Office Fling

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Office Fling Page 12

by Amy Brent

  “Hey Mark. I’ve been busy. You know how it is.”

  “I don’t, actually, but I’ll take your word for it. Head on in. I’m sure Brenda wants to see you.”

  “Heh, yeah.” I headed in, opening the door for McKenna yet again. I wasn’t sure if she was fond of that or not, but it was such an ingrained habit that I wasn’t going to break it anytime soon.

  “The bouncer here knows your name?” She asked incredulously once we were inside.

  “Uh, yeah. I used to come here quite a lot.”

  For a second, I thought her reaction was a negative one, but then she just laughed and playfully gripped my arm. It was the first time we had touched since that night together, and electricity ran through me once more.

  “Oh my God, it was like something out of a movie!” She laughed a bit more before shaking her head. “And who the hell is Brenda? The owner of the place?”

  By that point we had reached the actual bar and a short, plump woman with jet black hair turned around. “Not quite, but I am the best bartender they’ve ever had.” She shot McKenna a wink before looking to me. “Rafael, you glorious bastard! Where have you been?”

  “Oh, you know, just running my business empire.”

  “Just like your daddy always knew you would.” She reached under the bar and grabbed a cold glass. “So, what shall I do you and the lady for? Is this a business celebration, or are we trying to forget something?”

  “Just de-stressing.” McKenna answered. “And I’ll take the biggest, most citrusy screwdriver you’ve got.”

  “Alright, and for the gentleman?” Brenda raised her overly drawn on eyebrow and looked to me.

  “The usual.”

  McKenna snickered. “You have a usual?”

  “Doesn’t everybody?” I shot back coolly.

  She laughed again, and I felt like I could listen to her make that sound forever. “Maybe in your world.”

  “Oh, was I mistaken in thinking we were both here on Earth?”

  “We may be on the same planet, but that doesn’t mean we’re in the same dimension.”

  “Is that more of that sci-fi talk you’ve been planting in my boy’s head?” I countered, watching her face as she bantered with me.

  She snorted, but the sound wasn’t unappealing, like it should have been. “Believe me, those seeds were there long before I ever walked into town. What I’d like to know is how the little guy got into all of that. Huh? What was his first exposure?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  Our drinks came, and McKenna quickly downed her. Both Brenda and I were impressed as she set the cup down and ordered another. “Why don’t you try me? Nerds have the best origin stories.”

  “Well, two years ago he came down with pneumonia. I was beside myself and I spent every aching moment at his side. I couldn’t even sleep. I rarely ate, or even went to the bathroom.

  “But eventually, I crashed. Just after his fever broke, I could feel myself falling asleep, so I turned the TV on and let it play. I worked for a while, but eventually I passed out right there on the floor below his bed.

  “When I woke up, it was two am and he was watching one of those cheesy sci-fi movies that make you cringe. From there, anything with men in monster suits got his goat. And of course, once you’re into sci-fi monsters, you eventually get into zombies, and once you’re into sci-fi and zombies, you’re pretty much into anything considered remotely nerdy.”

  “Ho boy you have that right. It’s like an infection, but the best kind to have. It follows you everywhere and makes you a part of a community no matter where you end up.”

  “Is that what it’s like for you?” I asked, sipping at my drink. “Do you have a community?”

  She grimaced, and I realized how that might not be the best question to ask. “I had to leave it. Maybe one day I can go back, but for now I’m better on my own.”

  Although she tried to play it cool, there was a certain woundedness to her voice that made me want to find the man who terrorized her and show him what kind of filth he was. McKenna was obviously a one in a million kind of woman, and he had had the gall to treat her like trash in the gutter.

  “Fair enough,” I said, quickly trying to change the subject. I finished gulping down my drink, the whiskey burning the back of my throat. I was going to ask her something about work, or maybe her favorite nerd movie, but instead something else entirely came out. “So, what happened that night?” I blurted.

  I could kick myself if I was that flexible. We were out drinking to forget about all the tensions of the day, not trot them out between the two of us where anyone might overhear.

  “Aw, come on,” she groaned, signaling for yet another drink. For a moment I worried that she was imbibing too much too fast, but this one she only held, letting her finger slowly circle around the top.

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.” I quickly retreated and signaled for my own second drink. I wasn’t used to being out paced by my drinking partner.

  “No, no. It’s fine. I owe you an apology.” She sighed and rubbed her face in her hands. I waited patiently, not wanting to press the issue, but eventually she sighed and looked at my face. “I guess I was… scared.”

  Well, that certainly wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “Scared? Do I frighten you?”

  “No!” She responded far too quickly, her eyes going wide as she spoke. But then she seemed to catch herself and groaned. “Yes. It’s complicated.”

  “A lot of things in life are complimented. Like you said before, why don’t you try me?”

  Now she took another swig of her drink, swirling it around her mouth before finally speaking again. “Look, it’s nothing personal. It’s just that, with everything I’ve learned, I know that it’s bad to mix work with pleasure. It’s even worse to mix that with someone who’s whims could affect whether I have a job or not.

