Policy of Truth (Sacred Heart Continuum Series Book 1)

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Policy of Truth (Sacred Heart Continuum Series Book 1) Page 10

by Scarlett Holloway

  “What do you mean?” Lace looked pointedly at Durty. “If there’s something you need to tell us, spit it out. Secrets get people killed.”

  Durty clasped her hands together to keep them from shaking, her eyes dropping to stare at them, her voice barely above a whisper. “I think part of the reason for Stellar’s injuries were my fault. She came to my defense when I got smart with Cobra after he slapped me. I think that’s why she got the brunt of it.” Durty clenched her eyes shut, trying to keep the tears forming from falling. “He was pissed because I kept insulting him, so Stellar stepped in to defend me. If I’d just kept my mouth shut, maybe none of this would’ve happened.”

  The room was silent as Durty waited for someone to say something. She lifted her gaze up to glance around at the women she called family. None would look at her, except Viper, who had an angered expression. Durty was afraid to look at Lace after seeing Viper’s look.

  Viper’s voice was quiet with emphasis as she spoke. “You’re right to tell us. It would’ve been worse if we found out from Stellar. And yeah, you shouldn’t have pushed Cobra. The difference between being vested in this club and being a prospect,” Viper glanced to Fenix then back to Durty. “Is the fact you know when to speak up and when to keep your dick eater shut. No disrespect, Fenix.”

  “None taken,” Fenix replied.

  Viper continued, pointing a finger at Durty. “You, of all people, ought to know when you’re staring down anyone in a situation like that, you don’t say shit. You not only placed yourself in danger, but two of your sisters, and now maybe all of us. Where the hell is your head? This shit started with the Jenny situation by almost getting yourself shot, and now your mouth is writing checks your ass can’t cash.”

  Durty finally chanced a look at Lace, who had her arms crossed over her chest, her face clouded with anger. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Viper snorted at Durty’s response. “At this point, you don’t even act like you’re in this damn club. I ought to beat your ass, but Cobra beat me to it.”

  Lace sighed and interrupted Viper’s rampage. “Enough.” Lace cast a warning glance toward the red head, then looked back at Durty. “Viper is right. You can’t let your temper get the best of you. You fucked up, we’re human. But you coming clean means you’ve learned, which is going to save you an eye-dotting. Anyone in your situation probably would’ve done the same thing. The difference is that we live in a different world. We have to know when to stand up and when to let shit go and bite your tongue.”

  Durty could only nod, unable to find her voice. She had it coming, she expected worse—much worse.

  Viper licked her lips and nodded. “I have every right to fine you and pull your bottom rocker for the shit you pulled. Bust your ass back down to prospect since you want to act like one. But I’ll take your heart patch instead.”

  Durty’s jaw dropped as Viper laid out her punishment. The heart patch was an earned patch that was respected almost more than a bottom rocker. To have it pulled meant you did something gravely wrong.

  In shock, Durty’s mind flashed back to the moment she got the hard to earn patch. She’d been in the club for a little over three years, all her time and energy spent organizing charity events for the Angels to take part in, and if she wasn’t building an event, she was getting the other women to participate in the town’s events, showing the support of the club, that just because they were bikers didn’t mean they were trash.

  She’d raised thousands of dollars for shelters and reliefs for the abused, to the addicts. Lace had stood there, proudly in front of not only the Angel’s, but the Santa Muerte and the Roja’s, describing how dedicated Durty was to keeping the Angel’s respected and how loyal she’d been. Lace even went into detail about getting the club recognized by a state senator for not only organizing a state-wide poker run to help abused women and children, but raised over a quarter of a million dollars as well.

  It turned out to be the biggest event the state had seen where bikers were involved. She’d given the credit to the club rather than taking it herself.

  “You’ve placed this club in immediate danger and a sister put her life on the line to protect you after you lost control of your temper, causing you to make a really bad decision. You’re going to earn that shit back.” Viper tossed her a stitch ripper. “Get to it.”

