, arm in arm, they walked through the foyer and out to the waiting carriage.

  * * * *

  Alex tried to still the nervous butterflies dancing in her stomach as they entered the crowded tile and mirror ballroom in the governor’s mansion. Bountiful bouquets of soft mauve and white lilacs graced every available table, intertwined with fat butter yellow candles that made the air heady with the scent of flowers, melting beeswax and ladies’ perfume. Garlands of lilacs wound about the great pillars in the room as well. A kaleidoscope of color twirled and shifted in the form of stylishly clad men and woman mingling and dancing to the gentle overtones of a small orchestra set up on a raised platform in the corner. She clutched Weston’s arm, crushing the soft velvet of his dress coat in her clammy fingers. She must take care to guard her speech to seem like the titled lady she was fooling everyone into thinking she was, for tonight at least. Excitement tingled in her veins, adding a rushing sound to the pounding of her heart. Her first ball and it was as magical as any she had ever dreamed of.

  Weston patted the hand on his arm gently and smiled before he lifted a delicate crystal goblet of a pale bubbly substance off a passing servant’s tray. He handed the glass to her and accepted one for himself from the smiling serving girl. They walked through the throngs of people, many of which turned to greet Weston and regard Alex with curious glances. Weston nodded and exchanged polite greetings to many of them, but continued to make his way toward a line of chairs set up along one side of the ballroom. Once they were seated Alex raised the glass to her lips and took a sip. The cool drink was tart and the bubbles tickled the back of her throat and nose.

  “Mmm, what is this?”

  A small smile tweaked the corners of Weston’s lips, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Have you never had champagne before?”

  She shook her head and sipped at the intriguing delicacy.

  “Then I should perhaps warn you if you consume too much of the delightful stuff it will render you quite incapacitated by night’s end and leave you regretting much by morning.”

  “Mmm, are you saying I will become quite foxed, Weston?” she asked with a sly smile.

  He arched an eyebrow and smiled. “That is exactly what I am saying, to put it rather indelicately.”

  “Duly noted then.” With a smile she set her now empty glass down beside her chair.

  “Lord Grendal, my good man, where have you been hiding yourself these days?”

  Alex looked up as a tall man with a rather indescribable mustache and beard strolled forward. Pressing her lips together she tried to refrain from giggling at the vulgar extreme of his facial hair. Good Lord! The man looked like the funny apes she had seen at the traveling animal exhibit her father once took her to see.

  “Good evening, Lord Brownfield.” Weston shook the man’s outstretched hand and turned to introduce her. “I would like to present my...cousin, Lilly Tremaine, from Philadelphia.”

  Lord Brownfield bowed low and kissed the air above her hand. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Tremaine. Let me be the first to request the honor of a dance.”

  “I…I’m afraid that…” She looked to Weston in a panic. She didn’t know how to dance! What was she going to do?

  Weston frowned slightly when she shook her head and then cleared his throat. “It has been quite a while since my...cousin has danced, my lord, please forgive her. She has spent many a year cloistered in the Sisters of Perpetual Providence Convent you see.”

  Lord Brownfield’s expression, to his credit did not change; either that or his shock was hidden behind his monstrosity of a beard. “Ah, a devout Christian lady. My dear wife will be more than pleased to call upon you at your earliest convenience to help with all her little ‘do good’ projects.”

  Now Alex was truly flustered. How would she explain that she was unable to receive his wife?

  Weston shook his head. “I am afraid my dear cousin must return to Philadelphia tomorrow. It seems her mother has taken ill and requested Lilly return home.”

  “Oh dear, I hope it is not serious?”

  Alex hurried to explain. “Oh no, my lord. She has a touch of Dodoextinctdavitus is all.”

  Lord Brownfield frowned. “Sounds dreadful. Well, then by all means you must go home. Please extend my wishes for a speedy recovery to your mother then.” He gave a small bow, nodded to Weston and was on his way.

  Alex smothered a giggle when Weston gave her an inquiring lift of his brows. “Dodoextinctdavitus?”

  “Just a fancy way of saying she is as dead as a Dodo bird.” She couldn’t hold back her giggle when his eyes twinkled. A servant paused with a tray of champagne and she accepted a second glass.

  A few minutes later the orchestra switched to a slow soft melody and Weston stood. He held out his hand and gave a small bow. “Would you honor me with this dance, miss?”

  She shook her head. “Honestly Weston, I don’ not know how to do these modern steps. I haven’t…have not danced since I was a girl with my father.”

  “It is an easy dance. Come, I will teach you.”

  “You? You can dance?” She arched a skeptical brow. “You hardly seem the type.”

  He shrugged. “My mother insisted on my learning all the dance steps so I might one day court some simple young mind into accepting my suit.”

  “And, it didn’t— did not work I see,” she teased.

  “That is because I made sure to step on all their delicate toes.” He grinned and again she had the distinct impression of a smiling cherub in his dimpled face.

  Quickly she finished the drink, set down the glass and reluctantly took his out stretched hand. “I warn you that I will be the one stepping on toes tonight, my lord.”

