Anything For You (The Connor Family Book 1)

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Anything For You (The Connor Family Book 1) Page 14

by Layla Hagen

  I nodded, understanding where he was coming from. “I get what you’re saying.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. Our situations were nothing alike, but I often felt like a parent for Grace. Especially on the nights our parents were performing.”

  We came to a stop at the foot of the wooded trail.

  “The venues where they performed weren’t exactly kid friendly, so we were on our own a lot from the time I was about nine.”

  Landon frowned. “Nine is young to be left alone. Especially with a younger sibling.”

  “I know, but they didn’t have much choice. They’re good people, but very passionate about music.” I’d often wondered if they loved music more than us, but that was a really unfair judgment. They did the best they could, and that was really all any of us could do. “They provided us with enough to get by, it’s just... I’d just wished they’d been more present, you know? It was the little things that added up, like Grace falling asleep waiting for them, wanting to show them something she’d drawn. Or when I wanted to talk to my mom about girl issues, but she didn’t have time, so I interrogated the lady at the pharmacy. I sound ungrateful.”

  “You wanted love and attention,” Landon said softly. “Those are normal things to want.”

  I blinked, shaking my head. “I don’t usually talk about this.” What was it about him that made me talk so freely?

  “You can talk to me about anything, Maddie. I understand where you’re coming from, and I like listening to you.”

  We were more alike than I’d thought. I felt the connection between us like a physical hook in my heart, pulling me closer to him.

  “Anyway, back to you and your family. You should try being more... relaxed around them. When they ask you how it’s going, try not to automatically say, ‘I have everything under control.’”

  “I’m that predictable?”

  “No, but I’m starting to figure you out, Landon Connor. And if I can figure you out, so can they, so be upfront with them.”

  “I’ll try.” The corners of his mouth twitched. “You took Jace’s trolling like a champ.”

  I feigned shock. “Trolling? That was serious advice. And I plan to use my womanly wiles on you tonight.”

  “Do you now?”


  “What are you doing this weekend?” he murmured. “I’d like to spend it together with you, if that’s possible.”

  “I’d love that. I have plans for tomorrow, though. In the morning, Grace and I are going to the flea market. You want to come with us?”

  “I have a conference call with Adam, my acting CEO, in the morning. I had no time to talk to him today. What are you doing in the afternoon?”

  “I need to paint two of my outer walls. I painted the other two a while ago, but I really need to get to it this weekend. But after that, I’m free to use my womanly wiles on you again.”

  “You’re painting alone?”

  “Yes, Grace is working at Macy’s in the afternoon before her shift at the Lucky Bar.”

  “I’ll paint with you.”

  I waved my hand. “Oh no. That’s a messy affair.”

  “So? We’ll be faster together.”

  “Landon, really. I’ll deal with it.” I made to walk toward the front gate, but he caught my arm, spinning me to face him. His gaze was focused, hard.

  “Why are you so stubborn?”

  “I’m not stubborn, but I don’t want you to feel obligated to help me with stuff like that. It feels as if we’re a couple.”

  I felt vulnerable for revealing that particular detail. I was pushing him out, and I didn’t know how to stop. After my breakup, I’d been afraid to let anyone get close. I didn’t want to give anyone the chance to make me feel insignificant. I tried to shrug everything off, but I suspected Landon could see right through me. He seemed wired to my emotions.

  He let go of my arm, cupping my face in both hands. “We are a couple, Maddie. This isn’t just a romp between the sheets. Yes, I want you every damn second of every damn day, but I also want to just spend time with you. Doesn’t matter what we do.” His thumbs caressed my cheekbones, and then he kissed me. “You’re fun, loyal. You’re a great woman, Maddie. You deserve someone who knows how to treat you the right way. I want to be that man for you. Here, now, I want to be that man.”

