Home > Other > HAPPY NEW YEAR, BABY FORTUNE! > Page 5

by Leanne Banks

  “No rum,” Stacey said.

  “I wasn’t thinking of rum,” Mama Jeanne said with an innocent expression on her face.

  “No whiskey,” Stacey added.

  “I would never numb a baby’s gums with whiskey,” her mother said. “But bourbon...”

  Stacey sighed. “Let me find the Orajel. I should have given it to her earlier.”

  “You know what your doctors say. You need to stay on top of the pain. You’ve told me that too many times to count when my hip was hurting.”

  “You’re right, Mama. I should have done better for Piper,” she said, feeling guilty.

  “Well, don’t leap off a ledge. She’s not suffering that much,” her mother said, snatching Piper from her arms. “Go put on some lipstick and blush. You look worn out.”

  Piper fussed and squabbled, but didn’t quite cry. “You’re sure you’ll be okay?”

  “I’ve had a lot more babies than you have, sweetheart,” Jeanne said.

  “I’m working hard to meet a high standard,” Stacey muttered.

  “Hold on there,” her mother said, putting her hand on Stacey’s arm. “You’re a great mother. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I didn’t have to take care of my babies by myself. I had your father to help me, and trust me, he walked the floor many times at night to comfort all of you.”

  “I just feel bad that Piper won’t have the kind of mother and father I had,” Stacey said.

  “Piper’s getting plenty of loving. Her mama needs to stop trying for sainthood. Enjoy your evening out. It will be good for you and your baby.”

  “If you say so,” Stacey said.

  “I do. Now, go put on some lipstick,” she said.

  “Colton won’t care. He’s just taking me out to be nice,” Stacey said, halfway hoping her mother would deny it.

  “Maybe so, but it will make you feel better. That’s the important thing,” her mother said.

  “Right,” Stacey said, and headed to her room to remake herself for a trip to the grill where she would eat a burger and fries. This was how her life had evolved. Her big exciting night within a month was a trip to the grill.

  Pathetic, she thought, but couldn’t deny she was just glad to get away from the ranch. She put on lipstick, a little blush and some mascara. At the last moment, she sprayed her wrists with perfume.

  “Stacey,” her mother called from down the hall. “Colton’s here.”

  A rush of excitement raced through her, and she rushed down the hall. Colton stood there dressed in jeans, a coat and his Stetson. “Hi,” he said. “You look nice.”

  “Colton is afraid of Piper,” her mother announced.

  “I’m not afraid of her,” he corrected. “She just looks so happy in your arms that I don’t want to disrupt her.”

  Stacey chuckled under her breath. “You can go after a bear on your ranch, but a baby brings you to your knees.”

  Colton scowled at her. “I can shoot a bear.”

  Both Stacey and her mother erupted with laughter. “We should give him a break,” her mother said. “Y’all enjoy yourselves.” She lowered her voice. “Drink a beer for me.”

  “Mama,” Stacey said, shocked.

  “Oh, stop. Even a mother of seven likes to kick up her heels every now and then. See you later,” she said, and returned to the kitchen.

  Stacey met Colton’s gaze. “I never expected that.”

  “Me either,” Colton said, then lifted his lips in a crafty grin. “But I liked it.”

  Colton helped her into his truck and drove into town. “So, have you figured out what you want on your burger? Cheese, onions, mustard...”

  “Cheese, mustard, grilled onions and steak sauce,” she said. “I don’t need the whole burger. I want the bun and fixin’s.”

  “And French fries?” he asked.

  “Yes, indeed,” she said.

  “We can take the burger into the bar if you want your beer with your meal,” he said.

  “The bar is loud,” she said. “I can have a soda or water with my burger. It will be nice to hear myself think.”

  “Does your baby scream that much?” he asked.

  Stacey shook her head. “Piper’s much better now that she’s done with her colic. But now she’s teething. I need to remember to soothe her gums. I forgot today.”

  “Must be hard. All that crying,” he said.