  He inclined his head. “You will not hear a single complaint from me.”

  Enfolded in his warm embrace she willingly allowed him to teach her the simple new steps, pleased that they were indeed easy to pick up and execute. She laughed as he spun her around, the excitement and champagne going to her head.

  By the time they danced two faster sets Alex was flushed and heated. A servant appeared as if on cue and offered them more champagne. “Thank you,” she said softly over the rim of her glass as she lifted it in slight salute to Weston.


  “For making me feel like a great lady tonight.”

  He smiled. “You are welcome.”

  Alex flipped open her fan and waved it vigorously. “I never realized how hot a ball could be.”

  “Perhaps it might be cooler out on the veranda.” Weston offered her his hand.

  Setting down her now empty glass, she took his hand and followed him out the open double doors to the dim veranda. Couples stood here and there encompassed in the shadows, talking and giggling. A slight breeze lifted Alex’s curls from her neck, the feeling refreshing and enjoyable. “Oh, that is so much better.” She leaned back against the railing, closing her eyes as a wave of light headedness washed over her and listened to a lone bird calling from somewhere nearby. It was like a wonderful dream. One night being a lady that would have to last her for the rest of her life and comfort her on the cold lonely nights of spinsterhood ahead.

  “Are you feeling all right?”

  She nodded and put a hand to his chest to steady herself. “I were right.”


  “The champagne.” Her eyes met his and even in the dim light she could see his gaze drop to her lips. The sudden urge to kiss him engulfed her. It couldn’t hurt to kiss him, just once...could it? Afraid her courage would vanish she stood on her tip toes and touched her lips to his. A spark of something static, dark and warm passed between them. Suddenly, she found herself in his arms, hers wrapped around his neck. The air positively crackled between the
m as she sighed and he smothered a groan against her lips. A dull tension built down low in her feminine region. Perhaps it was the drink...perhaps it was more. She didn’t care. For the moment all she wanted was to be held in his gentle embrace and seduced by his lips.

  Just as she was beginning to lose herself in his probing kiss he pulled back. His breathing ragged he stepped away, removing her arms from around his neck. “We cannot do this, not here, not now. Come on, I had better get you home before we both do something we will regret.”

  Chapter Nine

  Alex rolled over on the soft feather tick and moaned. Her tongue felt thick and fuzzy, her mouth stale and dry. She put a hand to her achy head and slowly opened her eyes. After blinking a couple of times she finally focused them on the delicate gold and white canopy above her head. It hadn’t all been just a dream. A small smile spread upon her lips until the pain in her head chased it away. Grimacing, she closed her eyes. For one night she had become what she always longed to be, a beautiful lady, but upon awakening it vanished like a fairy tale once the pages of the book were closed.

  A knock on the door roused her.

  “Yes?” She sat up and sighed as the door opened.

  The maid from the night before smiled and hurried in with a breakfast tray. “His lordship says you must be on the way within the hour.” She set the tray containing a cup of chocolate, two slices of buttered toast and a coddled egg across her lap.

  Alex frowned. Barely enough food to feed a bird. Is this what real ladies ate every morning? Good Lord. No wonder they were so skinny and swooned a lot. Irritation built as her headache worsened. Weston was certainly in a hurry to be rid of her this morning. Had he tired of playing the chivalrous gentleman already? Perhaps he was tired of her company after all she had— Oh Lord! A scene from the night before flashed through her mind. She hadn’t, had she? With a moan she clasped her throbbing head in her hands. Of course he was anxious to get rid of her! She kissed him. In a drunken, unladylike fashion she had thrown herself at him. Mortification flooded her. How could she have done something so horribly wanton? Oh, what was she going to do? Could she blame the action on the champagne? Perhaps he wouldn’t mention it.

  Pushing the tray from her lap she climbed from the bed. With a sigh she crossed to the dressing screen to remove the silky white night dress Weston had purchased for her and don her cleaned breeches and shirt. A calm sense of normalcy seemed to return once she was clad in the familiar clothing. Once again she was Alex, the woman who could handle anything, no longer Alexandra the debutante. Armed once again to face the world she headed downstairs.

  A well-attired butler showed her to a small informal dining room that over looked a blooming garden. Weston set aside his paper as she entered. He glanced at her attire before taking a sip of his coffee.

  “Right, I’m ready to go.” Self-consciously she crossed her arms. Why did she feel as if she were grossly underdressed? It had never happened before.

  Weston set his cup back on the saucer. His full lips parted as if he were about to say something but then he looked away and rose to his feet. “Yes, we should be going.”

  In silence they made their way out to his waiting carriage. Alex perched on the edge of the plush cushions, uncomfortable in the stillness. Not a word passed between them as they rolled along the waking streets of Washington at a smart clip until the post’s towers came into view.

  With an apologetic looked Weston opened the laundry sack. “Back in you go, my lady.”

  Alex grimaced and stepped into the sack. When it closed over her head she sighed. Everything would be as it was. The fairy tale was over.