  He leaned in until his chest brushed my breasts, and I sucked in a breath. Landon stole the next one, sealing his mouth over mine. He kissed me gently but demandingly. I twisted my fingers through his hair. His hands and lips were wreaking havoc on my senses, but his words had reached straight to my heart. Landon was like a hurricane. He swept me off my feet completely, and even though I knew I’d be better off in the long term if I fought my feelings, I couldn’t do it anymore. I wanted to take all this man had to offer, experience everything he made me feel.

  Landon tore his mouth away. “Woman! Don’t start with those wiles before we even leave my sister’s yard.”

  Laughter began to bubble up my chest, but it got stuck in my throat when he cupped my breast, flicking my nipple over my dress. After work, I’d changed into a light blue cotton dress with a V neckline and short sleeves.

  He lowered his hand on my right thigh, bunching up my dress until he reached my skin. I shuddered.

  “I love how your body reacts to me. It makes me want to just stroke you like this for hours.”

  I bucked my hips, desperate for more friction. He kissed down the side of my face, tugging at my earlobe, whispering in my ear.

  “Landon! The things you make me want.” How could he bring me from zero to 100 percent turned on in a few seconds? I didn’t even know I was capable of that. Landon made me discover new sides of myself, though I suspected I would only ever respond to him this way. It was pitch dark in the yard, but still. I couldn’t climb him here, so I did the sensible thing and took a step back.

  “Shall we go?” I asked.

  “Yeah, we should.” I heard the smile in his voice as we left the yard. “So, we’re on for painting tomorrow.”

  “Yes, bossy man. We’re on for painting. Where do you want to go now?” I asked once we were in the car. “The view from the Griffith Observatory is really spectacular at night. Or we could go to the observation deck on city hall, and then have drinks downtown. Or we could go to a beach. Not Venice, too much going on.”

  “I forgot how amazing this city was.”

  “Oh, I’ll remind you. I always think imports value LA more than the locals.”

  A dangerous idea popped into my mind. Would he ever consider moving back here? Could I... persuade him? I shook my head, pushing away the selfish thought. But I found myself wishing that this thing between us could stretch beyond here and now.

  “Well, then, LA expert. Show me what I’ve been missing. You choose the adventure tonight.”

  I glanced at him suspiciously. “You’re so accommodating. No negotiations?”

  “I’ll prove my negotiating prowess later tonight.”

  “Will clothes be involved?”

  “Of course.” He leaned in closer. “I didn’t say we’d be wearing those clothes.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I rarely admitted that I bit off more than I could chew, even to myself. But two weeks into juggling two companies, I had to admit it. Overseeing the development of Val’s project for the department store had turned into running the entire company. Since her headaches had subsided somewhat, Val was working from home a few hours a day, answering e-mails and taking phone calls, but the brunt of the work had to be done from the office. When my sister was back on her feet, I had to talk her into hiring someone as a right hand. She couldn’t do the job of two people forever.

  The deal with Sullivan required more of my time than I’d anticipated, which explained why I was the last person in the building, with samples of perfumes and body washes covering half of my desk, reports the other half.

  A shuffling sound caught my attention
, and I looked up from the samples, wondering if Val’s assistant was still here after all, but was pleasantly surprised to see Maddie leaning against the doorway. I rose from my seat and headed to her.

  “Beautiful, come on in. What are you doing here? How long have you been standing there?”

  “Not long. Was just admiring a CEO in action. It’s a very good look. That suit and those cuff links are yumm. Do you have an endless supply of both?”

  “Almost.” Adam had sent over almost all of my clothes.

  “I’ve come to whisk you away.”

  I pulled her into the office, kissing her hard. I’d spent almost every night at her house the past two weeks. Her bed was my favorite place. Her sweet smell was embedded in the sheets and the pillows. It was my own personal heaven.

  “Come on, let’s go,” she murmured.

  I glanced back at the literal mountains of work on my desk, but she tsked.

  “Oh, so you think you can boss me into painting my house, but I can’t take you away? That’s not how it works, Mr. CEO. I give in, you give in. It’s a two-way street.”

