Accidental Bride and Groom

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Accidental Bride and Groom Page 1

by Iris Abbott


  Rancher’s Bend Bride and Groom Series

  Book 1

  Iris Abbott

















  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.


  Copyright © 2012 by Iris Abbott

  First E-book publication: August 2012

  Cover design by Iris Abbott

  Photos obtained from

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters in this book are fictitious and exist only in the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  IRIS ABBOTT has always enjoyed reading. She especially enjoys romances. So it was no surprise she would eventually pursue a career as a romance writer. She grew up in North Carolina and has also lived in California and Georgia. She travels extensively throughout the United States and enjoys sharing the ambiance of some of her favorite places through her stories.

  When she’s not writing emotion packed romances with a happily-ever-after ending, this former high school science teacher is traveling with her husband, taking photos of any animal she can find, watching the birds in her backyard, riding her bike on the greenway, or taking care of one very spoiled and demanding cat. She loves to hear from readers and fans. She can be reached at [email protected]. Also please check out her website and the Facebook page for Iris Abbott (author).

  Books by Iris Abbott


  Montgomery Family and Friends Series








  Enigma, Maine Series














  Rancher’s Bend Bride and Groom Series





  Island Medical Series



  Metal Cowboys Series








  Warm Hearts Series





  To Anna P. for her never-ending words of support and encouragement, you’re the best!

  To my wonderful husband Mike for his love, support, and unending faith in my abilities!


  Emma walked through the arrival gate and was surprised to see her best friend Lynn James waving at her. Lynn was hard to miss with her bright green eyes and long, wavy, dark brown hair. The same distinctive eyes and hair she shared with her older brother, Landon James.

  Emma let out a big sigh. He was the last person she wanted on her mind. Landon would probably dominate her thoughts anyway. She’d better get used to it. It seemed he was always on her mind when she was in Texas.

  She rushed toward her former college roommate. They greeted each other with big hugs and a few kisses. She’d really missed her friend the past couple of years. “Wow, I knew you were going to meet me at the airport, but I’m impressed you were able to meet me at the gate. How on earth did you get past security?”

  Lynn gave Emma a weak smile. “I’m afraid it wasn’t an accident, Emma. You missed a lot while you were in the air.”

  Emma looked at her best friend in horror. “It’s not that long of a flight from Atlanta to San Antonio. Please don’t tell me the wedding is off. You and Bruce are the perfect couple. If ever two people were made for each other it’s you two.”

  Lynn nodded in agreement. Her eyes sparkled at just the mention of her fiancé. “No, it’s nothing like that. Bruce and I are just as much in love as we’ve ever been.” She gave a little giggle before she turned serious.

  “There was a major earthquake just outside Mexico City. Bruce and the rest of his fire and rescue squadron have chartered a flight down to Mexico. Since I had time off to deal with last minute wedding details, I volunteered to travel to Mexico with them.” She gave Emma another feeble smile. “They said they would welcome any kind of medical help they could get. My nursing skills will definitely come in handy.”

  Emma was in shock. “But the wedding is only two weeks away,” Emma stammered. “When are you and Bruce coming back?” She gave her friend a beseeching look. “What if something goes wrong here?”

  Emma understood her friend’s desire to join the rescue effort and help people in need. She was sure the thought was made that much more tempting by the fact that Lynn and Bruce would be working together. Emma couldn’t imagine being that far away from home just weeks before the biggest day of your life, however. She almost shuddered at the thought.

  Emma was a stickler for detail. Her coworkers were always joking about her being the most organized third-grade teacher in the world. Emma took their joking all in good stride. Mostly because she knew it was true. She lived by the motto that an organized life was a better life.

  It was a coping mechanism she’d learned over the years. She had endured a very messy and disorganized childhood thanks to her alcoholic father and codependent mother. She never wanted to go back to living like that again. Neatness and order were necessary themes she lived by to ensure her peace of mind.

  “Don’t worry about a thing,” Lynn tried to reassure her best friend. “I’m just glad that you have the summer off. I wouldn’t be able to do this if you hadn’t already planned to be here to help take care of any last minute wedding issues. I’m sorry we aren’t going to have time to visit together before the wedding.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Emma tried to reassure her friend. “Helping people who are suffering from a tragedy is far more important than gossiping over margaritas, or getting a total makeover at the spa. You don’t have anything to feel bad about.” She winked at her friend. “Just take care of yourself and Bruce. And make sure the two of you are back here in plenty of time for the ceremony.” She laughed. “We can’t have a wedding without you after all!”