  “But despite everything I know, I still slept with you. I didn’t even try to resist. And, as good as it was, once I came back to my senses I knew I had done something terribly stupid.”

  Oh. That wasn’t too bad then. I mean yeah, it wasn’t sunshine and roses, but at least I hadn’t done anything specifically to scare her off.

  Also, she was right. It was a terrible idea to sleep with your boss in the same way it was terrible for a boss to sleep with an underling. Except I didn’t really have to worry about her firing me on a whim.

  “That’s fair,” I answered. “But if I’m hearing right, it was good for you then?”

  She rolled her eyes at that. “Of course, it was good. I think I made my enjoyment of the situation very obvious.”

  My mind instantly called up the cries she had made while she climaxed, and my body started to respond instantly. “I vaguely remember. But a little assurance never hurts.”

  “Uh-huh. I’m sure a big, strong playboy such as yourself gets real insecure about your sexual prowess.”

  “Only when women go running from the room like I’m literally Satan himself.”

  She choked on her drink at that. “Alright, you have a point. I maybe could have explained the situation more, but I panicked.”

  “It’s alright,” I said, waving my hand. And I meant it. Now that I knew I hadn’t offended her or scared her with direct action, I was feeling a whole lot better about the situation. “In your position I might have done the same thing.”

  “Really,” she asked, raising her eyebrows. “You’re cool with it?”

  I nodded. “Look, I know what we did wasn’t wise, and that it would be best if we made it a one-time thing. But I’m not going to pretend that you don’t have a way with my son that no one else has.

  “I really, really would massively appreciate if you would keep visiting him every once and a while. I’ve never seen him be able to talk about his hobbies with someone so openly. You know, I try, but sometimes I feel like he’s more patronizing my wish to be included rather than actually enjoying explaining them.”

nodded. “It can be hard if you don’t have all of the backstories from across different medias. There are thousands of worlds in his head; it’d be impossible for you to keep up.”

  “But not you?”

  She smirked. “I’ve been playing in the proverbial geek sandbox since I was a kid. I’ve had a whole lot more years than you do.”

  “Huh, I guess I never thought of it that way.”

  She drained the rest of her drink and then called for a glass of water. Good. I was enjoying the conversation far too much for us to become too drunk to communicate. “So, you’d really do that for your son? Have me around and never have sex again? Just play with him, watch movies and eat pizza?”

  “Well, we probably shouldn’t have pizza every time. But yes, that’s basically the idea.”

  She just shook her head, laughing quietly. “You really are something else, you know that?”

  I smiled at her over my own glass. “That might not be the first time I’ve heard that.” Her shoulders relaxed, and a familiar pink flush crossed her cheeks. The hesitancy, the aloofness that she had been holding onto all night faded and for once I didn’t feel like I was being viewed as someone she needed to be cautious around.

  There was still a little something there, a wariness to the convers of her actions, but it was a rampant improvement over how we had been when the day started.

  Lifting my glass to her, I gave her a crooked sort of smile.

  “To Dom,” I said. “And being better people because of him.”

  “I can drink to that!”

  We clinked our glasses, my whiskey and her water, then downed them. Almost immediately she belched, and I laughed like it was the funniest thing I had ever heard.

  This was going to be a great night.

  Chapter Twenty


  My cheeks were warm, my stomach was warm, everything was warm, and I liked it. I looked over my glass of water at Rafael, the beautiful douchebag that he was, and giggled.

  Wow, this night wasn’t going how I expected it. I had honestly thought I was going to have to field off his advances and lay down the law, or deal with passive aggressive bullshit.

  But no. Raphael was reasonable and just wanted to know why I had bolted like a bat out of hell. I couldn’t exactly blame him. I would have been pretty concerned if my partner had suddenly disappeared too quickly to even get dressed.

  It turned out that he was human, much like me, and he just wanted some clarification. Clarification was good. I could do that.

  So, I did. I explained to him why I felt the way I did and why I had reacted so rashly. And he understood. It was great, and I found myself wishing that I had just talked to him first.

  Oh well, typical McKenna, always making things as hard as possible.

  But now that the topic had been broached and sussed out, we were free to just have fun. The surprising thing was, that we did.

  For being some rich, high faulting CEO, Rafael and I had pretty similar senses of humor. We also employed sarcasm as our main line of defense. After long enough, I realized that I was definitely feeling him, and not just in the raw, sexual way I had earlier.

  But I couldn’t feel him. Hadn’t that been the point of my entire speech to him? That mixing work and pleasure was only a recipe for disaster and nothing else?

  Ugh. No fair.

  He was the best sex that I had in ages and I really wouldn’t mind dipping my toe into that pool again. But I was pretty sure that I had closed that door as hard as possible and barricaded it with my little speech just a few minutes earlier.

  Oh well. It was for the better.