  I had no idea what she had in store, but I was looking forward to it. My Maddie had been a bright light among the San Jose deal spiraling out of control and developing Val’s line. But coming home to Maddie and waking up next to her had made everything else manageable.

  “You’re feisty today! I wasn’t going to say no. That mountain of work can wait until tomorrow.”

  Her face split into a grin. “Come on, then. We have a sunset to catch, and an evening of debauchery to take your mind off that mountain of work.”

  We arrived at our destination forty minutes later. The view was extraordinary, the weather as warm as mid-July could be in LA. We were higher up over the city than I’d realized. I could even spot the ocean in the distance. As far as parks went, this one was wild. We were surrounded by yellowing bushes and overgrown grass, but I preferred it to perfectly kept spaces. As a plus, we had no company.

  Maddie sat down on the grass, stretching out her legs. She patted the spot next to her, but I shook my head. Instead, I sat behind her, pressing my chest against her back, cradling her legs between mine, needing to touch as much of her as possible.

  “How was your day?” I asked.

  “Exciting. I’m always excited when I start a new project. It’s so weird being in a school and not seeing any kids around. But it’s easier to work when they’re on vacation. We’re due to finish right before they start school. I’m going to miss working for Val, though. And I can’t spy on her from a distance.”

  “Between Lori, Jace, and Will stopping by so often, I think that’s covered. How did you discover this place?”

  “I often look for wild spots in the city. For inspiration, you know, since my landscaping aims to mimic the wilderness. Natural habitats have a more relaxing effect on the human brain than perfectly manicured spaces. Obviously I can’t just plant things anywhere and allow them to grow wild, because they’d get in the way. It wouldn’t be practical at all. But I like observing naturally formed clearings and such, because nature usually finds clever solutions, you know?”

  I didn’t know because I rarely paid attention to such things. In fact, I didn’t remember the last time I’d taken the time to watch the sunset. Usually I avoided downtime at all costs. But with Maddie, all I wanted to do was carve out more of it in the weeks we had. I liked that she made me stop and pay attention to details.

  “I saw an ad today from a residential housing developer. They’re working on a green concept. They want to raise apartment buildings and have the surroundings look like a park. It would be a dream to work on something like that.” She giggled. “Sorry, that was random. I was just excited when I saw it.”

  “It’s an honor to hear about your dreams,” I assured her. “Thank you for sharing them with me. Did you apply?”

  “I did, actually. But I think I did it just because I couldn’t help myself. I don’t have the capacity for such a project. The area they’re talking about is huge.”

  “A partnership sounds more appealing?” I teased.

  “The idea keeps nagging, but it still sounds more like an ordeal than an opportunity.”

  “That’s fear, Maddie, because it went wrong once. You shouldn’t let that keep you from going after what you want.”

  “I know... you’re right. I could approach bigger projects in between residential ones. There are so many opportunities in LA, and there are so many different habitats. That’s what I love about this city. When I first moved here, I traipsed through the city for hours every afternoon, determined to learn it.”

  I loved her determination to own her life no matter what. I almost asked her if she’d ever consider leaving LA. From what she’d shared about her ex and her move to LA, I was willing to bet every penny to my name that she wouldn’t upend her life again, least of all for a man. And it wasn’t fair to ask her to give anything up for me, when I wasn’t sure that what I had to offer was enough to make her happy. But damn if I didn’t want the right to make all of her dreams come true.

  I pushed her hair to one side, kissing the back of her neck. Being near her and touching her wasn’t enough. I wanted to taste her. She stilled when my tongue came in contact with her skin, letting out the sweetest moan.

  “You’re so good with your mouth,” she whispered.

  I kissed her until the rhythm of her breathing intensified and she crossed her legs on a gasp. I groaned, knowing what that meant. But I wanted to hear her say it.

  “Are you wet?”

  She made a small sound at the back of her throat, nodding. I tugged at her earlobe with my teeth, curious to test how far I could push her.

  “Landon!” she whispered. “We can’t get naked here.”