  “She sleeps well at night and usually takes a good long nap. I’m lucky she’s not crawling right now. She’s really a good baby, Colton. I could have it much harder,” she said, wanting Colton to like Piper.

  “Yeah,” he said, but he didn’t sound convinced.

  “Is my Mama right? Are you afraid of Piper?” she asked in a singsong voice.

  “I’m not afraid of a baby,” he said, his tone cranky. “I just haven’t been around babies very much.”

  Stacey backed off. She wanted the evening to be pleasant. “How do you like your burger?”

  “As big as I can get it. Mustard, mayonnaise, onion, pickle, lettuce and tomato,” he said.

  “You can have half of mine,” she offered.

  “We’ll see. Maybe your appetite will improve now that you’re out of the pen,” he said.

  She laughed, but his teasing made her feel good. “You are so bad.”

  “And you are so glad,” he said.

  “Yeah,” she said. She couldn’t disagree.

  Colton pulled into the parking lot of The Horseback Hollow Grill, and he helped her out of his truck. His gentlemanly manners made her feel younger and more desirable. They walked into the grill and had to wait a few minutes for a table. Maybe more than one person needed an escape tonight, Stacey thought.

  They sat, ordered, and the server delivered their sodas. Stacey took a long, cool sip of her drink and closed her eyes. “Good,” she said.

  “Simple pleasures are the best,” Colton said.

  Stacey looked at Colton for a long moment and shrugged her shoulders. “So, talk to me about grown-up stuff.”

  His eyes rounded. “Grown-up stuff?” he echoed.

  “Yes,” she said. “Movies, politics, current events.”

  “Well, politicians are as crooked as ever. There are blizzards and tsunamis. Wait till summer and there will be hurricanes, mudslides and fires.” He grimaced. “I hate to admit it, but I haven’t seen a movie lately. Rachel is watching the reality shows. I watch a lot of the History Channel,” he said.

  “What about movies?” she asked. “Do you like James Bond?”

  He nodded. “I did see the most recent one. Lots of action.”

  “And lots of violence,” she said.

  “Yeah, but the good guy wins.”

  “That’s most important,” she said, and the server delivered their meals.

  “That was fast,” she said.

  “Burgers are what they are known for,” Colton said, and took a big bite out of his.

  Stacey took a bite of her own and closed her eyes to savor a burger someone else had cooked for her. “Perfect amount of mustard and steak sauce,” she said. “But all I need is half.”

  “You sure about that?” Colton teased, taking another big bite.

  “I’m sure,” she said, and enjoyed several more bites of her burger. She ate a little more than half and stopped. “Oh, no. Now I’m full. How can I eat the fries? Let alone drink a beer?”

  “You need to learn to pace yourself,” Colton said as he stared at his fries.

  Stacey liked the wicked glint in his eyes that belied his practical advice. “Maybe I should fix some fences. Maybe that would help my appetite,” she said, unable to force herself to eat even one French fry.

  “Relax. We can hit the bar in a few minutes. There’s no rush. Rest yo
ur belly,” he said.

  Not the most romantic advice, but Stacey stretched and took a few deep breaths. “I may have to take lessons from you on pacing myself.”

  “I’m available for hamburger-eating pacing lessons,” he said with a mischievous grin that made her stomach take an unexpected dip.

  A few minutes later, Stacey gave up on her fries, and she and Colton walked to the connecting bar. Colton ordered a couple of beers, and Stacey took a sip. Country music was playing in the background. If she closed her eyes, she could almost time travel back to over a year ago when she and Joe had just gotten engaged. She’d been unbelievably happy. Her future had been so bright. She’d clearly been a big fool.

  Stacey hiccupped. “Oh, my,” she said and hiccupped again.

  “Drink too fast?” he asked.

  “I didn’t think so,” she said, but hiccupped again. “It’s just been so long since I sat down and drank even half a beer.”

  “Maybe you need one of those sweet mixed drinks,” he said. “I’m not sure the bartender here can do that for you.”