  Lynn embraced her best friend in a tight bear hug. “I knew you would understand. That’s why I love you so much. I really need to go. They’re holding the charter flight for me.” Lynn turned to leave then looked back at Emma. “Oh, I almost forgot. The lease on my apartment ran out last week. Instead of finding something temporary before the wedding, I moved back home to the ranch. I know you were planning to
stay with me and this works out so much better. My little apartment would have been cramped with both of us staying there.”

  Emma felt the color drain from her face. NO! Her best friend could not have just dropped this bombshell on her before taking off for another country. Just the thought of breathing the same air as Landon James was enough to make Emma feel faint. “What about your brother? He might have something to say about an unwanted guest crashing at his house.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Emma. Of course, you’re not an unwanted guest. Landon knows you’re my best friend. He also knows you are my maid of honor and in charge of any last minute wedding preparations. It makes sense that if I were going to be staying at the ranch, you’d be there too. And that’s even more important now that Bruce and I are going to be out of the country.”

  Emma twisted her hands together. Things just got a lot more difficult. “Landon isn’t going to want me invading his personal space, especially now that you aren’t going to be around. He could probably care less about the wedding arrangements. Men aren’t typically into that kind of thing, and I really can’t see your brother taking an interest in flowers, dresses, and cakes. I’ll just stay at a hotel,” Emma thought out loud. She gave herself a silent pat on the back. That was an excellent solution to this unexpected development.

  “You will do no such thing, Emma Sharpe.” Lynn looked at her through narrowed eyes.

  “Landon is paying for the wedding. You know he raised me after our parents were killed in a car accident. I was just sixteen, and he wasn’t much older, a recent college graduate only twenty-two years of age. He takes his responsibilities seriously, and he wants me to have my dream wedding.” She paused to take a breath.

  “Since Bruce and I are both going to be in Mexico, you two are going to have to work together to make sure that happens. Besides, if there are any problems with the wedding, not that I expect any mind you, but if there are, people will be contacting the ranch.” She gave Emma an innocent look. “Don’t you want to be there to take care of things for me?”

  Emma released a deep sigh. She knew Lynn was right. She just didn’t want to admit it. She thought she’d try the hotel suggestion one more time.

  “I always got the impression when I came home with you on school holidays that your brother wasn’t that impressed with me.” That’s if he even bothered to notice me at all, she silently added. Emma had other reasons to know she wasn’t welcome on the ranch, but she wasn’t about to share those with Lynn right now. Some things were better kept to yourself.

  Emma and Lynn both jumped when they heard Lynn’s name announced over the loudspeaker. “I’ve got to go. Bruce and the rest of his search and rescue team are waiting for me. Don’t worry about my brother. He’s much too busy running the ranch and keeping track of his investments to be any trouble. You’ll probably hardly see each other.”

  Lynn flashed Emma a winning smile. “Oh, that reminds me. Landon has been up in San Antonio this past week for a cattlemen’s convention. He was wrapping up some last minute business deals that ran through the weekend. He won’t even be home until sometime tomorrow. Ms. Gaines is expecting you. She usually leaves around four every afternoon, but she promised to wait until you arrived before leaving today.”

  Lynn grabbed Emma and kissed her on the cheek before taking off. She looked back over her shoulder. “I don’t know how reliable communication will be once we get to Mexico City, but Bruce and I will be in touch before the wedding. I love you.”

  Emma watched Lynn turn and run toward the part of the airport that housed the charter jets. “I love you too. Be careful and come home soon,” Emma yelled after her friend. Lynn threw up her hand in acknowledgment but didn’t look back. Emma guessed her mind was already on the upcoming rescue effort in Mexico.

  Emma let out a weary sigh and headed toward the rental car section. At least Landon wouldn’t be at the ranch when she arrived. She could put off their inevitable face-to-face meeting for a little while anyway. A few extra hours to steel her nerves would be nice.

  The James home was a vast two-story Mediterranean style villa with eight bedrooms. It shouldn’t be too hard for them to ignore each other for the duration of her stay. If things got too awkward, she’d find a hotel room and worry about explanations to Lynn later. Well so much for her hope of only seeing Landon at the rehearsal dinner and wedding. No way was that going to happen now. She hoped this wasn’t an omen of things to come.

  Emma was still contemplating this latest turn of events as she drove toward James Ranch. It was about an hour drive from the airport in San Antonio to the ranch. The James home was located on the outskirts of the friendly, community-oriented, town of Rancher’s Bend. She would have plenty of time to think about living with Landon. Well, she wouldn’t actually be living with him she reminded herself. They would just be sharing the same house for the next two weeks. That is if they could stand to be around each other for that length of time. She felt sure Landon would be no more thrilled with the idea than she was. You could bet on that.

