War of the Wizards

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War of the Wizards Page 4

by Ian Page

  It is the morning of the day you must attempt to close the demon portal of Tilos. You bid Tanith a sad farewell. Eyes brimming with tears, you share a fond embrace before she is led east along the mountain trail by a Masbaté warrior, towards whatever doom awaits her at the hands of Mother Magri in the city of Suhn. She can be saved only by a swift and total victory over the Wytch-king.

  You turn to King Samu. ‘We must prepare to move,’ you say. ‘Gather your men. We must make plans.’

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Theurgy, turn to 15.

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy, turn to 19.

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Necromancy, turn to 24.

  If you do not possess any of these Powers, or if you do not wish to use them, turn to 29.


  With consummate ease, you manage to strip the plant of its pods entirely. Your harvest yields nine pods. They are so small that nine pods only take up the space of three items in your Herb Pouch. Remember to write the Phinomel Pods on your Action Chart. If there is not room in your Herb Pouch, you may carry some, or all, of the Phinomel Pods as Backpack Items.

  With a satisfied nod, you finish packing away your new find and continue on your journey.

  Turn to 43.


  You smash the fabric that binds the skeleton's body but you are fighting the creature with magic. Your fellow soldiers do not have the same advantage and the air is filled with their terrified cries. Many are being slain and, as they die, Shasarak's spell takes them, and they rise to fight once more as soldiers of the undead. Those that survive find themselves fighting their friends and comrades. The powers you possess protect only you from attack. You can save the Freedom Guild only by destroying Shasarak. The time has come: you must go to him.

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy, you may deduct 2 WILLPOWER points from your total to cast a teleportation spell and turn to 39.

  If you have a Temeris Potion, you may use it to teleport without using any WILLPOWER points; turn to 39.

  If you are using the power of the Dimension Door locked in the Moonstone, you may deduct 4 WILLPOWER points from your total to teleport and turn to 39.

  If you are unable to teleport by any of these means, you have failed in your quest and your adventure is over.


  The creature falls dead amid a flurry of fiery blows. As you fought, the rest of the pack have been creeping towards you slowly and now stand only a few yards away. The death of their leader caused great consternation among their ranks, although they seem confident enough to attack at any moment. They realize now that you fight alone.

  If you wish to fire a long-range blast from your Staff before turning and running, turn to 22.

  If you wish to turn and run immediately, turn to 27.

  If you wish to stand against the demon horde, turn to 54.


  You turn east. The sun's heat grows less intense as the day passes and you are able to walk at a quicker pace. The afternoon passes and, though there are still several hours of daylight left, your anxiety grows. There has been no sign of a stream or water hole and you will never find one in the dark. You will be able to survive for some time without food but you must find water soon.

  Tanith looks around uneasily. ‘We are being watched,’ she says. You nod. You can also feel the weight of many eyes bearing down on you. Malevolence hangs heavily in the air.

  If you are carrying the Moonstone in your hand, turn to 81.

  If you are carrying it in your Backpack, turn to 213.


  In the Lissan Plain the herbs and flowers that you need to mix a potion of invulnerability grow in abundance. Made from the leaves of the Zakutsk flower and the root of the Demeril bush, the potion is mixed with salt and spring water beneath the rays of the midday sun. It will protect your body from physical harm for only a few hours, but might prove invaluable in your attempt to close the portal of Tilos should you be forced to face an attack by the demons of the Lissan Plain, either on your way to the portal, or afterwards, when you are trying to lure the demon horde against the Shadakine army marching towards the bridge at Lanzi.

  If you wish to use the Power of Theurgy and ask the Masbaté to gather the ingredients for the potion, turn to 34.

  If you prefer to use the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy, turn to 19.

  If you prefer to use the Higher Magick of Necromancy, turn to 24.

  If you prefer not to use the Magical Powers of Theurgy, Thaumaturgy, or Necromancy, turn to 29.


  Careful as you might be, you are unable to avoid disturbing a Phinomel branch to your left. Two pods emit a jet of viscid purple fluid. One jet misses but, unfortunately, the second splashes your arm, quickly burning through the fabric of your robe and causing a searing pain as it burns your flesh. You lose 2 ENDURANCE points. You have managed to procure six Phinomel Pods. As they are so small, the six pods take the room of only two items in your Herb Pouch. If there is not room in your Herb Pouch, you may carry some, or all, of the pods as Backpack Items.

  Despite a rather painful experience, you nod to yourself approvingly, sure that the Phinomel Pods will be useful, and continue on your search for Lake Dolani.

  Turn to 43.


  With a scream, the horseman falls dead. Quickly you run over to his body. By stealing the dead horseman's uniform, you will be able to lead the demon horde against the Shadakine Army more easily, for the Shadakine will think that you are one of their own.

  If you still have your Simar stallion, turn to 285.

  If the stallion has been killed, turn to 292.