  “It depends on whether he has vodka or not. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t keep cranberry juice on tap.”

  Colton laughed. “You’re right about the cranberry juice. I see Greg Townsend over there. He’s the president of the local ranchers’ association. Do you mind if I have a word with him?”

  “Please, go ahead,” she said. “Let me catch my breath.”

  “I’ll just be a minute,” he said.

  Stacey closed her eyes, took a breath and held it. She counted to ten. Memories of how foolish she’d been with Joe warred with her enjoyment of her evening with Colton.

  “Can I buy you another beer?” an unfamiliar male voice asked.

  Stacey opened her eyes to meet the gaze of a man she didn’t know. “Excuse me?” she said. He was tall and wore a Stetson. He also had a beard. She wasn’t a big fan of beards.

  “Can I buy you another beer?” he repeated, extending his hand. “I’m Tom Garrison. I haven’t seen you around here before. I work at the Jergen’s ranch.”

  “Oh, I know the Jergens,” she said and briefly shook his hand. “Well, I know Ella Mae.”

  “And you are?” he asked.

  “Stacey,” she said, suddenly noticing her hiccups had disappeared. “Stacey Jones. Stacey Fortune Jones,” she added, because the Fortune part was still very new to her.

  “A pleasure to meet you, Stacey Fortune Jones,” he said. “I’m kinda new in town and a little lonely since it’s winter. Maybe you could show me around.”

  “Oh,” she said, shaking her head and feeling uncomfortable. “I’m super busy. I have a little baby.” She figured that would put him off. Most men were afraid of babies who weren’t their own.

  “I like babies,” he said. “I’m good with them.”

  Stacey began to feel just a teensy bit nervous. She searched the room for Colton. “Good for you, but, like I said, I’m super busy.”

  “I don’t see a ring on your finger. That must mean you’re not taken,” he said, moving closer.

  “Well,” she said, trying to shrink against her bar stool. She wished Colton would return. He would know how to take care of this pushy man. “Like I said, I’m extremely busy...”

  “I could give you a good time,” he said. “Make you laugh. Maybe more...”

  “Or not,” Colton said, suddenly appearing next to the pushy cowboy. “She’s with me.”

  Stacey breathed a sigh of relief.

  “She was sitting here all by herself when I saw her,” Tom said.

  “For all of two and a half minutes. Go stalk someone else,” Colton said. “Trust me, she’s not your type.”

  “She’s everybody’s type,” Tom grumbled, but walked away.

  “Hmm,” Colton said. “Can’t leave you alone for even two minutes. There you go, seducing the new locals.”

  “I didn’t seduce anyone,” she protested. “I was just trying to get rid of my hiccups.” She frowned. “I think my beer is flat.”

  “You want another one?”

  “No. I just want to go home,” she said and stood. “I’m glad you came back when you did. This was good enough for me. I won’t be wondering how the other half lives. I’d rather eat a meal I’ve prepared and watch a good TV show.” She met his gaze with a lopsided smile. “I’m getting old, aren’t I? An old mama.”

  Colton shook his head. “Nah. You’re just growing up. And you’re the hot kind of mama, so keep up your guard.”

  Chapter Four

  Colton wasn’t sure his evening out with Stacey had been all that successful. She’d been quiet on the way home. He was bummed that he hadn’t been able to cheer her up more. He wondered if he’d made things worse. He focused on his work at the ranch during the next couple of days and avoided the inquiring glances from the rest of his family.

  As he drove home after a long day outdoors, his cell phone rang. It was Stacey. He immediately picked up. “Hey. What’s up?”

  “I’m trying to find Rachel,” Stacey said. “I need her help.”

  “I’m just pulling into the drive. Let me see if I can find her and I’ll call you back,” he said.

  Colton strode into the house and called for his sister. “Rachel,” he called. “Rachel.”

  No answer. His parents didn’t even respond.

  He looked through the house and called a few more times. Sighing, he stabbed out Stacey’s cell number. “Hey,” he said. “No sign of Rachel or my parents.”

