War of the Wizards

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War of the Wizards Page 16

by Ian Page

  If you wish to stand and receive the attack, turn to 269.


  ‘Will no one follow?’ you implore with searching eyes. There is a long, brooding silence, broken only by the occasional ring of armour as the Guildsmen shuffle uneasily.

  ‘Will none listen to the wisdom of the Shianti?’ you shout into the silence. There is the sound of movement to your left. With relief you see King Samu striding towards you, leading a long line of his own warriors.

  ‘We of the Masbaté will heed the words of the Shianti,’ he booms. ‘We at least do not fear to tread beneath the trees of Fernmost, not while a wizard of the Shianti leads us.’

  You hope that Samu's words will shame the Guildsmen into entering the forest. You are well aware of the legends that scare them. The Forest of Fernmost was once part of the ancient nation of Taklakot. Beyond the western edge of Fernmost lie the Mountains of Morn, which overlook the infamous ‘deadlands’. There stands the forbidden city of Gyanima and the blasted wasteland of Desolation Valley, which was the heart of the kingdom. Centuries ago, Shasarak came to the people of Taklakot as a wise Shianti, though he had turned from the path of goodness long before, refusing the exile that the goddess Ishir had demanded of his people. Because of the forbidden secrets that he unlocked for the race of Taklakot, a great calamity befell them. Great fires rushed through the kingdom and destroyed an entire civilization in a day. Only Shasarak survived, though he was horribly crippled and burnt. Many say that the dead spirits of Taklakot roam the Forest of Fernmost to this day, seeking vengeance and taking it upon any who enter the forest.

  Samu's words and example seem to work. Gradually the Guildsmen move forward towards the forest. At last all are following the broad trail west, deep into the gloom of the forest. You lead the army into the deepening shadow. The forest shelters an eerie feeling of malice. A grey mist lingers upon the ground and the branches and leaves above form a sombre, green canopy that blots out the sky. There is a strange musty smell in the air. The army are ordered into various positions along the forest's edge to watch for the advance of the Shadakine host you left at the River Dosar. They are completely hidden by the tangled woods and thick undergrowth. Sado tells you he is grateful that you did not ask the army to journey any further into Fernmost, for, as you draw closer to its heart, a strange, watchful presence can be felt.

  With a delighted cry you notice clumps of Laumspur, a healing herb, growing in abundance. You chew on the herb and its goodness restores 4 ENDURANCE points. You may store another clump of Laumspur in your Backpack: it will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when chewed.

  If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy, turn to 336.

  If you have the Magical Power of Theurgy, turn to 331.

  If you do not have either of these Magical Powers, turn to 300.


  You are coming to realize the impossible situation you have placed yourself in. You must try another tactic if you are to see the sun set on this day.

  Turn to 226.


  Using 1 WILLPOWER point you call on the elementals for their aid. After a few moments, a huge wave rushes along the river. You and the Masbaté turn and run from the bridge. You look back to see the gigantic wave engulf the bridge, smashing its stones into pebbles and washing the bridge downstream.

  Turn to 75.


  You try to increase your speed but you are almost breathless with exhaustion already. The three howling reptile creatures reach out and drag you to the ground. You manage to beat them off but it is to no avail, for the demonic pack has now reached you. They tear you to pieces.

  Your adventure ends here.


  You look upon Shasarak's broken features for the last time. The wall of fire is a portal to Agarash's realm. His bargain is to take Agarash's place, to be named ever after as Shasarak the Damned, and to set the demon free. The Wytch-king prefers eternal torment to the peace of death at your hands. Shasarak disappears through the wall and you hurl the shining luminescence of the Moonstone at the portal. A huge shoulder and a splayed, clawed foot emerge as you assault the wall.

  Illustration XVII—Shasarak steps through the flaming portal to a realm of eternal torment.

  ‘No, you cannot … ’ the Demonlord splutters in fury.

  You battle with the power of the demon as it struggles to escape, and throw the last of your WILLPOWER and ENDURANCE at the flames. You must close the portal! Flames rage around the hall, struggling against the purity of the Moonstone's light. A great, yawning blackness threatens to engulf you as a hurricane of might whirls from the Moonstone and assaults the portal. You drop to your knees. You look up once more into the raging war of incandescence before slipping into unconscious oblivion.

  Turn to 360.


  Taking careful aim, you release a searing ball of flame into the heavens and the leader of the formation falls to the earth, screaming. This attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. The formation becomes disrupted and confused. An ape-like creature swoops towards you. You cannot evade combat.

  Winged Demon: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 19

  Combat lasts for one round only as the creature hurtles past. If the Winged Demon loses more ENDURANCE points than you, ignore any ENDURANCE points you lose.

  If you are still alive, turn to 287.


  The Shadakine horseman rushes up the hill towards you. You raise your Staff and aim, attempting to shake the weariness that dulls your vision and causes you to totter.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Then add the number you have picked to your combined WILLPOWER and ENDURANCE point total.

  If your total is 25 or more, turn to 220.