  Without the cognitive powers of Prophecy or Psychomancy, it is impossible for you to locate the mechanism that will open the doors. The only other solution is to use force but, judging from the thickness of the stone doors, it is likely to require a great deal of strength to break them open.

  If you have the Magical Power of Thaumaturgy and wish to use it to open the doors, turn to 295.

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to use it to force open the doors, turn to 255.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to summon an elemental to open the doors, turn to 289.

  If you have learnt the Higher Magick of Physiurgy and wish to use it, turn to 181.

  If you wish to resume your journey towards Lake Dolani, or if you do not possess these Powers, turn to 234.


  By using the Magical Power of Thaumaturgy, you will be able to weave a spell of invulnerability about yourself. The cost of this spell will be 4 WILLPOWER points if you wish the effect to last several hours.

  If you wish to create this spell of magical protection about yourself, to help you in your bid to close the demon portal in the Hills of Tilos, deduct 4 WILLPOWER points from your WILLPOWER score and turn to 57.

  If you wish to use the Higher Magick of Necromancy in your bid to close the demon portal, turn to 24.

  If you do not wish to use either of these Powers, or if you do not possess them, turn to 29.


  Stunned and dizzy, you lie on the floor, unable to defend yourself. The Demon Master hovers above, its leathery wings beating. It stoops to deliver a killing blow. Bravely Tanith steps forward, dagger in hand, ready to defend you to the last. The demon minions swarm forward in glee and the position looks hopeless. Then, amid the whirl of your thoughts, you hear the cries of men and the clash of steel. Joyfully you see a gleam of shining metal flash above your head and the Demon Master's back arch with pain. Howling in agony it begins to fall. With lightning reactions, Tanith drags you to one side, seconds before the lifeless and bloody corpse of the beast hits the ground with a jarring crash. A long, slim javelin protrudes from its back.

  ‘Grey Star,’ Tanith cries. ‘We are saved!’

  She helps you into an upright position and you peer down the hall. Pouring through the ent
rance of the tomb comes a mass of tall warriors, swords bared and reaping a deadly harvest among the demonic ranks.

  Turn to 38.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point you raise the Moonstone and light begins to pour from it. Shasarak scowls and takes a step back.

  ‘So you think the Moonstone is enough to defeat me do you? You forget the need for a mighty hand to wield it. Are you mighty, Grey Star?’

  Shasarak's words strike you like blows but you do not fail in your resolve. Effortlessly, Shasarak drains 1 WILLPOWER point and 1 ENDURANCE point from your body. You stagger as the life-force is dragged from you.

  ‘You see?’ Shasarak sneers.

  If you wish to shield yourself with the Moonstone's light, turn to 92.

  If you wish to strike Shasarak with the Moonstone's light, turn to 190.


  At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, you fire into the demon ranks. Two fall dead instantly and the rest scatter with howling shrieks and bestial cries. You turn and run, Tanith at your side. Your attack has bought you time to try to escape the overwhelming number of demons.

  Turn to 89.


  Bathed in the radiant aura of the Moonstone's protection, you continue the journey east. You top a rise and look down its gentle slope. Ahead, you can see a sparkling river. With a cry of joy, you and Tanith run towards it. At the water's edge you both drop to your knees to drink. Scooping up great mouthfuls of the cool water, you quench your raging thirst. You are on the banks of the Dolani River. Tanith tells you that its source is to the northeast, in the Kashima Mountains. Its southerly course leads to Lake Dolani, which she guesses to be at least thirty miles away. The river is too wide and deep to be crossed here, although it is likely to be narrower and shallower further upstream. At this point the light of the Moonstone, which you laid on the ground beside you before beginning to drink, starts to flicker as the power of your incantation fades. Suddenly Tanith cries out.

  ‘Grey Star!’ she screams. ‘We are attacked!’

  Illustration II—Four fearsome creatures mount the rise.

  You snatch up the Moonstone and spin round. Four fearsome creatures have mounted the rise behind you. As you watch, they rush towards you, coming to a cowering halt within twenty paces of you both. Afraid of the fading aura of the Moonstone as the light decreases, each takes another shambling step towards you. They are ghastly, malformed creatures, each with a different misshapen form. These are demons summoned long ago by the Wytch-king Shasarak to conquer the people who once inhabited the Lissan Plain. Having fulfilled their purpose, they were left to roam the plain by Shasarak. The leading demon — the largest — takes another step forward, its glistening green skin and toad-like features reflected in the dull light of the setting sun.

  If you wish to continue the necromantic incantation of protection that has almost faded from the Moonstone, turn to 35.

  If you prefer to launch a long-range attack at the leading demon with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 65.

  If you wish to wait to see what the demons will do, turn to 93.


  By using the Magical Power of Necromancy, you will be able to create an aura of protection against the forces of evil. You will have to expend 3 WILLPOWER points to light the Moonstone.

  If you wish to use 3 WILLPOWER points to create an aura of protection, turn to 57.

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy and prefer to use this Power, turn to 19.

  If you do not wish to use either of these Powers, or if you do not possess them, turn to 29.