  Durty didn’t bother to stop the tears from slipping down her cheeks. It felt as if her soul was being torn from her. She’d rather have been beat down or have her rocker taken, than being made to remove the very patch that told other clubs where her heart and soul lived. Getting her ass kicked by Cobra was nothing compared to this.

  Her hand trembled as she picked up the tool to remove her patch. Shrugging out of her cut, she laid it tenderly on the table, not saying a word. What could she say? Sorry didn’t even cover the events that had unfolded.

  “Durty,” Lace’s soft voice was filled with concern. “I know this is hard. Hell, it is on all of us. But when you joined this family, five years ago, I saw the strength you have and the way you care for people. You made a mistake. We all do. Hard times in life are what makes us stronger, and Lord knows you’ve been through your share already.”

  Durty could only nod, unable to find her voice, though, she wouldn’t have trusted it now if she’d found it. The last piece of thread was removed from the sacred heart patch and handed to Lace. Durty locked eyes with her president and friend before she released her hold on the fabric. “I will earn this back.”

  “I’m counting on it.” Lace handed the patch to Flames to hold and put in the safe that the secretary kept. “Would Brett or Xander know any other guys to hire?”

  Durty was thankful for the change of subject, slipping her cut back on. “I’ll text and ask when we’re done here.”

  Chapter 15

  Talk Talk

  Sting pulled out his cell phone after it chimed, glancing down at the text. Laughing, he took a drink of his beer before he spoke to the other three in the room. “Durty just text and asked if I knew any guys who might be interested in working at Domino and the Battleground.”

  Steel chuckled, nodding his bald head. “Tilly finally took my advice. That’s great.”

  Butcher looked between Steel and Sting. “Did I miss something?”

  T-Rex rolled his black eyes. “I’m always left out of the loop, Butcher. Don’t feel bad.”

  “I feel like my wife and daughter are here talking in code. How about filling us in?” Butcher grunted.

  Steel smirked. “I’m sure you don’t want to know what Andrea and Kirsty talk about. It might give you nightmares.” Rubbing his chin, Steel looked over at Sting before he glanced back to Butcher. “I told Tilly she needed to hire more security for the bar since the Warriors were gunning for them.”

  “Durty says they need two or three more guys.” Sting lazily lifted a single shoulder.

  “Lace knows all the guys, but you. We got lucky you just transferred in. Call up a couple of the El Cajon guys and see if we can get them to help out.”

  Butcher’s brows rose with a slow shake of his head. “You’re asking for a serious ass kicking. I want to be a fly on the wall when Lace finds out you’re interfering in club business.”

  “And I won’t get my ass kicked if you keep it on the down low, which was why I hadn’t told you yet.” Steel smiled good naturedly.

  T-Rex let out a low whistle. “You’re asking for trouble, man. Lace has a temper and you know it. I don’t even want to be on the receiving end of it.”

  Sting elbowed T-Rex, wiggling his brows. “I think Steel is a glutton for her kind of punishment.”

  Steel pointed at Sting, wagging his finger at him. “Don’t go there. I’ve known Tilly since we were teenagers.”

  Sting was taken aback by the warning in the tone of Steel’s voice. He knew the two of them were close, but this was the first thing that gave him a clue of how deep their relationship went. Sting couldn’t
help but wonder just how close the two of them really were. Steel was very private about his life outside of the club.

  Sting threw up his hands in defense, quickly backpedaling. “Hey, I’m just joking. I didn’t know you two were that close. No offense, man.”

  Steel’s eyes darkened dangerously, opposite of the smile he flashed. “None taken. Just a ton of history there.”

  “Understood.” Sting was quick to change the subject, not wanting to get his ass kicked for saying the wrong thing again. “I had a long talk with Durty last night about what happened the other day. She said the Warriors came in and accused them of taking something that belonged to them. She got pissed and mouthed off to Cobra and he smacked her around. She’s blaming herself for what happened to Stellar.”

  “Sounds about right. They’ve got Chico’s ol’lady hidden and I’m apt to agree with Tilly. This girl has something against the Warriors.”