  “Darn,” Stacey said. “My parents have gone to a town meeting.”

  “Oh, mine must have gone to the same meeting. This place is like a ghost house,” he said and chuckled. “I think my voice may be echoing off the walls.”

  “Oh, bummer,” Stacey said.

  He heard the despair in her voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “Rachel was my last hope since my parents are out, and my sister Delaney isn’t feeling well.”

  “Last hope for what?” he asked, pacing the hallway in his house.

  “Well, you know my brother Toby took in three foster kids,” she said. “He called me tonight and said the youngest is feeling bad. He has no experience with sick kids, so he asked me to come over and I said I would. But I don’t want to expose Piper to anything. I don’t want her to get sick.”

  “Yeah,” Colton said. “That’s rough.”

  She sighed. “I hate to leave Toby hanging. Would you mind watching her for a little while so I could help him out?”

  Colton froze. The idea of taking care of a baby terrified him. He could do a lot of things, but he had no experience with babies. But he couldn’t leave Stacey in such a bind, could he? Well, darn. He inhaled. “Okay, I’ll do it, but you need to give me lots of instructions. This isn’t like roping a calf.”

  “She’ll be easy. I promise. I’ll write down lots of instructions and put them in the diaper bag,” Stacey said. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.”

  “Yeah,” Colton said, and headed back to his car. It occurred to him that he would rather get stomped by a bull than take care of a baby.

  He drove his truck the short distance to the Joneses’ ranch and pulled in front of the house. His family had celebrated with the Jones family many times. Their home was as familiar to him as his own.

  But a baby wasn’t familiar to him at all.

  Colton ground his teeth, then forced himself to present a better attitude. He could handle this. He’d handled far more difficult situations. Piper was just a six-month-old baby. How hard could it be, he asked himself, but he was sweating despite the freezing temperature outside.

  He stomped up the porch steps and lifted his hand to knock on the door, but it swung open before his knuckles hit wood. Stacey looked up at h
im with a hopeful expression on her face as she held her baby on her hip. “She should go to sleep soon,” Stacey said. “She’s just a little worked up tonight.”

  “Worked up,” he repeated, feeling more uneasy.

  Stacey fluttered her hands. “Oh, it won’t last long,” she said. “She’ll get tired. Let me grab my coat, and I’ll be back before you know it.”

  She thrust Piper into his hands. He stared at the baby, and she stared back at him. Mistrust brewed from his side, and he saw the same mistrust in the baby’s eyes. “What am I supposed to do with her?” he asked.

  “Rock her, walk her. Feed her only if you’re desperate because she’s already been fed.” Stacey buttoned a peacoat and handed him a diaper bag. “This is my complete bag of tricks,” she said. “This will be a breeze. You’re going to surprise yourself. Trust me. Thank you so much,” she said, and rushed out the door.

  Colton resisted the urge to renege. Barely. After Stacey was gone, he looked at Piper. She let out a little wail. Colton dived into the diaper bag, skipped everything and went straight for the bottle.

  Piper sucked it down, then stared at him and gave a loud, powerful burp.

  “Whoa,” Colton said, backing away from the sound. “How’d you do that?”

  Piper squirmed and fussed.

  Colton bobbed up and down. “Hey. Your tummy’s full. You should be better.”

  Piper whined in response.

  Colton grimaced. He had been hoping food would be the quick fix. It usually was for him. He patted her back and continued to walk. Piper whined and occasionally wailed. Colton had no idea how to please the baby.

  Oh, wait. Maybe she had a messy diaper.

  Eewww, he thought. He didn’t want to change a diaper. That was just too gross. But maybe that would turn the trick and the baby would stop fussing.

  Groaning to himself, Colton went to the magic diaper bag and pulled out a diaper, a packet of wipes and a changing pad. “Okay. Okay,” he said to Piper as he set her down on the pad. “Give me a break. This is my first time.”

  Piper stuck her fingers in her mouth and gazed up at him with inquisitive green eyes.


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