  You both drink long and deep: the large bowl is almost empty before your thirst is sated. When you have finished you walk to the far end of the hall. Two flights of stairs lead up to a large platform. At the rear of the platform a vast and elaborate frieze has been carved from the wall. In the centre, a woman stands with arms outstretched in a gesture of welcome. She is wreathed in light and, standing all around her, are rows of men and women of proud bearing. This building must be the work of the Masbaté. The woman is a representation of the Great goddess Ishir, High Priestess of the Moon, mother of all men, and the building is some form of temple or shrine.

  Another flight of steps leads from the platform to one of the many galleries that line the temple's walls. Cautiously you both mount these steps, passing through a doorway that opens on to one of the galleries. The fading light from above does not illuminate the high archways that lead off the gallery, and, at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you cause a light to glow from the top of your Staff. You peer through an archway to see a large chamber, its high ceiling lost in shadow, its corners shrouded in cobwebs. In the middle of the chamber stands a long pallet of grime-encrusted marble. With a start, you realize that a human form rests upon the pallet, but your panic soon subsides, for it is a dead man, a giant, with a huge broadsword clutched to his chest with withered hands. A necklace of blue stones hangs around his neck; a circlet of silver crowns his head. The brown, shrunken flesh has been partly preserved by some process of mummification, but the garments the corpse wears have all but mouldered away.

  Inspection of the remaining chambers on this floor confirms that this is an ancient Masbaté tomb. Each chamber is a crypt, in which the Masbaté have laid their dead to rest with their weapons of war and personal effects. The tomb of the Masbaté was probably served by guardians before Shasarak summoned the plague of demons that eventually destroyed the Masbaté tribe. Tanith arms herself with a long dagger from one of the chambers. She also takes a sling and a number of stones. You may keep any of the following items that you find in the various chambers:

  Coil of Rope (Backpack Item)

  Sword and Sheath (hung from the belt)11

  Spear (held in the hand)

  Dagger and Sheath (hung from the belt)12

  Water Bottle (hung over the shoulder by a strap)

  4 unlit Torches (each Torch counts as one Backpack Item)

  Tinderbox (Backpack Item)

  Remember to mark any items that you keep on your Action Chart.

  The light from the shafts has faded completely. Night has fallen. You are both very tired and, after further exploration, you discover an empty chamber and both settle down to sleep.

  Turn to 200.

  [11] If you wish to take the Sheath, record it as a Special Item on your Action Chart.

  [12] If you wish to take the Sheath, record it as a Special Item on your Action Chart.


  You focus your will on the stone fabric of the bridge, using 2 WILLPOWER points. With a thunderous explosion, it collapses into rubble and falls into the waters below.

  Turn to 75.


  Instantly you make a dash in the opposite direction. With a murderous howl, the pack chases after you. They are hot on your heels, and within moments you are caught and dragged to the ground.

  You have failed in your quest and your adventure ends here.


  The demon opens its mouth and bares a tangle of fanged teeth. It lunges at you, and, as you swerve to receive its attack, you realize that your back is undefended against the other three demons. However, you must fight the toad demon first.


  You may only evade combat if you have lost less ENDURANCE points than your enemy in the first round of combat.

  If you evade combat, turn to 41.

  If you win the combat within three rounds, turn to 72.

  If you and the enemy are still alive after three rounds of combat, turn to 87.


  ‘You will need to be able to move fast to escape the demon horde,’ says Samu. ‘Long ago, we of the Masbaté bred a strain of horse called the Simar, renowned for its stamina and the ease with which it can be controlled. It will not shy away from danger.’

  A great white stallion is brought before you, harnessed and saddled. Gratefully, you thank Samu for his gift. The Masbaté are s
ummoned and stand fitted and accoutred for battle before their king in a rocky escarpment shaped like a vast amphitheatre. They number a thousand men: a small number perhaps, but a mighty army nevertheless, for the Masbaté are formidable warriors. In a rousing speech, Samu tells them of the battle to come at the bridge at Lanzi, where you will rid their homeland of the demon plague forever. You receive a great cheer before Samu leads his people out of the mountains, towards Lanzi. A guide leads you to the other side of the mountains. The Shadakine Army is expected to reach the bridge at Lanzi within a day. In that time you must close the demon portal in the hills south of Tilos and lead the demons through the forested pass and against the Shadakine Army.

  At last you come to the edge of the Lissan Plain and your guide prepares to leave. Before he goes, he offers you the following items to help you in your adventure. You may keep any or all of them.


  Coil of Rope (Backpack Item)

  Water Bottle (Special Item — slung over the shoulder by a leather strap)

  Tinderbox (Backpack Item)

  Sword (Weapon)

  Masbaté Battle Horn (Special Item — hung over the shoulder by a strap)

  The guide returns to the mountains. You are alone. You urge the Simar horse into a trot and head north.

  If you are already using the Higher Magick of Necromancy in the form of an incantation, turn to 70.

  If not, turn to 76.


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