  “Sweetness, I don’t need to get you naked to make you come.”

  She was wearing denim shorts and a pink polo shirt.

  Maddie swatted me away, pointing to the horizon. “Keep your hands where I can see them.”

  I placed one on her breast, the other between her legs, rubbing her pussy over the denim. I moved two fingers up and down, turning us both on. She swatted my hands away again.

  “You’re distracting me.” Her voice was breathy and uneven.

  “If my hands distract you, that says more about you than about me.”

  “We came all the way here to see the sunset. Keep those dirty thoughts for later. Much later.”

  I wasn’t going to settle for much later. “We’ll watch the sunset, Maddie. But we won’t end this rendezvous without me sinking into you. You can choose where—here, the car, your house—but I will make love to you.”

  “You’ve got no shame,” she whispered.

  “Or honor,” I confirmed. “Not when it comes to you.”

  She turned around and pressed her mouth to mine. “So that’s how you’re playing it, huh? Sweet-talking your way into my thong?”

  She wiggled out from between my thighs, sitting next to me. I pulled her feet into my lap and took off her sandals. She groaned when I pressed my thumb into the arch of her foot.

  “Oh, pulling out the big guns, huh? Giving me foot rubs?”

  “You’re on your feet all day.”

  “I see. Just to double-check, this is purely for my benefit? You’re not looking for sexy rewards later on?”

  “Sweetness, make no mistake, I’ll take those rewards. But this is just for you.”

  She smiled at me, and I knew right then that I’d die a happy man if I could have her smile at me like that every day for the rest of our lives. We watched in silence as the sky turned a mix of pink and orange and then descended into darkness while the city lit up gradually.

  After putting her sandals back on, Maddie rose to her feet so fast that she nearly lost her balance.

  “Hurrying somewhere?” I teased, steadying her.

  “Yep. I’m no exhibitionist, so the house it will be. Unless those were empty promises?” She jutted her chin out, challenge
rising in her eyes.

  “My promises are never empty, Maddie.” To drive the point home, I pulled her flush against me so she could feel just how hard I was for her. Cupping her ass, I kept her in place, rubbing against her lightly. She gasped, digging her fingers into my arms.

  “Oh, perfect. I can’t wait for you to make good on those promises.”

  She blushed, licking her lips. I tugged that lip between my teeth, making her squirm.

  “I hope you liked our trip. This is my secret place, by the way, so don’t go around blabbing about it,” she said.

  “My lips are sealed. Thanks for bringing me here.”

  When she rested her arms around my neck, I felt more connected to her than I’d ever felt to anyone. The realization should have scared me, but instead I held her closer. How was I going to handle not having her in my life?

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Hailey dropped a bomb at the next Friday dinner.

  “You didn’t,” I exclaimed.

  “Yeah, I did. Look, you’ve been stretching yourself thin these past three weeks. I can even see some white hairs sprouting. I spoke to my boss and told him I need to take one month off. He went berserk, but I pulled on all my negotiation skills and convinced him to give me three weeks. So Monday morning, I’m coming to the office with you. We can split tasks.”

  I stared at her in bewilderment. “Okay, back up. How did you come to the conclusion that I need help?”

  “Your partnership with Sullivan is rocky, and Val’s project requires 200 percent of your attention. Some might even say it would have been a great idea for her to hire someone to assist her.”

  She slid her gaze to Val, who was suddenly very interested in her quinoa and avocado salad. Since we wanted Val to rest, we took turns preparing Friday dinner. This had been Will’s contribution. Had I been too careless these past Fridays? Complained too much? I racked my brain but didn’t remember doing so.

  “Hailey, I appreciate the thought, but this isn’t necessary. You have your own career to focus on.”

  Hailey crossed her arms over her chest. “I have a lot of accrued time. It’s my right to go on vacation. My boss is like all bosses—present company excluded, I hope”—she slid Val and me a cutting look—“and he doesn’t like his employees to actually take time off, but there’s nothing he can do about it.”


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