  Even if I could feel my thighs pressing together and my core growing wet while my heartbeat picked up, I knew that I needed to be an adult and put my foot down.

  How lame.

  Despite my internal grumbling, I had a great time. We laughed, we drank, we drank some more. And the best part was that I didn’t have to pay. As much as I always said that I didn’t really care about money, it certainly made for a nice night out.

  But even with all the laughs and libations, I felt myself grow tired. Getting up at eleven had totally messed up my sleep schedule and now my body had no idea what time it was.

  “Hey, I’m getting sleepy. I think I’m gonna head home.” I said to Rafael, draining another cup of water.

  “What? It’s only three in the morning. Isn’t that like the middle of your shift?”

  “It is,” I countered, slurring slightly. “But someone dragged me out of my house early and had me babysit their son all day.”

  “Hey, I was there the whole time! It wasn’t babysitting. It was… supervised hang out time.”

  “Uh-huh, sure it was.” I laughed and slid off of my stool, the world only swaying a little bit. Although I had drunk quite a bit, it had been over four hours and had plenty of glasses of water in between, so I felt like that was helping.

  “Here, let me call you a cab,” he said. “Least I can do since you normally take public transport home.”

  “How do you know what I normally take home?” I countered, poking his chest then trailing my finger up to flick his nose. “Have you been watching me, Mr. CEO-sir-man?”

  “I’ve been working from home all week,” he countered, only half paying attention as he typed into his phone. “But it was an educated guess.”

  “Well it was a good guess, because you’re right.” I giggled even though nothing particularly funny had happened. “I take the bus to work and the train back because the buses don’t run that late. It takes forevvver.”

  “Yeah, I bet. I don’t know how you do it.” He looked to his phone then back to me. “The cab is gonna be here in like, ten minutes. Let me pee and then I’ll walk you out.”

  We were both as relaxed as we had ever been around each other, but I wasn’t sure we were that relaxed yet.

  Oh well, might as well roll with it. “You go pee! Imma wait to go home.”

  He nodded tipsily and stumbled toward the facilities. I watched him, giggling, and decided to go outside to catch some fresh air before I had to slide into an undoubtedly stale taxi.

  The wind was cool but refreshing once I stepped onto the sidewalk, with the line having long since either come in or dispersed. The sounds of the city washed over me, and I closed my eyes, absorbing the peacefulness.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”

  A chill like ice slid up my spine, it’s cold tendrils piercing through my heart with no mercy. My eyes flew open, and I whipped around just as someone grabbed my arm.

  “Look at how you’re dressed! Like a damn common whore!”

  I was yanked roughly to the side and suddenly he came into view. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think, I could only stare up in shock at the familiar face that often haunted my dreams.

  “Do you have any idea what I’ve gone through to find you?” He shook me again and tears rose to my eyes. This couldn’t be happening! It couldn’t be real! I had to be dreaming. “No, I suppose you don’t. You never think of anybody other than yourself, do you? Well, we’ll have to fix that, I guess. We’re going home now!”

  “W-what?” I managed to sputter. “N-no! I have a restraining order! You can’t be here!”

  But he kept pulling, kept yanking me towards a life I had sworn to leave behind. I looked around in a panic, trying to see if there was a single soul to save me, but the streets were unusually empty with only the occasional taxi or sports car speeding by. My previously tipsy buzz faded as stone-cold terror took over most of my brain.

  Every nightmare I had ever had was coming true. The deepest, darkest fears that haunted my subconscious all flashed before my eyes and I heard myself start to hyperventilate.

  “S-stop! I’ll call the police!”

  Suddenly I was yanked to his strong, broad chest and I remembered just how terribly strong he was. “Look, I know what we both have our flaws and things got a little crazy last time, but it’s time to stop the theatr
ics. You belong with me, McKenna! Me and no one else!”

  I let out a cry and dug my feel in, trying to pull away. But his grip was like iron, unforgiving and cold. It dragged me mercilessly and my sobs fell unchecked.

  “Hey! Let her go you son of a bitch!”

  Abruptly the hand on my arm let go and I stumbled backwards. A dark shape set upon my assailant, knocking him to the ground and tumbling along the sidewalk.

  It took several seconds for my poor, drunk brain to realize that it was Rafael, come to save me and pummeling the absolute crap out of my ex. I stood there, shocked, as they rolled across the concrete, cussing and spitting.

  My ex managed to get free and stumbled back, his lip bleeding and eye already swelling.

  “Are you crazy!” He screamed. “Who the hell are you!”

  “Who am I?” Rafael countered. “Who the hell are you!”

  “I’m her goddamned boyfriend!”

  “Boyfriend?” Rafail looked to me, confused, and I shook my head desperately.

  “N-no, that’s not right,” I gasped.

  “Shut up, McKenna, you don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  “Don’t talk to her like that!” Rafael snapped back. “Get lost!”

  “You get lost!” He tried to grab for me again, but Rafael knocked his hand away. “She’s coming home with me!”


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