Naughty Immy's Punishment

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Naughty Immy's Punishment Page 7

by Carole Archer

  “Imogen, if your daddy had been arrested, he would have been required to give a urine sample to be tested for drugs,” Uncle Mark explained.

  She swallowed anxiously, dragging her feet as he led her to the sofa, sat down, and pulled her onto his lap. She glanced up as Adam entered the room and held a bottle out, which his friend took.

  “I’m going to give you a little drink, and then you’re going to give me a urine sample,” he told her, pushing the bottle into her mouth. Imogen shook her head, grabbing at the bottle and trying to push it away.

  Mark sighed and slammed the bottle down on the table, pulling Imogen off his lap and turning her quickly across it. “Fine, if you want to be naughty, I’ll spank you first,” he told her, raising his hand and cracking it down on her bare bottom. Imogen howled in protest and kicked her legs.

  “You tell me when you’re ready to drink your bottle, and I’ll stop spanking,” he sternly told her, cracking his hand down once more. “Such a naughty little girl,” he scolded, landing a flurry of hard smacks to the centre of her bottom.

  Imogen howled in agony, kicking her legs hard. “No more, please!” she screeched, her legs scissoring frantically as he applied several sharp smacks to each sit spot before releasing his grip on her.

  She tentatively pushed herself up from his lap, wiping tears away as she rose to her feet. She looked at Mark—she knew she should be thinking of him as a police officer, but she just couldn’t, he would always be her Uncle Mark—and her lower lip pouted. She gasped when he took the trainer pants from Adam, which she had kicked off earlier, and held them in front of her.

  “You can put these on until you’re ready to pee,” he told her sternly, and Imogen closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she lifted a leg and stepped into the pants, repeating the motion with the other leg and cringing as she felt the snug pants pulled up over her hot and stinging bottom.

  “Sit,” he told her, pointing to his lap, and Imogen quickly lowered herself onto his lap, yelping as her sore bottom pressed against his firm thighs. As he held the bottle in front of her face, she opened her eyes, staring at him intently as he pushed it into her mouth. As she gazed at him, she started to suck, suddenly feeling grateful for something to wet her mouth. She was parched and sucked hungrily, quickly draining the bottle. She gazed up into his eyes and prayed she would be able to accept the things he was going to do to her. Glancing across the room, her heart pounded in her chest as she looked at her husband, sitting in his chair, his head in his hands. Her eyes darted back to her Uncle Mark, who smiled and brushed her hair out of her eyes.

  “It’ll be okay,” he whispered, kissing her cheek and encouraging her up onto her feet.

  Imogen grasped Mark’s hand as he led her to the corner.

  “Immy, I want you to stand there until you’re ready to pee. Let me know when you are, and we’ll collect the sample. And let me warn you, young lady, if you pee in your pants, I’ll take my belt to your bare bottom. Do you understand?”

  Imogen swallowed nervously and nodded. Adam had taken his belt to her as punishment in the past and it had really hurt. She did not relish the idea of feeling leather lash against her naked flesh ever again and vowed she would be a good girl.

  As she stood in the corner, she heard her daddy and Uncle Mark chatting behind her. They sounded happy and she wished that she could be part of their nice conversation, instead of standing in disgrace, wearing nothing but awful, tight trainer pants, and with a full bladder that was becoming slightly uncomfortable.

  “Uncle Mark,” she whispered, when there was a gap in their conversation. “I need to pee,” she said, turning to face him. Her mouth dropped open when she saw that he had put a small cup on top of a towel on her changing mat. She would never in a million years be able to pee in that, she thought.

  He got up and crossed the room towards her, taking her hand and guiding her towards the mat. She stared in amazement at the cup, barely noticing when he lowered her trainer pants down around her knees.

  “Adam, could you help, please,” he asked, and Imogen turned towards her husband, her eyes pleading with him to stop this madness. Unfortunately for her, Adam turned her away and told her to squat down. Reluctantly she obeyed, seconds later shrieking as he stood behind her, bent down and hooked his arms behind her knees, then stood up and lifted her, leaving her suspended between his legs, her bare bottom hanging down.