  “To send fifteen guys to recover this female? She’s got to. They’ll kill her if they get their hands on her. I mean,” Sting paused, unable to fathom the events that unfolded. “These guys could’ve easily killed Durty and the other two. What’s to stop them from killing any of them just to get this bitch?”

  “That’s why I want you and a couple of others from the other chapters guarding them. Tilly will suck it up and get over it, if anything were to happen, because you’ll be there to help protect them.”

  T-Rex chuckled, a dry and cynical sound. “You have to understand the Navajo, man. Threatening, injuring, torturing, or killing? It’s a way of life for them. They grew up on the Reservation, they were poor and brought up differently. They don’t let society dictate what’s morally appropriate. They take what they want and don’t care who’s in the way. These guys only understand force. If the Angel’s don’t retaliate, shit will only get worse.”

  “So that’s what’s wrong with you,” Butcher chortled.

  T-Rex flipped off Butcher with a lopsided grin. “Maybe so, but I know these guys better than any of you. Killing someone is just another notch on their belt. It’s a warrior’s way. If the girl’s don’t strike back, they’ll look weak in their eyes and the Warriors will strike again, and soon.”

  Sting’s brows drew together in contemplation, unease filling him. He wasn’t sure how to feel at the idea someone was out to hurt Durty.

  “You ought to be worried,” T-Rex said, motioning to Sting. “That look right there says it all. These guys will strike soon. You’re going to need to stick around the girls and keep your eyes peeled for anything.”

  “I’ll call Ripcurl and Loco, see if they can come up for a bit.” Sting sighed, trying to push the nervous feeling back down.

  “If they can’t, try Frost and Wraith from Santa Muerte in Arizona. They’re nomads. Tilly won’t recognize them,” Steel added. “I’d say Crypt and Reaper, but Tilly knows them.”

  Crypt and Reaper made the Warriors look like Mother Theresa when it came to no morals. Killing was a game to them, and they took great pleasure in doing so. Reverend called the pair his personal killing squad.

  “Nomads would be better in this instance,” Butcher chimed in.

  “Stick with the El Cajon chapter first. Use Frost and Wraith as a last resort.” Steel sighed, glancing at his phone. “Well, Tilly just text me. She wants me to come over. This can’t be good.”

  Chapter 16

  The Noose

  It was a train wreck.

  There was no possible way to look away from the TV screen.

  Watching the Warriors take down her family made Lace sick to her stomach. Bile coated the back of her throat as she relived the brutal attack on the girls. Grabbing the nearest trash can, Lace retched until her sides ached.

  Gasping, she pushed herself up and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Her breathing was ragged, her throat sore as she tried to regulate her erratic heartbeat and fight the urge to toss her cookies once more. Flipping off the computer monitor, she thrust away from her desk and surged up, darting for her kitchen.

  She needed a drink.


  Shaking hand fumbled with the faucet, before finally getting it turned on. Ducking under the streaming water, Lace sucked in the liquid, swishing it around her sour tasting mouth. Once she spit out the remnants of the cool water, she drew in a shattered breath.


  The single word was whispered on her release of air from her burning lungs. Lace had an incredibly strong stomach and shit never got to her, but seeing her family, her girls, beaten down, especially Stellar, within an inch of her life, could bring down Satan himself.

  The girls never stood a chance. That many men attacking? They were there with a single purpose, to retrieve Jenny. Nothing more. When the girls foiled their plans, they were punished. It wouldn’t have mattered if Durty cajoled Cobra or not. It was already in the men’s head to do damage. That much was evident from the looks on their faces when they entered the bar.

  Pineapple juice? Three dollars.

  Coconut rum? Fifteen dollars.

  Ice and a large glass? Fucking priceless.

  Lace took a fucking large drink to try and calm what little nerves she had left. Rocking herself, she closed her eyes and rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand, listening to the ice tinkling against the glass. The sound was music to her ears. It was taking her thoughts away from the horror she witnessed on her computer.