  Emma just hoped she would survive the encounter. She’d had a crush on her friend’s older brother from the first moment she laid eyes on him, her freshman year of college. Those feelings had definitely not been returned. He never seemed to pay any attention to her, unless he wanted to flaunt his latest piece of arm candy. Emma could have done without those smirking looks of superiority from Landon’s most recent love interest.

  Emma had cried herself to sleep more than once when staying at the ranch. Her friend who had obviously been distressed by Emma’s sadness had asked her about it the first time it happened. Emma just played it off as stress over classes and upcoming exams. She couldn’t admit to Lynn that she had conflicting emotions and feelings for Landon. If Lynn realized that Emma was being far from truthful and that Landon was the actual cause of her distress, she never let on. And if she noticed how upset Emma became over the years at the parade of women fawning all over Landon she never mentioned that either.

  The final straw came right after Emma and Lynn’s college graduation. Landon, obviously proud of his sister’s achievement, hosted a big party for Lynn. Emma’s parents hadn’t even acknowledged her success with a card. Emma had actually been stupid enough to send them an invitation to the graduation ceremony. She’d hoped that at least her mom would care enough to show up. She hadn’t.

  Lynn feeling sorry for her best friend had insisted Emma share her party. Landon had not been thrilled with the idea. Instead of saying no to Lynn, he had taken out his displeasure on Emma. He had been just short of rude to Emma when she and Lynn arrived the morning of the party. Emma who was used to being ignored by Landon felt crushed by his unwelcoming behavior.

  Things only went from bad to worse after that. One of Lynn’s former high school classmates had indulged in too much alcohol and was harassing Emma on the dance floor. When he first asked her to dance she happily agreed because she loved to dance. She quickly changed her mind. The stench of alcohol reminded her of her unpleasant childhood. And his hands were everywhere but where they were supposed to be. Emma was having a hard time controlling his groping.

  She caught Landon glaring at them with a look of utter disgust on his face. That had been enough to give Emma the strength to break away from the dancing octopus. She rushed into the stables. A visit with the horses would cheer her up. She loved horses. She especially loved Bluebonnet, the gentle mare she always rode whenever she visited the ranch.

  It didn’t take long for her drunken admirer to find her and trap her in his embrace. He was forcing his kisses on her. Emma was in a near panic wondering how she was going to escape. Suddenly the sound of the entrance door banging against the wall shattered the relative quiet of the stables. Her ardent pursuer guiltily sprang away from Emma. She was thankful for the interruption until she noticed Landon standing in the doorway. The look of disgust on his face spoke volumes.

  “Toby, I’ve already found someone who hasn’t been drinking to give you
a ride home. I want you off my property now,” Landon ordered. He dismissed the younger man with a turn of his head.

  Toby threw out both hands palms up with fingers spread in the age-old gesture of hands off and backed away from Emma. “You don’t have to be so pissed Landon. If I’d known she was yours, I would have never touched her.” He gave Emma one last smirk before sauntering out of the stables.

  Emma was so grateful for the rescue that she rushed over to Landon and gave him a big hug. “Thank you…,” Emma began, only to be cut off by Landon.

  He stepped away from her so fast she stumbled. “I don’t want your thanks. This is a special night for Lynn. I can’t believe you would try to ruin it by creating a scene on the dance floor and then out here in the stables. My God, anyone could have walked in on the two of you and then you would be the center of attention. Which was probably your intention all along,” he bit out between clenched teeth.

  “My sister has been nothing but kind to you, and this is how you repay her. She took you under her wing. She allowed you to spend school holidays here at the ranch because your own family didn’t want you around. And it’s no wonder. They probably see through your scheming manipulations.” He thrust a hand through his dark brown hair and let it drop back to his side. “Get out of my sight. Better yet get off the ranch!”

  A mortified Emma bit her lower lip to keep the sobs locked deep inside. She didn’t need reminders that her own family didn’t care about her. They probably hadn’t given her a second thought the past four years. She also didn’t need reminders that she’d been stupid enough to spend the past four years mooning over the one man who would never return her feelings. She felt something deep inside die. Right then the only thing she wanted was to leave the ranch and never set eyes on Landon James ever again.

  She bypassed the party and ran straight to the guest room she usually occupied when visiting the ranch. Emma had been the only one to use that particular room for several years now. Lynn jokingly referred to it as Emma’s room. She took one last quick look around. She committed everything to memory because she’d probably never see this room again. Just one more way life had let her down, but she’d land on her feet. She always did. She packed her suitcase as fast as she could before penning a short note to Lynn. She wanted to go back to the stables to say goodbye to Bluebonnet, but there was no way she was going to risk another run-in with Landon.


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