  Imogen’s cheeks flushed as she felt the small cup pressed up against her sex.

  “Good girl. Fill the cup for me,” Uncle Mark encouraged.

  Despite Imogen wanting her ordeal to end, the humiliation was too much and she clenched her muscles, unable to give in to her growing desire to urinate.

  After a minute or so, Imogen yelped loudly as she heard a sharp slap that was accompanied by a stinging sensation in her pussy. She could not believe that Uncle Mark had smacked her there.

  “Nooooo!” she screeched, twisting her little body in her daddy’s arms as her pussy was slapped once more.

  Seconds later, Uncle Mark moved his attentions to her clit, rubbing it firmly before pinching it.

  Imogen yelled in protest and once more tried to break free. She blushed as Uncle Mark’s finger then penetrated her anus, thrusting firmly in and out before circling the area gently, almost tickling her entrance. He slowly moved his finger around her anus, probing it and pinching the sensitive skin.

  Eventually she could stand no more, and she whimpered in distress as she started to pee. She heard it hitting the cup and when Uncle Mark told her he had enough, she desperately tried to stop mid flow, but it was impossible.

  As her daddy set her down on her feet, she was distressed to feel her urine trickle down her inner thighs. She squealed as her trainer pants were pulled up over her bottom and her daddy bent her over, holding her under his arm while smacking her squirming bottom and scolding her for peeing herself. Her face reddened as she experienced the utter humiliation of wetting her pants, and she sobbed in distress as her daddy peeled her pants down and spanked her bare wet bottom, before telling her to step out of them. Laying her down on a towel, her eyes widened as her daddy stepped aside and Uncle Mark approached her.

  She blushed and closed her eyes as Uncle Mark took a wet wash cloth and rubbed it over her pussy and upper thighs, before rubbing the soap against her. She gasped with shock when he used his hands to lather the soap over her skin, taking his time to scrub her private parts thoroughly before taking a clean cloth from her daddy and wiping the soap away. The cloth was warm and she winced as Uncle Mark wasn’t quite as gentle as her daddy. She was relieved when he finally took a towel and rubbed her dry. She longed for her daddy to powder her, but instead Uncle Mark helped her up and led her towards the table.

  She glanced at the clean towel laid on the table and frowned.

  “Come here,” Uncle Mark encouraged her, holding out his hand.

  Imogen grasped it, blushing as she was helped up onto the table and laid on her back. She whimpered when he immediately pushed her knees up, spreading her legs apart and pushed his finger into her pussy.

  “No!” she shrieked, staring into his eyes and closing her legs.

  “Immy, do I need to get your daddy to come and hold you?” he asked, pressing his finger deeper into her.

  Imogen shook her head.

  “You might have drugs up here. I need to check,” he told her, and Imogen winced as he probed deeper, adding a second and third finger. She gritted her teeth and screwed her eyes tightly closed, trying to block out what was happening, and she was relieved when finally his fingers slipped out of her.

  “Roll onto your tummy,” he ordered, helping her to roll over and pulling her legs towards him, leaving her bending over the edge of the table. “I’m sure you can imagine where else people hide drugs,” he told her, as his finger probed between her cheeks.

  It was too much for Imogen and she kicked her legs and tried to push up. Her daddy was immediately in front of her, pushing her d
own onto the table.

  “Hands together, on your back,” Uncle Mark ordered, and slowly Imogen complied, reaching her hands behind her, knowing she had no option but to obey. Immediately, he grasped her wrist and she felt cold metal close around her wrist and heard the click. She hissed through her teeth as the handcuff was closed tightly, before her other wrist was also secured.

  “That’ll keep you still,” he told her, swatting her bottom sharply.

  “Owwww!” Imogen wailed, squirming from side to side as her daddy continued to press down on her shoulders. Uncle Mark’s finger once more pressed into her bottom hole and she gasped as two fingers slipped inside, quickly joined by a third. He probed her to the point of discomfort, and Imogen protested vocally. She breathed a sigh of relief when, after a few uncomfortable minutes with Uncle Mark’s fingers inside her bottom, he finally removed them and slapped her bottom sharply.