  If it is less than 25, turn to 173.


  Eventually you defeat your grotesque adversaries but it is too late! While you fought, the demon horde has reached you: you suffer a terrible death at their hands.

  Your adventure ends here.


  Shasarak screeches as the light of the blazing Moonstone shines on him. His body writhes and he clutches himself in pain as he topples to the floor. He is still. The light of the Moonstone fades and you stoop over the body. As you do so, Shasarak suddenly twists around and sends a bolt of black fire shooting towards you from one crooked fingertip.

  If you wish to try to knock aside the blast with the Moonstone, turn to 334.

  If you wish to strike Shasarak with your Staff, turn to 125.


  The night passes without incident and the following morning you and the Masbaté break camp and continue south. You cross a flat land of farms and small villages, the inhabitants of which come out of their homes and look upon you with wonder.

  You warn the people of the vast Shadakine Army that follows and that may have already crossed the River Dosar. Though you are glad to see that your presence has heartened so many, you realize with regret that word of your passing is sure to reach the city of Andui to the northeast, where there is sure to be a Shadakine garrison. Perhaps it will be sent against you, ahead of the large army trapped north of the River Dosar or perhaps the Shadakine Wytch of that city, Mother Chowloon, sister of Mother Magri of Suhn, will come against you.

  Thoughts of Shadakine Wytches remind you of Tanith's plight. You wonder how she fares and whether Mother Magri has successfully drawn Tanith back to the Port of Suhn in the east.

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of a Visionary and wish to exert 2 WILLPOWER points to discover how Tanith is, turn to 305.

  If not, turn to 282.


  You hurl every last drop of your power at the demon but it is not enough. He is a Demonlord, possessing power beyond your wildest imaginings. At first he hesitates, but, seeing that you have used the last of your power, he reaches out and takes you by the neck and hurls you into the wall of fire, through the fiery portal and into the realm of damnation to join Shasarak in an eternity of flame and torment.r />
  Your quest ends here.


  You must fight Shasarak without the protection of the Moonstone. He has been weakened but by how much you cannot tell. With desperation, you charge at him. His one, hideous eye burns with poisonous malice; his ruined face is twisted with hate.

  Turn to 345.


  At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points you unleash a bolt of energy at the spearman. He falls, wide-eyed, to the ground in a plume of smoke. Suddenly Samu is at your side. ‘Your aim is true,’ he comments before lifting his war-horn and trumpeting a loud call to arms.

  Turn to 347.


  ‘Go now,’ you call to Sado and his men. ‘I will face them.’

  The soldiers do as they are asked and you turn to face the chariots thundering across the flat ground before the rise. The Shadakine inside the chariots are still entranced by your spell and the vehicles are veering crazily. One crashes into another, destroying both. Satisfied that your spell has been successful, you turn and make to leave the rise. As you do so, a chariot suddenly swerves out of control and heads towards you. The steel blades of its wheels glitter menacingly.

  If you have 2 WILLPOWER points and wish to fire a long-range attack at the chariot, turn to 303.

  If you prefer to stand and face the chariot, turn to 263.

  If you wish to try to dive out of the swerving course of the chariot, turn to 259.


  ‘Alas, Grey Star, there is not time for more. The bridge we have created weakens now. Step warily, for the land is beset with dangers, though there are friends there also, friends you would not expect to see … ’

  With these words, his voice fades completely. You pray that the Shianti have conserved enough energy to transport you back to the real world.

  Turn to 50.


  At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points you issue a word of command to the ranks of Shadakine warriors and charioteers that head towards you. The warriors stop dead in their tracks, mesmerized by this powerful spell. The Shadakine in the chariots are similarly affected but their progress is not halted as their horses do not respond to this form of magic.

  If you wish to stand and face the chariots as they approach, turn to 325.

  If you wish to return to the main army group of the Freedom Guild and lead them into the Forest of Fernmost, turn to 343.


  You speak your mind to Sado and for once he does not argue. You mount and you and Samu ride either side of the grim-faced leader of the Freedom Guild. Sado gives the command and the entire army surges forward in pursuit of the ghostly figure of the Kazim as it heads purposefully into the night.

  Illustration XVIII—The Freedom Guild surges forward, the ghostly figure of Kazim leading the way.

  The battle that follows is long and terrible. The Freedom Guild almost fail, but with Sado's iron leadership and your brave resolve they endure, although the number of casualties is high. The Kazim reclaims its heart of stone, slaying Mother Chowloon, the Shadakine Wytch who bore it. As she dies, much of the fighting fury and ferocity that filled the Shadakine, fades. The Army of the Freedom Guild senses the Shadakine's loss of morale and press home their advantage. Soon, they have beaten the much larger force into a full-scale retreat. The entire Shadakine Army heads north. Sado leads his army in pursuit, turning the retreat into a rout. It is vital that the Shadakine Army does not reach Shadaki, for there they would find new leadership under Shasarak's hand. They are still a large army and with Shasarak to lead them they could turn the tables once again.