  * * * *

  Alex ignored the rustle of the tent flap and rubbed her throbbing temples as she stared at the blueprints in front of her on the desk. No matter how she looked at it, her problem was still going to be harnessing the steam to control the speed of the carriage.

  “I brought you something to eat since you did not come to the dining hall.”

  She nodded at Weston without looking up. As if her headache wasn’t bad enough, now she would have the added strain of having to converse with him. After the disgraceful way she behaved the evening before she would rather not have to see him again. With a sigh she reached over and plucked a bit of cheese and bread from the tray.

  “Are you still having a problem with the regulator?”

  “Yes. I can’t use a wooden cap to seal it off as the steam will cause it to expand and warp. If I use tin the heat will also keep it from fitting tightly and other metal will rust.” She sighed and popped a bit of the bread and cheese in her mouth.

  “Hum...Perhaps you could use gold or silver to line the cap?”

  She shook her head. “Too costly and hard to acquire.”


  Brass...? She pondered the idea. Brass could be bent and shaped to fit the cap and would not melt or warp. She glanced up. “That just might work, but where am I to get such a commodity here?”

  Weston’s brows puckered and a slow smile spread across his lips. “I know just where. I shall have it for you by the time you finish your meal.” With a cocky wink he turned and left.

  Alex frowned at the tent flap as it dropped into place. What the devil was he up to? She didn’t have long to wonder before true to his word, he was back just as she picked up the last piece of bread off the tray.

  With a triumphant grin he held up two shiny brass candlestick holders. “Will these do if we melt them down and shape them?”

  Alex took one and turned it over in her hand. “Possibly. Where did you get them?”

  His grin grew broader. “From the general’s dinner table.”

  She gave a shriek of laughter at his boldness. “Oh dear, won’t he be upset? Surely these must have cost a small fortune.”

  He shrugged. “All in the name of service to his country, I dare say.”

  “I’ll need to take these to Freeman and get him to melt them down and shape them.”

  “I dare not sneak you out again for the private was very suspicious when you arrived from the dining hall with me this morning. I am afraid he did not entirely believe our tale of him sleeping through your leaving the tent in search of some water. For all I know the lad does not even sleep, for I have never seen him anything but open-eyed and watchful.”

  “But I cannot melt and form the shape myself.” Alex frowned.

  “Perhaps you can draw in detail what you need and I can take it to Freeman?”

  “I suppose.” Alex drew the idea on a piece of parchment and handed it to Weston with the candlesticks.

  “I will take it right away.” Weston left the tent again as Alex turned back to her blueprints.

  Once she had the piece made and in place, all that was left to do was to test her father’s invention out before adding the modifications the general had specified. She wandered over to the machine. It now stood as tall as two men on its four thick metal legs. A large wooden chamber sat atop them that housed the potbellied boiler to burn the coal which would make the steam to power the hulking carriage. The inside would easily accommodate four crewmen and two ships’ cannons. She walked around the machine and climbed up the ladder. A massive wooden box made up the back end that would carry the coal to burn and the cannon balls. She opened the door and looked inside. Yes, it would do. The narrow slits in the front and sides would allow just enough room for gun muzzles to fit through.

  She ran her fingers across the various levers. Her father would be proud and pleased to see his vision now solid and fulfilled. It was almost the end of the month. She would have the project completed on time, and have five thousand dollars to buy herself a future. Somehow it sounded hollow now. An empty house where people would still frown at her and treat her as a leper. Even five thousand dollars wouldn’t buy her a suitor or a husband and children. She would still be “noddy” Alex Evans. The only difference would be having a roof over her head and she wouldn’t have to worry about making the rents on time.

>   Her mind wandered back to the kiss the night before. She could get used to wearing a dress and kissing lips like those every day. Oh who was she fooling? Weston wouldn’t want her, besides he was too dull, starched...funny...and handsome.

  “Miss Evans.”

  Alex looked down from the weapon slit as General Madden strolled around the machine. “General, I didn’t expect you to visit today.”

  He scowled up at her. “Of course not. Is it ready?”

  She bit her lip at his rude and condescending tone. Apparently she was smart enough to build a war machine, but still just a lowly woman and peasant. “Almost.”

  “When will it be ready to test?”

  “I need another day to finish modifying the pressure cap.”

  “Perhaps less wandering about unaccompanied would help you finish quicker.”

  She caught her breath. He knew. How? “I only went in search of some water, General, sir.”

  He snorted. “I was not born yesterday, Miss Evans. I know your kind. You were off sharing your favors with one of my men. I will not have you plying your wiles on them. They have important work to do and a battle to think on.”

  Alex drew herself up to her full height on the ladder and glared at him. “Now see here, General. How dare you accuse me of wantonness. I have done nothing of the sort.”

  “Save your breath, Jezebel, I know your kind. Everyone knows your mother’s kind.” He sneered up at her.

  Anger boiled in her veins. How dare he? Why, she had half a mind to deliberately misplace a part of the war machine so that it wouldn’t work. No, she could not do that she admonished herself, for then she would never get the coin he promised her. She turned her back on him. “The machine will be ready by tomorrow, General.”


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