  “And now your punishment for fighting me,” he said, bringing her daddy’s favourite wooden paddle down across her bottom.

  Imogen yelped in shock, her legs kicking as he continued to bring the heavy implement down onto her bare cheeks. Tears streaked her face as she was unable to move her bottom away from the punishing wood, and all she could do was howl in distress as the paddle continued to crack down on her unprotected butt cheeks as her daddy held her in position and her beloved Uncle Mark wielded the paddle with unerring accuracy. Eventually, she heard the paddle clatter onto the table and she was able to breathe once more, but her eyes widened when Uncle Mark unexpectedly pushed a butt plug deep into her reluctant bottom hole.

  “Now, young lady,” he said, pulling her upright as her daddy released his grip on her. “I want you to stand in the corner and think about how you would feel if Adam had been treated in such a way simply because you threw a tantrum and told malicious lies.”

  Imogen lowered her head as she was led to the corner, her gait awkward as she walked with her hands firmly cuffed behind her back and a plug seated firmly in her rectum, her buttocks stinging painfully.

  “I’m sorry,” she whined, her cheeks colouring as she was bent forward slightly, her punished bottom sticking out. Imogen’s apology was halted as Uncle Mark pushed a pacifier into her mouth and walked away.

  As Imogen sobbed in the corner, full of remorse, her husband and his friend shared a coffee and caught up on old times. Imogen was too distressed at first to notice, but when her tears finally stopped, she listened to them and smiled, resting her head against the wall, relieved to hear her daddy talking warmly. Every trace of anger was gone from his voice. She was desperate to hug him and apologise, but obediently stayed in position, chewing anxiously on her dummy as her sphincter tightened around the plug lodged in her bottom.

  Eventually, to Imogen’s relief, Uncle Mark said he was going to go home and leave them alone, but first he went to Imogen and carefully removed the plug from her bottom. She straightened up, relieved to have the offending object out of her rear end. When he unfastened the handcuffs, she immediately rubbed her sore wrists, grateful to have them off and be able to get the circulation going again.

  “Imogen, I really hope you’ve learned your lesson,” Uncle Mark said, taking her chin in his hand and forcing her to look at him. “I hope you realise the enormity of what could have happened to your daddy,” he added sternly.

  Imogen nodded. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t think. I’m so sorry, Uncle Mark,” she sighed. “Please forgive me,” she pleaded.

  She smiled when Uncle Mark leaned forward and kissed her cheek before gathering her up in his arms. “You silly little girl, if you ever play such foolish games again, I promise you won’t sit comfortably for a month,” he warned. “And you will spend a night in a cell, and all that goes with it, I’ll make sure of that,” he told her.

  Imogen nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “Now, I want you to be good for your daddy,” Uncle Mark said, ruffling her blonde curls and smiling. “Maybe I’ll visit soon and we can have some fun?” Uncle Mark suggested, and Imogen threw her arms around him.

  “I’d like that very much,” she said, kissing his cheek. As she released him, she looked into his eyes. “I truly am sorry,” she said, lowering her eyes as her daddy shook Uncle Mark’s hand and led him towards the door.

  “I’m sorry about the unfortunate incident earlier, but at least I managed to get to you before anyone else did,” Mark said to Adam. “I think it’s fair to say that justice has been well and truly served today. It was a more satisfactory punishment than any court could have served on her,” he added, as Adam showed him out.

  Imogen stood in the centre of the room, her heart beating fast, and when she heard the door close, she broke down in tears. “I’m so sorry, Daddy,” she wailed. “Truly I am. I never thought about the consequences,” she sobbed. “I never thought you might be arrested. That possibility never crossed my mind. Can you ever forgive me?” she asked, collapsing against her daddy as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her into his arms.

  “Immy, I love you. Calm down, sweetheart. I’m going to bathe you and clean you up. Then you’re going to bed for a nap while I get on with some work. You’ve had a difficult afternoon, and the rest will do you good,” he said calmly.