  The Army of the Freedom Guild pursues the fleeing Shadakine Army across much of the Shadakine Empire. The Shadakine find no place to hide, for all the cities of the Empire are in open revolt. Each Kazim has reclaimed its heart and slain the Shadakine Wytch that ruled each city. During the four days of the pursuit you are not required to exert any energy or use any of your Magical Powers and you regain 8 ENDURANCE points and 9 WILLPOWER points. Constantly harrying the ever-dwindling Shadakine force, the Army of the Freedom Guild crosses the great Kalamar River and approaches the Mountains of Lara.

  The Mountains of Lara contain the infamous Morn Pass. It was through this pass that the Shadakine first invaded the provinces of the south. It is the last barrier between you and the fortress city of Shadaki. With growing dread you realize that the time of your final battle with Shasarak is fast approaching. With his armies scattered or destroyed, it only remains for you to challenge him yourself and ensure that the land remains free. Your trepidation is coupled with suspicion. Shasarak has many powers at his disposal. Why then has he not used them to challenge Sado's tiny army, much reduced in numbers? Perhaps there is some other reason why he does not bring his full might to bear?

  If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy, possess a Temeris Potion, or wish to use the Dimension Door of the Moonstone to teleport into the city of Shadaki and challenge Shasarak now, turn to 191.19

  If you wish to continue with the Army of the Freedom Guild through the Morn Pass, turn to 342.

  [19] If you possess a Temeris Potion you can teleport without using any WILLPOWER points. If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy you can teleport by deducting 2 WILLPOWER points from your total. To use the Dimension Door of the Moonstone to teleport, deduct 4 WILLPOWER points (cf. Section 12).


  When you reach the camp, you see that the army has been delayed; not by the difficulty of moving such a large group of men quickly, but because of the Forest of Fernmost itself. Many of the Guildsmen regard it with dread, muttering darkly among themselves.

  Turn to 312.


  The warrior stops and releases his spear like a javelin, aimed at your heart. Suddenly Samu knocks you to the ground. He has saved your life.

  Turn to 347.


  Your trained eye quickly perceives that many unusual plants grow in the forest, some of which are of immense use to your Theurgical powers. The army is well equipped and you are able to borrow many vials from a healer. While Sado and his men watch for the approach of the Shadakine Army, you pass the day searching for various herbs and preparing potions. It is evening by the time you have finished. You have the choice of making and keeping any of the following items for future use. Remember that your Herb Pouch can hold up to eight items, and any other potions may be stored in your Backpack.

  2 Potions of Laumspur (Each Potion restores up to 6 ENDURANCE points when swallowed before or after combat. One potion equals one dose.)

  1 Potion of Alether (Increases COMBAT SKILL by 2 points when swallowed before an attack.)

  2 Tarama Seeds (Swallowing one seed enables a wizard to use his Wizard's Staff or Magical Power without losing any WILLPOWER points. They take up no room in your Herb Pouch or Backpack.)20

  1 Calacena Potion (A useful aid to the casting of spells of Enchantment.)

  1 Potion of Mustow (Creates a foul, choking gas.)

  1 Potion of Temeris (Allows a wizard to teleport to any place he desires.)

  1 Potion of Ezeran Acid (A metal-eating acid.)

  If you have some Phinomel Pods, turn to 355.

  If not, turn to 359.

  [20] Tarama Seeds may be recorded as Special Items since they don't take up space in your Herb Pouch or Backpack. Each Tarama Seed can be used to cast exactly one spell or to use your Wizard's Staff outside of close combat (e.g. to fire a bolt of energy at a distant enemy) without using the normally required WILLPOWER points. Tarama Seeds cannot be used to maintain the effect of a spell or in place of other drains on your WILLPOWER, like mental attacks. It also seems inappropriate to use a Tarama Seed in close combat where you could then decide to expend an infinite amount of WILLPOWER to automatically win a fight.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point you summon a wind of your own design. It blows through the treetops of the Forest of Fernmost and sends the dense cloud above swirling across the sky. The cloud
disperses to reveal the moon once more.

  ‘My thanks,’ Sado says with a grin. You turn your attention to the Shadakine Army once more.

  Turn to 230.


  You call on your own elemental powers and, at the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, concentrate on a stretch of flat land that lies in the path of the oncoming chariots. At first nothing happens. Then the earth trembles and small cracks appear in the ground. Stones crumble and the chariot horses of the Shadakine neigh with fright. A low rumbling sounds from below the ground.

  ‘Away!’ you cry to Sado and his men. ‘My work is done here. The Shadakine are doomed.’

  The soldiers do as they are commanded. Suddenly a vast chasm opens in the land. The Shadakine scream as they are swallowed by the pit, falling to their deaths far below. You and the men of the Freedom Guild leave the rise and go to rejoin the main army.

  Turn to 329.


  The blast is totally absorbed by the Moonstone but its light is extinguished. Shasarak screams at you like a caged animal. He climbs to his feet, his Staff held high, ready to attack. You bring up your own Staff to fend off the blow you know must come.


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