  The security footage might have to find its way to Bronson.

  If she didn’t decide to retaliate first.

  A knock at her front door saved Lace from her perilous thoughts.

  Lace took another swallow of her drink before she headed for the door. She knew who was on the other side and Steel was a welcomed sight. Launching herself into his arms, she buried her nose into the crook of his neck.

  “Whoa, T. What’s wrong?”

  With his strong hands on her waist, he tried to pull her body away from him, but his movements only brought her closer to his hard frame. “Just hold me for a moment. Please?”

  His arms slipped around her and tugged her to him. Lace allowed herself to melt into him, eyes drifting closed as she breathed in the musky scent of his aftershave, a comfort in its own way. Goosebumps surfaced as he delicately traced her lower back, the tender touch soothing to her nerves. Composing herself, Lace cleared her throat as she pulled away from him, forcing a smile.

  “Thanks, I needed that.”

  Steel scratched his temple, his brows pinched as he repeated her statement. “You needed that?”

  Lace nodded, stepping into her living room, giving Steel space to move inside. Door closed behind him, Lace led the way to her kitchen. “Jack and coke?”

  “Nope. I’ll have what you’re having.” He reached out and snagged her glass, drinking from it. “Want to tell me what’s got your panties in a twist?”

  Placing her hands on the counter top, Lace jumped up onto the slab of marble, turning to face Steel. Swinging her feet back and forth in a slow rhythm, she intertwined her fingers, staring at them. “You know the rules, H. We’re not supposed to talk club business, but we both know our people do with their significant others.”

  “Of course, they do. We’re not stupid, Tilly. You and I have always discussed club matters. I might not tell you things, if it has no effect on you or your club. You have no need in knowing my chapter’s finances or dumb shit. Everyone needs to vent to someone or talk out options, plans, to make sure it’s kosher.”

  “Right.” Lace blew her bangs away from her face, lifting her eyes to meet his own ice green gaze. “The girls are screaming for retaliation. Stellar is stable, so she’s out of the woods. Now they want blood, and I can’t blame them.”

  Steel gave her a brief nod and strolled away from her, motioning for Lace to follow him. “Let’s think about this.”

  Lace growled under her breath, hopping off the counter to traipse after him. “What’s there to talk about?”<
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  “Use your head, Tilly.” Steel patted the seat next to him on her couch. “Don’t just jump and retaliate. We know why he attacked. It’s over Chico’s woman. I’m thinking you’re right. She’s got something of theirs. You need to find out what it is.”

  Lace’s mouth thinned with displeasure. “She’s out of town right now. We took her to our other safe house while she detoxes. That’s sort of out of the question. She wouldn’t be able to provide any useful information right now.”

  “Hmm.” Steel sunk deeper into the couch, his distinguished face brooding in thought. “Then your next best bet is to get a message to Vader and tell him you want a sit down.”

  “What the hell for?” Lace coughed out. “I’ll kill that son of a bitch if I set eyes on him.”

  “If you want to know what kind of leverage this girl has on the Warriors, I bet you’ll sit on that pretty little ass of yours and suck it the fuck up. All smiles and glitter. Am I right?”

  “Fuck you,” she said with quiet emphasis.

  Steel threw back his head and roared with laughter.

  Lace’s cold resentment vanished as she couldn’t keep herself from joining in with his laughter. “I wasn’t trying to be funny.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s funny when you pout, T. But seriously? It might be better to feel Vader out before you go and wage a war, which will not only bring in the Muerte, but my club as well. I’m not saying not to retaliate. Right now, he thinks he has the upper hand. If you allow him to keep thinking that, you might get farther with honey than shit.”

  Lace snorted to cover her annoyance. “Yeah, okay. You keep telling yourself that. If this were any of your guys, you’d have killed him without giving it a second thought.”

  A warning cloud crossed his features. “It’s not the same, T, and you know it. He gave you a warning, injured three of your girls.”

  Lace opened her mouth to interject, but was stopped short at Steel placing his hand over her mouth to silence her.


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