  Imogen clung to him and her sobbing increased. “Thank you, Daddy,” she sobbed, grateful that he still loved her. “I love you too,” she said, wrapping her arms and legs around him and holding on tight as he carried her up the stairs and into the bathroom, sitting her on the toilet seat and wrapping a towel around her while he filled the bath.

  Although she normally loved her bath time and took the opportunity to play with her various bath toys, Imogen sat quietly as her daddy washed her carefully.

  “Don’t you want to play?” he asked her, smiling and bobbing her rubber duck around in the water, making a quacking noise.

  Imogen smiled and blinked back tears, shaking her head. “No, Daddy, I’m tired,” she whispered.

  She felt immense relief when her daddy smiled, pulled out the plug, and lifted her out of the bath. She stood still as he dried her and covered her in talc before putting her into her pyjamas.

  As he lifted her up into his arms and carried her to their room, Imogen wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him tightly.

  “I’m so sorry, Daddy,” she whispered, kissing his neck. “I love you so much.”

  Laying her on the bed and covering her with a blanket, Adam handed Imogen her favourite teddy bear before kissing her nose and smiling down at her. “You’re forgiven, sweetheart. Daddy loves you too. Now get some sleep. You look exhausted,” he soothed, kissing her softly and stroking her hair as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Imogen was relieved when Friday evening finally arrived. She was anxious about starting her barrister training on Monday, and she was really looking forward to a long awaited weekend of fun with her daddy. Although he had told her that she was forgiven, they had both had a busy week, and there had been no time for fun and games. But he had promised her that they would make time at the weekend.

  She stepped into the house and her face lit up when her daddy immediately greeted her at the door, hugged her close and kissed her. He led her into the living room, but when she saw Uncle Mark sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee, she stopped in her tracks and looked at her daddy anxiously.

  “Daddy, why’s he here?” she whimpered, desperately hoping she was not going to be punished again. Although she’d had some strangely erotic dreams since her afternoon of discipline with her daddy and Uncle Mark, she did not want to repeat it. The dreams were arousing, but the actual punishments certainly had not been. And although she loved her Uncle Mark and looked forward to playing again hopefully very soon, she wanted this weekend to be just her and her daddy.

  She breathed a sigh of relief when Uncle Mark got to his feet and smiled, handing his cup to Adam. “I just wanted to let your daddy know that you came to see me today at the police station to
apologise properly,” he said proudly. “That was very brave of you. It must have been hard to do and shows that you truly are sorry for your actions.”

  Imogen nodded and blushed. “I am,” she said, turning to her daddy, taking his hand and squeezing it tightly. “I still can’t believe how foolish I was,” she said, gazing into his eyes and sighing deeply. “I swear I’ll never do anything so thoughtless ever again,” she promised, and she truly meant it.

  Uncle Mark squeezed her shoulder gently. “Enjoy your evening,” he said, shaking Adam’s hand. “And good luck in your new job,” he wished Imogen, kissing her on the cheek. “I’ll come and see you soon, but I think tonight you just want your daddy, am I right?” he smiled, ruffling her hair.

  Imogen nodded enthusiastically, grinning to herself when her daddy showed his friend out.

  She beamed brightly when he locked the door, crossed the room quickly towards her, and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight. “Immy, your punishment’s over. I’m so proud of you for what you did today. Let’s have dinner,” he said, taking her hand and leading her through to the dining room.

  Her smile brightened when she saw the table set out with a tablecloth, napkins, cutlery, and their best champagne flutes. They only dressed the table on special occasions, and as her daddy went to the kitchen and reappeared with a bottle of champagne, stepping out onto the patio and firing the cork across into their neighbour’s garden—which made Imogen giggle with delight—she knew that she truly was forgiven.

  They enjoyed a very pleasant evening together, leaving the patio doors open as they ate. Imogen was thrilled that her daddy had prepared her favourite menu—prawn cocktail, spaghetti bolognaise, and tiramisu. They drank the bottle of champagne, and at the end of their meal, they finished off with a small tray of chocolates and Irish coffees, which they took out onto the patio. As Adam clutched her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed it gently, Imogen sighed and put down her cup.


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